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ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH SERVICE INFORMATION 5.11,1976 | ret tot Introduction Repair Instructions ‘The orfentation of the vibration directions and rotary movements in LEITZ polarizing microscopes 1-2 Interference contrast device T (transmitted light) 3-7 Condenser with pre-polarizer for m the interference contrast device 7 (transmitted light) . Interference cont rast device R (incident tight) g-11 Binocular tubes for biological microscopes 12-18 ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH. ‘SERVICE INFORMATION 5,11.1976 Leitz MICRO + Accessories INTRODUCTION 1 ‘This folder contains repatr instructions for accessories for microscope stands, In future instructions the following subjects are to be described and explained on: page 1+ 150: Operations of assembly and adjustment page 181-200: Elimination of mai functions age 201 - 250: Conversions ‘The tools Usted oan be obtained from us, All components and sub-assembly groupt are cleaned with lead-free petrol, if posible outside the housings, Colour-engraved parts ot parts with adhestve labels must not be cleanéd wet, but only dry with a toft plece of chamois leather or a brush, Glass and rubber components must not come into contact with petrol, ofl, ot lubricants, ‘The parts to be lubricated must be clean and dry. The required lubricants can be obtained only ftom us. Other lubricants are not sultable, since perfect funetion is guaranteed only with lubricants found reliable by us. SERVICE INFORMATION ‘ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH 5.11, 1976 feitz MIKRO + Accessories Repair Instructions ‘The orfentation of the vibration directions and rotary movements in LEITZ polarizing microscopes 1, Transmitted light 1.1 tm all eatiler polarizing microscopes the transe mission direction of the polarizer wat in the north - south direction and therefore that of the analyser of crowed polarizer in the east - west direction, see Fig, 1. In the ‘crossed position the earlier polarizers as well as analysers showed the engraved 0. Polarizer: figures and graduation engraved n white (or in a single colour). ‘Analyser: figures and graduation engraved fn white (or in a single colour), 1,2 According to DIN 58 879 the polarizing mlcros~ copes are now orfentated as follows: the transmission direction of the polarizer is east - west, so that the engraved “O'agress with the tidex, line, With crossed polarizers, the transmission direction of the analyser ist north - south; on the analyser drum, the figure 90 must be set precisely, see Fig. 2 Polarizer: figure 0 ts engraved in red, all the other figures in white, Analyser: figure 90 is engraved In red, all the other figures in black. compensator slot polarizer x analyser Y Fig.-1 compensator slot analyset ‘compensator slot eligible Fig. 2 21 2 21 3.2 3.3 pair {nstruct Iheident light Pol- vertical ilteminator for 215mm tube lengthy For technical reasons the conventional orlentation of the polarizers was retained: the transmission direction of the polarizer in the 0 position ig north - south the transmission direction of the analyser in the 0 position is east ~ west, see Fig, 1, A DIN orfen- tation can be realised on request, in that both polar- fizers are rotated through 90°, see Fig, 2 and insert for the instructions 550-22. General indications -2 Pol-vertical {Iu ninators for the op tube length, ‘These illuminators are marked with an engraved co symbol on the front plate, the polartzers are orientated according to DIN: transmission direction of the polarizer in 0 position east - west, Transmission ditection of the analyser in 90° position north - south. The vibration direction must be checked before and after any adjustment of a polarizing microscope. it must first be determined whether the polarizer or the analyser must be adjusted, For this purpose a testing eyepiece (Order No. 020-318. 000-000 W 29) is inserted in the straight photo tube and the gufde slot of the x axis. The ight source must be set at high brightness. AI! the optical components between the polarizer and analyser, and the analyser must be removed from the beam, Check the maximum extinetion position of the polarizer and adjust it if necessary. Now remove the test eyeplece and insert the analyser in its place. If maximum extinction cannot be obtained, the analyser filter must be allgned according to 1.1 of 1.2. Polarizing filters, -plates andother compensators fore supplied in mounts. That no fresh strains are set up fll t be particularly strain-free, These Pol-filters ate thete~ 8 are secured against rotation with a little varnish i a long the edge of the threaded mount only at 3 fo 4 points, No moisture or vapour must reach the filters on any account, Naturally, the adjustment of the polarizer or compensator can be