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Clinical Commentary

Occult Positive End-Expiratory Pressure in Mechanically

Ventilated Patients with Airflow Obstruction1-2
The Auto-PEEP Effect

IVlechanically-assisted ventilation with

SUMMARY Alveolar pressure can remain positive throughout the ventilatory cycle of mechani-
intermittent positive pressure (IPPV)
cally-ventilated patients with airflow obstruction, even when positive end-expiratory pressure
increases intrathoracic pressure and (PEEP) is not applied intentionally. The increase of intrathoracic pressure associated with this
can depress cardiac output (QT) by di- "auto-PEEP" phenomenon can severely depress cardiac output as well as elevate the end-
minishing preload (1, 2). Reduction in expiratory pulmonary artery wedge pressure. Such effects may be exaggerated in patients with
QT occurs most predictably in patients chronic obstructive pulmonary disease because abnormally compliant lungs transmit a high
depleted of intravascular volume and in fraction of alveolar pressure to intrathoracic vessels. Failure to recognize the hemodynamic con-
those ventilated with positive end- sequences of auto-PEEP may lead to inappropriate fluid restriction or unnecessary vasopressor
expiratory pressure (PEEP) (1, 3, 4). therapy. Although not apparent during normal ventilator operation, the auto-PEEP effect can be
However, patients with chronic ob- detected and quantified by a simple bedside maneuver: expiratory port occlusion at the end of the
structive pulmonary disease (COPD) set exhalation period. AM REV RESPIR DIS 1982; 126:166-170
are also susceptible to QT depression
during mechanical ventilation, even
when a PEEP valve is not used (5, 6). sented to demonstrate the use of our sure (BP) in the Trendelenberg position
In these patients, elevated mean intra- method as well as to illustrate the im- increased to 80 mmHg, systolic. Arteri-
thoracic pressure and reduced QT have portance of auto-PEEP in the clinical al blood gas analysis indicated appro-
previously been attributed to retarded management of patients with ventila- priate alveolar ventilation: pH, 7.44;
exhalation and enhanced transmission tory failure. The first presentation Paco 2 , 53 mmHg; arterial oxygen ten-
of airway pressure to the pleural space details the methodology used in all of sion (Pao2), 71 mmHg. A chest roent-
through compliant lungs (6, 7). Our these cases. genogram demonstrated proper endo-
purpose is to document that another Patient 1. A 64-yr-old woman with- tracheal tube position without pneu-
important mechanism can cause mean out known cardiac disease was hospi- mothorax or other notable change
intrathoracic pressure to increase dur- talized for an acute exacerbation of from previous radiographs. Intraven-
ing IPPV—the spontaneous develop- chronic airflow obstruction. When ously administered dopamine HC1 (18
ment of positive end-expiratory pres- clinically stable, her FEVi had been jug/kg/min) was titrated to maintain
sure at the alveolar level. 20% of predicted (370 ml) and she had systolic BP at 90 mmHg during place-
Although "air-trapping" is well radiographic evidence of bullous lung ment of a Swan-Ganz pulmonary
known to occur in patients with airflow disease. Respiratory acidosis developed artery catheter. An initial end-
obstruction, it is less commonly recog- despite aggressive medical therapy with expiratory pulmonary artery wedge
nized that alveolar pressure may not oxygen, bronchodilators, and cortico- pressure (Pw) (8, 9) of 20 mmHg was
decrease to zero at the end of exhala- steroids (arterial pH, 7.32; carbon di- interpreted by her physician to reflect
tion during IPPV. This "auto-PEEP" oxide tension, (Paco2) 65 mmHg; cal- adequate left ventricular filling pres-
phenomenon occurs with normal venti- culated bicarbonate, 33 mEq/L); IPPV sure, and no further fluid challenges
lator operation but is not readily ap- was initiated using a volume-cycled were given. The Pw tracing had an ap-
parent. However, unless considered in ventilator (MA-1; Bennett Respiration propriate wave form ("a" and "v"
evaluating hemodynamic status, the Products, Los Angeles, CA) set to deli- waves present), reflecting the Zone III
auto-PEEP effect may lead to serious ver a 400-ml (11 ml/kg body weight) condition of West (10).
overestimation of effective ventricular effective tidal volume (VT) with a
filling pressure, prompting inappropri- back-up frequency of 12/min in the
{Received in original form July 31, 1981 and in
ate fluid restriction and vasopressor "assist/control" (AMV) mode. Set in- revised form January 4, 1982)
therapy. spiratory flow rate and inspired oxygen
In this report, we describe the patho- fraction were 90 L/min and 0.3, re- 1
Presented in part at the Annual Meeting of
physiologic aspects of this phenome- spectively. Shortly after IPPV initia- the American Thoracic Society, Detroit, Michi-
non and propose a simple bedside tion, severe systemic hypotension (60 gan, May 1981.
mmHg, systolic) was discovered. After Requests for reprints should be addressed to
maneuver to detect and quantify alveo- John J. Marini, M.D., Respiratory Diseases
lar pressure (PL) at end-exhalation. a rapid intravenous infusion of 500 ml Division, Seattle Public Health Hospital, 1131
Several representative cases are pre- of normal saline, systemic blood pres- 14th Avenue South, #1031, Seattle, WA 98114.


