Abka Re Bey IMG - 20180423 - 0001

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To Whom It May Concern,

Hello, this is Tabitha Gentry ex-rel Abka Re Bey. I wrote you only a few short weeks
qgo atout of the conditions here at V/TRC and wqnted to reiterate the importance of your
assistance. You are a Grand part of tlie Chain bf Commands oVer this facility and what reflects
us is a true reflection of you. I hope this letter serves as a beacon of light foiyou and many
others as well.

On March 27,2018,I was called in to speak with Warden Minter and Counselor Ray
(acting Warden) in reference to the first letter iwrote. Warden Minter expressed her concerns as
to some of the issues I spoke about, which by the way are all TRUE! She spoke about the Shong
R being a new program used in most facilities. She informed me that she knew little about the
progrcm or why it tapped me for ABE and T-Com but she is waiting for a response from
someone who knew more about the program. She also stated that she reviewed my Strong R
assessment and didn't see any justifiable reason for the tap and if the program is operating in
adverse manner then it needs to be reevaluated. By Wardin Minter and Counselor Pitts own
admission, the program is Flawed. Also, Counselor Pitts was adamant that she had nothing to do
with tapping me to T-Com and ABE, although she did my Strong R assessment. She confirmed it
was Sherri B. Hancock. So I ask you, why hLn't the mysterio*Lp been taking ofl How can
the Strong R be implemented and reinforced when there is NO standing policy to date?

That same day, I spoke with IPO McKnight as well. He and Warden Minter both stated
that I am only recommended for T-Com and not mandated, as if I have the liberty of choosing.
They skessed that I should take the class due to not knowing what the Parole Board may do
thereafter. I must admit, I am a bit confused by the mislead recommendation that soundi as if it,s
being used as a device to intimidate me and impart fear among all who may not want to comply.
How can one imply it's a mere suggestion and in the same sentence coerce me and threaten me
to do it?

Since the opening of WTRC, there have been women released from here, a lot of which
are graduates of your Therapeutic Program (T-Com). In fact, many of these same women have
either returned, severely overdosed, or have died and will never have a second chance at life after
WTRC. May they RIP! At the prresent time there has been an influx of drugs in &e T-Com
program. These failed drug test and consecutive disciplinary reports should not be ignored or
written up to disguise the true issues here but used as detection for underlying problems. This is a
very serious matter and should not be taken lightly.

As you probably already know WTRC is short staffed. There are times when the facility
cannot uphold its normal day to day curriculum due to this shortage. Some officers' work up to
16 hours a day, and this makes'us prone to an environment of trosiility which is unhealthy for ,r,
all. We have counselors and other staff members so overwhelmed wiih multiple duties that it,s
hard for us to get the proper assistance needed. For Example, there are times Counselor Pitts has
been acting Unit Manager, Counselor, and Security Personnel all atthe same time. Meanwhile,
we have Sergeants and officers screaming at us out of rage from being posted on yard duty. On
top ofthat some officers have adapted the use of profanity when referring to the residents. This
is supposed to be a Therapeutic Program and behaviors such as these are not tolerated by the
residents nor should they be acceptable for the offrcers, i.e. Noel Nelson.

There are so many more topics I would like to touch bases on, but at a more favorable
time. Not at all saying that they are at any degree less important, but they are heartfelt and will
td<emuctrmore precision, timemrfcare in ei(pressing my thoughts on paper. Aswe krlow,
various authority figures and subdivisions of the government do take the laws into their own
hands. So, I am bringng this to your affention so that things of that nature will not be happening
as far as I am concerned. The information that I am sharing with you may be considered a
sensitive subject to some, therefore, I have fears of retaliation such as being shipped to other
facilities, being singled ou! or having my cell constantly searched, etc. I hope that you can
ensure that neither nor will become a factor for me due to utilizing my First Amendment Right to
Freedom of Speech. These issues need to be resolved for the betterment of the facility and the
greater good for all who come in contact with WTRC, now and in the future.

Thank You for your much needed assistance and cooperation. I hope these concerns will
be handled accordingly.

