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4. Ifyou visita placein the Pectiicknown to be along converghg plaies, which of tiese should you NOT expect to see? a. active volcanoes rift valleys b. mountain rangos d. voleanic islands 5. You are an oceanographer and want to map the ooean floor on the ‘east coast of the Philippinas. As you do your study, you notice that there is @ portion in the ocean floor which is relatively much deeper than the rest, What mos' likely Is that deeper part? a. linearsea rit valley b. oceanic ridge d.trench 6. What do you expect to find at a mid-ocean ridge? ‘2. rolativaly young rocks ‘c.thick accumulation of sediments b. reverse fault d. very ancient rocks 7. Crustal plate A is moving away from crustal plate B. What is the ‘expected average rate of change in position between A and 8? 2. afew centimeters per year —_c. afew millimeters percentury b. a few meters per month d.a few millimeters per day 8. Which piste boundary's formed between the Philippine plate andthe Eurasian plate? 2. convergent . reverse fault b. divergent d. transform fault ©. Which of these is false about Ithosperic plates: 2. have the same thickness everywhere b. include the crustand upper mantle © thickest in the mountain ragions vary in thickness 410. Which of these is NOT true about the Philippine islands? ‘2. most aro part of tho Philippine Motile Bolt, except for Palawan, Mindoro, and Zamboanga b. formed because of the convergence of the Philippine plate and tho Pacific plato & ofiginated geotogically in an oceanic-oceanic convergence . some are products o! subduction process I. Learning Competencies/Objectives Inthis module, youshould be able to: 41. Describe the distrivution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, ‘end major mountain belts 2. Describe the different types of plate boundaries 3. Explain the different processes that occur along the plateboundaries. IL Pre-Assessment For questions 1 and 2, refer to the figure above: 1. You were provided with data showing the arrival tine of the P and ‘S-waves recorded from three seismic stations. Which of these can you possbly determine? ‘a. the damage atthe focus ccthe intensity ofthe earthquake 1b, the distenceto the earthquake — d, the location of the epicenter 2. From the seismogram, the distance to the epicenter can be determined by measuring 2. the arrival time of surface wave 'b. the diference inthe arrival limes of the P and S-waves © the ralioof the amplitude of the largest P and S.waves . the speed of the surface wave 3. When two tectonic plates collide, the oceanic crust usually subducts Leoneath the continental crust because itis ‘2. denser than continental ust. thicker than continental crust 'b. less dense than continental crust. thimer than continenial crust 6. Youwereasked tolocate the epicenter of a recent earthquake. Which correct sequence of events should you fallow? i. Determine the difference in the arrival time of S and P waves recorded from each of the seismological stations. li. Use the triangulation method to locate the center ii, Obtain date from three different se'smological stations. Iv. Determine the distance of the epicenter trom the station. aiiiiiv bikini — ciihimidi divitiil 7. What do you expect to id parallel to a trench? a hot spot —b. ocean ridge c.rit valley —d. voloanic arc Matching type: Match column Awth column B and C a z c Typo ofPiats | Rolalive Motion ofthe | Geologie Foaturesl Pl Evens Present @ Moving avay fiom |. Earthquakes each ether a Convergent B. Moving towards each =. Wourtans, othor voleanoos, trenches, land earthquakes 10. Transform fault ‘¢. Sliding past each other |f Rift valleys, oceanic ridges, and earthquakes VI. Summary/Synthe: Feedback + According io the plate tectonies model, the ontire Ithosphere of the Earth is broken into rumerous segments called plates. + Each plate is slowly but continuously moving + As a result of the motion of the plates, thrae types of plate boundaries were formed: Divergent, Convergent, and Transform fault boundaries. + Divergent boundary is formed when plates move apart, creating a zona of tension + Convergent boundary is present when two platos collide. + Transform fault is characterized by plates that are siding past each other. + Plate tactonies give rise to several gaclogie features and events. 