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This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts

for publication in the WCNC 2007 proceedings.

A Flow Based Detection Mechanism against Flooding

Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Yinghua Guo1, Steven Gordon2, Sylvie Perreau1
Institute for Telecommunications Research, University of South Australia
Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia,
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University
Pathumthani 12121, Thailand

Abstract—Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is particularly The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
vulnerable to flooding attacks. To evade being identified, firstly explains why MANET is vulnerable to flooding attacks.
attackers usually recruit multiple accomplices to dilute attack After that, it reviews related works for defending MANET
traffic density of each attack source, and use the address spoofing against flooding attacks. Section III presents a detailed
technique to challenge attack tracing. In this paper, we present a investigation of flooding attack. In section IV, we propose a
detailed investigation of the flooding attack in MANET. Further, flow based detection mechanism to detect such attack. Section
we design two flow based detection features, and apply the V presents simulation results and discussion. This paper is
cumulative sum algorithm on them to effectively and accurately finally concluded by section VI.
detect such attack.

Keywords-DoS attack, intrusion detection, ad hoc network II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK

I. INTRODUCTION A. MANET Security Vulnerabilities

The broadcast transmission is used by most MANET
Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) comprises autonomous
routing protocols [2]. For example, in DSR routing protocol,
mobile nodes that dynamically and arbitrarily form multi-hop
when a source node attempts to send packets to some
communication facilities to make up for the absence of fixed
destination, if it does not know a route to that destination, it
infrastructure. Securing communication in MANET is a
uses route discovery to dynamically discover one. Route
challenging issue. Firstly, traditional security mechanisms used
discovery works by flooding route request (RREQ) packets
in infrastructure networks may be inapplicable to MANET [1]
through the network seeking a route to some target destination.
due to its unique characteristics: unreliability of wireless links,
Such packets will be rebroadcast by intermediate nodes until
dynamically changing topology, the absence of a certification
they reach the destination or some intermediate node that has a
authority, and the lack of a centralized monitoring or
route to the destination. The broadcast mechanism in routing
management point. Secondly, for the same reason, MANET
procedure is a potential security flaw because frequent flooding
suffers from a wide range of threats and attacks: impersonation
by many packets throughout the network will easily consume
attack, blackhole attack, Denial of Service (DoS) attack, selfish
considerable network bandwidth [3].
misbehaving, etc. [1]. Among these security threats, MANET
are particularly susceptible to DoS attacks due to the facts that The resources in MANET are constrained. In order to be
resources on mobile nodes are limited and broadcast light and portable, mobile wireless devices in MANET can not
mechanism is resource consuming. have many resources, e.g. CPU, memory, battery. In addition,
the wireless channel is a shared medium. It is easy for
In this work, we investigate one type of DoS attacks, the
malicious users to occupy the channel chronically by sending
flooding attack, in MANET and present a detailed model to
out useless packets. Other features of MANET facilitating the
characterize it. In this attack which exploits the broadcast
flooding attack may include: assumed trust relationship among
transmission mechanism, attackers behave like normal nodes in
network nodes, no centralized administration entity. Exploiting
all aspects except sending out excessive amount of malicious
these vulnerabilities, adversaries can launch flooding attacks.
packets to deplete the network bandwidth, and in turn, prevent
the network from providing services to legitimate users. As the
first contribution of this work, we believe that, to our best B. Related Work
knowledge, this is the first effort of systemically modeling such To defend ad hoc networks against flooding attacks, a few
an attack in the context of MANET. More importantly, the of preventive and detective security mechanisms have been
second contribution we make is designing two novel flow proposed in the context of sensor network and MANET. Ref.
based detection features, and employing the Cumulative SUM [4, 5, 6] are first attempts of preventing adversaries from
(CUSUM) [10] algorithm to identify the flooding attack. injecting bogus messages into the sensor networks. Based on
symmetric cryptography, they address the problem of single
compromised sensor node broadcasting false reports. The basic

1525-3511/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE 3107

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the WCNC 2007 proceedings.