Humbly Submitted,

A,/,/tq & fi"y

" 4- 3z8ts u

cc: Governor Bill Haslam

Warden Trinity Minter
Commissioner Tony Parker
Vikki Freeman, Director of Women's Services
Debra Johnson, West TN Regional Director
In House Parole Officer McKnight
Counselor Ray
Counselor Pitts
To Whom It MaY Concern:
recent parole
writing to you inregards to my
Hello this is Tabitha Gentry. I am for parole'
R taps and thedrug;;ffi heie at wrflC' I went up
decision, the 1s months to get more time
August 2s,20r6,r*; rial -v f"t h#;;' il;^p..:*tr|: the
L Rin. ;;;
Aft"r op1'roooa time February 13' 2018'
I,d be ctos". the Au$xst of
so that
parole r?"Ju*g my nu-n- This would be in
hearing offrcer r""o**"nded and
the final came back n"* "p""
*i" U'"*"g I was put offanother year a
201g. When to the fact that I don't have
told to complete T-aoM. This decisiJ;;;'"g.G is the
oi any issues with.*y.9;;;i. irrr"Jrr"ld a iob at Tri{or which be
drug problem my release I will
irrrtit ril* fr* ," "rf* and ipon
highest paid skitle rosi-ti-o1th" Hannah' This
position with the sop"*iro-", o?urraoguard services, casey
guaranteed a
member of society and
would allow me the opporttrnity ro U.**" uprodultive
for my familY.

classes they have already
There have been sevJal women th"t h;;ffii"pp"d forthe is unfair
or they are being Tapped to t'e montih of tlr" parole hearing' This drug
taken "usJ"s positive on any
5 years and have never^tested
treatment. I have Ueen incaicerated I am
nor have I gotten any disciplir*y
,.portr during my entire incarceration'
and character'
that this is-proof of my behavior
give first offer to help the woneen
tunding. It seerns,t t'"*p*i"-P*;;J:-df 3 out
in much
more need than I i, *h;"dG *Ju9r''"ior area' Statistics say that was
who are
;"" i" addiction when their crime
of every 4 wom"n who are in incarce#ied '"ti"e
*rto rru"" behavior problems and
committed. Here at wrRC there #;;;-"
and the
are still in active drug addiction,
provffi *o-o"r"ior in the institution and
*fri"f, i*-"aiate h"tp. ffo*"'"' they are disregarded
positive A*g ,"."Irii ,r""4
to reduce the recidivism rate
at the
ignored. It is obviousthat if that *" ;;;11 ;i"i;g T-
ir, .r".a-'no"ra r,u* first priority for programs such as
institution the women who are
we have seen first hand numerous
coM, Group Therapy and cognitiu" s;hu-r,ior. u few short months' This program is
women be released iiom WTRC
*di;:;itin that could possibly
eliminate these unforeseen
designed una n rra"Jio t
*"* Iife or death'
the wornen
disrespect to the facility or those who try to help
I mean no harm or
rrr"ia u" upon o,r enmnce into TDoC'
women in this ra"ititv. lt seems *-ir-ri" "a"i*a
ft sf'ouilnt U" tf'ut years down the road
of the classes needed to be taken d",t";
that we get Tapped or mandatea *ffit "* ;;;;""
'oV of the parole hearing' Then we are
some of us in custody
This ."";1il; u ooi" t" fr"th; hold
told to do yet more things. The
that,*Jid; ft"l oif the county jails to TDOC'
while there are many more higher -
* basis and appto'ed by the
Strong n o, rupr rrrtuld be *r."rr"d
"r'"*a be released on
a *o.,tf'"*tii one co"ta
parole then runmng
superiors. frrrt"ua of *uiting
the informbtion through computer analysis to dictate each person's character, and
mandating classes at the last minute.

People who do their best to stay out of trouble and away from negativity are too
often the ones overlooked and our growth and change go unnoticed. I am asking for your
much needed assistance in this matter so the women in the future of this facility will not
have to experience the same issues. Our future and the future of WTRC are depending on
our superiors to make this program truly a success. Thank you for your time and
cooperation in this matter. You are much appreciated.