carried out only after the best possible adjustment hhas been achieved of all the other parts of microscope stand, see repair instructions for MICROSCOPE - Stands, HAND BV IZLEM ZLIZT LNG NOLLVWWOANI SOLAuaS SUBLET" ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH SERVICE INFORMATION 6.11, 1976 ‘Tools and aids toro Accossortes at Popate Instructions Interference contrast device T (transmitted light) ORTHOPLAN or ORTHOLUX Pol microscope with Bertrand lens and rotating analyser Testing eyepiece Auxiliary polarizer Analyser with slide Anlayser with sitde Piers 18 Pliers 22 Forceps Compensator 2/4 Compensator 2 Securing varnish 3 Varnish, matt black please note: In the present instructions It is referred to instruments of earlier manufactute with the vibration directions oriented as described on page 1.1 paragraph 1.1 020-318,000-000 W 29 ** 090-904, 007-000 W1 + 513.169 (for ORTHOPLAN) 519 074 (for ORTHOLU: . DIALUX ete) 090-004, 501-000 W 9 #6 26 090-904, 501-000 w 4 PG 26 559 096 or 559 189 * ¢ 359.020 or s59190 + Ln 452/01/1 ot LN 457/09/1 see price list MICRO 4 prices on request For instruments with the vibration directions oriented according to DIN 58 879 as described on page 1.1 paragraph 1, 2 proceed as follows: Aplate alignment: test: 2/4 plate alignment: test: Polarizer alignment: analyzet on 90° analyzer on 135° rl analyzer on 909 analyzer on 135° analyzer on 90° 41 MICRO - Accestories Repair Instructions Alignment of the vibration directions of the condenser 1.1 Attach the interference contrast device to the micros- 613 189 or 513 074 respectively and attach it with cope, switch on the transformer, check centration of adhesive tape, Set the rotating analyser at 45°, and the {llumination and of the fleld diaphragm. again set the auxiliary polarizer at maximum extinetion, clamp it in position, and adjust the 1,2 Alignment of the A-plate A plate in extinction positfon, Unscrew the daylight filter, the polarizer, and the 1/4 = plate from the bottom part of the condenser, see Fig. 3, swing out the front lens engage the turret at "HY, Swing in an empty thread on the revolving noseplece, swing out the bottom part of the conden see, place an auxiliary polartzer 090-904, 007-000 Wi on the foot of the stand, or use an analyser with slide Polatizing microscope — A plate _ = X /aplate = polarizer Gaylightfter aurillary polarizer at vo 4 HOWO BVIZLEM ZLIST LENE NOLLVAWOINI ZOLANES gust Tr's ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH SERVICE INFORMATION, 8.11, 1976 13 La MICRO - Accessories 5.1 Repair Instructions Control: Remove the A plate, retumn the rotating analyser to 0°, and adjust the auxiliary polarizer in extinction position, Push a slide with A /4-plate into the compensator slot, in biological microscopes place it on the object stage in the same direction, see Fig, 4.Now the image field must be blue while the A=plate is inserted, If the image field is yellow, the Aplate must be rotated through 90°, and repeatedly adjusted at described under 1.2. Secure the mount of theh-plate against rotation with vacnith, Adjustment of the A /4-plate Insert the A /4-plate in the bottom part of the con- denser, disengage the A-plate, All the optical components and assembly groups containing optical components remain outside the optical path as des~ ceribed under 1.2, Set the rotating analyser at 0° and adjust the auxiliary polarizer for same in the extinct- fon position and clamp it, Adjust the A /4 plate at maximum extinction posttion. Control: all optical components retnain outside the optical path the rotating analyser is set at 45°, the auxiliary polarizer for same adjusted in extinction position, Insert the A/4-plate place a slide with a A-plate in the x-axis, see Fig.5, on the object stage the image fleld must be blue. If itis yellow, the ‘A /Arplate must be rotated through 90° and must be repeatedly adjusted as described above. Secure the mount of the A/4-plate against rotation with varnish, Adjustment of the polarizer Remove the A-pla te in the condenser as well as all the other components except the A/4 plate between polarizer and analyser from the optical path, Set the rotating analyser at 0° and rotate the polarizer into compensator slide with A,4-plate vibeation direction of the analyser in 0° position vibrator, direétion of the auxiliary polarizer Fig. 4 compensator slide X-Axis Vibration direction of polarizer at 45° vibration direction of polarizer at 45° Fig, 5 the maximum extinction position. Check the extinction position by readjustment of the polarizer., secure the ‘mount against rotation with vamish, Screw in the day- light filter, 6.1 MIGRO - Accesories Repair Instructions 2, Adjustment of the Wollaston prism. 2:1 Adjustment of the objectives with Wollastom prism. Check the extinction position of the polarizer and analyter as deseribed under 1.4, Tum in the front lens ‘on the interference contrast condenser, engage the turret at. 