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No doubt, the closer the remedy is to the

simillimum the deeper and more all-en-

Using Acute Intercurrent compassing its action will be on the Vital

Force (VF). This is a very subtle aspect of
the single remedy and minimal dose and

ar Intermediate Remedies is a wonder to perceive. The goal is always

to use the minimum number of remedies,
the smallest amount of medicine, and the
in Chranic Diseases fewest repetitions. Since the simillimum
addresses the soil on which acute and
Luc De Schepper, USA chronic diseases grow, it can sometimes
cure both acute and chronic manifestations
as well as acting as a prophylactic. Espe-
cially with the use of Hahnemann's medic-
inal solutions (5th and 6th Edition of the
and weaker disease. Thus, administering Organon), we often find that the adjust-
Key the constitutionaljchronic remedy during ment of the succussion ar size of the dose
emergencies such as dangerous pathologi- will keep the remedy working.
A61: Organon Aphorism by Hahnemann cal crises, severe traumas, overexposure,
Reference. This symbol represents the serious injuries, and virulent acute rni- The skilful use of intercurrents is an essen-
paragraph from Hahnemann's Organon, asms, is a serious mistake as it runs the risk tial method in classical homeopathy, an as-
specifically the Aphorism number from of disrupting the natural symptom pattern pect of complete case management. Acute
where the reference originated. and causing unproductive aggravations as intercurrent remedies are used during
well as accessory symptoms of the chronic temporary disruptions of the chronic treat-
CO:Chronic Diseases by Hahnemann Refer- remedy! ment. For example, "taking cold in the
ence. This symbol represents the thought stomach by eating fruit, [cured) by smell-
taken from Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases During an acute crisis the remedy of choice ing of Arsenicum" (Hahnemann, 1997,
book. is the acute intercurrent! This acute illness p.131). These remedies are chosen because
shows a different clinical picture from the of the exciting cause and the active acute
chronic natural disease. How could a dis- symptoms so that they do not disrupt the
similar remedy correct this situation? That deeper layer associated with a different
Using Acute Intercurrent would fly in the face of our most sacred fundamental cause and with the constitu-
Remedies principie: Like cures like. A homeopath tion. These intercurrents mainly act super-
must have the tools to prevent and cure ficially so that they will not interfere with
Modern homeopaths no longer understand dangerous epidemic diseases, treat emer- the complementary constitutional treat-
how to use an acute intercurrent remedy. gencies, crises, and acute virulent miasms. ment. They are specialised specifics, which
These remedies have been called every- The acute remedy must be chosen accord- deal with the disruption of the chronic
thing from drainage remedies and tandem ing to the causal ar exciting factor and its treatment by occasional exciting causes
remedies to support and lesional remedies. active symptoms (von Boenninghausen that would delay the cure.
Toa many so-called masters, who claim to [VB) method), not according to the chronic
be constitutional prescribers (homeopaths case history! The desired middle path is Because of the continued suppression of
who say they do chronic "layer" prescrib- the class of homeopaths who find a bal- miasmatic chronic diseases in modern
ing), totally forbid the use of acute inter- ance between those who treat in layers countries, we must know when to use
current remedies and misinform others by and those who use the grand constitutional acute intercurrents. If you read the old
saying that the use of acute remedies dur- remedy for everything. Turning this sub- masters (see von Boenninghausen's Lesser
ing the administration of a chronic remedy ject into absolutes will only help create op- Writings), you will see that they dealt with
is suppressive. These individuaIs always try posing extremist views. horrendous acute situations which are still
to find one remedy that goes throughout
the chronic case history, no matter what
the patient's present acute disease state
may be. They use this "constitutional" rem-
edy for everything, no matter what disease
Modern homeopaths no longer understand how to use an acute intercur-
state arises! This limited view is toa ex- rent remedy. Many homeopaths always try to find one "constitutional"
treme for the general practitioner of ho- remedy that goes throughout the chronic case history, and apply this one
meopathic healing. remedy no matter what disease state arises. This article explains why this
strategy rarely works. The author discusses when and where to use acute
Why does this very rare/y work? We only intercurrent remedies and how they are essential for the chronic treatment.
have to refer to Aphorisms 36-40 of the
Knowledge of Hahnemann's teachings is in these matters the only guide!
Organon on similar and dissimilar diseases.
In Aphorism 38, Hahnemann tells us that
KEVWORDS Chronic diseases, Acutes, lntercurrent remedies, lnter-
the stronger and dissimilar acute disease
mediate remedies
will postpone ar suspend the old chronic