Hrdrntv Suhrniued- r'l

Tatlitlla Gfffystatrfiorv declaatim-dax - Gcode Docs

STATUTORY.D-.ESLARATION regarding Yital Stetistics t{umber 14l-1980-020131

I, TABITI1A ROCHELLE GENTRY, norv knorvn as Abka Re Bey, % 1942 Frisco Avenue, Mernphis,
Tennessee,[ 38114.|, do solemnly declare in accord with: the 1931 Statue of Westminister
( : ), 1778 Articles of Csnfederation and Perpetual Unioa-Art XI, 1812 Treaty of Ghent,
1794 Jay Treaty; i836 Trealy of Marrakesh (Morocco) all recognized and valid treaties, constitution for thc
united states of America, the 1948 Charter of the United }.{ations, the I 975 inter-American Declaration on the
rights of Indigerous Peopler, Pope's Apology to Indigenous Peoples
,( ' ) and the United lr,iations 2"d Decade on the
World's Indigenous People, upon discovering that the registration of Live Birth of April 10,1980, in the STAIE
OI TENNESSEE REPUBLIC vas a contract betrveen my mother and THE STATE OF TENNESSEET'ho did
not tell her she was .seliing rne. a ilesh and blood shild, to the STATE OF TENNESSEE as their Chatlel
PropertylSlave which is a violation of Human Rights- I hereby void the contract ab initio for fraud. I am a Flesh
and Blood Female AniytnqiVa {Cherokee) in accord.u'ith the United Nations Declaratisn on the Rights of
Iudigenous People. HJR-1 94
of; Unitcd States Senate Apology to African
Americans for Slavery. U.S- Apoiogy to the Native Americans (see 8l l3 H"R.3326 Department of Defense
Appropnations Act) . -:,., : I '., V.Jah
( . 20i1 at Southwark Cro*'n Court (1 English Grounds in Southwarr|
London England ) Defendant: John Anthony Hill in the Uuited Kiagdom Proved before an Engiish jury that
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Stndsor Mountbatten! lvas nol the rightful rnonarch and never was; queen Elizabeth
is not the righiftl monarch and never rvas. This was a tq,o part argument. First, that Elizabeth kneu'-both then
and now-that she was crorvned on a iake coronation stane instead of the real Stone of Destiny/Coronation
Stone, which meant rot oniy was she never prcper$ crowned, but she rvas also knorvingly and fraudulent
coming the public, and that is why she didn't rvant her coronation televised. I declare that the narne TABITHA
ROCHELLE GENT'RY on the registration of live Birth, is a corpcration and Abka Re Bey is an Indigenous
Fiesh & Blood fernale. I arn Not a corporatifir, artificial person, natural persor, fictitious entity or vessel of the
United States defined under Title 18 U.S.C. $ 9 and I give aotice Internationally, Domeslically Universally via
this Declaraticn that deny corporation existence. Under rcselafior of All My L,-nalienable and othenvise. I am
Indigenous/Autochthon of this planet. I make this solernn declaration conscientiously beliedng it to be true, and
that is the same force and effect as made under oath"
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of lndigenous People-
http:llwww.un.orgfesa/socdev/unpfil/documentslDRlPS-en.pdf , American Declration on the Rights of
lndigenous Peoples{ .: . } UN Convention
Economic, Social & Cultural Bights, United Nations Charter: Article 55 & 56: Presidential Proclamation 7500,
H.l.R. 194, 5. Con. Res 26. 5. 1200, HJR-3{HJ 3 lH}.

Affirmed to and subscribed before me this

day of
fi;f ! ,u, 3*q 2,171r
Personally Known d eroduced ldentification
-Typeand xatw,i;r.,,)/"tt l4'q'r t' 1,4fr**?