'H' , centre the fleld diaphragm, and remove the A-plate frem’the optical path, Unscrew the collar with the engraved text from the objective to be adjusted, Serew the objective on to the revolving notepiece. Intert this and a free aperture of the condenser turret in the crosslines ‘optical path. Insert a crossiines eyepiece into the 45° groove, tum the Bertrand lens into the optical path and Centre it to the field of view. Adjust the compensating strip visible now as shown in Fig. 6..For this purpose release the ring on the objective, see Fig, 7 with the two pliers 090-904, 501-000 W318 090-904, 501-000 W 4 22 Rotate the front part to the right until the compensation strip is parallel to the crosslines of the eyepiece. Tum Securin; the Bertrand lens, out of the optical path. i varnish B Control: if the image field is approximately grey the ‘Wollaston prism is correctly set, But {f a narrow black band roughly parallel to the crosslines is seen in the field of view, the prism must be rotated through 180° ring and adjusted as previously described, Secure the objective on the revolving nosepiece against rotation with securing vamish, secure the collar with the engraved text, compensation strip Fig. 6 Securing varnish B Le Fig. 7 Tum to the right HAWO UVIZLIM ZLIZT LSNUT NOLLVAWOANI ZOLANaS SUGE"TT'S ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMB SERVICE INFORMATION 5,11,1976 feitz Repair Instructions MICRO ~ Accessories mW 2.2 Adjustment of the Wollaston prisms in the interference contrast condenser Check the extinction posttion of the polarizer and analyser as described under 1,4, Insert the objective {nto the optical path, rotate the condenser turret until the number is shown which corresponds to the ‘magnification of the objective in the object pat 5,40, of 100, Place 4 stage micrometer on the object stage, focus the object, form att image of the fleld dlaphragm in the same plane by raising or lowering the condenser, and centre it to the edge of the field of view. ‘Turn the polarizer slightly to the right or left, when the fleld of view should exhibit contrast of approxt- mately the samecolours in both directions, If, however clear colour differences occur in the field of view, the Wollaston prism must be adjusted until an evenly ‘coloured image 1s produced, For this purpose unscrew the Id above the revolving turret, slightly loosen the two screws for the attachment of the Wollaston prism, and move the mount with prism in one of the two directions as shown in Fig, 8 as necessary. This must be done until a grey contrast on the object and at the same time maximum extinction position at 0° Is obtained. A slightly uneven illumination is caused by physical and optical conditions and without significane in micre= scopte obtervation, All objectives with Wollaston prisms and the astoclated Wollaston prisms in the {nterference contrast condenser ate adjusted as described under 2, It is Imperatiy that the objectives with Wollaston prisms are always switched in with the corresponding Wollastom prisms in the condenser Wollaston prism Fig. 7 ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH SERVICE INFORMATION 5.11.1976, Leitz MICRO = Accessories 8.1 Repair Instructions Condenser with pre-polarizer with the interference contrast device T (transmitted ght) ‘Tools and aids See page 3 and MICROSIX L 1, Adjustment of the vibration directions of the condenser 1.1 Unscrew the three sctews M 2.x 4 DIN 921, see Fig.9 and remove the pre-polarizer from the condenser. Cary out all operating stages as described on pages 3+5 under 1; do not screw in the daylight filter 1.2 Sctew the pre-polarizer to the condenser without daylight flter. Form an image of the bottom edge of the mount of the pre~polarizer through « 6/0,18 objective and 5 x eyeplece. Rotate the polarizer, Adjusting the rim of the pre-polarizer mount to the rotation, A/4 plate M2x4 DIN 921 prepolarizer daylight filter. §—§ —— Fig. 9 Firmly tighten the three screws M 2x 4 DIN 921, Set the analyser and polarizer at 0, insert the measuring eye of the MICROSIX-L instead of the eyepiece. Switch off the analyser leave polarizer in unchanged position rotate the pre-polarizer until maximum brightness is read {n the exposure meter. Attach the prepolarizer with the three grub screws M1, 4 x 1, 2 LN 120 43 in the set position, ‘mount the daylight filter. ‘Check the further adjustment of the condenser to the inter- ference contrast device T as described on pages 6 and 7 under 2. Aplate polarizing filter vibration direction polarizer and pre- M1,4x1,2LN 12043 polasfzer oe vibration direction Rid plate vibration direction Aplate ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH ‘SERVICE INFORMATION 5.11,1978 eitz MICRO = Accestories 9.1 