.E 50
'- rupted suddenly by onset of the in- /-expiratory port open
| 3.0- 437 * to atmosphere
* QT spiratory phase. When the ventilator
1.0- 2.62 2S1 ' rate was momentarily set to zero, the
^50- spirometer filled with 500 ml of gas in
100- addition to VT before passive expira-
50 BP tory flow ceased completely. Failure of
WEDGE the lungs to empty to their relaxed SEVERE OBSTRUCTION
expiratory port open
volume at the end of the set expiratory
period implied that PL remained
positive at end-expiration, even though
a PEEP valve was not in use.
We reasoned that one way to quanti-
fy PL at the end of the set exhalation
Fig. 1. Effect of temporary discontinuation of in- SEVERE OBSTRUCTION
termittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) on
period would be to delay a ventilator- expiratory port occluded
cardiac output (QT), systemic blood pressure (BP), delivered breath and to occlude the ex-
wedge and esophageal (ESOPH) pressures in a pa- haust port of the ventilator when the
tient with severe airflow obstruction (Patient 1). next inflation would have begun. With
expiratory gas flow blocked, pressure
in the tubing would equilibrate with
After placement of a radial artery PL, allowing PL to register on the ven-
Fig. 2. Measurement of auto-PEEP by expiratory
catheter, it was observed that systolic tilator manometer (VM) (figure 2). The port occlusion. Normally (see top panel), alveolar
BP increased consistently to 140 measured pressure (Pvm) would approx- pressure is atmospheric at the end of passive ex-
mmHg within 30 s of a brief interrup- imate PL during the ventilatory cycle so halation. With severe airflow obstruction (see mid-
tion of IPPV, whereas Pw decreased to long as the patient did not cough or dle panel) alveolar pressure remains elevated (in
10 to 13 mmHg. Simultaneously, mean make other unusual respiratory efforts. this example at 15 cmH 2 0) and slow flow con-
tinues, even at the end of the set exhalation
pulmonary artery pressure (Ppa) and Accordingly, we lowered the ventilator period. The ventilator manometer senses negli-
heart rate decreased. Whenever IPPV frequency from its set rate of 12/min gible pressure because it is open to atmosphere
was reinstituted, heart rate, BP, Pw, to 0/min, occluding the expiratory port through large bore tubing and downstream from
and Ppa returned to their previous 5 s after initiation of the last ventila- the site of flow limitation. With gas flow stopped
tordelivered breath, and Pvm increased by occlusion of the expiratory port at the end of
values (figure 1 and table 1). the set exhalation period (see lower panel),
Ventilator operation appeared nor- suddenly from 0 to 14 cm H 2 0. When pressure equilibrates throughout the lung-
mal despite the clear association of the occlusion was released, Pvm de- ventilator system and is displayed on the ven-
hemodynamic compromise with IPPV. creased immediately to 0 cmH 2 0. The tilator manometer.
Although not paralyzed, the patient magnitude of the pressure increase
was obtunded and the rhythmic breath- diminished gradually during subse-
ous ventilatory efforts occurred during
ing pattern was well-coordinated with quent occlusions performed serially
this period.
machine cycling. It was noted, how- over the next 15 s. Eventually an in-
ever, that the ventilator's spirometer crease could no longer be measured, in- To confirm that this "auto-PEEP"
continued to fill slowly throughout the dicating that the lungs had finally emp- effect caused an increase of intrathor-
entire expiratory period, until inter- tied to a relaxed volume. No spontane- acic (pleural) pressure at end-exhala-
tion, an esophageal balloon was in-
serted with the patient in a 45° semiup-
right position. The structure, air
volume, and placement of the balloon
followed standard recommendations
(11). On repeated determinations,
Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 esophageal pressure (Pes) at end-exha-
During Without During Without During Without lation during IPPV was 10 to 11 cm
IPPV IPPV IPPV IPPV IPPV IPPV H 2 0 and decreased to 3 to 4 cm H 2 0
HR, beats/min 125 110 128 128 142 112 within 20 s after interruption of IPPV
QT, Umint 2.6 4.4 10.8 13.5 4.8 12.3 (figure 1). Occluded transpulmonary
BP, mmHg* 90§ 140§ 115 155 11011 225H pressure (Pvm-Pes) also decreased, re-
Ppa, mmHg 34 27 42 44 45 38 flecting the associated reduction in
Pw, mmHg 20 12 18 14 _1 _1
Pes, cmH 2 0 10 3 0 -5 18 2
lung volume (table 1).
Pvm, cmH 2 0 14 0 10 0 26 0 From these observations we con-
Ptp, cmH 2 0 4 -3 10 5 8 -2 cluded that depressed cardiac output
Definition of abbreviations: IPPV = intermittent positive pressure ventilation; HR = heart rate; QT = cardiac output;
was explained on the basis of continu-
BP = blood pressure; Ppa" = mean pulmonary artery pressure; Pw = pulmonary artery wedge pressure; Pes = ously elevated intrathoracic pressure
esophageal pressure; Pvm = pressure reading on the ventilator manometer after expiratory port occlusion; Ptp = trans- and impeded venous return. Diminished
pulmonary pressure (Pvm - Pes) during expiratory port occlusion. preload was not recognized initially,
* All measurements made at end-exhalation or apnea.
t Thermodilution technique (mean of 3 serial determinations). however, because of a misleading Pw.
* Systolic pressure. Surrounded by increased intrathoracic
§ Intravenous infusion rate of dopamine HCI of 18 ug/kg/min. pressure but referenced to atmosphere,
II Intravenous infusion rate of dopamine HCI of 12 ug/kg/min.
1A satisfactory Pw tracing could not be obtained during this period of data collection. Pw seriously overestimated effective