?o: OffEseofMsrys*ttd@ri Frr: l*?[D-S.$,3883


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T{r-3640 EPSSN

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10? Nov.02 09:?? S+nd L2023953888 04:10 0r3,/013 cry

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Guide t0 Personnel Data Standards {Flease read the Privacy Aci Statement and instructions before completing form.)
Name (Last, First, Middle Initiat) Sociat Security Number Birthdate iMonth and Year)
I q ri 15 tl i.i

9 crr\ r u\ .,'Trlbr1V\Cr.
',1 L'i 1ri:r'
Privacy Aitt $tatement

Elhnicity and race information is requested under the authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16 and in compliance with
the Office of Management and Budget's '1 997 Revisions to the Standards for the Classiflcation of Federal Data on Race
and Ethnicity. Providing this information is voluntary and has no impact on your employment status, but in the instance
of missing information, your employing agency will attempt to identifu your race and ethnicity by visual observation.

This information is used as necessary to plan for equal emptoyment opportunity throughout the Federal government. lt
is also used by the U. S. Office of Personnel Management or employing agency maintaining the records to locate
individuals for personnel research or survey response and in the production of summary descriptivg statistics and
analytical studies in suppori of the function for which the records are collected and maintained, or for related workforce

Social Security Number (SSN) is requested under the authority of Executive Order 9397, which requires SSN be used
for the purpose of uniform, orderly administration of personnel records. Providing lhis information is voluntary and failure
to do so will have no effect on your employment status. lf SSN is not provided, however, other agency sourffis may be
used to obtain it.

Sp".if t*"1"S*dt""" y"rt r""*.t i.

question l, go to question 2.
Question 1. Are You Hispanic or Latino? (A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Cenlral American. or other
Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.)
Question 2. Please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify by placing an "X" in the appropriate
box. Check as many as apply.
(Check as many as apply)

Sf American lndian or Alaska Native A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and Soulh Arnerica
(including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community

ff Asian A person having origins in any of the onginal peoples of the Far East, Southeast
Asia, or the lndian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, lndia,
Japan, Korea, Malaysia. Pakistan, the Philippine lslands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

ff Btack or African American A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

ff Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific lslander A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or
other Paciiic lslands.

ffi white A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or
North Africa.

Standard Form 181

Revised August 2005
Previous editions not usable

42 U.S.C, Section 2000e-16

NSN 7540-01-09+3446
H. *es. lS4

In the Howae of R*preserrtaltiueq {/. ,S.,

Jaly 2!), 200{{

1lJu,rras mil]i**s trf Afrir,illrs anrl tkir desrclrtlants rre*.

rru*larr.:il iu the Unit*d Fitatrs aurl tlrc Ii3 Ani*rira* t:olu-
rries l'rc*r liiIf) tluurrgh lS{i5:

llJrt,rras slarerr in Amertea r.rwr.nrhlcrl rn otler form of imnl-

rrrltar]- stnr-ittrlr, krxrw* iu histurr:, *s -{flirans lytt.r' r:l}l-
lnrerl ltul sold ut tnrtiori like ilanirnate oldx.ts sr ani-

l\'ht'rc*s -lfi'irarrs lbn:rd inta rn:r't blut:rlizrql. lnrtrili*

attxl, tlelnrruarrirerl. arxl snl{*r.ttrl to t}re irlrligrrity of
l:eing shtp;x'rl of their rlalu€s alul h*rita3r;
1llrt,m+rs rnslarcd firrnilits nrrt. toril apart ;rt?tr imr"ing bpr.rr
xil<l srSa:'trtd.r- firx* rrrul alrofllrr:
ll'hc'rcas the s1:stem *f s1a.rer1' anrl the r-irrcer*l raei*m ngaiust
pilr.a{rrls of "l,frir.au rltxrx"rrl ulxru u*ir:h it r:klxrrt}rrl Ix*
{.ar}x, eutrelr.}ter} ilr tlre Slrtiorr's rqn-ial tirlrrir;
lf irei'ra* slnyu:- rra,r nrit cffir-'ially aholislretl urrtil th* Ila$$d${r
of ,he liltlr --Lmt.urllut'rrt to tllr llnitrrl litatt* tlonstitu-
tiarr irr I86i: aller the erxl rf tlrc Ltdl r$ar:
1l'}eieas aftrr rurarelmtion ft'orn ?{{i 3-e&rs of s+lnvcqr, Afri-
r.iln-rlnu.ri{:?l}ts srx}n .*rrr tht, flrttiug prliti*rd, $}rial, firtrl
. u<uxxtrir.
gairx; tlrtlr nrade drrrirrg lter.rurstrur,tirxr uis-
r:erattrl lr;' r{m}r'rrt rur:isrn. l1:rr:hirrgx, tli*nlfranehi*ynerit,
BI*r.k L.rxlcs. rgxl r*rial seglegirtictt lit:*'s tlrat itrrlu**ed tt
rigid systeur af offieiall5 fiartftitlutd raeiai lt('srt'g'ntiou ilr
r{rtuirlll" itll an:** of lift":
\\-hercas tlrc sl.strnr r}i tle jure nu,ial stgregatiort krrn1l-rt as
.,.IirR cr.crf," njrieh Arr.\c iu ccrtailr ilarts nf tlre satiou

