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Yo escogí leer esta historia porque desde un inicio hubo accion y drama en esta pelicula a la vez a

la gente le gusta la competencia por la supervivencia, ademas el maquillaje y la ropa que utilizaron
los personajes capta la atencion del publico en general y la cosa mas importante de que mis
amigos me recomendaron esta pelicula debido a que esta es bien conocida por todo el mundo.

Tu deberías leer esta historia del libro porque esta historia tiene drama, romance,suspenso, accion
y efectos especiales algo que a cualquier llama la atencion.

1. I chose to read this story because it is interesting to know the differences between reading
the book and watching the film to realize that for example in the book is explained in more
detail the sequences, and on the other hand in case a person has not read the book, the
people who made the film, show scenes easy to understand for the public in general.
2. You should read this story from the book because this author talks about the success that it
had since it was made 20 different versions and 20 different languages for all the people of
the world. Also, this story makes you a synopsis to capture the attention so you to read this
book or watch the movie.
3. My favorite part was that this author made a funny comment from the fans, saying how
much was the popularity of the two main characters, who mixed their names forming one,
in this case PeeNiss (Peeta and Katniss).

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