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13. "The Allied and Associated Governments affirm, 16.

During the 1950's many Western European

and Gem1any accepts, the responsibility of Germany countries experienced
and her allies for causing all the loss and damage
(A) a significant rise in the unemployment rate
... as a consequence of the war."
(B) strict governmental controls over the size of
- Treaty of Versailles, 1919 families
(C) a rapid increase in the birth rate
Which of the following best states one purpose of
(D) rising mortality rates due to deterioration in
the treaty clause above?
health care
(A) To give the League of Nations the power to (E) acute poverty due to a series of food shortages
impose economic and military sanctions
(B) To provide a basis for international disam1a- @ The ability of relatively small European forces
ment talks to conquer the powerful Aztec and Incan empires
(C) To encourage independence for European can be attributed to all of the following EXCEPT
(A) lack of immunity to European diseases
(D) To include Germany in the peace negotiations
among Aztec and Incan peoples
(E) To justify large reparations payments from
(B) superior European military technology
(C) ineffective defenses of Aztec and Incan cities
(D) indigenous people's lack of familiarity with
(1<1 . Which of the following is the best description of
the condition of Great Britain's national economy
(E) successful European missionary activity
iri the 1920' s?
(A) A renewed prosperity in the traditional 18. Advocates of northern humanism believed which
manufacturing industries of the following?
(B) Increased national wealth as a result of
(A) The fusion of Christian and Classical ideals
mounting export of British goods
provides the best definition of virtuous
(C) A stagnant manufacturing sector and a
widening gulf between rich and poor
(B) The conventions of romantic love enhance
(D) Dislocation brought about by a shift from
social respect for women.
manufacturing to agriculture
(C) Education and scholarship should be equally
(E) A resurgent national prosperity caused by
open to men and women.
increased working-class wealth
(D) The new poetic forms , such as the sonnet,
could be used to articulate their beliefs.
15. Which of the following best summarizes Nazi
(E) Political rights should be extended to all men .
aims in the systematic killing of millions of Jews
along with large numbers of communists, disabled
people, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's
Witnesses, and socialists?
(A) To fulfill the terms of the Nazi-Soviet Pact
(B) To eliminate allegedly inferior and undesir-
able peoples
(C) To prevent these people from collaborating
with the Allies
(D) To meet the demands of the German
(E) To prevent the rest of the civilian population
from defecting to the Allies

Unaulhorlzed copying or musing

any pnrl of this r> age Is lllcgnl.


Yefimov In New Tlme1 (MOJCow)

47. The Russian political cartoon above from the Cold

War era ridicules the motivations of the
(A) Marshall Plan
(B) Berlin Airlift
(C) Warsaw Pact
(D) Hungarian revolt
(E) Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

48. Pope John Paul II (elected 1978) did which of the

(A) Reversed the Second Vatican Council's
outreach to other religions.
(B) Liberalized Roman Catholic teachings regarding
birth control and abortion.
(C) Supported the Solidarity labor movement in
(D) Embraced capitalism as a means to human
(E) Promoted women to positions orieadership
in the Roman Catholic Church.

ll ~hutho rl~cd tapyl ng or reuoe ol

~ ny pnrl o r thi s PQoe I• lllog" l.

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