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Waste & Recycling

Cell Phones for Soldiers

1. Subject(s): Environmental Science
2. Topic or Unit of Study: E waste → responsible recycling/ cell phones for
3. Grade/Level: 9-12
4. Objective:
a. SWBAT understand responsible recycling practices
b. SWBAT make a contribution to recycling and benefit others.
5. Time Allotment: 45 min
6. Date: 3/1/18

Learning Context

During this learning segment, students will be learning about how electronic waste impacts their
daily lives. Students will gain an understanding of the impacts on the environment and people
that e-waste has.


1. Opening: Reflection on video from yesterday and notes about negatives of current e-
waste disposal.
2. Next: notes on e-waste recycling
3. Following notes, students will watch video on cell phones for soldiers and then students
will create collection boxes and posters for collection of cells phones for soldiers.

Differentiated Instruction
Students will be split into two groups. They will be required to work collaboratively within these
groups to create either the collection box(s) or posters. Students will be supported by having
access to computers, notes and different construction materials to create their box or poster.

Materials & Resources

a. Instructional Materials:
b. Resources:
a. responsible cell
b. cellphone for soldiers



waste→ landfill→ leachate toxins

Burn→ inhalation

plastics=dioxins (carcinogenic) (cancer)

E-waste recycling→

E-steward certification
● Recycled in the U.S.
● Data destroyed

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