35 Glossary of Terms Continental volcanic arc Convergent boundary crust Continental Crust Oceanic Crust Divergent boundary Earthquake Fault Fracture Geology Hot spot Magma Mid-ocean ridge Plates Plate tectonics. mountains formed in part by igneous activity associatedwih subductionof ceariclithosphere beneath a continent ‘@boundaryin which two plates move towardeach ccther. causing one of the siabs of the lithosphere to subduet beneath an overriding plate the outer portion of he earth the thick part of the Earth's crust, not cated under the ocean the thin part of the Earth's crust located under the oceans 8 region where the crustal plales are moving apart vibration of Earth due to the rapid release of energy 2 break in a rock along which movement has ‘eceutred ‘any break in a rock in which no significant movement nas taken place the science that studies Earth ‘8 concentration of heat in the manile capable of creating magme @massof moten rock formed atdepth including Cissolved gases and crystals. ‘2 continuous mass of land with long wieth end height on the ocean floor. rigid sections of the lithosphere that move as a unit 2 theory which suggests that Earth's crust is made up of plates that interact in various ways, thus producing earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes, and other geologic features 36 V. Summative Assessment Directions: Answer the following questions; 1. Predictwhat geologic features could result out of this plate boundary (hiee possible answers), —>— = 2. Ina hot spet, Volcano A is on top of the mantle plume, Voicano B is 410 km farther from A while Volesne C is the farhest. What ean you infer about the ages of the volcanoes? a. Volcano Ais oer than c. Voleano Bis the youngest b. Volcano Bis the oldest 1d. Vbleano Bis younger than C 3. Right In the middle of an istand, you can find a rin valley. What type cf plate boundary exis's on that island? 2. convergent b. divergent c. normal fault d. transform feult a 8 — c , ES 4, Plates A and B shows a divergent boundary. If plate G is adjacent to both plates and does notshow any relative motion, what lype of plate boundary is prosent betwoon A and C?, 5. What geologic event is most likely to happen at the given type of plate boundary innumber 4? 2 earthquake rift valley formation b. mountain formation 4. voloanic erupton 34 Primary (P) wave the fist type of se'smic wave to be recorded In a seismic siation Rocke ‘consolidated mixture of minerals Secondary (S) wave _second type of earthquake wave to be recorded ina coismic ciation Seismogram a record made by a seismograph Seismograph a device used to record earthquake waves ‘Subduction ‘an event in which a slab of rock thrusts into the mantie Transform fault boundary a boundary produced when two plates slide past ‘each other Trench fa depression in the seafloor produced by ‘subduction process Voleanic Island are fa chain of volcanoes that develop parallel to 2 trench References and Links Printed Materials: Department of Education, Bureau of Secondary Education. Project EASE Integrated Science 1, Module 12: inside the Earth. Department of Education, Bureau of Secondary Education (2013). So/enve ~ Grade 8 Learner's Module. Vibal Publishing House, Inc. Punongbayan, R. et al. (1998). The Philppine Archipelago Volume 1 “Tarbuck, EJ. etal. (2009). Earth Science 121n ed, Pearson Education South Asia Pte Lid ‘Yumul, J, Graclano P, Carta 8, Dimmalanta, Victor B. Maglambayan and Edanjario. Marquez, Tectonic Settingofa Composite Terrane:AReview oftho Philppiro Istand Ave Systom, 12 Gooscences Journal 1, (March 2008), pp. 717. Robert Hall, Recanstructing Cenozoic SE Asia 37 NI Learning Competencies/Objectives In this modulo, youshould bo able to: 1. Deseribe ihe intemal structure of the Earth 2. Discuss the possible causes of plate movement. 3. Enumerate the Ines of evidence that support plale movement. Il Pre-Assessment Directions: A. Choose the letier of the correct answer. For questions 1 and 2, refer to the figure below that shows the cross section of the Earth os seismic waves traval through it. ‘Seismic waves as they travel through the Earth 4. An Savave shadow zone is formed as saismic waves travel through the Earth's body. Which of the following statements does this S-wave shadow zone indicate? a. Tho inner core is liquid. b. The inner core is sold. c. The mantle is solid. d. The outer cove is liquid. 