22 L. De Schepper. Using Remedies in Chronic Diseases - Homceopathic Links Spring 2005. Vai. 18: 22 -28 © Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG
present today. Nothing has really changed, disease. If ane needs to administer a first use the VB method. With this methad yau
except that we have some new acute dis- aid, crisis ar genus epidemicus remedy, the select the remedy according to madalities,
eases: SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syn- constitutional chronic remedy shauld be locatian, sensation and cancomitant symp-
drome), West Nile virus, the Four Corners withheld until after the crisis subsides. tams. The VF needs an intercurrent remedy
disease (hantavirus), etc. in high patency and subtle ar minute dose,
CO: But during the treatment af chronic to subdue a threatening acute flare-up.
The reason some homeopaths speak about diseases by antipsaric remedies we aften
disrupting their chronic cases with acute need the ather nan-antipsaric stare of
remedies is that they do not know the medicines in cases where epidemic dis-
Kent and Acute
strategy behind using acute intercurrents. eases ar intermediate diseases (morbi in-
As mentioned above, ifyou use the exciting tercurrentes) arising usually from metearic Intercurrents
cause and active symptoms of the acute and telluric causes attack aur chronic pa-
syndrome as a basis for selecting a remedy tients, and 50 nat anly tempararily disturb Kent cantinued this discussian in his Lec-
(VB method), then the intercurrent will not the treatment, but even interrupt it for a tures an Hameapathic Philosaphy in Lec-
disturb the chronic conditian. But if, during langer time. Here the ather hameapathic ture XXVItitled, The Examination of the Pa-
an acute attack, the homeopath continues remedies will have to be used, wherefare I tient.
to administer a deeper-acting chronic rem- shall nat enter upan this here, except to say
edy, which envelopes the previous deeper that the antipsaric treatment will have for Kent: It is impartant to avaid getting con-
and often different fundamental causes, the time to be tatal/y discontinued, 50 lang fused by two disease images that may exist
this may disrupt the natural symptom as the treatment of the epidemic disease in the body at the same time (that does not
layers. Simply put, one-dimensional con- which has also seized aur (chronic) patient mean both are equal/y active). A chronic pa-
stitutional prescribers are afraid oftreating may last, even if a few weeks in the warst tient, for instance, may be suffering from
acute diseases because they do not know cases may thus be last. But here alsa, if the an acute disease and the physician an
how to do it. disease is nat toa severe, the abave men- being called may think that it is necessary
tianed methad of applying the medicine to take the tatality of the symptoms; but if
by smelling a moistened pellet (alfactory he should do that in an acute disease, mix-
methad) is aften sufficient to help, and the ing bath chronic and acute symptams to-
Hahnemann and
cure of the acute disease may thus be ex- gether, he will became canfused and will
Acute Intercurrents traardinarily shartened (1997, p.132). (Au- not find the right remedy. Fhe twa things
thor's emphasis and words added.) must be separated. The group of symptams
What does Hahnemann have to say about that constitutes the image and appearance
acute intercurrents? He introduced the The same idea - nat taking inta account the af the acute miasm must naw be pre-
idea in 1828 by presenting the following active miasmatic state in acute events - is scribed for. The chronic symptoms will
examples in Chronic Diseases: reflected in the Organon: nat, of course, be present when the acute
miasm is running, because the latter sup-
CO: Among the mishaps which disturb the A221: lf, hawever, insanityor mania (pre- presses ar suspends the chronic symptams.
treatment only in a temporary way, I enu- cipitated by fright, vexatian, alcahal, etc.) ... This illustrates the dactrine af nat pre-
merate: overloading the stomach (this suddenly bursts farth as an acute disease scribing for an acute and chronic trouble
may be remedied by hunger ... ; disarder from the patient's usually calm conditian, tagether. ... The acute disease is never
af the stamach from fat meat, especially althaugh it almast always arises fram in- camplicated with the chronic; the acute
from eating park (to be cured by fasting ternal psora (like a flame flaring up from suppresses the chronic and they never be-
and Pu/satil/a); a disarder af the stamach it), at this initial, acute stage it shauld im- come complex .... Prescribe first for the
which causes rising from the stamach after mediately be treated, not with antipsaric acute attack, and the symptams that be-
eating and especially nausea and inclina- remedies, but with medicines such as long to it. It is well, however, for the physi-
tian to vomit (by highly patentised Anti- Aconite, Bel/adonna, Stramonium, Hyoscya- cian to knaw ali the symptams that the pa-
monium audum); taking cold in the stam- mus, Mercury, etc., chasen from the other tient has af a chronic character, that he may
ach by eating fruit (by smelling af Arseni- group af proved remedies and given in knaw what to expect, that he may loak at
cum); traubles from spirituous liquors highly patentised subtle hameopathic the clase of the acute attack for the coming
(Nux vomica); ... when vexatian is jained doses, sa as to avercame it to the paint aut af the ald manifestatians af psora,
with fright, by Acanite; but if sadness is where the psara returns for the time being althaugh aften an entirely new group of
caused by fright give 19natia seed; ... un- to its farmer, almast latent canditian, in syrnptoms will appear (Kent, 1979,
happy lave with jealausy (Hyascyamus); ... which the patient appears to be well. pp.174-176). (Author's note added.)
burning afthe skin by Arsenicum; ... horne-
sickness with redness of cheeks by Capsi- In such acute flare-ups, Hahnemann tells As yau can see, here Kent follaws Hahne-
cum, etc. (1997, pp.131 -132). us to use thase very specific acute rem- mann and lays to rest thase "madern
edies withaut taking inta account the dom- myths" of nat treating acutes while you
After talking abaut this first class of acute inant miasmatic state as we would for are treating a chronic disarder. He speaks
illnesses, Hahnemann tells us not to con- chronic cases. This is ane of the few excep- here af true virulent acute miasms, nat
tinue the chronic antipsaric treatment in tians - tagether with the ane-sided dis- sparadic befallments ar non-threatening
cases af epidemic diseases ar intermediary eases, which can be regarded as severe exacerbatians af chronic miasms. After the
diseases, 50 as nat to mix the symptams af acute situatians suspending the chranic acute crisis is aver, the hameopath can re-
the acute crisis with thase af the chranic miasmatic natural illness - in which we sume the chronic treatment.

