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Leon Schmidt


Intro to Business and Technology

Mr. Jones

Medical Doctor

Table of Contents

1. Cover Page pg. 1

2. Table of Contents pg. 2

3. Personal Statement pg. 3

4. Resume pg. 4/5

5. Letter Reference pg. 6

6. Sample of Schoolwork pg. 7/8/9

7. References and Contact Information pg. 10

Personal Statement

My goal is to go to a great college and obtain a medical degree. After

this, I want to become a doctor. This will take hard work and dedication

in order for me to achieve this goal. I will have to have great grades in

high school in order to go to a great college. When I’m in college as an

undergraduate, I will also need to obtain great grades in order to get

into a good medical school.


Leon Andrew Schmidt

3688 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Chamblee, GA 30341 | (404)-380-4543 |


· I am currently looking for a full time position in an environment that offers a greater
challenge, increased benefits, and the opportunity to help the company advance
efficiently and productively.


· Enthusiasm: Great desire to work and go above and beyond.

· Foreign Languages: Able to write and speak Spanish. Advanced in Japanese.

· Teamwork: Able to work well with others without any problems.


· 2015-17: Work Experience as a counselor at Camp Wieuca.

· 2009-: Work experience as a cat/dog sitter.


· 2016-2020: Sophomore/10th Grade, Chamblee Charter High School GPA: 4.11/ 4.0


· 2016-2018: Junior Counselor at Camp Wieuca.


· Bulldog Service Award (30+ hours of volunteer service)

· Chamblee Baseball Team


4.0 GPA Award

· Reading Bowl Winner 2015

· Perfect Attendance 2010- 2017


Letter of Reference

Dear Mr. Jones,

This student, Leon Schmidt, is a very well rounded and gifted student.

(Not complete)

Sample of Schoolwork

Imperialism Mini-Project

Parts 4 and 5
Part 4

The South African/Boer War

On October 11, 1899, the South African/Boer war began. This war began over the

discovery of diamonds and gold found in the African region. Minor fighting with Britain

began in the 1890s, and in October 1899 full-scale war ensued. The British would

eventually win the war and on May 31, 1902, The Peace of Vereeniging was signed

which ended hostilities. The Boer War had a major impact on British tactics leading up

to World War One. The war had shown that modern rifles and artillery provided greater

accuracy, range and rates of fire than before. This led to the belief in a fire zone of

increased depth and danger, and the need for formations that were more open.

British Raj

The British Raj was the rule of the British over the Indian subcontinent between 1858

and 1947. This system of governance was instituted on 28 June 1858, when, after the

Indian Rebellion of 1857, the rule of the British East India Company was transferred to

the Crown in the person of Queen Victoria. Many historians say the long time effect of

this rule led to India’s falling economy. The British government imposed high taxes and

also depleted India’s food which killed around a third of the people of Bengal.

British Interests in Australia

Britain ruthlessly seized the continent now known as Australia from its native black

people and settled it as a penal colony in 1788. British imperialism used Australia as a

penal colony with an added semi-peasant economy. In its early days the British

imperialist idea was to develop Australia as a penal colony with this added semi-

peasant economy to maintain the inhabitants. One of the effects was mistreatment of

the native people. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the natives were ruthlessly been

pushed aside. The methods have varied from shooting, poisoning, starving, to

“assimilation” and “equal rights”.

The Panama Canal

In 1904, the United States commenced building a canal across a 50-mile stretch of the

Panama isthmus. The project was helped by the elimination of disease-carrying

mosquitoes, while chief engineer John Stevens devised innovative techniques and

spurred the crucial redesign from a sea-level to a lock canal. The Panama Canal helped

American and British ship goods more efficiently with a cheaper cost. One of the

negatives of this project was the depletion of the wetlands the Americans destroyed and

the destruction of aniamlś habitats.


Part 5

Analyze the effects of the Age of Imperialism from 1750-1914 on various regions

of the world

There were a variety of effects during the Age of Imperialism (1750-1914). One

of the main effects was that Europe became the most powerful region in the world.

Countries such as Germany, France, and Belgium all gained lands across different

continents. Great Britain was the most significant of the European imperial powers.

Imperialism and industrialization made Great Britain the most powerful nation in the

world. Great Britain's naval and merchant fleets were the envy of the world. The

Industrial Revolution made sure that Europe was stronger and more wealthy than

the industrialized world.

Another effect of this period was the increased competition among European

nations. In the late 19th century European nations rushed to conquer lands in Africa.

The quick takeover of Africa by European imperial powers became known as the

"Scramble for Africa". During the "Scramble for Africa" conflicts arose between

European nations as they attempted to conquer the continent. Eventually a meeting

would take place in Berlin, Germany to setup rules for the takeover of Africa. The

meeting was called the Berlin Conference (1884-85). At the Berlin Conference the

European imperial powers agreed to a set rules for colonizing Africa to avoid war

between nations. The Berlin Conference was a success. All-out war didn't take place in

Africa, but young nations such as, Germany (1871) and Italy (1861) were still extremely

aggressive in conquering lands.

References and Contact Information
 Mona Schmidt- 404-403-5433
 Bobby Schmidt- 404-557-9624
 Abdul Chowdhury- 404-563-5753
Contact Information
 Email-
 Phone- 404-380-6403

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