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Additional LifeSkills Lesson LEVEL 1

Unit 5  Study & Learning: developing empathy Ask the students to choose one problem to tell their
partner about. Put them in pairs and have them take
Objective: to provide further practice of developing turns describing their problem. Their partner should
empathy, this time within the area of Study & Learning. listen and think of a time when they also had a similar
The three-step strategy for developing this soft skill is: problem. They should think about how they felt and
suggest how their partner, in turn, might have felt.
Step 1: Think of an experience that you have had
If necessary, model the conversation with a student, e.g.:
that is similar to another person’s situation.
S: I once lost a valuable necklace that had been given to
(Lead-in, Ex. A)
me by my grandmother.
Step 2: Compare the difficulty of your experience
T: Oh really? I once lost a medal that belonged
with that of another person. (Ex. C)
to my grandfather. I felt awful as I had been
Step 3: Imagine how you would feel in the other careless—I imagine you felt the same way.
person’s situation. (Ex. C)
S: Yes, I did, even though it wasn’t really my fault.
You may decide to highlight this strategy at the
When the students finish, elicit the term that is used
beginning of the lesson, and to conduct a short
when we understand how someone feels because we
discussion to check that the students understand the
can imagine ourselves in their shoes (empathy).
skill and why it is useful. However, if you prefer to
teach this lesson without discussing the underlying soft A
skill, this is also possible. The lesson is designed to be • Write the following situation on the board:
engaging and successful either way. Alana is sitting in the school library trying to study
for an exam. Damla is sitting next to her and is
For more information about teaching life skills and ideas
trying to write an assignment. Alana is getting
for highlighting the soft skill, please refer to p. xii and
annoyed because Damla won’t stop coughing and
pp. T64–T65 of the Teacher’s Book.
her phone won’t stop beeping. Damla is annoyed
because Alana is talking to herself out loud to help
MATERIALS: her remember things, and this is distracting for her.
• board and markers Alana is also eating a sandwich, which is making a
• copies of role cards for Ex. B mess all over the table.
• Put the students in pairs. Ask them to read the
situation and identify the problems. Encourage
Lead-in them to discuss the two students and give their
opinion about the situation, e.g., I think Alana is very
Ask the students to think of times in their life when they
selfish—she should stop talking and study quietly.
had a problem. Encourage them to share ideas, and
Damla is also being selfish—she should turn her
write a few on the board, e.g., my car broke down, I was
phone off.
late for school, I didn’t do my homework because I was
• Elicit some ideas as a class. Ask the students if they
sick, I lost something valuable.
encounter this kind of situation at work/school/
college, i.e., other students disturbing them while
they are trying to work.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. 1 O CO
masterMind LEVEL 1

B • Read the questions aloud. Explain to all the students

• Keep the students in their pairs and assign each that have the role of Damla, that they should think
student the role of either Damla or Alana. Hand out of a situation they have been in that is similar to
a role card to each student in the pair. Alana’s. For those that have the role of Alana, they
should think of a situation they have been in that is
Alana similar to Damla’s. Point out that it is unlikely that
You are very stressed because you have an they will have had exactly the same situation as
important exam tomorrow. You’ve been finding it Damla or Alana but that they may have had similar
hard to remember facts about this subject and the experiences, e.g., for Damla, they should think of a
only way that seems to work is to repeat things time when they had to work when they were sick, a
to yourself aloud. Unfortunately, you had to work time when a relative was sick, and/or of a time when
a double shift several days this week because they were stressed about work or study.
someone was sick, so you’ve had very little time to • Give the students time to answer the questions and
study. Because of this, you’ve also eaten nothing reflect on how they would feel.
today, so this is your first chance to eat something. • Now ask the students to continue the role-play in
their original Damla/Alana pairs, encouraging them
to show empathy toward the other person by saying
how the other person must feel. At the end, invite
one or two pairs to perform their entire role-play to
You are very stressed because you have to hand in
the rest of the class.
an important assignment tomorrow. Unfortunately,
you have been very sick and are only just starting to
feel better. What’s more, your grandmother has been Reflect
taken to hospital and you are worried about her, so
• Write the following question on the board:
you’ve asked your mom and your two sisters to text
How did your feelings toward the other person
you as often as possible to keep you updated.
change after you understood their situation?
• Allow the students time to reflect on the question
• Ask the students to read their role card and make individually, and then invite volunteers to share
sure that they understand everything. Ask them to their thoughts.
role-play a conversation between Alana and Damla
to try and solve the problem of them annoying each
other. Explain that they should stop once they have
explained their situation to each other. Ask the students to try to find a situation over the
• Monitor carefully and make sure you stop the coming week where they are able to empathize with
role-play as soon as students finish explaining their someone else (it can be in either a personal, study,
situation to their partner. or work context). Ask them to make a note of what
happened to share at the next class.
• Now put students in new pairs so that each pair
contains two students with the same role, i.e., two
Damlas, two Alanas. Write the following questions
on the board:
Think of an experience or experiences that you had
that are similar to the other person in the role play.
How did you feel?
Think about her situation. How would you feel?

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. 2 O CO

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