Environmental Cost Accounting and Auditing

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Environmental cost accounting and auditing

Peter Letmathe
Assistant Professor, Ruhr-Uni Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Roger K. Doost
Professor, School of Accountancy, Clemson University, Clemson,
South Carolina, USA

Keywords (1979) were published which included rules on

Environmental impact, Introduction how to calculate the business costs of
Sustainable development,
Hazardous materials, The currently high consumption of goods and environmental protection. These guidelines
Environmental audit, Law, Waste services falls short of the vital necessity for helped companies to comply with their
sustainable development. West European reporting requirements for public statistics in
Abstract Germany. But this approach was not decision-
countries seem to be further ahead with
An environmental cost accounting
system is a flow- and decision- regard to the environmental matters as oriented and, therefore, not suitable for
oriented extension of traditional compared to the USA. For example, the systematic environmental management.
cost accounting systems. It is German Federal Environmental Agency (1997) Hence, many companies tried to achieve legal
based on cause-and-effect compliance and to satisfy the interests of their
emphasizes the following alarming trends:
analysis which helps to assign the
. Increase in mean global air temperatures stakeholders mostly through self-designed
costs of environmental impacts
correctly to their perpetrators. by 0.3 to 0.6 C since the end of the management methods.
This article attempts to nineteenth century. During the 1980s and 1990s, the German
demonstrate how to use an government introduced a number of new
. Sea level rise of between 10-25 centimeters
environmental cost accounting
over the last 100 years. regulations in the environmental area. As a
system for internal and external
audits and performance . Depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer. result, the legal compliance costs for waste
improvements. The generated . Accelerating species extinction. water purification and for filtering emissions
information is appropriate to see if increased substantially. Further, the costs of
. Continued erosion and rapid loss of fertile
objectives and targets are
soil. many undesired byproducts such as
achieved. High amounts of
environmental impacts point to . Pollution and overfishing of the seas. hazardous waste and waste water increased
inefficiencies in the production . Gradual over-taxation of the earth system in many cases by several hundred percentage
area. Their elimination can help through anthropogenic loads. points. This development motivated many
accomplish both ecological and . A change of the direction of the Gulf companies to look closer at the costs of their
business goals of a company.
Stream which can result in chaos of the output flows, and many case studies about
whole world climate. cost reduction through environmental
protection were published. Gege (1997), who
The total estimated damage caused to the is a representative of an environmentally-
natural environment in one day according to oriented association of enterprises (BAUM),
the German Federal Environmental Agency estimated in 1997 that companies could
(1997) is given by: reduce by 5 per cent their total costs with a
. the destruction of 55,000 hectares of decision-oriented environmental
tropical forest; management system. These systems should
. the reduction of arable land by 20,000 include reliable data about the costs of
hectares; material and energy. Gege's book contains
. the extinction of 100 to 200 species; about 1,000 examples on how companies
. emission of 60 million tons of carbon achieved cost reduction through
dioxide into the atmosphere. environmental protection. Klassen and
Extension of traditional cost accounting McLaughin (1996) see a significant impact of
systems to account for environmental impacts environmental management on firm
and their costs started towards the end of the performance. As key advantages, they
1970s in Germany. In 1979, two guidelines of mention cost reduction because of
the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie technological changes and reduced material
(1979) and of the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure and energy consumption. Eco-labeling of
Managerial Auditing Journal products can result in a substantial gain in
15/8 [2000] 424±430 the marketplace.
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
# MCB University Press Letmathe (1998) provides more systematic
[ISSN 0268-6902] http://www.emerald-library.com
environmental cost accounting approaches,
[ 424 ]
Peter Letmathe and which were developed in this decade. He not only increases costs of waste disposal, it
Roger K. Doost focuses not only on the correct accounting for also leads to higher costs of manufacturing
Environmental cost
accounting and auditing the costs of environmental protection but because of additional material, labor, and
also considers the costs of environmental- overhead which goes to spoiled goods.