fbllorvilg {'iril 11-ar tg nt-'ati:' st'par:alt' nnrl guttcltrll

.lfi'ira1--ltprit'ittl\ \Iali .1 dixx't
su:ieties firr rvfuitrs iultl
result of tlre rsrisru +r;*aiDst p{r's&u$ nf Afrie*lr tlestnrt
el{:endefi:d trY sltrr'cr1';

\\-]rrrya; a {.fltuly Aftt'r t}re offiri:rl errti of nlau-ery irt '\tttet-'

ira, l'r,r}:ral actiorr rras n.rluitt'rl tluri*g tlr* I$ti{}Ii trr
rliniirratc tht dtjun, arirl tlefaft$ s-rstrtu of ,Iiur cnx"
tlrrolrghorrt p*rts uf tlrt Natioil, tlrougii its Yestipx slil}
liltgcr to tlris rlnli
Illlrt'rrxls A&'iran-rhnfrit'itus t'uutirure to nrfi'rr fit)r tfiry r'otn-
plex i1te4rlal- l;etu'ee:r slar'ery altl Jilt [1111--11;ns id:ler
lurth sp-str.lns 1r1:tt f?nnalll" alrnlisi*il-thyorrgll e}l$rnxlllri
danrage and loss. lxrlh tang-iblc aatl iritarlgilrlt, fureluding
tlre Ins 6f ltuutart tligrritr-, ti1a t'ruritrati6ll gf t'arettx arltl
professiotal litr..., anrl tltt lonStr.rm krss of itre*tme atrtl
ll-}er.{*rs t|e stgrl- ot'tlre euslaytmertt atr{ dt jriru 'segleg.ati{ lt
4rf -{fr.iearr-,Lnrel'iearrs antl th1, rfulgrmanirjryt atrneities
runrurittert agaiu.st thel[ shorrld trot br purgtrtl fir.rrlr
'mirriirrizul in the ttlliug tlf history;
\1'hert'*s orr Jil$. ii, l){X):1. {uriug a trip to Gmtre I'rlarui" $qi-
egrl, a lbrruer slare po*, Prt*irtrent Ge'+rpre 1T' Bush ar-
knode(lgetl ,*larerr-'s eotrti}lttitrg lryrrc1- irl -Lnrerifail IiJ'c
Hrxl tlrc He.erl ta r.nnfrilnt that itgaeS rrlrert he
xtattd tbat Gp

- - . The r.ircitll lrigotrl' fecl l:1' slnr-try dkl uot elld {ith

llinull. lrith segregatiorl Lgtl mellry' (f tlle ixsug* tintt


stitl irrruh[. -{nnq'ir:a halt rccts in tix' bittcr {l}-lxrl"ie}1(t'

