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The Old Gray Cat

Objectives: Students will apply their knowledge of loud and soft to actions used in a game.

After reading a story, students will act out and sing The Old Cat song.

Materials: The Old Gray Cat story and song


Engaging Activity: “I have an awesome story for you today”- read the old gray cat in soft and loud voices.

Ask the students what the mice did during the story

Teach the cat song

New Knowledge: “How shall we sing when the cat is sleeping, soft or loud?”

“How shall we sing when the mice are crunching?”

Once they successfully sing the song, teach them the movements to do as the mice.

Verse 1: The old gray cat is sleeping… Mice sing softly.

Verse 2: The little mice are creeping… Mice creep softly near the cat.

Verse 3: The little mice are nibbling… Mice nibble with fingers.

Verse 4: The little mice are crunching… Mice sing loudly.

Verse 5: The old gray cat is waking… Cat wakes, stretches and yawns.

Verse 6: The little mice are running… Cat chases mice.

Review: Select one student as the cat and teach them the rules of the game.

Game Formation: One player is the cat and sits with eyes closed in the center of the room. The
remaining players pretend to be mice. One area of the room is designated as a safe zone.

Action: Players sing the verses and perform the actions below. During verse 6, the mice race to
the safe zone. The cat attempts to tag the mice before they reach the safe zone. Tagged players
become cats. The game is repeated until all of the players are cats (have been tagged).


Lucy Locket story



Polar Bear, Polar Bear- read book

In Taberna from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff

Sit/ Stand when soft/ loud

Quick Response game

Red/ Blue cards, red with loud written on it and blue with soft

Turn Pictures into sound

Show students pictures and have them imitate the sound the picture would create

Two Little sausages- Loud

Objectives: Students will connect loud and soft noises to actions stated in the poem, Music in


Music in Kindergarten by Joy Nelson


Two Little Sausages

Frying in the pan.

One went “pop” and the

Other went “bam.”


Engaging Activity:

Perform the rhyme for the students with the motions.

Demonstrate the movements for the students and give them time to explore these movements.

Say the rhyme together after teaching them the words.

New Knowledge:

Make loud and soft sounds

Hold up pictures that have a variety of loud and soft sounds.

“Make the sounds as I point to the pictures” “Is this sound loud or soft?” “Can you think of other sounds
that are loud or soft?”

Say rhyme in a soft voice but when we get to the words “pop” and “bam” say this in your loud voice.
Hush Little Baby- Soft

Objectives: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of soft by singing a puppet to sleep.

Materials: Music in Kindergarten by Joy Nelson

Hush little baby song


Engagement Activity:

Show a picture of a mockingbird. (Mockingbirds live in the southern part of the United States. They can
sing many different songs, but can also copy the songs of many other birds.) Sing Hush Little Baby for the
children. “Listen to the words as I sing. What can the mockingbird do in this song?”

New Knowledge:

Teach students the song

Sing to a puppet

Rock a soft puppet or a stuffed animal in your arms as you sing Hush Little Baby “Pretend to rock
the puppet as I sing.” “The puppet is tired and in need of sleep. Let’s sing very softly- to put the
puppet to sleep.”

Perform the Beat Softly

“Let’s tap gently with our fingertips as we sing Hush Little Baby.” “Who can think of another soft
movement?” “Make your own soft movements as we sing the lullaby.”

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