Managerial Auditing Journal
15/8 [2000] 424±430 related flows of materials and energy. The Environmental costing accounting
overall goal is to accomplish both business contributes to an internal pricing system
goals and improvements in the area of which evaluates inputs, processes and
environmental protection (see Hansen and products with their real costs. This procedure
Mowen, 1999, ch. 12). creates both a decision-oriented information
The flow- and decision-oriented base for the environmental management
perspective of environmental cost accounting system and for planning, control and
supplements the more process-oriented way supervision of material and energy flows.
of thinking of most companies. This is Therefore, environmental cost accounting is
especially advantageous if costs of materials, an appropriate instrument to ensure legal
processes, and products have an impact in compliance with lower costs. It integrates
other areas, e.g. cost of waste disposal and environmental aspects in all areas of
spoilage. Environmental cost accounting planning which use cost data automatically.
shows the real costs of inputs and the Besides, environmental data improve the
business processes and ensures cost-efficient understanding of the business processes. For
legal compliance. In addition, the results can example, companies which have data about
be applied in other areas, e.g. for measuring output flows are often surprised about the
quality and service costs. volume of their waste flows and the costs
Environmental audits examine the whole which are related to them. This information
environmental management system. The can help find measures and change the
main goals are to check legal compliance and attitude of the organization to environmental
to find inefficiencies which can reduce both protection (see Ansari et al., 1997).
the amount of environmental impacts and To achieve this, it is necessary to extend
cost. An appropriate information base does the existing cost accounting system. But
not only decrease the necessary efforts to management will only agree with such an
carry out the audit, it improves the results of extension if benefits of the additional
the audits as well. This paper shows how an information are higher than the costs to get
environmental cost accounting system works them. Hence, the integration of the
and how it can improve the results of traditional and the environmental cost
performance-oriented audits. accounting systems must be justified.
Opportunities to extend and adjust the system
to meet changing business requirements
Purpose of environmental cost facilitate the decision to introduce such a
accounting system. To run such a system, it is not
necessary that the cost area managers be very
An environmental cost accounting system is
knowledgeable about cause-and-effect of
a flow-oriented cost accounting system which
environmental costs. The internal prices,
is based on a systematic cause-and-effect
which include costs of environmental
analysis. Especially output-related costs, e.g.
impacts, are the main incentives to reduce
for emissions, waste disposal and waste
environmentally-related costs.
water are assigned correctly to the inputs
The systematic consideration of the
which cause them. In traditional cost
environmental impacts also makes sense for
accounting systems, these costs are treated
organizations with a defensive
like other overhead costs and allocated
environmental strategy. Even if an
arbitrarily. For example, emissions, waste
organization does not have the explicit goal
disposal and waste water costs may be
of protecting the environment and only
accumulated and prorated arbitrarily among
reacts according to the environmental
the various cost centers regardless of which
regulations, there is considerable potential
ones caused those costs to occur in the first
for more success in achieving the traditional
place. This procedure does not include any
company objectives such as, maximizing
incentives for the cost centers to reduce
profits or higher level of market share.
environmental impacts and their costs.
Ansari et al. (1997) argue that the correct
assignment of environmental costs to their
perpetrators can help reduce costs in other Structure of an environmental cost
areas too. A high amount of waste is very accounting system
often a sign of inefficiencies in business To identify and to assign environmental costs
processes. For example, spoiled production correctly, the complex cause and effect of
[ 425 ]
Peter Letmathe and environmental impacts should be considered. 2 The next step is to figure out which flows
Roger K. Doost The following approach emphasizes the task of material and energy are causing the
Environmental cost
accounting and auditing of cost accounting to deliver information for significant environmental impacts. If
planning, control and supervision of possible, the impact of one item of a
Managerial Auditing Journal
15/8 [2000] 424±430 business processes. Figure 1 shows the material or energy source should be
structure of this environmental cost measured. A single material can cause
accounting system. different environmental impacts. For
Only if flows of material and energy are example, chlorofluorocarbons contribute
recorded and evaluated with their realistic to the greenhouse effect and to the
costs, environmental costing can help control depletion of the ozone layer.
these flows in an appropriate way. To achieve 3 To be able to calculate environmental
costs, the quantities of material and energy
this target, five steps which are partly
have to be determined. For the purpose of
carried out simultaneously are required:
planning, it is useful to implement
1 At first, the EMS-group has to identify
environmental bills of materials and
environmental impacts of its
energy and to assign them systematically
organization. This is also one of the
to inputs, processes and products. To
requirements of the ISO 14001 standard.
control the flow of material and energy,
Normally, most of the impacts are related
their actual volume can be compared with
to materials including storage, the standard quantities. This procedure is
production, and distribution. The cause not only appropriate to reduce
and the kind of environmental impacts environmental impacts, inefficiencies
should be documented. In this step, the which lead to higher cost and/or quality
EMS-group has to decide which of the problems can also be avoided.
