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How Did WWI Start?

MAIN causes of the war:


Militarism: Military expenditures jumped _____________ between ____________ and

______________. The biggest rivalry was between _________________ and

____________________: countries agree to come to each others’ aid if they are


Triple Alliance: _________________, ___________________, and _________________

Triple Entente: _________________, ___________________, and __________________

__________________: stronger countries seeking _______________, ______________,

and _________________ took over weaker countries.

__________________: countries wanted to gain ___________________ and


1. Leading up to WWI, European countries were…

a. Forming alliances
b. Building up their militaries
c. Colonizing territories in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
d. All of the above

2. Imperialism is when...
a. Weaker countries want independence from stronger countries
b. Stronger countries gain power and wealth by dominating weaker countries
c. An emperor has a large military
d. None of the above

Immediate Causes of the War

Problems in the ___________________: ______________ and ___________________
wanted to take the Balkans from the ________________________.

Balkan nations wanted to become _____________________. Serbia wanted to unite with

Bosnia and Herzegovina.

_______________________ annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.

June 28, ___________, Austria Hungary’s Archduke ______________________ and his

wife were assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia.

The assassin, 19-year-old ___________________________, was a member of


One month after the assassination, _____________________ declared war on


The next day, ________________ mobilize forces to help ______________, their allies.
Then, ______________________ declared war on _______________.

Hint: Notice how the Russia’s alliance with Serbia pulled them into the war.

Convinced that ___________________ would aid Russia, _______________ declared

war on _____________________.

Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy) become _______________________.

Triple Entente (Britain, France, and Russia) become ____________________________.

3. Who was Gavrilo Princip?

a. A Serbian nationalist
b. A member of the Black Hand
c. The person who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand
d. All of the above

4. Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary because...

a. Italy wanted territory in the Balkans
b. Gavrilo Princip was Tsar Nicholas II’s cousin
c. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
d. Germany was Austria-Hungary’s enemy

The Schlieffen Plan

The _________________________ anticipated a quick victory. But after Germany

marches west through ________________________, _________________ declared war
on _____________________.

The _______________________ and _________________________ joined

__________________________. ____________________ joined the Allied Powers.

5. Britain declared war on Germany because...

a. France wanted help against Germany
b. Germany invaded Belgium
c. Russia promised Britain territory if they helped defeat Germany
d. Germany invaded London

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