40 Why ave there no P-maves or S waves recsived in the P-wave shadow zone? 1a. P-waves are absorbed and S-waves are refracted by Earth's outer b. P-waves are retracted and S-waves are absorbed by Earth's outer core. ©. Boh the P-waves and S-waves are refracted by Earth's outer core. d. Bol the P-waves and S-waves are absorbed by Earth's outer core. What makes up the lithosphere? ‘a. Continental crust . Crust and the upper mane ©. Oceenic crust and continental crust d. Upper mantio Miners dig into the Earth in search for precious rocks and minerals. In Which layer is the deepest explorations made by miners? a. Crust . Mantle . Inner core d. Outer core How do you compare the densities of the Earth's crust, mantle, and core? 1a. The mante is less dense than the core but denser than the crust . The manto is less dense then both the core and the crust. . The mante Is denser than the core butless dense than the crust d. The mante is denser than both the core and the crust. ‘The movement of the lithospheric plates is feciltated by a soft, weak and plastic-ike layer. Which of the following layers is described in the statement? fa. Asthenosphere ©. Lithosphere: . Atmosphere d. Mantle Aled Wegener ie a German scientist who hypothosizod that the Earth was once made upot a single large landmass called Pangaea. Which of the following theortes did Wegener propose”? ‘a. Continental Drift Theory b. Continental Shift Theory c. Plate Tecionics d. Seafloor Spreading Theory a 8, Ifyou are 2 cartographer, whet will give you an idee that the continents were once joined? 1a. Ocean depth . Position of the couth polo cc. Shape of the continents d. Size of the Atlantic Oozan 9. Which observation was NOT instrumental in formulating the hypothesis, of seattoorspreading? a. Depth of the ocean b. Identifying the location of glacial deposits cc. Magnetization of the oceanic cust, d. Thickness of seaftoor sediments 10. As a new sealloor is formed at the mid-ooean ridge, the old seafloor farthest from the ridge is destoyed. Which of the stated processes describes how the oceanic crust plunges into the Earth and destroyed atthe mantle? a. Convection b. Construction ©. Diversion d. Sudauction ‘Answer brielly the folowing questions. 4, What are the different layers of the Earth? 2. Why is there a need to study the Earth's layers? 3. What proves the existence of the boundary between the crust and the mantle? 4, What are the characteristics of the asthenosphere? 5. What do the shapes of the continents now tell us about their past? 42 Y. Summative Assessment Answer the following questions. 1 In 1912, Alted Wegener proposed a theory that the Earth is once a single landmass. What is the name of the Mesozoic supercontinent that consisted of all of the present continents? a. Eurasia b. Laurasia ©. Pangaea d. Gondwanaland ‘Who were the two sciantists who proposed the thaory of seafloor ‘spreading in the early 19606? a. Charies Darwn and James Hutton b. Harry Hess and Robert Dietz ©. John Butlor and Arthur Smite d. F. Vine and D. Mathews ici easing cri ak i wi ren court in heron? of cea —|2|' — tonie a we NN. | [Po Se | ] —r OO OO = Tanne — i i ==5=== co 74 During the 19608, scientists were already equipped with gadgetsneeded lo expore the deep ocean. What discovery about the ocean floor is associated with the seafloor spreading? ‘2. Mountains are doneor than the mantlo. b. The rotational poles of the Earth have migrated . The crust ofthe continents is more dense than the crust of the ocean, d. The crust of the ocean is very young relative to the age of the crust cf the continents. If the Allantic Ocean is widening at a rate of 3 em par year, how far (in kilometers) will it spread in a milion years? a. 3klometers b. 30 kilometers ©. 