idea behind them is that when an event occurs, multiple B. Flooding Attack Model
surrounding sensors collectively generate a legitimate report In order to avoid detection and tracing, attackers usually
that carries multiple Message Authentication Codes (MACs). use the following techniques to diversify the external patterns
As the sensing report is forwarded towards the sink, each of attack traffic.
forwarding node verifies the correctness of the MACs carried
• Recruiting accomplices. If the huge amount of
in the report with certain probability. Once an incorrect MAC
is detected, the report is dropped. attacking traffic is generated by a single node, it will be
easily detected by its abnormally high packet rate. As
The work of detecting malicious node flooding packets in more and more accomplices are involved, the packet
MANET proposed in [7, 8] are similarly built on the base of rate of each accomplice can be normally low; however
counting node’s rate of sending route request (RREQ) packets. the aggregated attack traffic is still huge enough to
Once a node’s RREQ rate exceeds a given threshold, its overwhelm the network.
packets will be dropped in [7], and in addition the node’s
priority of sending packets is decreased [8]. • Address spoofing. To avoid detection and tracing,
attackers alternatively can exploit the address spoofing
Although each of above approaches can handle one specific technique that enable attackers to generate attack
type of flooding attacks (e.g. [7, 8] only detect single source packets with randomly spoofed source addresses. The
flooding attack), their limitation can be found as follows. address spoofing renders those detection schemes that
are based on counting node’s packet rate inapplicable,
• The assumption made in [4, 5, 6] i.e. if one event is and more importantly, makes it very hard to trace
detected, it is detected by multiple sensor nodes, will attack nodes [3].
not hold in MANET we are considering. In MANET,
because of node mobility, it is possible that one event In this work, we mainly focus on flooding attack variations
happens in some particular place where there is only caused by the above two camouflage methods. Accordingly,
one node. In this case, the sensing report only carries we model the flooding attack as (n , r , f , T a ) where n is the
the detecting node’s MAC. If this node is a malicious
node and trying to inject bogus reports in the network, number of attack nodes, r is each attack node’s rate at which
no nodes can tell if the event really happens by only bogus RREQs are generated, f is the frequency of address
verifying the report’s MAC. Even if this assumption spoofing, i.e. the rate at which malicious nodes change source
holds in some particular MANET scenarios, these and/or destination addresses of RREQs they send out, and Ta is
techniques [4, 5, 6] still can not detect multiple the attack duration time. By delicately selecting these
malicious nodes collusively forging reports with their
parameters, attackers try to make the difference between
own MACs.
attack traffic and normal network traffic so slim that they can
• Ref. [7, 8] can not detect the flooding attack performed evade being detected or tracked.
by multiple colluding malicious nodes. This is because, In particular, it is interesting to investigate how f changes
by employing multiple accomplices, the attack traffic the attack pattern. Basically, f is the number of attack packets
rate of each attack node can be normally low, but the
aggregated attack traffic is high enough to paralyse the that use same spoofed address. For example, f = 1 means that
network. The normally low traffic rate can easily each attacker selects a spoofed address (probably a random
defeat rate counting based detection schemes [7, 8]. one) for each packet it sends out. When f reaches or is greater
• Because [7, 8] are based on counting each node’s than Ta × r , the attack becomes the non-address-spoofing
packet rate, they will be useless when attackers spoof flooding attack where all attack packets sent out by each
source addresses of attack packets with random ones. attacker have a fixed source address. In the rest of this paper,
we refer to the address spoofing flooding attack ( f = 1) as ASF
III. FLOODING ATTACKS IN MANET attack, and non-address-spoofing flooding attack
( f ≥ Ta × r ) as NASF attack.
A. Overview of Flooding Attacks
The flooding attack is one form of DoS attacks [9]. Instead IV. FLOW BASED DETECTION MECHANISM
of attacking any particular node, it aims to paralyze the whole
In this section, we design two flow based features to
network by exhausting network bandwidth. For example, if the
characterize one aspect of the flooding attack, respectively. We
broadcast mechanism in MANET routing procedure is
further propose a detection mechanism, in which the non-
exploited, malicious nodes might behave like normal nodes in
parameter CUSUM algorithm [10] is applied on these detection
all aspects except in routing. They would not comply with
features, to identify such attack.
broadcast management techniques adopted in current routing
protocols such as limiting the maximum number of RREQ
packets sent per second, and RREQ back-off. Instead, they A. Detection Features Selection
initiate massive bogus RREQ packets (e.g. their destinations Before presenting detection features, we introduce some
don’t exist in MANET) that will be re-broadcast by concepts used in our mechanism. A RREQ flow is defined as a
intermediate nodes. In the end, the aggregated RREQs will set of RREQ packets that have same source and destination
form large enough attack traffic to overwhelm the network. addresses, i.e. (SA, DA). In addition, we define that a RREQ