l. De Schepper. Using Remedies in Chronic Diseases - Homceopathic Links Spring 2005, Vol.18: 22-28 10 Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverloge Stuttgart Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG 23
that we should choose these intercurrents wanted to be left alone" is very unusual
von Boenninghausen
only for serious acute events, only if the for me, and Bryonia, the indicated remedy,
and Acute Intercurrents crisis needs special attention, and not for certainly has this symptom as well as the
every trifling situation as often happens. A great thirst. This resembles, of course, the
Von Boenninghausen was another homeo- homeopath should treat strong acute mi- VB method, where von Boenninghausen
path who talked about acute intercurrents asms, painful exacerbations of chronic only takes into account the mental/erno-
in the first published homeopathic reper- states, and dangerous crises whenever nec- tional symptoms as a tool to differentiate
tory (1832), A Systematic Alphabetical Rep- essary, because it is preferable to adminis- between several remedies close to the case.
ertory of Homeopathic Remedies. Within a tering allopathic dissimilar drugs. Hahnemann also stresses the importance
sub-chapter titled Interruption of the Anti- of emotional changes in acute diseases.
psoric Cure is the section Intercurrent Rem- As an example, let me tell you about choos-
edies in Chronic Disease. This section in- ing the right intercurrent for myselfwhen I A213: Therefore one will neve r cure ac-
cludes a list of acute intercurrents and was plagued by an annoying, lingering cording to nature-that is, homeopathi-
their symptoms in crisis during chronic cough and while I was taking a chronic cally-unless one considers the mental
treatments. These therapeutic hints are constitutional remedy. After waiting for 14 and emotional changes along with the oth-
characteristic keynotes of the acute inter- days and finding that the cough was get- er symptoms in all cases of disease, even
current remedies and the homeopath must ting worse, I decided to take an intercur- acute ones, and unless for treatment one
refer to the materia medica for confirma- rent. The rubrics included: chooses from among the remedies a dis-
tion and differential diagnosis with other • Cough, dry ease agent that can produce an emotional
remedies. Some examples include: - Cough, with convulsions or mental state of its own similar to that of
- Cough, constriction in larynx the disease as well as other symptoms sim-
Stomach, overloading of (main rubric) - Cough, irritation in larynx ilar to those of the disease. Thus Aconitum
with sub-rubrics: - Larynx/trachea. irritation in throat -pit napellus will seldom or never cure either
• Deranged with gastric fever, chills and - Chest, sensation as a band quickly or permanently if the disposition
coldness with eructations, Bty. - Chest, constriction is calm and undisturbed; nor will Nux vom-
- And inclination to it, Ant. crud. - Larynx, tickling, in throat-pit ica if it is mild or phlegmatic; nor will Pul-
- By fatty foods, Puls. - Irritability, wants to be left alone satilla if it is glad, cheerful and willful; nor
- Chilled as from fruit, Ars. - Very thirsty, usually thirstless will/gnatia if it steady and without fearful-
except with meals ness or irritability.
Among the remedies listed by the Baron
are non-miasmatic remedies like Aconite, Far stronger than the rest of the remedies Hahnemann compares some differences
Antimonium crudum, Amica, Bryonia, Cha- which appeared were Phosphorus (first), between acute and chronic cases.
momilla, Coffea, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Rhus and Cuprum (second). Because Phosphorus
tox., etc. These are used for acute emotional is a deep-working anti-miasmatic remedy, A82: ... In this investigation one must dis-
crises, accidents, vomiting, diarrhoea, which would have interrupted my chronic tinguish between acute diseases of sudden
weakness from loss offluids, and acute mi- treatment, I decided on Bryonia 200 C, (the onset and chronic diseases. In the former
asms such as colds and fluo acute of Phosphorus], split dose in bottle, 12 the principal symptoms become promi-
succussions, 1 tsp. PRN. After one dose my nent and recognisable to the senses more
Why would a deep-acting remedy such as cough was already much better, and it dis- quickly, so the taking of the case requires
Arsenicum be found among these acute in- appeared completely the next day. Later, far less time and there are far fewer ques-
tercurrents? It is in the acute list of Hahne- chronic treatment was resumed. tions to ask, because most ofthe symptoms
rnann and von Boenninghausen for use in are self-evident; whereas in a chronic dis-
an upset stomach - in other words an acute I asked the following question: "What ease that has been evolving gradually for a
local complaint. If Arsenicum had a deeper changes are important in acute diseases?" number of years, it is far more troublesome
relationship to the individual's case history to obtain the symptoms.
(anxiety, fear of death, fear of contamina- ALLthe symptoms that have changed since
tion, obsessive compulsive behaviour, the onset of the cough belong to the cough A99: On the whole it will be easier for the
etc.), it should not be used during a serious - for example, being very thirsty now that physician to take the case in diseases that
acute crisis as it might interrupt the the cough started when usually I am not are acute or that have arisen recently, be-
chronic treatment and delay the cure. An- thirsty. This becomes very important. It cause all the symptoms and deviations
other more superficial simillimum must would not be important if I were always from the healthy condition, which was on-
be chosen at that point. Most intercurrents thirsty, even before the onset of this cough. -Iy recently lost, are to patient and relatives
are non-miasmatic remedies that have no still fresh in memory, still new and striking.
relationship to the deeper aspects of the Another very important facet of change in The physician must of course know every-
case. They are chosen according to the 10- acute diseases is the change in disposition thing here also, but he needs to probe far
cation, sensation, modalities, and concom- and mentaljernotional symptoms: the dis- less, because everything he needs to know
itants (a complete von Boenninghausen position during the acute disease as com- is told to him, most of it spontaneously.
case). These acute intercurrents act as pared to the usual disposition will be a key
superficial remedies that suit the acute factor. This absolutely must be investigated Proceeding with treatment
layer of symptoms one wishes to remove, and plays an important role in finding the after using an acute intercurrent
but are not directed toward the underlying remedy. The more drastic this change is, Again Hahnemann guides us very clearly in
miasm or constitution. This also means the more important it is. The "feeling of Chronic Diseases.