environmental impacts are of high or low 4 After accounting for their quantities, the
significance. Only the high-significance flow of material and energy should be
impacts will be considered and evaluated evaluated with their realistic costs. Only a
in an environmental cost accounting realistic assignment can prevent that
system. environmental cost be underestimated

Figure 1
The concept of an environmental cost accounting system

[ 426 ]
Peter Letmathe and systematically. Besides the purchase cost, . Scientific literature gives further details
Roger K. Doost other costs may also be relevant. Examples about the productivity and specific risks
Environmental cost
accounting and auditing are costs for the treatment and logistical of a production technology. Such
handling of purchased goods or waste. information is extremely valuable if an
Managerial Auditing Journal
15/8 [2000] 424±430 5 Finally, the environmental costs have to organization wants to introduce a
be assigned correctly to their causing technologically new process.
objects like input, processes and products. . The environmental management gathers
This will be carried out according to the data about environmental impacts of the
bills of material and energy which were organization. Its experience and
mentioned in step 3. Internal prices are knowledge can contribute to the
the result of adding all cost components of estimation of material and energy flows
a single material and energy sources. and the process risks as well.
These internal prices can be used for
. Communication with the organization's
planning and control of inputs, processes, stakeholders can reduce conflict of
interests. Ideally, members of the
products and environmental impacts.
stakeholder groups have knowledge
Bills of environmental impacts which can lead to a more environmentally
All environmental impacts can be traced friendly and cost efficient production.
back to flows of material and energy. To As a result, bills of materials and energy can
assign them correctly to their perpetrators be generated. This information can then be
three different kinds of environmental used to plan environmental impacts in
impacts can be distinguished: advance and to control the level of impacts
1 Input-related environmental impacts are during the production phase. If there are
directly caused by the use of an input, like significant differences between the standard
the carbon dioxide emissions as the result and actual environmental impacts, then
of burning coal, oil or other fossil energy corrective action should be taken.
sources. Input-related environmental
impacts are independent of the process in Bill of environmental impacts of an input
which the input is inserted. The bill of environmental impacts of an input
2 Process-caused environmental impacts (see Figure 2) includes all environmental
cannot be assigned to a single input. They impacts which can be traced back to a single
are a consequence of carrying out a material or energy source. This means that
specific process. They are caused by a the amount of environmental impact does not
combination of inputs, like emission depend on the process in which the input is
which depends on the temperature of a used. In this step, all the input-related
process. environmental impacts have to be assigned
3 Product-caused environmental impacts to the input which caused them.
can be traced back to a product but not to
a single input or process. An example is
Bill of environmental impacts of a process
The bill of environmental impacts of a
the energy use during the consumption
process (see Figure 3) contains
phase or the waste after the product's use.
environmental impacts which are caused if a
To investigate the flows of materials and process is carried out. The total
energy, these information sources may be of environmental impacts of a process are the
interest: sum of both the direct process-related and the
. The manufacturer of the machine which input-related environmental impacts. The
is needed to carry out the production direct process-related environmental impacts
process knows the materials and energy cannot be assigned to a single input. The
sources which are required to run it. input-related environmental impacts can be
Additionally, he/she can give details calculated through the multiplication of
about technological efficiency and the input-coefficients of the process with the
spoilage rate. Customers, who already
work with this technology, can provide Figure 2
further information. Bill of environmental impacts of an input
. The quality manager knows about the
existing and potential sources of quality
problems. Statistical quality control
provides information about the optimum
specification of materials and other
process parameters to meet the quality
standards of the organization.
[ 427 ]
Peter Letmathe and input-related environmental impacts per unit environmental impacts are only measured in
Roger K. Doost of the considered input. The input-related quantities, there is no way to ensure legal
Environmental cost compliance and the accomplishment of
accounting and auditing environmental impacts are given by the bills
of environmental impacts of the inputs. business goals cost efficiently. Therefore, the
Managerial Auditing Journal
15/8 [2000] 424±430 calculation of internal prices of material and
Bill of environmental impacts of a product energy sources is the next logical step to
With the bill of environmental impacts of a create a decision-oriented information base.
product (see Figure 4) significant
environmental impacts can be assigned
correctly to a product. The environmental Internal pricing
impacts of a product contain the direct
The recorded quantities of material and
product-related environmental impacts and energy need to be evaluated with their
all input-and process-related impacts which realistic costs. In addition to the purchase
are caused through the processes and inputs costs, other cost components are often
to manufacture the product. relevant (see Figure 5):
The described bills of environmental . Treatment costs result from the
impacts give a company the opportunity to separation, refinement, and cleaning of
plan, control and supervise its used materials or undesired residuals like
environmental impacts much more waste, waste water, and emissions.
systematically. If the actual environmental . Logistic costs include the costs of storage
impacts, e.g. represented through the amount and transportation as well as costs for
of emissions or waste water, are higher than security measures to avoid accidents and
the standard impacts, these indicate uncontrolled environmental impacts.
inefficiencies in the business processes. Also . In Europe, many manufacturers have to
legal compliance can be achieved much take back their old products (see Epstein,
better with appropriate data. But because the 1996) after usage. An example is the new
European regulation which obliges all car
Figure 3 manufacturers to take back all old cars
Bill of environmental impacts of a process from the year 2005. The amount of cost
depends on the ability to dismantle and
recycle the products. Processes which
improve the reusability of the products
can reduce such costs.