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the WCNC 2007 proceedings.

flow is new to a node if the interval between two successive common elements (identical RREQ flows). Moreover, the
moments of receiving this RREQ flow is greater than a given greater L is, the fewer common elements are.
threshold w ( w = one third simulation time). Hence, we design the second detection feature (DF-2) to
identify the NASF attack. To obtain DF-2, each node in the
1) Detection feature against address spoofing
network records RREQ flows it receives. At the end of sample
In ASF attack, each RREQ packet sent out by each attack
node is allocated a random (SA, DA). Hence, when ASF interval ∆ t i , it obtains a set of RREQ flows RFi containing all
attack occurs, a large number of RREQ flows will emerge in RREQ flows it receives in this sampling
the network, and the majority of them are new to mobile nodes interval, RFi = {Fi ,1 , Fi , 2 ,......Fi , j } where Fi , j represents RREQ
because these flows identified by (SA, DA) are random and flow j received by this node in ∆ t i . Let S i (RFi ) be the number
only appear once. On the other hand, this situation won’t be
experienced in normal network scenarios. This is because, of elements of RFi . Then, each node can
during normal communication in which one connection will calculate R S i , L (RF i −1+ L ... ∩ RF i −1 ∩ RF i ) which means: at
usually hold for a certain period of time, even RREQ packets S i (RF i )