of otlrt'r tirnrs. But horvcrrer Inng tlr* jounxr,r, out dtstirtl'
is xrt: lihelt1- alrrl jrr.xtire t'tn' all'";
lTher.r'as }1t$itl1.ilt*li}l {lliutrur a}in nekntrt:lrttrgctl tlre tle*p-
srattrl prl{ilfn}ri {.alrsed lrr- tl*'.r,,txltiuning }t'gat1r of t'nr,-
isnr agairrst .\titrarr-.trteriratrs; that l:ega1 rvitlr slitl'et'5
rvlrtt lre iuitiatetl a uatiCIr.tlti tlialo;rue about r:nr*;
\1"lu,rtirs a gpnnirre apulog3' i* au inrpaltattt irtnt nrtqssatl:
.fir+,t st*p irr the l)i'{x'*$.s
ul'r'artai retotrili*tiat:;
for r*ltnrics of brttal delturuaair-ation
1l-herl-ras a11 alxrlog5'
nn{ iljlstirlts cnrla(}t el?5{' tht' palst, blt grrnfessirxr of
the Brtrrptri rtmrnritterl r.aD slteed raeial healirg altd l'f{'-
orreiliation *utl fuelp -imeyirans rrrnfirrut tlic gllosts of
tltcir past:
\tr'lrcrcax tlu {f thc CtNtrttr$rtlretllth rif \.iryillia hax
Il<:el}tly takc$ th* lrad iil arl$ptirig a rt's*rhrtio* affieiall5
t'rpn:s*irtg npprtpfittt{} r1}rr}sl"st' tbr strarrrA u"'1 "1Jrlrr
State }egixlatrn'rx hare ad{}ptetl $r alc ton.'iiderirrg sirililar
ttstrlutions; arirl
l1-lrel.as it is iurtrxr:tatrt firr this fi)ulrtry. n-fuirh legtrlly gog-
niy"ed sl*rery- throngL kx ( hrrstituti$rr atrd its lnn"s, ttr
rxflk(, n formal apolo;p'firr cl*r-ery- and for itt srleerssor.
_ .Ii1n (lrrxr, su t}at it rarr t}}{r1? l'tnrralri anrl sedk ltr-
ori(.iliatirilr, .!*stite" alrd harrnotr.t lirr all of itn t'itir,eils:
Now, therefinc, lx'it
,{lr.ssfrirrl That tht Etmr* of Hrprusr:ntati\-trs-
ili at:kutrxledges that slttYery- is itrrrrtrrprtibh rith
tfuc l}asit' f,olmliug pinei$e.r rueogrlize*l in the l]eelara-
titm of frxlegrnrbnre tlutt all tuen rr&l rr€"dtrxl trluril;

{?} atknuvkd*gi flle &***ruental ir$*xtitc, efleltp',

tmt*lttl, aul iukamarity sf effiry axl Jinn Chox;
{3} ap&-gim fil J&i*aa Agslieeffi m br&*H of t}l*
p*ode $f tlrc llni*d ffint*q fnr the ssrys mmmittd
ngninxt ard tleir an+es*rm qh mffird under
slswqr *lrd Ji*r Cnm; and
{4} etPrwm its sffimhffirrt to rectiff tk $n*
gering ooBs€querB€s of th* mied{}s{.k *mmitterl ffiiIffi
A&fuan &nsiem un&r daxery aad Jim ftffi'snd to

*top tlx oceurer{* sf humar rig&ts YidatiotlE iu t}re frr


ffi,mmmu Prcp*m
or IrE slrrnafr nBF{Tffi
sFr _Tfif srHsilE.fxBlt srJrDsgI*L ltrl?ffiITm ffi y*rEf,I{ CtT? srfl'rE

Brortirxe, ttr onrrsrfsd it frcrcdElydltBFfHl lrylralEslsol

ergfud sittt, *r irlfsper re dltr ns$ ard gf $e ffiff6t, ae rmfi
a by Bro*r*
S bttremfurc rxesyfu{G hEnffid ssrn*yb a8a*gne
sl-s&'rrmne b ffinffirtld m#elffitc$es, rrpr3ot3:tg
ir#rffiral irdcH soPrdist trl*Fl srtBs.