. Costs of environmental risks are
determined by financial risks which are
uncertain with regard to their occurrence
and their amount. Examples are liability
risks of high environmental impacts (see
Rubenstein, 1994). The costs of
environmental risks can be estimated
through the expected value minus or plus
a security charge.
. Supervision costs are incurred on the
documentation and control of harmful
Figure 4 substances and waste to achieve legal
Bill of environmental impacts of a product compliance. The costs for the EMS
documentation are also included in this
. Additional control costs may be used to set
incentives to reduce the use of a material
which causes considerable environmental
impact. They help to control the use of
material and energy according to the
environmental objectives and targets in
the environmental program. It is also
conceivable to consider the externalities of
material and energy use.
The internal prices (Figure 5) change the
relative prices of inputs, processes and
products. The result indicates the
substitution of harmful material through
[ 428 ]
Peter Letmathe and other substances which are less harmful and review its improvements. To retain ISO 14001
Roger K. Doost result in lower costs. or ISO 9000 certification, external audits must
Environmental cost be repeated frequently (see Culley, 1998).
accounting and auditing
Especially the way the organization
Managerial Auditing Journal
15/8 [2000] 424±430 Auditing and environmental costs documents and supervises its improvements
may be viewed with much interest.
Environmental cost accounting provides Internal audits can be carried out to
information for planning, control and prepare for external audits for the mentioned
supervision. All areas which use cost data standards. They are also conducted to
automatically integrate the extended ascertain compliance with management's
information into their own planning system. goals. These audits can use the information
Besides, information from an environmental base of an environmental cost accounting
cost accounting system can be used for system in the same way as the external
investment decisions, for launching new audits. The more work is done through
products, etc. The bills of environmental continuous and systematic review of the
impacts can be integrated in production company's environmental measures by the
planning and control systems. internal auditors, the less time, effort, and
To examine how environmental cost money need to be spent by the external
accounting can deliver useful information for auditors in this area.
auditing, it makes sense to distinguish Another kind of audit is performance
between internal and external audits. auditing. Performance audits measure the
External audits or third-party audits are current performance of the organization and
carried out to review the management system try to identify potentials for improvement.
by an independent external auditor or Performance audits can also be a basis for
registrar. The most common external audits defining objectives, targets and measures
are the ISO 9000 and ISO 14001 audits which which should be attained in the future. To
review the quality management or achieve an adequate level of a performance
environmental management system. Both audit, companies need to review (Cushing,
audits are conducted to see if the management 1994) their:
system meets the requirements of the relevant . organizational arrangements to ascertain
standards. Although they are formal and not that proper division of responsibilities
result-oriented standards, appropriate data exist to achieve the organization's goals;
can support the work of the registrar. Data . system planning to make sure about the
about input and output flows of material and adequacy of system development projects
energy show if the business processes are to handle the complexities of the proposed
properly documented. The ISO 14001 (see cost system;
Clemens, 1996) standard is dedicated to . personnel policies to ascertain the
continual improvement as the overall goal of presence of proper standards for hiring,
environmental management systems. To training, and assigning of personnel to
accomplish this, the organization has to handle the tasks necessitated as a result of
define concrete objectives, targets, and new requirements;
measures to achieve them. Concrete measures . financial controls to make certain about
and targets can include the reduction of the adequacy of responsibility accounting
waste, waste water, and emissions. If these and reporting procedures for measuring
outputs are accounted for through the costs and variances attributed to various
environmental cost accounting system, it operations and cost flows; and
would be much easier to compare the current . computer operations to ascertain about
flow with the flow in the next period. This proper data processing capabilities in
gives the organization the opportunity to terms of equipment, software, and
Figure 5
For these tasks to be accomplished,
Calculation of internal prices for material and energy flows
comprehensive information is needed which
is based on a cause-and-effect-analysis.