are sent out to seek routes because of route breakage, the (SA, the current sampling interval ∆ t i , the node finds out there are
DA) of such RREQ packets will not change. In other words,
this RREQ flow will remain unchanged. In turn, it is very R i , L × S i (RF i ) common RREQ flows received in L successive
likely for a node to observe this RREQ flow multiple times, sampling intervals. By monitoring R i , L over time, each node
and at each receiving time this RREQ flow is not new to this can obtain a sequence of random variables {Rn, L } as DF-2.
node if we set w sufficiently long.
Based on above consideration, we define the first The various trends of {Rn, L } in normal and NASF attack
detection feature (DF-1), the percentage of new RREQ flows, scenarios can be described as follows: {Rn, L } will have a
to identify the occurrence of ASF attack. To obtain DF-1, each
node in the network maintains a counter for each RREQ flow remarkable rise when the attack takes place, and remain at a
high level as long as the attack lasts. On the other hand, it will
it receives. At the end of sample interval ∆ t i , the node
stay at a low level in the normal network scenarios. Even
computes the total number of RREQ flows it receives (TFi ) , some special network scenarios can cause an increase of
and judges each RREQ flow’s status: new or not new, {Rn, L } the increase trend is bursty and intermittent. Similar
according to the definition of new RREQ flow. In the end, the to {Pn }, the detection of NASF attack can be transformed to
node finds out the number of new RREQ flows ( NFi ) , and
identify such changing trends of {Rn, L }.
calculates the percentage of new RREQ flow Pi = NFi TFi .
After designing two individual detection features, we now
By continually monitor the RREQ flows over time, each node build the complete detection system by employing DF-1, DF-2
can obtain a sequence of random variables {Pn }. and the rate counting based detection feature proposed in [7, 8]
Once {Pn } is obtained, the work of detecting the ASF attack (referred as DF-3). This allows us to detect attacks with many
can be transformed to distinguish different changing trends variations caused by adjusting attack model parameters n ,
of {Pn } : {Pn } will have a significant increase when the ASF r and f . For example, as shown in section V, by using DF-1
in conjunction with DF-2, we can identify flooding attack
attack occurs and then remain at a high level as long as attack
variations caused by f , i.e. from ASF to NASF attacks and the
lasts. On the other hand, {Pn } remains at a low level stably in
intermediate cases (1 ≤ f ≤ Ta × r ) . Additionally, by knowing
normal network situation. Although some increase of {Pn } may
that the more attack nodes participate in the attack, the more
appear, the increases are intermittent and non-continuous. likely they are detected by DF-2, attackers in NASF attack
2) Detection feature against nonaddress spoofing might reduce the number of attack nodes n to defeat DF-2.
In the NASF attack, each attacker uses fixed (SA, DA) for However, due to the fact that achieving a certain degree of
all RREQ packets it sends out. Therefore, when the attack damage on the victim network needs a certain amount of attack
takes place, network nodes will receive many identical RREQ traffic in terms of n× r [3], reducing n will result in a
flows in a certain number of successive sampling intervals. significant increase of r . These abnormally high values of r
Moreover, this phenomenon will remain as long as the attack can be easily detected by DF-3. As a result, as long as attackers
lasts. However, this situation will not take place in normal want to cause a certain degree of damage, they will be
network scenarios. This is because: the occurrence of inevitably identified by the combination of DF-2 and DF-3 no
matter how they adjust n and r , i.e. abnormally high r by
communication requests and route breakage is random.
Accordingly, sending out RREQ packets is random. From the reducing n can be detected by DF-3, and a large n with low
probability point of view, it is very unlikely that many nodes
r can be identified by DF-2.
experience same circumstance in which sending RREQ In summary, the detection features we have proposed are:
packets are needed for multiple successive sampling intervals.
• DF-1: the percentage of new RREQ flows;
In other words, sets of RREQ flows observed in multiple
successive sampling intervals, say L intervals, will have few • DF-2: the ratio of identical RREQ flows;

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the WCNC 2007 proceedings.

• DF-3: RREQ flow rate. As shown above, there are some parameters involved in
this algorithm. Their specification is important to the
B. Nonparameter CUSUM Algorithm algorithm’s performance. Firstly, the selection of α values in
As pointed out before, the detection of flooding attack can the detection procedure can be performed as follows:
according to the network scenario (specified by network size,
be transformed to differentiating various changes on detection
mobility, traffic load), α is given an initial value when the
features. Since the observation values of {Pn } and {Rn, L } are detection begins. This initial value can be obtained by either
random variables, the detection of their changes can be off-line training or simulation. Once detection starts, α is
modeled as the sequential change point detection [11]. Its updated periodically to represent the most accurate estimation
objective is to determine if the observed variable series is of {X n }. Then, we can estimate a conservative value of h by
statistically homogeneous, and if not, to find the point in time
when the change happens. 1 − α because the mean of {X n } will have a significant
The CUSUM algorithm is a widely used algorithm in this increase, approximately to 1, when the flooding attack takes
area. The basic idea behind the CUSUM is that: if any change place. Based on h and α , other parameters can be updated
occurs on the observed statistical process, the probability h
distribution of such process will change correspondingly. The accordingly as follows [10]: a = ,β =α + a .
CUSUM monitors the mean variations of time series. It 2
accumulates those random variable’ values that are
significantly higher than the mean level under normal V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
operation. Once these accumulated values exceed a given To quantitatively evaluate the performance of our detection
threshold, a change (or attack) is said to be detected. We adopt mechanism, we conduct the following simulation experiments
the nonparametric CUSUM method [10] to distinguish in which a MANET consisting of 100 nodes in a 1200 x1200
different change trends of detection features caused by flood terrain is built using Glomosim simulator. The mobility model
attack and normal network situation. uses the random waypoint model (pause time 10s), and the
We consider values of detection feature as a random normal network background traffic is generated by using CBR
sequence, denoted as {X n }whose mean α is much less than 1 in traffic pattern in which 50 CBR connections send 512-byte
the normal operation. When changes (attacks) take place, data packets at a rate of 2 packets/s. We implement various
flooding attack scenarios by adjusting n , r and f . Then, we
{X n }will jump from α to α + h where h is the lower bound of merge the attack traffic with the normal network traffic.
the increase during a change. We transform {X n } to {Z n }by (1)
Fig.1 and Fig.2 conceptually and intuitively illustrate how
Zn = X n − β (1) {Pn }(the percentage of new RREQ flows) and {Rn, L }(the ratio
of common RREQ flows) behave in normal network and
where β = α + a and a is the mean of {Z n } . a is negative flooding attack scenarios, and the detection effect of using
during normal conditions, and becomes positive when a change CUSUM algorithm on them. The results are collected from
occurs. Then we obtain {y n } using (2) node 23 that is randomly selected. In this simulation, the
normal network scenario is built by using 2m/s mobility model
and 300kbps traffic load. Ten attack nodes generate the attack
y n = ( yn−1 + Z n ) , y0 = 0
traffic by sending out RREQ packets at the rate of 1p/s. The
attack starts at 900s and ends at 960s ( Ta =60s). We can see
where x + is equal to x if x > 0 , and 0 otherwise. {y n }
that, during the first 8-10 minutes of simulation,
represents the accumulated positive values of {Z n } . A large
{Pn } experience several abnormally high values. This is
value of {y n } strongly indicates an attack. The decision because when the network starts to run, each network node
function can be described as follows: knows nothing about the network. Every RREQ flow it

