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18 Planning Notes


Location Options
- Roots - school’s not out until 6/21.
- DSISD - parking and A/C concerns
- CO Academy - location concerns
- Stanley British Primary in Lowry - Paul K
- CU Denver Architecture building - Paul K
- Aurora Professional Learning Center - CDL

- Paul Beck + Julian? Or Mallion.

Workstreams - who’s owning what, and what support they need

- Food/Beverage - Paul B (pre event, Facilitating during event) (???)
- Marketing/Website/Media/Swag/Recruitment Lead - Katy K (Tara, Paul K, Thomas)
- Mentors/Judges/Speakers - CDL (supporting), (Laura, Paul K)
- Logistics/Volunteers/Scheduling/Resources - Elyse (Paul K, Thomas)
- Sponsors/Prizes/GM - Budget update - Graham, (Tara, Thomas)

Other workstreams
- Student recruitment

When should we meet regularly going forward?

- Paul K - after 4pm, not on Thursdays.

Other people to plug in?

- Tara Gilboa
- Laura
- Mindee Forman - social media.

What else should we discuss?

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