Dolanmoralesnamaylong Researchanddiveproposal

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A Comparison in Size and Abundance of Cryptochiton stelleri on Natural and

Anthropogenic Reefs

Thomas Dolan, Brandon Morales, Meriah Long, Sara Namay


Rocky reefs are a marine habitat composed of rock outcrops below the water's surface.
They can act as refuge for young fishes which hide in crevices and for sessile and mobile
invertebrates which also utilize the reef's crevices and require rugose surfaces (NOAA 2017;
Vanderklift 2004). In some cases, anthropogenic rocky reefs may be created as a byproduct of
certain projects, such as seawalls and breakwaters, meant to mitigate the effects of coastal
erosion. These anthropogenic reefs have been found to be effective in the successful recruitment
and colonization of epifaunal invertebrates; this is dependent on the homogeneity between
anthropogenic and natural reef structures (Moreira 2007; Svane 2001; Pickering 1997). Algae
and inverts are usually the first to colonize a new reef while equilibrium between community
structures can take a years to accomplish (Eager 1971). The anthropogenic reef we will be
assessing is a breakwater jetty, located in Monterey California, constructed in 1934. One
invertebrate inhabitant of the rocky reef habitat is the the Gumboot Chiton, Cryptochiton stelleri.
Cryptochiton stelleri is the largest marine invertebrate herbivore and can grow to as long
as 36cm (Lord 2011). They can be found from the low intertidal and down to 20m on rocky and
soft bottom substrates from Alaska down to Central California and along the northern coast of
Japan (Lord 2011; Wang et al. 2013).
C. stelleri is special among chitons because it is the only species to have all eight plates
covered by its large brick red mantle (Yates 1989). This chiton is most commonly found in
habitats with low to moderate wave shock; as wave shock is a source of mortality for C. stelleri
(Yates 1989). In times of low wave action, foraging, or movement C. stelleri is easy to dislodge
from its substrate. However, when disturbed the chiton can clamp firmly enough to the
substratum that it nearly impossible to remove without tools (Yates 1989).
Diet is mainly composed of different microalgae, primarily Cryptopleura spp. at juvenile
stages. With a change in primary diet to red algae Mazzaella spp. , Odonthalia spp.,
Cryptopleura spp., and Ulva spp. in adults (Lord 2011). C. stelleri is subject to predation in
juvenile and adult stages. At adult stages predation is mainly limited to Pycnopodia
helianthoides and Ocenebra lurida. It is uncommon to come across C. stelleri measuring less
than 15cm in length. Predators of individuals less than 10 cm include cabezon (Scorpaenichthys
marmoratus) and rock greenling (Hexagrammos superciliosus), though these predators are not
very common. The lack of predation affecting this chiton is speculated to be due to size escape or
the toughness of the foot and girdle (Yates 1989).
C. stelleri can be found at both the natural and anthropogenic rocky reefs. In our study,
we want to asses whether C. stelleri has achieved equilibrium in population and health between
San Carlos Beach’s natural and anthropogenic reefs. Microhabitats will also be quantified for C.
stelleri to determine optimal microhabitats for C. stelleri growth. We will also be taking note as
to whether the chiton is solitary or if other gumboots surround it. We will achieve this by
quantifying population and length for both reef types through the use of SCUBA and 45 minute
roving diver searches for C. stelleri.
Is there a difference in mean abundance and size of C. stelleri between natural and anthropogenic
rocky reefs, and the accompanying algal coverage of each?

Study Site

All observations will be made at San Carlos Beach, Monterey, CA (36°36'N, 121°53'W).
There will be two sites of study at San Carlos Beach; Anthropogenic reef and Natural reef. The
The natural reef study site is located 65 meters off of the center of San Carlos Beach at a 56º
heading. Our second study site of the anthropogenic reef is located on south breaker of the shore
with transects being conducted approximately 210 meters away from the beach. Both study sites
are rocky reefs with moderate relief covered in microalgae and encompassed by dense kelp beds.
Site visibility ranges from 2 to 10 m and water temperatures ranging from 11-14ºC (53 to 57ºF).

Data Collection Protocol

We will be recording data on C. stelleri while on SCUBA, using underwater slates, digital
cameras and a half meter by half meter quadrat at depths ranging from 5 to 15m. Data will be
collected in the morning from 7:30 to 11:30a.m. There will be two possible days for diving with
two dives to be made each day. There will be two data collection teams. For both days, each
team will collect data at a natural reef location and a anthropogenic reef location. For the first
day, team A will collect data at sites 1 and 3 whereas team B will collect data at sites 2 and 4
(See Figure 1). For day two, team A will collect data at sites 2 and 4 and team B will collect at
sites 1 and 3. Data will be collected through roving diver searches for C. stelleri in each of the
sites. Once an individual is found, diver 1 will measure in a straight line from the anterior to the
posterior edge of the girdle using tailor's tape, to the mm. They will also record the substrate it
was located on. Diver 2 will them place a 0.5 meter quadrat over the individual, while diver 1
records the percent coverage of algae within the quadrat and photo documents each one using an
Olympus waterproof camera.