24 L. De Schepper. Using Remedies in Chronic Diseases - Homceopathic Links Spring 2005. Vol. 18: 22 -28 © Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart Stuttgart GmbH & (o. KG
CD: The intelligent homeopathic physician dies after ali his unsuitable treatment, de- meopathy works on acute diseases. The
will soon note the point of time when his clares that he has died from the seque/a e use of allopathic drugs might be an easy
remedies have completed the cure of the of whooping cough, measles, etc. way out for the incompetent or lazy ho-
epidemic intermediate disease (usually These seque/ae are, however, the innu- meopath, but it will make the management
they appear in the form of a fever) and merable chronic diseases in numberless of that patient's case a lot more difficult.
when the peculiar course of the chronic forms of developed psora which (were) un- Antibiotics, for example, may overcome an
(psoric) malady is continued. The symp- known and consequently remained un- acute infection, but they do not help the or-
toms of the original chronic disease will, cured (1997, pp.133 -134). (Author's words ganism overcome future infections. After
however, a/ways be found somewhat varied added.) antibiotics the person is to a certain degree
(a/tered) after the cure of such a prevailing even more susceptible to microorganisms.
intermediate disease .... The homeopathic How often do we see a patient in the clinic Some side-effects of antibiotics include
physician will then choose his antipsoric who comes to us and says, UIhad this sim- yeast overgrowth and destruction of the
remedy according to the totality of the re- pie cough (or flu, or small trauma, or small normal flora. Besides, homeopathy is supe-
maining symptoms, and not simp/y give upset), and I have neve r been well since rior to any other treatment that exists for
the one he intended to give before the inter- then", These statements are explained by infectious diseases.
mediate disease appeared (1997, p.132- the above quote: this seemingly innocent
133). (Author's emphasis and words added.) event has activated the dormant, often What acute events need
psoric miasm, leaving the patient in a an intercurrent remedy?
Therefore, after the acute event (a strong worse state than he ever was before. This Not treating a serious acute event at ali is a
one, that is), one must retake the case with is incomprehensible to the patient and his mistake. Owing to its nature, an acute dis-
special emphasis on any newly appeared or her allopathic physician, but easily man- ease evolves in one of four possible direc-
symptoms. The most recent and perma- aged by a well-trained homeopath. tions: the patient can succumb to it; it will
nent symptoms point to the next remedy. suspend the chronic disease and can be-
Some of the chronic symptoms a/so persist Allopathic recourse come an independent chronic state; it will
during an acute crisis and thus obtain a In a footnote to Aphorism 67, Hahnemann combine with the existing chronic disease
higher va/ue for the se/ection of the similli- elaborates on situations where allopathic and create a complex chronic disease,
mum.lfthe same remedy that was service- intervention is justified. which will be much more difficult to treat;
able before the acute crisis is indicated, it or (the last and best outcome) the strong
may be repeated. If the symptom picture A67: Only in the most urgent cases, where VF might overcome this acute miasm with-
has changed, the new symptoms must be danger to !ife and imminent death do not out causing further sequela. "The physician
investigated in relationship to ali the data allow time for a homeopathic remedy to amuses the patient while Nature cures,"
associated with the chronic strategies used act - neither hours, nor often quarter Voltaire said-but this is nora reason to re-
before. This tells you how disruptive it is to hours, nor even minutes - in sudden acci- frain from treating acutes!
continue administering the chronic reme- dents to healthy individuais, such as as-
dy during acute crises! It is also wise, after phyxiation, apparent death from lightning, Margaret Tyler wrote in her book Homeo-
the acute episode, to see whether the con- choking, freezing, drowning, etc., only in pathic Drug Pictures (in the lecture on Na-
stitutional state improves greatly without such cases may we and should we as a first trum muriaticum (Nat-m.) about a crisis
the administration of any remedy. Better measure at least bring back irritability and situation where she treated a chronic Nat-
to wait and watch and give a placebo to sensitivity (physicallife) by using a pallia- m. patient with a severe acute headache.
please the patient until the VF has been tive ... She advises against the use of the chronic
able to produce ali the symptoms you must constitutional remedy at this time because
prescribe on. Apart from the previous examples, if an it may produce severe aggravations. In-
acute situation becomes dangerously un- stead, she suggests using the acute of Nat-
Hahnemann further reminds us in Chronic controllable, we can use allopathic pallia- m., Bryonia, to deal with the acute crisis.
Diseases to pay attention to another event tive treatment to give us a second chance Afterwards she resumes the chronic reme-
which can occur at this point, after treating to find the curative homeopathic treat- dy to remove the underlying cause. This
the acute event, even when the acute has ment. This situation is an exception - for advice comes from years of clinical experi-
been properly treated: example, severe bleeding spells in a patient ence and should not be ignored. It also
with chronic u1cerative colitis - and not at means that you do not continue Bryonia
CD: Here is a fitting opportunity to note ali the same as preferring to give your pa- once the acute stage is over, as I have seen
that the great epidemic diseases ... when
they complete their course especially with-
out a judicious homeopathic treatment,
tients OTe drugs or antibiotics as acute in-
terventions, for fear of disrupting the
chronic treatment. Obviously those home-
some homeopaths do!