Very often, a high volume of waste, waste
water and emissions is the result of
inefficiencies. Inefficiencies can also be
pointed out by high variations of the amount
of undesired byproducts. Hence, performance
audits should prioritize areas/cost centers
which are responsible for most of the
environmental impacts. For example, a high
amount of wasted heat can indicate the need
for investment in a heat recovery system. A
[ 429 ]
Peter Letmathe and high volume of fresh and waste water usage not only helps the company in terms of
Roger K. Doost can be reduced by a closed-loop cycle. performance improvements, but it provides a
Environmental cost Spoilage can be avoided through technical
accounting and auditing very important road map for internal and
and organizational measures or substitution external auditors in their endeavors to
Managerial Auditing Journal
15/8 [2000] 424±430 of materials. Waste can be separated and at determine the entity's compliance with
least a part of it recycled. Another way is to company policies as well as environmentally-
reduce the costs for waste disposal through related laws. Improvements achieved as a
more efficient processes. This leads also to result of creation and monitoring of an
lower purchase costs for raw material. effective environmental cost accounting
Because management is focusing on overall
system can help the company achieve its
costs and not only on purchase cost, it can
goals, comply with environmental laws, and
make more informed decisions.
contribute to the health of the ecology for our
A self-audit and inspection by the internal
generation as well as generations to come.
audit department is often a necessity to satisfy
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
requirements and reduce potential additional References
Ansari, S., Bell, J., Klammer, T. and Lawrence, C.
external costs. The Environmental Protection
(1997), Measuring and Managing
Agency (EPA, 1998) has published a self-audit
Environmental Costs, Irwin, Chicago, IL.
preparation guide for organic coating
Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (1979),
facilities which covers the following areas: Anleitung zur Bestimmung der Betriebskosten
. air emissions; fuÈr den Umweltschutz in der Industrie, KoÈln.
. wastewater management; Clemens, R.B. (1996), Complete Guide to ISO 14001,
. hazardous materials/waste management; Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
. solid waste management; Cushing, R. (1994), Accounting Information
. community right-to-know; Systems, Addison-Wesley, New York, NY.
. pollution prevention. Culley, W.C. (1998), Environmental and Quality
Systems Integration, Lewis, Boca Raton, LA.
The first three areas are audited with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (1998),
help of several checklists which includes the Self-audit and Inspection Guide for Facilities
inspection of the following areas: Conduction Cleaning, Preparation, and
. records to review; Organic Coating of Metal Parts, EPA,
. physical features to inspect; Washington, DC.
. responsibilities of supervisors and Epstein, M.J. (1996), ``Accounting for product take
managers; back'', Management Accounting, August,
. supervisor's and manager's management pp. 29-33.
of the considered area and resource Gege, M. (1997), Kosten senken durch
recovery; Umweltmanagement, Vahlen, MuÈnchen.
Hansen, D.R. and Mowen, M.M. (1999),
. organic finishing facilities.
Management Accounting, 5th ed., South-
The reviewed records include data about the Western, Cincinetti, OH.
amount of emissions, wastewater, and waste. Klassen, R.D. and McLaughin, C.P. (1996), ``The
These flows can be reviewed much easier if impact of environmental management on
an environmental cost accounting system firm performance'', Management Science,
provides the appropriate data. If the Vol. 42, pp. 1199-214.
inspectors see that these data are in Letmathe, P. (1998), Umweltbezogene
compliance with the inspected physical Kostenrechnung, Vahlen, MuÈnchen.
Rubenstein, D.B. (1994), Envrionmental
features, the whole inspection can be
Accounting for the Sustainable Coperation,
accelerated. Where continuous supervision
Quorum, Westport, CT and London.
of significant environmental impact is
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (1979), VDI-
present, the EPA finds few, if any, violations. Richtlinie 3800 ± Kostenermittlung fuÈr Anlagen
The recording of material and energy flows und Maûnahmen zur Emissionsminderung,
documents the responsible handling of DuÈsseldorf.
environmental issues and is therefore a good
basis for demonstrating the organization's Further reading
environmental compliance. Epstein, M.J. and Birchard, B. Counting What
Counts: Turning Corporate Accountability to
Competitive Advantage?
Conclusion Federal Environmental Agency (Germany) (1997),
Sustainable Germany, Berlin.
An environmental cost accounting system Gallhofer, S. and Haslam, J. (1995), ``Worrying
that is based on a cause-and-effect about environmental auditing'', in
relationship is necessary. It is needed for Lehman, G. and Owen, D. (Eds), Social and
better identification and proper charging of Environmental Accounting, Special Edition of
environmental related costs. Such a system Accounting Forum, Vol. 19, pp. 205-18.

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