Figure 1: San Carlos beach, yellow boxes denote roughly the areas each dive team will cover.
Analytical protocol

Differences in length when comparing natural and anthropogenic reefs will be analyzed
using a Two-sample T-test in R. Differences between C. stelleri counts on natural and
anthropogenic reefs will also be assessed by Two-Sample T-tests using R. If sample size is not
great enough to run a Two-sample T-test or extreme outliers are present, then Two-Sample T-
tests will be replaced by a Mann-Whitney Test. Differences in length due to changes in substrate
and surrounding algal coverage we will be analyzed through the use of a Two-way ANOVA test.

Hypothesis Testing

T-test Length Null Hypothesis: There is no difference in average length of C. stelleri found on
natural and anthropogenic reefs.
T-test Length Alternative Hypothesis: The average length of C. stelleri found on anthropogenic
reef is greater or less than the average length of C. stelleri found on natural reef.

T-test Count Null Hypothesis: There is no difference in the average population of C. stelleri
found on natural and anthropogenic reefs.
T-test Count Alternative Hypothesis: The average population of C. stelleri found on
anthropogenic reef is greater or less than the average population of C. stelleri found on natural

ANOVA Length Null Hypothesis: The mean length of C. stelleri is equal between C. stelleri
found on any surface with any percentage of algal cover.
ANOVA Length Alternative Hypothesis: The mean length of C. stelleri is not equal between C.
stelleri on any surface with any percentage of algal cover.
Burt J, Bartholomew A, Sale PF. Benthic development on large-scale engineered reefs: A comparison of
communities among breakwaters of different age and natural reefs. Ecological Engineering.

Eager Edward W. , (1971), Pattern in the Development of a Marine Community, Limnology and
Oceanography, 2, doi: 10.4319/lo.1971.16.2.0241.

Lord JP. Larval development, metamorphosis and early growth of the gumboot chiton Cryptochiton stelleri
(Middendorff, 1847) (Polyplacophora: Mopaliidae) on the Oregon coast. Journal of Molluscan Studies.

Moreira J, Chapman M, Underwood A. Maintenance of chitons on seawalls using crevices on sandstone blocks as
habitat in Sydney Harbour, Australia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2007;347(1-
(NOAA 2017) NOAA. Rocky Reef [Internet]. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; [cited 2017
April 10]. Can be found at:

Pickering H, Whitmarsh D. Artificial reefs and fisheries exploitation: a review of the ‘attraction versus
production’ debate, the influence of design and its significance for policy. Fisheries Research. 1997;31(1-

Svane I, Petersen JK. On the Problems of Epibioses, Fouling and Artificial Reefs, a Review. Marine Ecology.

Vanderklift MA, Kendrick GA. Variation in abundances of herbivorous invertebrates in temperate subtidal rocky
reef habitats. Marine and Freshwater Research. 2004;55(1):93.

Wang Q, Nemoto M, Li D, Weaver JC, Weden B, Stegemeier J, Bozhilov KN, Wood LR, Milliron GW, Kim CS,
et al. Phase Transformations and Structural Developments in the Radular Teeth of Cryptochiton Stelleri.
Advanced Functional Materials. 2013;23(23):2908–2917.

Yates, K.R. 1989. The feeding ecology of the gumboot chiton, Cryptochiton stelleri
(Middendorff, 1846). Ph.D. thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
CSUMB Research Diving Proposal
Lead Diver Names:
Team A: Brandon Morales
Team B: Meriah Long

Project Name: A comparison in Size and Abundance of Cryptochiton stelleri on Natural and
Anthropogenic Reefs

Sponsoring Research Faculty:

Faculty Signature: _______________________________

Dive Site Location and Site Description (attach a map, if possible):

San Carlos Beach Monterey, California. (36.6097, -121.8955)
This will be a shore dive, so entry will be from San Carlos beach and exit will be the same location. There are
bathrooms, showers, and cell phone reception on site. The beach faces North East at a heading of 50 to 60
degrees. It has an entrance of relative ease, with stairs leading to the beach and a slight decline heading towards
the water. While diving it is possible to reach a max depth of 60ft. Adjacent to the beach is a diveable breakwater
that extends out 474 m (1555 ft), with a max of depth of 50ft along it. The sides of the breakwater wall are
reinforced with boulders. The site is primarily characterized by sandy sea bottom with subtidal rocky outcrops
scattered in the area. In times of high water movement entry near breaker wall may be avoided due to reflected
waves. The beach is subject to moderate surge and should be considered when making a dive plan and safety
stops. San Carlos beach is not subject to strong tidal, rip, or littoral currents. Possible hazards while diving at this
location is entanglement in kelp or fishing line, small boat/kayak traffic, and, in rare occasion, aggressive animals.