300 kilemotors d. 3000 klometers Which of the following increases with distance from a mid-ooean ridge? fa. the age of oceanic lithosphere . the thickness of the lithosphere ©. thedepthto the sea floor d. alloftho above: Which of the following can you infer from the continuous movement of the lithospheric plates over the asthenosphere? All the continents wil cease to exist. All the volcanoes in the Philippines will become inactive. “The continents will natbe located in the same place as they are now. ‘Tho islands of the Philippines will become scattered all ever the wore. If altho inner layors of the Earth aro frm cold, what could have happened to Pangaea? a. It remained as a supercontinent. . It would have become as itis today. ©. It would have slowly disappeared in the ocean, d. I would have streiched and covered the whole world. Why does the oceanic crust sink beneath the continental crust at the subduction zone? 1a. The oceanic crust has a greater density, '. The ocoanie crustis pullod downward by Earth's mognotic field. . The oceanic crustis pushed from the ridge. d. The continental crust has a denser composttion, 7 110. The lithospheric plates are believed tobe moving slowly. Whatis the diving force that faciltates this movement? a. gravitatonal force of the moon Magnetic force at he poles convection current in the mantle the force of the atmosphere: B. Complete the concept map below about continental drt, seafoor spreading, and plate tectonics. Continental Drift Seafloor Spreading evidence evidence evidence ‘caused by moverent and interactions of section of Earth's crust and upper mantle 76 VI. Summary/Synthesis/Feedback ‘The Earth is composed of three major layers: the crust, mantle, and core Which 's subdivided into outer and inner core. The crust Is the outermost and thinnast layer of the Earth. ‘The mantle is the middle layer of the Earth. Ii makes most of the Earth's volume and mass. The crust and a pat of the upper mantle make up the lithosphere. The lithosphere is subdivided into pertions called lithospheric plates. The asthenesphore is the weak layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats. The outer core is made up of mollen material and accounts for the Earth's magnetic field The imer core is the deepest layer of the Earth. Itis made up of solid nickel and iron. The temperature in the inner core reaches as high as 000°C. The speed, reflection and retraction properties of selsmic waves are sed by scientists to study the structure and composition of the Earth's Interior ‘The Continental Dri Theory of Alfred Wegener states that the continents were cnoe part of g large landmass called Pangaea which drifted away from each other. The continents moved away from each other towards ‘heir current positions. Aled Wegener based his theory on evidences from fossils imbedded i rocks and rock formations. ‘Seatloor spreading is beliaved to occur as hot magma rises al the rit the mid-ocean ridge. This magma cools down and becomes the new seafloor as it pushes the formar. ‘The old seafloor is destroyed at the subduction zone and melts insid= the mantle, ‘Thoage of rocks and the magnetic stripes in tho ocean floor support the ‘Seattoar Spreading Theory. ‘The Theory of Plate Tectonics helps explain the formation and destruction of the Earth's crust and its movement overtime, Scientsts beievethatthe plates’ movements due to convection currents inthe manie. 7 Glossary of Terms Asthenosphere Conti yntal Drift Theory Convection current Lithosphere Lithospheric Plates Mid-ocean ridge Mohoroviéié Discontinuity (Moho) Plasticity Seafloor spreading ‘Subduction Tectonics soft, waak upper portion of the mantle where the lthasphetic plates float and move eround states that all the continents were once one lage landmass that broke apart, and where the piecas moved slowly to their current locations ‘currentin the mantle because ofthe heat from the inner layers of the Earth, and is the force that drives the plates to move around the topmost, solid part of the Earth that is ‘composed of several plates the moving, iegukarly-shaped slabs that fit together to form the surtace of the Earth area in the middle of the ocean where a new ovean fioor is formed when lava erupts through the craks inthe Earth's crust the boundary that separates the crust and the mantle the ebilty of solid te flow process by which new ocean floor is formed noarthe md-ocean ridgo and movoe outward the process in which the crust plunges back into the Earth branch of geology that daale wih the movements that shape the Earth's crust 7

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