Which acute crisis needs an acute intercur-

leave the organism so shaken and irritated, opaths do not know the basic principies of rent remedy rather than a continuation
that with many who seem restored, the homeopathy. They should know that OTe with the chronic constitutional remedy?
psora, which was before slumbering (dor- drugs (just Iike other allopathic drugs) As usual, Hahnemann gives us definite
mant) and latent now awakes quickly, ei- cause a dissimilar disease, thus creating a guidelines. In Aphorism 73 of the 6th edi-
ther into itch-like eruptions or into chronic more complex disease, which is more diffi- tion of the Organon, Hahnemann describes
disorders, which then reach a high degree cult to treat. They do a disservice to the pa- three kinds of acute diseases. Group One
in a short time, ifthey are not treated prop- tient as well as to other homeopaths who combines those relating to lifestyle/diet
erly in an antipsoric manner. ... The allo- inherit such cases. And of course they have and miasmatic predisposition; Group Two
pathic physician, when such a patient ... passed up a chance to show how well ho- includes epidemic and acutes belonging to

L De Schepper. Using Remedies in Chronic Diseases - Hamceapathic Links Spring 2005, Vai. 18: 22-28 © Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG 25
idiosyncrasy; and Group Three includes B. Acute situations with a clear exciting water treatments (hydrotherapy) might
acute miasms such as those belonging to factor and strong symptoms be sufficient to render the patient com-
childhood diseases. If the exacerbation is moderate to strong, fortable until this acute exacerbation sub-
and a clear causality is manifested, an in- sides.
Group one acute diseases tercurrent remedy, which acts superficially
Group one is subdivided into three differ- on the chronic miasm, may be chosen ac- In Third World countries like Kenya, I have
ent categories. cording to the VB method, rather than giv- found myself exposed to situations like
ing a deep-acting polychrest. This will calm those European and American homeopaths
A. Acute situations caused the symptoms for the moment without faced at the tum of the 20th century. Many
by lifestyle or dietary mistakes acting toa deeply on the case. After the cri- people carne to us in an "acute" stage, ex-
A73: ... Exciting causes of such acute fe- sis has subsided, complementary constitu- cited by physical strain (ali the women in
brile conditions are: excesses or privation tional treatment is needed to remove the the village where I worked in Kenya had at
in eating, traumatisms, chilling or over- underlying cause. least four children and eight was not un-
heating, fatigue (!rom poor lifestyle choices), common), by becoming chilled or over-
strains from lifting, etc., or else psychic agi- Examples of causality include: heated, by eating unsuitable food, mental
tation and upsets (our modem TV. video • Acute physical trauma - In these cases stress, etc. How many of these cases are
games, magazines, and now Internet expo- the etiology and the organ or tis sue af- reallyacute?
sure). (Author's notes added.) fected will help you identify the reme-
dy. In other words, if the injury is a As you can see in Aphorism 73, Hahne-
These issues are also discussed in Apho- puncture wound compared to a blow mann suggests, and experience confirms,
rism 77. (e.g., to the eye), it will correspond to a that most of these cases are acute exacer-
different remedy (Ledum and Hyperi- bations of fundamental chronic states and
A77: Diseases engendered by prolonged cum versus Amica and Ruta). miasms, activated by exciting causes.
exposure to avoidable noxious influences • Emotional trauma - Vou must look at When the symptoms do not represent an