Repatr Instructions Interference contrast device R (Incident ght) ‘Tools and aids Inefdent-if ght object (well reflecting Diopter 563 031 * Analyser with slide Analyser with slide 513 967 #(HM-IC) Forceps Securing vamish 8 LN 482/01/1 of Varnish, matt black LN 457/09/1 Rubber sheet ee price list MICRO 1, Adjustment of the vibration directions 1.1 Attach the interference contratt device to the microscope, switch on the transformer, and focut the image plane via a well reflecting object in a plane position, Check the centration of the light source, the field and the aperture diaphragm with the dfopter 553 °031, 1.2 Check the extinction position Fully open the fleld and aperture diaphragm, insert the polarizer in the optical path, Insert a fixedly orlented analyser, Code No, 513 196 or 513 367 in the filter slot, In HM-IC this is above the semi-sitvered optical flat as shown In Fig. 10, Check the extinetion position through an eyeptece tube without eyepiece, objective A and A/4 plate. Lg 14 {513 169 * (for ORTHOPLAN) Move the control lever on the polarizer into a hoxl- zontal position, If the best possible extinction post- tion is not achieved, rotate the polarizing filter un- {U1 an upright Smage of the lsogyre cross is formed. Secure the mount of the polarizing filter with varnish. Adjustment of the A/4eplate In the setting described under 1.2 insert the A /4-plate In the optical path of the vertical tHluminatot, rotate the A/4-plate until maximum extinction position has been reached, Secure the A/4-plate with varnish, Adjustment of the A-plate At the same setting as described under 1.2 and 1.3 turn the plate into the optical path and rotatelit until the image field appears. red. 10,1 feitz MICRO- Accessortes Repair Instructions a analyser N/A plate se temi-stlvered optical flat polarizer plate Fig. 10 ‘Tum the control lever on the polarizer upwards until the {mage fleld appears yellow. If the tame lever 4s tumed downwards the image fleld must be blue, If thete settings cannot be realised, the A -plate must be rotated through 90° to the left or right af the setting as described under 1.2 and 1.9 until the tage fleld is red. Now the colour of the image fleld mutt again be checked in the upper and lower lever position, Adjustment of the objectives with Wollaston prisms All objectives and Wollaston prisms must be adjusted 2, 2 Place & well-reflecting object on the object as described under 2, 2 and 2.3, irrespective whether stage, tum an empty thread in, Set the inter- they were removed from the revolving nosepiece, ference contrast device at maximum extinct- {nterchanged, ot supplted for an existing instrument. fon- position as described under 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, 2X -plate remains outside the optical path HOWO UVIZLAM ZLIST LSNUI NOLLVAOANI ZOLAYaS oust "tE's ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH SERVICE INFORMATION 5.11. 1978 eitz MICRO- Accesories ma Repair Instructions 2.3 Screw the objective and adapter with Wollaston h ptism into the revotving noseplece. Unscrew the three grub screws, see Fig. 11, and, looking Into the eyeptece tube (without eyepiece and without object) orlentate the compensation band sible inthe rear focal plane of the objective to the 45° position as shown in Fig, 11, Firmly righten the three grub screws, CCheck while looking into the eyeplece tube, check the extinction position and set the colour grey on the polarizer by means of the control lever. Turn the A-=plate into optical path, the image fleld mn must be ted. TT Rotate the collar with the engraved data until the Indicated magnification value points to the front with the objective tn the optical path, bee tighten the collar with the engraved data, sub screws Fig. 11 ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH SERVICE INFORMATION 5.11,1976 Repait! Instructions Accessories 12.1 Adjustment of binocular tubes Tools and atds With chalk, crayon, or coloured adhesive tape mark crosslines, of about 1m length and width,horizontatly and angled at eye level on a wall at a distance of about 5 m. A short line about 65mm from and parallel to the large vertical line is also necessary, see Fig. 12/1 Watchmaker’ s screw driver Stage micrometer 513 108, Screw driver 4 dia GF 10M eyepiece with crosslines 519 128 / 519 904 Forceps Focusing telescope 513 352 Cleaning agent for optical equipment ‘Tube © oder FSA Sertber ‘Tracer, scale unit 0, 001 mm, with stand ‘Microscope stana (sultable for binocular tube) Lathe 1a. MICRO. Necessories Repair tattructions wade Dismantling, cleaning and assembly Attention If in the binocular tube to be repaired the prisms are clamped in the mount withscrews instaed of cemented in, the tube is an earlier version, Here, the distance of the centre prism to the housing, °X" must be determined before dismantling, see Fig. 18/2. ‘This distance must be reestablished before adjustment is begun, Fig 1.1 For the dismantling of the binocular tube for cleaning ot mechanical overhaul see description on the ‘illustration page of the relevant spare parts list, Prisma cemented onto prism seatings and where Included, lens systems, must not be dismantled and, ifnecessary, completely replaced with holder ot mount only. Check the interpupitlary distance adjustment for uni- form and backlash-free movement and, if necessary, adjust it, The setting must remain unchanged in any set position. 