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Helen Church
4106 Mountain Street | Beamsville, Ontario | L0R 1B7

Phone (905) 562-7427 | Fax (905) 563-0003 | |

Not Sure of a Gift For Mother’s Day?

Saturday May 12th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pastor
* Hanging Baskets * Ferns * Plants * Office Administration
* Mulch * Herbs * Pies * Goodies Aggie Agnino Ext. 1
St. Helen Great Hall ~ Great Prices!
If any growers in the area wish to support our sale, and if you plant lov-
ers wish to help for a couple of hours, you are most welcome to join
your fellow parishioners for a fun time! Please call Anne Marie at 289-
566-9090 if you can help and make this sale a success! Mass Times
Saturday - 5 p.m.
Sunday - 9 a.m., 11 a.m.

Schools Contacts
St. Mark School Reconciliation
Catholic Women's League
Principal: Steven Ward Before or after mass or by appoint- Colleen Drake 905-563-8981
Phone: (905) 563-9191 ment.
Knights of Columbus
Marriage George L. Savage 289-566-9383
St. Edward School
Principal: Carla Bianco Six months’ notice; marriage prep Music Ministry
Phone: (905) 562-5531 required. Anthony van Engelen
cell/text 905-563-7067,
Anointing of the Sick Email

Sacraments Please let us know when someone

Ministry Scheduling & RFM
has a serious or prolonged illness or Rachel Reid 905-941-4150
is to have surgery. This sacrament
Available Sundays at 1:00 pm. Call
celebrates the healing of mind and
parish office. Fundraising Events
body and the forgiveness of sins. Joe Della Manna
First Communion & Confirmation
Catholic Funeral Rites
Arranged through school. If your Youth Ministry
When a death occurs in your family,
child is not in a Catholic school or is
please call the Parish Office and we
not baptized in the Roman Catholic Facility & Grounds Maintenance
will assist you in making the neces-
Church, contact the Parish Office. Craig Luey 905-988-6522
sary liturgical arrangements.

Kindly complete the following and place in collection basket

☐ New Parishioner* ☐ Change of address ☐ Moving
Name________________________ Phone_________________ E-mail___________________
Address______________________________________________ City_____________________
☐ I would like to use offertory envelopes* Postal Code______________

We welcome you and invite you to share in the spiritual and social activities of your parish.
This week
L & D (living & deceased) April 30th - May 6th, 2018 Sanctuary
Day Requested for Requested by burns in
Monday NO MASS memory
Tuesday + Maria DeJong CWL of:
6:30 p.m. + Angelina & Alex Prokich Hrvatin Family + Angelina &
Wednesday Alex Prokich
+ Helmut Grascha Monika Furbacher
10:00 a.m.
Thursday The
+ Belinda Rae Viola & Peter Izzo
8:30 a.m. Sanctuary Lamp
Friday burns to remind
+ Tony Macri Maria & Rolando Cipro us of Christ’s
8:30 a.m.
presence in the
Saturday Intn’s of Manuel da Silva - Blessings Rec’d &
Maria daSilva Blessed Sacra-
5:00 p.m. health ment of the altar.
Sunday If you wish to
+ John Kozlowski Josephine Kozlowski sponsor the sanc-
9:00 a.m.
tuary lamp for one
11:00 a.m. For the People of St. Helen week the stipend
is $35.