Figure 1: San Carlos beach, yellow boxes denote roughly the areas each dive team will cover.
Dive Activities (list separately, if different dives will have different objectives):
Two dives will be done on each day of research. For each dive the roving diver method will be used in search of
Cryptochiton stelleri (Gumboot Chiton) for 45 minutes or if one diver reaches 500 psi before that time limit. Once
one is encountered, a quadrat will be placed over the animal. Diver 1 will record the length of C. stelleri and the
reef type that it was found on. The percent coverage of algae within each quadrat will also be recorded. Each
quadrat will be documented with a picture to go over data later. The objective is to record the size of the chitons
found and the surroundings on which they were found.
At the end of the 45 minute collection interval, or if a diver reaches 500 psi , both divers will begin their ascent to
the surface and perform a 3 minute safety stop at 15ft if the divers reached a maximum depth of 40 ft or greater.
There will be two dive teams following these objectives, just at different sites. For the first day and first dive, team
A will swim out to site 1 and team B will swim out to site 4. For the second dive on day one, team A will collect
data at site 3 and team B will collect at site 2. For the second day first dive, team A will collect data at site 4 and
team B will collect data at site 1. For the second dive on day two team A will collect data at site 2 and team B will
collect data at site 3.

Diver Roles (describe in detail activities to be performed by each individual diver):

Diver 1: Will be acting as lead diver. During sampling, diver 1 will record length of any individuals found. Once the
quadrat is placed they will note the associated reef type as well as the percent coverage of algae. Diver 1 will also
photodocument each quadrat laid and mark all pictures.

Diver 2: Diver two will be responsible for placing the quadrat over each C. stelleri encountered during the dive.

Science equipment to be used (note which items need to be checked out of the locker and when you will
pick them up):
☐ Transect tapes ____ (quant) ☐ Reel ____ (quant)
☒ Flashlights (sm) __4__ (quant) ☐ Flashlights (lg) __ __ (quant)
☒ Camera __2__ (quant) ☐ Camera strobe
☒ Other (describe below)

2 ½ meter quadrats
2 50cm Tailor’s tapes

Separated Diver/Low Air Plan:

Both Divers will strive to maintain constant visual contact with the other. Should divers become separated the
designated lead diver will search for their buddy scanning for bubbles or any indication of the location of their
buddy. The other diver will stay where they are but scan the area for the lead diver as well. If there is a tank banger
or other noise making device use this during this time to better inform the lost buddy of your location. If after a
minute of searching and both divers are still separated both divers will make a slow ascent to the surface. Once
surfaced, if both divers appear and are OK, both divers will signal to the beachmaster that everything is OK. If only
one buddy appears at the surface signal to the beachmaster to keep an eye on you. After searching for buddy on
surface and monitoring for air bubbles for five minutes if the buddy still has not appeared signal to the
beachmaster that there is a dive emergency. Since no equipment will be deployed low air will be defined as 500
psi. Should either diver reach 500 psi the dive will be terminated, both divers will surface and give the beachmaster
the OK sign.
Emergency Response Plan (Must be reviewed with the dive team prior to all diving activities. Please note any
additions to standard CSUMB diving emergency protocols):
In case of a dive emergency proper CSUMB/AAUS emergency protocol procedures will be followed. Upon Surfacing
the diver will inform the beachmaster that there is a dive emergency. They will inform the local emergency
agencies of the dive accident. If necessary, rescue breaths may need to be administered while bringing in the
injured diver. Once brought into shore the injured diver needs to immediately be attended to. Depending on
whether they are breathing and a pulse is present, CPR may need to be initiated. Evaluate the patient: mark the
time, any signs or symptoms, health history, and dive information. Continue care until EMS arrives. Always report
dive accidents to the DSO and Dive safety board immediately.

Dive Site Access:

☒ Shore
☐ Boat

Breathing gas:
☒ Air
☐ Nitrox
☐ Other

DSO Approval: ______________________________ Date: _______________

DIVE PLAN TRACKING ID: ______________________

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