1.2 Clean the optical components after repair and check of the mechanical functions, see directions for the cleaning of optical components. 1.3 Screw the cleaned prisms straight and angled to the housing. Particular attention must be paid to this with binocular tubes of earlier production, where the prisms are nat cemented in the prism seatings. First firmly screw the centre prism bore on three springs flrrmly down and then turn the 3 screws evenly back through half a turn. ‘This sets a plane position for the start of the adjustment and at the same tiie the spring loaded mounting. Now screw the large and small lateral prism onto the {interpupillary distance adjustment Move the screws'inte the centre of the threaded holes and lightly tighten them. Lightly screw the inter- pupillary distance adjustment in line with the housing. a a 3 8 Q z 8 5 NOLLVAMOINT FD1AU ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH SERVICE INFORMATION 5.11.1976 feitz MICRO = Accessories wad Repair Instructions 2.2 2.3 Adjustment ~ infinity During adjustment always set the inter- Depending on the design of the tube, minor corrections pupillary distance at 85 mm measured hetween can still be carried out if the entire interpupillary distanc: the centres of the two bores, see Fig, 12/1. adjustment is pushed upwards or downwards, The inter- pupillary distance adjustment and the two side prisms Hold the binocular tube horizontally in the must now be firmly screwed in position. hand and line up the collimating matk from the rear as shown in Fig, 14/3. Rotate the left-hand and right-hand side prism alternately in the direction of the arrow "A" see Fig, 14/3, and until the double image Visible in the bioncular tube of the collimating mark fs erect and coincident and runs horizontally ina single line, Picture of the collimating mark visible through the binocular tube when correctly adjusted. Hg. 2 5.1 DRO ~ Accessories Repair instructions 2.4 When the left-hand optical path is blocked, ‘the image on the right and when the right-hand beam is, blocked that on the left of the double image of the coll- ee ee imating mark must become invisible, Failing this, the aN small side prism must be tilted accordingly in the r direction of the arrow "B", see Fig. 14/3, 5 ‘To do this, push a scribér through the bore "b'. see ! Fig. 14/9 $0 that the small side prism can be pushed with the screws released. Maintain the setting described under 2.9, and check that the two long vertleal lines have the same distance a that to the short vertical line, see Fig. 14/3, If necessary, repeat the vertical adjustment under 2, 3 Explanation of the double {mage of the 1 collimating mark ‘When you look through @ perfectly adjusted binocular Eyepiece tube Eyepiece tube tube from the back, two super-imposed images of the tet right lined-up collimating mark, produce in the beam splitter are vistble. Fig. 15/4 shows how the superimposition ~ - of the two vertical collimating marks (distance 65mm) 7 4s produced at an interpuptilary distance of 65 mm in the double image observed: ie Ke ‘The two parallel rays from the collimating marks to the eyepiece tubes are combined into one say by the 7 beam splitter and directed into the eye. In Fig. 15/4 the complete double image of two collimating marks - {s illustrated as seen from the back through the binocular tube, tt will be seen that the image "1" obtained in the left-hand eyeplece tube appears on the right; and kewise that the image "t" observed through the efght= hand eyeptece tube appears displaced to the left. images of the collimating mark Hg. 4 WND BVIZLEM ZL] LSNa NOLLVWOANI dOLALAS Suet “IT'S ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH SERVICE INFORMATION 8.11.1976 eite MICRO = Accessories tt Repair Instructions 2.5 Hold the binocular tube about 200mm away from the eye and look through it with one eye and with the other across the top edge of the interpupillary distance adjustment. Alternately close and open one eye for better visibility of the collimating mark visible through, next to, and above the binocular tube, The single collimating mark outside the binocular tube and the duplication of the collimating mark visible through the binocular tube at the same time must form 4 horizontal line. In the vertical direction, on the other hand, the collimating mark must be situated between the double image visible through the binocular tube, see Fig. 16/5 To set the vertical collimating mark lines the centre prism with prism seating must be rotated in the direction of the artow "C” and for a minor horizontal correction, the prism seating must be tilted by means of its three fixing screws in the direction of the aztow fy see Fig. 16/5 Now the sequence of gperations described under 2. 