Stewardship of Treasure CWL News

May 1st, 2018 - CWL Living Rosary
April 15th, 2018 - Offertory (206) 7,369 All members of the of the parish communi-
Loose 248 ty are invited to join the members of the
Catholic Women's League on Tuesday May 1st. We
Building Fund (43) 2,092 will do the living rosary in honour of our Lady of
“May God bless you for your faithful stewardship!” Good Council. This will follow the 6:30 mass. Re-
freshments and a really brief meeting in the base-
ment following.
Ministry for the Sick and Homebound
We are grateful to those who give of their time and The 60th Annual St. Catharines C.W.L. Diocesan
care to bring Holy Communion to our parishioners Convention Mass is on Tues. May 22nd @ 6:30
who cannot make it to church due to sickness or in- p.m. @ St. Alfred Church, St. Catharines. Celebrant
firmity. If you know of anyone who would like to re- is Bishop Bergie. Convention on Wed. May 23rd at
ceive communion in their home or while hospitalized the Holiday Inn & Suites Parkway Conference Cen-
at West Lincoln Hospital, please contact the parish tre, St. Catharines. Contact Colleen 905-563-8981
office. or Piera 905-53-4594 to register or for info. Dead-
line for registration and fees is April 10. All ladies of
SVDP Society the parish are welcome and encouraged to attend!
What do we do? - We help our needy
neighbours that live within the bounda- Popes Pastoral Works
ries of St. Helen. All calls are
screened and a home visit is arranged A disastrous flood or earthquake strikes a na-
with two members attending. tion at the other end of the world. Immediately
How are we supported? - The poor many countries rush in food, medicine, blan-
box in the vestibule of the church is our main means kets, money, and trained people. Prominent
of support. A cheque made out to St. Helen St. Vin- among such aid is the financial help offered by the
cent de Paul can be dropped in the poor box or the Holy Father to people in need. In the name of Catho-
Sunday collection. There are also St. Vincent de lics everywhere, he displays Christ’s love and com-
Paul envelopes available for cash donations. Inter- passion for those who suffer. Each year at this time,
ested in joining us, call Lorraine at 905-563-7043. Canadian Catholics are asked to give generously to
this papal collection, which is passed on to the Holy
Father for his use. Envelopes will be collected at all
Canadian Tire Money Masses next weekend, May 5-6.
We continue to collect Canadian Tire
money to purchase raffle prizes for A note of THANKs to Kyle Aquin, Major Account
fundraising events. It can be brought to the office or Executive - Advanced Office Solutions, Grimsby
in the collection basket. who printed last weekend’s color bulletin at no
cost to us when our printer was down! Great
service as always - Thanks Kyle!
April 29th - 5th Sunday of Easter grant workers on Sundays at 5:30 p.m. begin-
ning April 22nd so that they may have the op-
Being “In Relationship” portunity to come together as a community of
Saul preached boldly in Jerusalem. (Acts) faith while away from their homeland.
Loving and believing in Christ is to keep his com- Once again, we are calling for Volunteer Driv-
mandments. (I Jn) ers to assist with pick up at 5:00 p.m. and drop
“I am the vine, you are the branches.’’ (Jn) off @ 7:00 p.m. Especially needed are large
Pruning is hard work; it takes vans. If you are interested in being a volunteer
deliberate and focused effort. driver, please contact Frances at 905-562-5475
Sometimes, you have to take or place your name on the sign-up sheet on the
what seems to be good branches round table by the window in the church en-
and cut them so they will either trance.
grow in a specific direction or
will bear future fruit. CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK:
A good pruning can enable us Sunday, May 6 - Friday, May 11
to do what Paul suggests:" Love "Renewing the Promise"
not in word or speech but in deed and truth." Paul “For the promise is for you, for your children, and for
knew of what he was preaching. In his encounter all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our
with God on the road to Damascus, he had been God calls to him.” Acts 2:39
pruned and transformed into a different person -- Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to
once a persecutor of Christians, now a follower and highlight the partnership that remains the foundation
bold witness to Christ. Can we trust that God only of Catholic education between our Catholic schools
prunes so that we will become a more true witness? and local Catholic parishes. During Education Week,
-- Denise Simeone the Niagara Catholic District School Board will cele-
brate the significant contribution that Catholic Educa-
YOUth Blasters Schedule tion has made to the community, the province, and
YOUth Blasters upcoming gatherings will be at the to Canada.
parish on the following date: Catholic Education Week combines the themes of
May 27th - 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. reconciliation, solidarity, love, justice, and ecology
and is marked by special activities at the school and
YOUth Blasters always have a great time growing system level, including prayer celebrations and ser-
in our faith together through prayer, activities, crafts, vice activities. Parents, family, and community
music and snacks! All newcomers are welcome members are invited to visit our schools during this
(grade 3 and up)! Please pick up a registration form special week and join in the many activities planned.
from the office and return it at our next gathering! There are five sub-themes, one for each day of the
SVDP NORTH OF 60 PROJECT Monday: Remembering the Promise
All SVDP councils and schools in Niagara have been Tuesday: The Promise is Within You
asked once again to help the parishioners of Fr. Dan Wednesday: Praying the Promise
at Our Lady of Snows Church in Naujaat, Nu- Thursday: Living the Promise
navut, also known as “Repulse Bay”. There are 80 Friday: Proclaiming the Promise
families in need this year. Each particular council
has been asked to donate various items in a rather Fridays in
large quantity in order to fill 2 20-foot sea containers St. Helen
to be sent out in early June. St. Vincent de Paul- Church
St. Helen is responsible for 420 2-lb bags of plain Great Hall
rice with an expiry date of 2019. They will be 29 games
shipped in June and will probably arrive in Naujaat in with a total
Oct. or Nov. 2018. If you are able to contribute payout of up
please contact Lorraine at 905-563-7043. May God to $2000.
bless you in all you do for the St. Vincent de Paul. Progressive
Thank you. jackpot adds
St. Helen Migrant $200 every week. 8 page book $18. Specials $2 -
$3 per game. Hot tasty food available for purchase.
Worker Outreach Free coffee and tea. Doors open and food served
Our parish supports at 6 p.m. Bingo starts at 7 p.m. We hope you’ll
Lincoln’s Migrant Work- come out and join us.
ers of Hispanic descent
that visit our area yearly If you have volunteered to help with the Friday
working on our local Bingo, but have not received a schedule, please
farms. We continue our special Mass for mi- leave a message with the parish office.

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