should not be called chronic. The include the kind of trauma as well as the pa- extreme crisis, the simillimum, which suits
diseases brought about by: tient's reaction to the trauma, which their constitutional nature, often clears the
• the habitual indulgence in harmful will be determined by the patient's ac- acute exacerbations and then addresses
food or drink; tive miasmatic state. Remember, the the fundamental chronic states. That is the
• ali kinds of excesses that undermine trauma can wake up the miasm! The majesty of the grand simillimum. This may
health; "Mind" section of Kent's repertory account for statements by homeopaths
• prolonged deprivation of things neces- gives many examples of emotional cau- such as Massimo Manglialavori who state
sary to life; salities. The patient's miasmatic reac- that it is possible to find a single remedy
• unhealthy places, especially swampy tion to these triggers will help you se- to successfully treat both chronic and acute
regions; lect the appropriate remedy. For exam- situations. However, when the same au-
• dwelling only in cellars, damp work- pie, we have the tubercular jealousy of thor claims that "he does not believe in mi-
places, or other closed quarters; Pulsatil/a, the psoric one of Nux vomica, asms and knows nothing about thern", I
• lack of exercise or fresh ai r; the syphilitic one tlf Hyoscyamus, and wonder about the veracity of his state-
• physical or mental overexertion; the sycotic one of Lachesis. ment. Don't we ali owe it to our patients
• continuing emotional stress; etc. ... • Poisons and vaccinations - These in- to investigate before we reject the concept
clude cases of street drug use, allo- of miasms - or worse still, we fail to inves-
Hahnemann refers to these situations also pathic drug use, food poisoning, etc. tigate at ali because of our knee-jerk nega-
as "false chronic diseases", since they can The best antidote is not the same or tive feelings about miasms? Let's not fali
become chronic through continued abuse, isopathic substance but the most sim- into allopathic reasoning, which borders
but ali they will require to be cured is a ilar remedy. Sometimes you find ef- on fear of and hostility towards one of the
sensible change to diet andjor lifestyle. He fects of poisoning when you look into greatest discoveries of homeopathy.
continues: the "relationship of remedies" and
when you look at what antidotes that Hahnemann says:
A77: These self-inflicted disturbances go remedy. This information will narrow
away on their own with improved living the group of remedies you need to in- A73: In reality most of these acute diseases
conditions if no chronic miasm is present, vestigate. are only passing f1are-ups of latent psora,
and they cannot be called chronic diseases. which returns by itself to a dormant state
C. Acute exacerbation ilthe f1are-ups are not toa violent and if
In ali these cases no remedy is required ex- of a chronic miasm they are quickly eliminated.
cept placebo (if called for) to temper the For example, in this situation the patient
demands of the drug-oriented or hypo- may have contracted the f1u after losing Only if the exacerbation is moderate to se-
chondriac patient. The best treatment is sleep or partying toa much. In this case vere do we want to intervene with inter-
rest, sleep, appropriate diet, and TLC. we do not always want to interrupt the ac- current remedies as an emergency mea-
tion of the constitutional remedy with an sure. Again, the VB method will help you
intercurrent remedy. If there is no obvious choose the intercurrent remedy.
exciting cause, it may be a healing crisis
brought on by the constitutional chronic In his Lesser Writings, Kent expresses the
remedy. Rest, massage, and hot and cold same scenario:

26 L. De Schepper. Using Remedies in Chronic Diseases - Homceopathic Links Spring 2005. Vo/. 18: 22 -28 © Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG
Kent: The acute expressions of a chronic miasms and family disorders. For this rea- Hahnemann warns us to not pay attention
disease have a different management from son, the remedy for the acute miasm may to the na me attached to the epidemic dis-
the acute di se ases, e.g., a child suffers from also be the remedy for the patient's consti- ease, Iike the yearly flu in modern times.
bronchitis at every change of weather. It tutional condition. This is especially com-
may grow worse if treated with the remedy mon to acute miasms that run a non- A100: In investigating the totality of symp-
for the acute symptoms. The miasm that threatening natural course with few or no toms of epidemics and sporadic diseases, it
predisposes the child to recurrent attacks complications. This may not be the case, makes no difference at ali whether some-
must be considered (Kent, 1994, p.419). however, when the acute disease is of a thing similar, by the same or a different
(Author's emphasis added.) very virulent nature. Because of their inten- name, has ever appeared in the world be-
sity, these acute diseases will suspend the fore.
Group two acute diseases chronic disease and an intercurrent acute Whether or not such an epidemic is new or
A73: Then there are sporadic acute dis- remedy is needed to deal with this new unusual makes no difference either in the
eases, which affect a few individuais at a acute natural disease. It will display a new examination or in the cure, since in any
time here and there, acute diseases symptom image that will either run its case the physician must presume the true
brought on by harmful meteorological or course or be removed by homeopathic picture of every epidemic to be new and
telluric influences to which only a few peo- remedies. unknown and must thoroughly examine it
pie are susceptible at any one time. as it is in ali of its details if he wants to be a
In these circumstances an acute intercur- true and thorough physician who never re-
This was long recognized in Traditional Chi- rent is the remedy of choice. We've ali seen places observation with guesswork, who
nese Medicine: certain c1imate factors are patients who have been never well since never lets himself assume that the treat-
known to influence specific organs which (NWS) a certain iIIness. The NWS acute dis- ment of any given case in his care is wholly
have an affinity for those conditions, e.g., ease has now become a chronic disease, or partly known in advance and that he
cold to kidneys or dampness to spleen- stronger and dissimilar to the previously need not carefully seek out ali its expres-
stomach, though only certain people seem treated chronic disease, which is now sus- sions.
to have a high susceptibility tothat particul- pended. SARSis a good example. This is ali the more necessary because
ar c1imate factor. Sometimes, but not al- every epidemic is in many ways unique
ways, these diseases form acute layers, Deep-acting complementary remedies and upon careful examination is found to
which repress the constitutional picture (constitutional and anti-miasmatic treat- be very different from ali previous ones
until they have run their course or are re- ment) must remove the chronic underlying falsely bearing the same na me, the only ex-
moved by homeopathic remedies. These causes after the acute crisis is ameliorated. ceptions being those caused by the same
acute disorders are so closely Iinked to the Let the constitutional factors, the nature of unvarying infectious agent, such as small-
patient's chronic susceptibility that they the disease, and the totality of the symp- pox, measles, etc.
can often be treated with their constitution- toms (Organon, Aphorisms 5, 6 and 7) be
ai is only in emergencies such your guide to the homeopathic remedy, What a scathing condemnation of present
as sunstroke, dehydration, severe exposure and you will have success. Follow the reve- allopathic practices where the severe flu
to cold, anaphylactic reactions, poisoning, lations of the VF and it will demonstrate, strain of this year was treated, of course
and severe physical or mental trauma that through causation, signs and symptoms, unsuccessfully, with a vaccination of the
these cases are truly an acute crisis. In such which remedy it needs. Trust your recuper- previous flu variety!
an exigency, the symptoms will indicate a ated VF to tell you what to do!
crisis remedy. Acute miasms present a dif-
ferent situation from sporadic diseases be- Group three acute diseases Conclusion
cause they involve infectious etiologies. Hahnemann also alludes to the third kind
of acute diseases. We can emphasise that the proper use of an
Hahnemann discusses a second type of acute intercurrent in the treatment of a pa-
sporadic diseases. A73: Then there are those acute miasms tient is essential for a speedy cure of a
that always recur in their own particular chronic iIIness. When and where to use
A73: Bordering on these are the epidemic form, which is why they are known by an these acute remedies are equally impor-
diseases, in which many individuais are af- established name. Some of them are con- tant issues as when to continue the chronic
fected very similarly from a similar cause. tracted only once in a Iifetime, Iike small- treatment, especially when the homeopath
In crowded areas they tend to become con- pox, measles, whooping cough, ... scarlati- should recognise where the acute manifes-
tagious. These epidemics cause fevers, each na ... mumps, etc., while others recur fre- tation is nothing more than an expression
with its own characteristics; and because quently in fairly similar ways, Iike ... the of a cltronic miasmatic state. Homeopaths
each case of disease in the same epidemic yellow fever of coastal regions, Asiatic throwing one acute remedy after another
has the same origin, those affected mani- cholera, etc. to the unsuspecting patient for trifling
fest a similar disease process, which, left matters are just as guilty of misconduct as
to itself, ends either in death or in recovery Ali these acute diseases should be treated those homeopaths who refuse to use acute
within a Iimited time. War, floods, and with remedies reflecting the picture of the intercurrents under any circumstances.
famine are often the exciting causes or the acute miasmatic state alone - the acute ge- Knowledge of Hahnemann's teachings is
breeders of such diseases. nus epidemicus. A follow-up with constitu- the only guide!
tional and anti-miasmatic remedies to re-
In acute miasms, the susceptibility factor is move the underlying susceptibility is then This article is an excerpt from the new
closely related to acquired and inherited necessary. book by Dr Luc, "Achieving and Maintain-