d N (yn ) = { 0

yn < N

yn ≥ N
receives is new. As network nodes learn more, {Pn }goes down
and remains stable. We call this period of time as warmup
time, and ignore their values because these values have less
N is the threshold for attack detection and d N ( y n ) represents realistic merits. In the real world, skipping the warmup period
can be implemented by letting the network run for similar
the decision at time n : ‘1’ if y n is greater than N , which period of time in an isolated environment. The results validate
indicates an attack, and ‘0’ otherwise. N is calculated by (4) our prediction of detection features’ behavior: they are low and
remain stable in normal scenario, although intermittent and
N = (τ − m ) × h 2 (4) sporadic bursts can be occasionally found. However, the
flooding attack makes {Pn }and {Rn, L }have significant increases
where m is the moment when changes take place and τ is the
expected moment when changes are detected. Hence, (τ − m ) and remain at a high level value. By using CUSUM algorithm,
is the expected minimum detection time. intermittent bursts of {X n }are eliminated (i.e. {y n }is 0 in most

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the WCNC 2007 proceedings.

of time in normal network operation), and successive high

values are accumulated by {y n }that penetrates the threshold N .

1 .2

1 X n
Y n
0 .8
T h re s h o ld N

0 .6

0 .4

0 .2

1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 1 5 1 7 19 21 2 3 2 5 2 7 29 31 3 3 3 5 3 7 39

T im e (3 0 s )

Figure 1. Node 23 observation of DF-1

0 .9
0 .8
0 .7
T h r e s h o ld N
0 .6

0 .5

0 .4

0 .3

0 .2

0 .1

1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101 105 109 113 117
T im e ( 1 0 s )