& ffiU rafilprg1s men5firrd gg'ffi5 in ttre alq *td d3g akg
grh*dlcf lffii eysficte,ute }stk16slryff rgtEhedrlEt
orxfr agrwrxxrB am np6rs b Xrarfr* trffi g*l|lr gEt tsffii
larsryr &rfiy, t'lemmryl qpodad@
*ll*h **erb mrum*US* f,0g6bk5mt emffibaofe1Ep*Dfue
ss"eYtrBE dslisr@c t#hrd lebl Pttopi{trretGaffillffi
r. Th snpghmt*rffil rnffi of !ffii ctY sBh *arab etst*te
psd ixi$rdot w
a) rtnes csfifffrd q**tte mr*y,$nfir*Wnsrhl #M
or tln f*inorry d&B rury SEe;

- h lH*an CtY ffiltrY Ih,1Eg, d 11 }$ 2mA
c@ *mktrs#Y lffi*rs st CitrM Lffi
-inlffirBI* Lffi }&' Dqd tl 3#ffi!j],
wrna**S fsrerffi b tlx &M Co* 8d $€
&ffiral kocf,rc Code;
x|pn sdl sirs a*E to$*iffid eV&E Ber$s
ffi frrxfor*q

e) dry#s siFre uhsEpffifi$t b msel B aa hffiiefEl

agr€ecmr* rffi ryflE l'hrysEE, rf*peweffi* pt+#v
w* iEtle terhrf sf v,ffiNffif s8nesl.!fIr5 r* tEEn

2. ?lr8 {ritEs refumrt b h pqrap}r I xcb bc}#d f*:*ffi'*bttr

1rffi hp h.fu53 rt V;lkat eY ste a[&e |firrg dtffi 5ux11ffi[u5
:rfltprt rci$e b gte FErd lraehf d $e hd ffin m $e E*rysal
3, filtp ilrfss dY#t 11i6*nd hn, Bre f61gg'g ffiEfr il€&$d
a) rarnsers, dffi ad fersd dfu uarixs *qar tr dx
*gEr, Gre ad dtE ffiItUG sr!# B it
b) # h{ffi #m{ic Perssrtd d AE }@ SED'
c) ttrepffisrdnssre as rtple*l*Linls' lsnqE s tr
&ca$$,s urf a $ErsE r*ro ml de ffi ltgEgp ssserfH
cprfid ss tle ffi iferl* @t ar tt $ory * Bd
M h fle r€ffiy d wrorlcd irriH Pgstts H by ftE
ffi1irnr,ab dualtmreYfe;
! d) dmr perwl hGetg al &fi&trdi€ rlrscld ssde kt
$e l#y Sep, pgtnrurents$EptrarY' p# s t#' rcgecnle
of ffigersorfs ser*B&f.

i$" the irffii r€ft#tE*, e lB faWph I &(npr* ah&E 3trIfiFftffif

h& rf lrgidd ?ssr ailit*tg fran cr*aeq # reg["abd br y#t {E}'
L $Bgltln ssrx tffi$ ar€ F'ffirtrat hd}ErsBtesr $e soq{afurein
*m *}lffii @ ffisrsucl3rtlsi$ctislca$A ffi'
6. Tha ffiffitff affib :5 # l.ary ls. {Xni of $ }&ter$er xiruF, }&**t
wm ffirS ydtr#l gry 5[# ttsfi&E in Sr&,
*k }*idat
-'tt$ I $H*b $rd *ffit ar8ffiry b r*e {or{rry r*E!trffidtr*"
*i ; I egFr{Ht $6t|& ips## Lffir 8*rd l!e, l@ $$ be er*n$tnO Uy
*'' 1g pffioffin rr Lkendsreerso, &fitet*ry*ltafsrrut f W
+ ffi;t
Giren *r ftome, d se Apssfir Pdile" m fi,&m*deffi af *ry


g @*i13nt - tfurb A&ise Vatkana

. :- i
o n
g m
o F
EH E.A3 E fg
l E
, g,
q br
EH$gEE-i tr
g lo
EE [$$ HF k

F H qFE E i
*h b
o kn

H E a3$ B }
l\, TD
o E
q TD
c) H F ril* h
E E gAf;
r'g[ H EL
HB 6 l+
Hi.E I
E tb
6 HE
E iilg
F rtq iI
E tss