left ventricular filling pressure during tion of 58%, an electrocardiogram sug- volume (14). The volume of this com-
IPPV, even when measured at end- gestive of coronary ischemia, and an partment during passive exhalation ap-
exhalation. initial end-expiratory Pw of 20 mmHg. proximates an exponential function of
Intermittent mandatory ventilation An infusion of dopamine HC1 was time, whose rate of decay can be char-
(IMV) was instituted in an attempt to begun. Subsequently, an expiratory acterized by a time constant: T =
lower mean pleural pressure (12). Ad- port occlusion maneuver performed at resistance x compliance (15, 16). In
ditional intravascular fluids were ad- end-exhalation demonstrated an auto- COPD, a more complex model involv-
ministered, BP stabilized at 130/75 PEEP level of 26 cmH 2 0. Circulatory ing multiple compartments with differ-
mmHg, and mental alertness improved. status improved markedly during a ent time constants may be required to
At an IMV rate of 8, end-expiratory 30-s interruption of IPPV (table 1). Ti- describe passive exhalation (15, 17-19).
Pw decreased to 14 mmHg, despite tration of blood pH with sodium bicar- Significant gas trapping has been
volume repletion. Arterial blood gas bonate was suggested to decrease demonstrated to occur during mechan-
measurements did not change signifi- minute ventilation, and hemodynamics ical ventilation of anesthetized normal
cantly. improved at lower ventilator rates. subjects if three to four time constants
Patient 2. A 61-yr-old man with Myocardial infarction was ruled out do not elapse between ventilatory cy-
COPD underwent laparotomy for in- by serial electrocardiogram and crea- cles (16). Hence, an auto-PEEP effect
traabdominal sepsis and returned to tine phosphokinase isoenzyme deter- is likely to develop if exhalation is pro-
the intensive care unit oliguric while minations. longed by increases in thoracic compli-
being ventilated mechanically. Back-up ance or resistance, or if the time allowed
frequency, VT, and inspiratory flow Discussion for exhalation is shortened by a high
rate settings were 10/min, 850 ml (11.5 These cases demonstrate that PL can ventilatory requirement. In clinical
ml/kg), and 90 L/min, respectively remain positive throughout the ventila- practice, patients with COPD who
(AMV mode). The patient "triggered" tory cycle of patients receiving IPPV, need ventilatory support experience
an additional 5 ventilator-delivered even when PEEP is not applied inten- auto-PEEP commonly; the slowly
breaths/min. Arterial blood gas analy- tionally. Unrecognized auto-PEEP can emptying compartments of obstructed
sis: pH, 7.32; Paco2> 48 mmHg; Pao2, depress cardiac output, confuse inter- lungs have lengthy time constants
94 mmHg (Fio2 = 0.4). Expiratory pretation of central vascular pressures, (17-19), and the ventilatory require-
port occlusion performed 4 s after the and lead to unnecessary vasopressor ment is increased by high dead-space
onset of a ventilator-initiated breath therapy in patients with severe airflow fractions.
caused Pvm to increase from 0 to 10 obstruction, as illustrated by Patient 1. Forceful contraction of the thoraco-
cm H 2 0 whenever the patient made no The case of Patient 2 emphasizes that abdominal musculature can further
respiratory effort during the maneu- occult PEEP may impair circulatory augment PL at end-exhalation. How-
ver. Although apparently adequate function despite apparently adequate ever, if effort is not timed precisely to
during IPPV, vascular pressures and blood pressure and cardiac output. cease just as the machine-initiated in-
cardiac output increased markedly Hemodynamic compromise by this me- spiratory phase begins, the set pressure
after temporary discontinuation of chanism is not limited to patients with limit of the ventilator will be exceeded,
ventilatory support (table 1). After extraordinary lung compliance; the terminating air delivery prematurely.
intravascular volume expansion and third case demonstrates that auto- Conversely, an air-trapping patient
institution of IMV, BP and urinary PEEP can develop whenever the minute ventilated in the "assist" mode momen-
output increased, notwithstanding re- ventilation is great enough that the tarily diminishes PL at end-exhalation
duced end-expiratory wedge pressure lung cannot empty to its usual relaxed to trigger inspiration (e.g., Patient 2).
and unchanging arterial blood gas volume between inflations. However, such brief negative pressure
measurements. Immediately after the initiation of deflections cannot exert a major influ-
Patient 3. A 59-yr-old man without IPPV in patients with airflow obstruc- ence on mean intrathoracic pressure
previous lung disease received burns tion, passive expiratory flow is often because only a minimal change in air-
over 70% of his body surface and ex- too slow to evacuate all of the selected way pressure (2 to 3 cmH20) is re-
tensive thermal injury to the pharynx. tidal volume before the ventilator de- quired to initiate an "assisted" breath.
Progressive wheezing, dyspnea, and livers the next breath. As a result, lung At the bedside, auto-PEEP should
disorientation prompted mechanical volume and PL at the end of the exha- be suspected if exhalatory gas flow
ventilation to be instituted; IPPV was lation period tend to build with each continues perceptibly until interrupted
administered in the "control" mode, subsequent cycle. At higher volumes, by the inflation phase of the ventilator
because sedatives and paralytic agents increased tissue recoil enhances the cycle. Open to atmosphere and down-
were needed to prevent agitation. Dur- driving force for expiratory flow and stream from the site of flow limitation,
ing the next 12 h increasing ventilator tethers open obstructed airways, lower- the ventilator manometer normally
rates were required to maintain accept- ing airflow resistance (13). Within sev- gives no indication of alveolar pressure
able blood pH. As ventilation demands eral cycles, lung volume stabilizes at a during exhalation (figure 2b). However,
increased, BP and urine output de- level at which the entire selected tidal PL can be quantified by occluding the
creased. Ventilator settings at this time volume can be evacuated; the cost, expiratory port, as described in patient
included: VT, 1,200 ml (11 ml/kg); fre- however, is increased PL at end- 1. With expiratory flow blocked, Pvm
quency, 25/min; inspiratory flow rate, exhalation. increases to equilibrate with PL (figure
110 L/min. At first, hypotension and As a first approximation, the normal 2c). If measured at the appropriate
diminished urine output were attrib- thorax can be considered as a single time, expiratory port occlusion will ap-
uted to a cardiogenic origin, in light of compartment that empties passively at proximate the average end-expiratory
an admission carboxyhemoglobin frac- a changing rate, proportional to alveolar pressure during ventilator