Figure 2. Node 23 observation of DF-2

We use three metrics: Detection Rate---DR (%), Detection samples, the normal network fluctuation can result in abnormal
Time---DT (second) and False Positive Rate---FPR (false on DF-2, and hence lead to false positive detection. Even so,
positive detections per hour) to evaluate our detection this FPR is acceptable because users could spend a couple of
mechanism. The false positive detection refers to the situation hours each day to validate these suspicious detections [13].
where one activity is not intrusive but is reported as intrusive
because it is anomalous. DR is the percentage of nodes in the TABLE I. DETECTION PERFORMANCE OF DF-1 (ASF ATTACK)
network that detect the attack.
Mobility (max velocity)
First of all, we validate the performance of individual (DR/DT/FPR)
2m/s 10m/s 20m/s
detection feature DF-1, DF-2 against ASF and NASF attack in 300 100/ 38.4/ 0.06 100/ 50.4/ 0.02 100/ 42.6/ 0
terms of DR, DT, FPR, respectively. We vary normal network load 400 100/ 40.2/ 0.07 100/ 31.2/ 0.03 100/ 36.9/ 0
scenario by adjusting maximum velocities of nodes and traffic (kbps) 500 100/ 32.1/ 0.16 100/ 32.1/ 0.02 100/ 30.9/ 0
load. In addition, we load the ASF and NASF attack on the
network. The results are recorded in Table I and Table II in the TABLE II. DETECTION PERFORMANCE OF DF-2 (NASF ATTACK)
form of DR/DT/FPR. We can see that our detection features
have a good performance: 100% DR in all cases (meaning all (DR/DT/FPR)
Mobility (max velocity)
100 nodes detect the attack), DT ranging from 30s to 60s that is 2m/s 10m/s 20m/s
an acceptable level in the real world [12]. In particular, DF-1 Traffic 300 100/ 44.9/ 0.63 100/ 43.5/ 2.98 100/ 49.5/ 0.8
only causes 4 false positive detections in one day at most. DF-2 load 400 100/ 43.6/ 0.89 100/ 49.9/ 0.55 100/ 46.9/ 0.9
has a relatively worse FPR of 72. We believe the reason is that (kbps) 500 100/ 50.5/ 0.06 100/ 48.2/ 0.03 100/ 46/ 0.23
the sampling interval length used in DF-2 is 10 seconds which
is shorter than ∆ t (30s) in DF-1. The shorter ∆ t is, the fewer
samples each node can obtain. Due to the lack of sufficient

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the WCNC 2007 proceedings.

Secondly, we investigate the performance of combining what protocols are involved, as long as broadcasting is used,
DF-1 and DF-2 as a whole system. The normal background the attack traffic triggers at least one of our detection features,
network traffic is 300 kbps CBR traffic. The maxima velocity and therefore can be detected.
of mobility model is 10m/s. We vary f (from 1 to 60) to make
the ASF attack become NASF attack gradually. By restricting VI. CONCLUSION
FPR and DT within a reasonable range [12, 13], In this work, we investigate and characterize the flooding
i.e. FPR ≤ 0.41 / hour , DT ≤ 60 s , we examine the combination attack in MANET. Further, we propose two detection features,
of DF-1 and DF-2 in terms of DR. As an important parameter on which the non-parametric CUSUM algorithm is applied, to
affecting the detection performance, ∆ t is examined by detect such attack. We have shown that, in various scenarios
different values. As shown by Fig.3, DF-1 and DF-2 work in a (different network traffic load, and mobility), our detection
supplemental way: not only doing its own job (i.e. DF-1 detects mechanism can detect all NASF and ASF attacks (DR 100%),
ASF attack and DF-2 detects NASF attack) but also making up quickly (30s-60s) with an acceptable false alarm rate
for each other’s weakness. For example, in the best case (FPR<=72). Also, no matter how attackers change the
where ∆ t is 30s in DF-1 and 10s in DF-2, no matter how appearance of attacks (e.g. by adjusting attack parameters), we
attackers vary f , the combination of DF-1 and DF-2 can detect can detect the majority, i.e. 80% detection rate in the worst
two third of all flooding attacks with 100% detection rate. Even case.
if we assume attackers will know of the detection scheme and Key issues we will address in future work include:
try their best to beat it (e.g. select appropriate values of f investigate how CUSUM parameters, such as ∆ t , N , h , affect
from 30 to 50), we still have more than 0.8 probability (i.e. the detection performance, how to choose their optimal value;
more than 80 nodes in the network) to identify the attack. design and analysis of appropriate response mechanisms.
Moreover, we also notice that the selection of ∆ t has much Finally, we will investigate the applicability of flooding attacks
more impact on DF-2 than DF-1. The greater ∆ t is, the poorer and their detection mechanism to other protocols.
DF-2 works. The reason is: usually the duration time of DoS
attack is short (60s in this work), the greater ∆ t is, the fewer REFERENCES
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