3 and % 4 must be checked, ight Prism image —7/ Coltimating mark Fig. 5 2.6 The adjustment for infinity must once again be checked at a distance of at least 100 m, To do this, repeatedly line up a flagpole as a collimating object through the back of the bioncular tube. Minor horizontal errors are corrected through the centte prism in the direction of the arrow ‘c', see Fig, 16/6 and lateral errors in the direction of the arrow "BY, see Fig, 14/3, via the small side prism, according to 2.4 Permissible deviation Vertically: as shown in Fig, 16/6 (8°) laterally: double image with distance as shown in Fig. 16/6 (8) _—Bidge of fleld of view Permissible double ‘Image of a flagpole Fig. 6 epaie instmctions 3.1 Adjustment - finite Line up the centre of the axis of the microscope with a monocular tube (0) with the ald of a rostlines eyepiece, a 10:1 of 18:1 objective, with a stage micrometer 515 106 as seen in the right-hand illustration of Fig. 17/7, With 4 binocular phototube the fixed photographic part can be used as a reference for the alignment of the deflecting prism. Set up the entire tube and the deflecting prism and line it up until the set position ts reached. Edge of the fleld of view \ Field of view Left-hand eyeptece be Height: 2 am 3-8 yum Side: Admissible deviation 3.2 Line up the left-hand and right-hand eyeplece tiube and screw in position as shown in Fig. 17/7. If this is not posttble, the entire binocular body after the fixing screws have been loosened must be pushed accordingly to the left or right, oF the deflecting prism corrected, Finally the infinity setting is once again checked as described under 2.6, After the matching of the tube length, see 4., the 9 screws for the ad- justment of the centre prism as well as the small side prism are secured with Araldite, Stage micrometer Field of view Right-hand eyepiece tube 1 line width of the stagemicrometer = 3 um Fig, 7 HAWS YVIZLIM ZLIZT LNG NOLLVAOINI SOLAS suet TT's ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH SERVICE INFORMATION 5.11.1976 Repair Instructfons Aecesortes 18.1 4. Matching the tube length 4.1 After each adjustment, the tmage plane must be. checked for definition and ff necessary adjusted from the monocular to the binocular part of the tube. Exactly like the adjustment decribed under 3, the fixed photographic part is the starting point for the adjustment, After this, the check mutt always be carried out with the right-hand eyepiece tube first, Especially with FSA tubes, the accurate maintenance of the tube length from the phototube to the right- hand observation tube of the binocular tube must be ensured. 4.2 Focus the focusing telescope 513 352, om an obiect at 4.3 a distance of about 100m. Tum in the 40:1 objective and in the focusing telescope focus the crotslines in the GF 10 M eyepiece (519 128 / 519 904) with the focusing eyelens and, following this, the stage micro- meter 519 106 with the fine focusing adjustment, Now tum the 4:1 objective in and again focus the object {in the focusing telescope via the fine foculing adjust~ met. With this adjustment, the focusing difference in the right-hand eyepiece tube must notbe larger than 0, 06 mm, and in the left-hand eyeptece tube it must be about + 0, 3 mm, ‘The difference in focusing {s measured with a scanner of 0, 01 mm scale unit. ‘The scanner, mounted on a stand, is focused on the surface of the microscope stage and the focusing difference between the 40:1 objective and the 4:1 objective determined. With binocular tubes with 1 or 2 adjustable eyepiece tubes a deviation from the image plane must be obtained by adjustment of the eyepiece tubes. Set the {nterpupillary distance at 65 mm and the vernters also at 66 after the setting of the eyepiece tubes as described under 4.2 ‘On binocular tubes with fixed eyepiece tubes the tube length can be changed by lateral adjustment of the two tide prisms of the adjustment of the deflecting prisin closer to or further away from the centre prism, After each change the binocular tube must be repeatedly adjusted as described under 2 and 3, Differences in the image plane between the left-hand and right-hand eyepiece tube must be carried out by thortentng of the eyepfece tubes on a lathe. After adjustment the mechantcal length of the two eye~ plece tubes may differ up to 1, mm .

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