L. De Schepper. Using Remedies in Chronic Diseases - Homreopathic links Spring 2005. Vai. 18: 22-28 © Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart Stuttgart GmbH & Co, KG 27
ing the Simillimum: Strategic Case Man- and P. Pendleton. Washington: Cooper
agement for Successful Homeopathic Pre- Publishing, 1982
scribing." Full of Life Publishing, PO Box 3 Kent jT. Lectures on Homeopathic Phi-
31025, Santa Fe, NM 87594, USA. Dr Luc losophy. California: North Atlantic
is the founder and sole teacher of the Ren- Books,1979
aissance Institute of C1assical Homeopa- 4 Kent jT. New Remedies, C1inical Cases,
thy, with schools in Boston, MA, Secaucus, Lesser Writings, Aphorisms & Precepts.
Nj and Las Vegas, NV. For more info write New Delhi: B. jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,
to" and see http:// 1994 5 von Boenninghausen CMF. Lesser Writ-
ings. New Delhi: B. jain Publishers Pvt.
Ltd., 1991
1 Hahnemann S. The Chronic Diseases: lue De Sehepper, M. D., Ph. D., Lic.Ac.,
Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homeo- C.Hom
pathic Cure. Translated by L. Tafel, PO Box31025
edited by P. Dudley. New Delhi: B. jain NM 8759 Santa Fe
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1997 USA
2 Hahnemann S. Organon ofMedicine. 6th E-mail: drluc@eybermesa.eom
edition. Translated by J. Künzli, A. Naudé

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28 l. De Schepper. Using Remedies in Chronic Diseases - Homceopathlc Links Spring 2005. Vol. 18: 22 - 28 © Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart Stuttgart GmbH & (o. KG

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