.ig; I B

6 E
3' a E

g a
1e €
3t =d E

.g* o
u, EE
d; t e
Tfie Haly See

IiESSil,GE ffi rB$ tlOLllffSS



ilo utr{Gffi ff.auE& mrr m$rfrns rsE srEffi

f" Snffie,ntuq of f* t{eyYer, *r*tr*u#ne as ffsgra*xsgffibd hrnw*ty,l

966r tregr&fiuffirac d Bm & aary nxr ard rsnaa, b d tB ffi*fs feffi ryd lffins, b
hffi& of 8ffih| ard pmnrrxr*, amr! b *[liDt.E b*5, la doirg so, t pray {or an *d b ms,
*rffi t* $d ril#r*€ BH by fstrrgr agptrcil, try e#dgk fet fld frw4 *d hU
tre darmffin *rs8f* bV med ffig I prry aspe@ ffi, onfu be$s of qr ryrcnsl

cffiB b sonfgmh ntrl Sod rl0 aE fsryb Ef good d tu Er* 6{rlwr3*mr* d lanrryry md
pcnna *r re ffir6, mmay lS il* tmrpffi*b# *t s rn*Nrw lrrrortlf d arr lxrrw#y.

fr nnr [tug6ry8 fu @ hdt rry- I sp6h d ?re Aedm h..- x*#l l*firds6 a bfgerry
fur a &fr
tEk}BryWr &ffi ua b ffixt$ $ill #ffiE ad er** |6b cee isrs n* a ssab
61 ftn& h,f * br3fist crd t**r* e [g aEmpbd arffI sreramtrdll &m m cs $ n*ro
rc&disaE b$gr, fi# to M filM*ror4lr *mrfssorg tffiSe try*rsd irEfis hry

trd tnrer & b fuNmr*at tsr ur turrsr *s@ M *r Snry, fi**ffi ald **orryU be
*msa&x d nry#- Tra@' $e g$itttg sffisgp dmnn,s eryffiglifrl ery ren
gnm,sry erafiBpB*re ft d einm,rdon sd ar c#ry A emn f&ry*d r*edfrre rffiH !y
rat6ncf, iffi sfd k!,rr. IlXr S**r}h Plmnonss1 tdCdt h* h mnbr$ k tu
firdarenhtffi*BdE*fl6 ild b&c t[mecx*'| dffi*ee&n arddgrdy, ffiutrly
h6ffi. I ffid6 p,6 h@r tr am*e *resa, * trgt, irl StB ry*tfi d Go& rmrd, m wl eu'd& d
r*sl *rd uwrsr'rm br6rshm !r* $rr&xe aad{*htt'


28 rB {xlvl{'/t 6}
A*,rERrcAN DE*A RA ;:,REs'
{Adcpred at the thirdpienary
j,4 ses*ion, hsrd on
Jane 15. 2sr6)

o".,,.,,}::f h:'*L'*:,1JXiff
,fl ;:f_,,1,,:nAG,REs286,
*..o..*o1l-"':,:'::::P"o'*:r*:;'Tr.iff;l-Tix;?*11;,,,ff 1,t,Tilixl
,iliffi :it#:*:?:*:btr;i', iff s,,?1ff ,#:IlJ;.T.,,y:*_-.::r*"",,",in,he
o.g,,i.,,i"i#il:i,'I-J-*,##,To*"**p.opr.ffi trk#f*:j,f,:ryX,*

*d;r?*#ff ff H::,:*ffi.#r parrieipariur of indigenoue
p*oples r:f rhe
Arnerica$ in
a*^*- - - *'-
rhe siprifieen, ..
canfribstiol tirar
'trnericas have made ro humanity, "5r'ificant ^^q+rr "
*re indigenous peoples
of the

To ad+pt the foiiordag

Draft American Deciaradon
an rhe Righrs of
{*digenous peoprs5 s}

t" Ths Unired Sralss


l;HT**ij;[]f,,:tffi :#-"*:Hffi lgys*iissuesorcon,

;,,.6r*{iffi;Hff .tffi;$,;ffi ffi{,_ffi,1r_r::,",

*,*',"i"rhlilff#ff ,:
nersh ip. based on

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