operation, provided that spontaneous the degree of measured auto-PEEP. development. Because of the simplicity
respiratory efforts do not occur during First, Pes decreased by 50% or more of of the bedside maneuver used to detect
the maneuver and that no gas flows the port-occlusion pressure when IPPV auto-PEEP, we recommend perfor-
from a supplemental source into the was discontinued. Second, end-expi- mance of port occlusion at end-expira-
system (such as that used in some IMV ratory Pw (expressed in cm H 2 0) tion as part of routine ventilatory care.
circuits or during nebulization of in- decreased by approximately 50% of
haled medications). Measured pressure the auto-PEEP when IPPV was inter-
will slightly underestimate the true rupted even though the simple dif-
alveolar pressure at end-exhalation, to Division of Respiratory Diseases
ference between Pw measurements
the extent that alveolar gas decom- with and without IPPV underestimates Department of Medicine
presses into the compliant portions of the degree of transmitted airway University of Washington
the lung and ventilator circuit. pressure. (Any decrease in intra- Seattle, Washington
In COPD, uncorrected Pw at end- thoracic pressure should also improve
exhalation has generally been con- venous return, reducing the decrease in Acknowledgment
The writers t h a n k Robert G. Petersdorf,
sidered to be a valid index of ventricu- Pw.)
M . D . and Leonard D . H u d s o n , M . D . for
lar filling (20). However, transmural, The hemodynamic effects of auto- their support and assistance, and Michele E .
rather than intraluminal, pressure PEEP should be treated primarily by Bundy for typing the manuscript.
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