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Eating journal Lesly Pineda

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

27 28 29 30 31
B: B: yogurt w/ B: yogurt B: chow B: pancakes
strawberry banana L: none mien w/ bacon,
milkshake L: omelet D: Chow L: eggs, Oj
L: omelet w/ w/ chicken Mein w/ hamburger L: none
slices of D: salmon vegetables D: egg D: buffet
tomato’s w/ steamed w/ Oj sandwich many
D: spaghetti rice w/ BB: yogurt w/ W different
w/ salad steamed BB: none things
BB: bowl of vegetables Good BB:
cereal BB: none energy in Was a little strawberry
the low on milkshake
B: had some B: before a morning. energy but
energy little low, Low energy chow mein Breakfast I
because it after eating didn’t eat helped that. ate to much
was a I was high lunch was Lunch was so had
protein on energy L: on the road. ok was ok enough
shake plus I before Dinner was on energy energy to
add some eating I was so good dinner was last until
sugar low on before was the same. dinner.
L: energy energy, low on Dinner I was
after eating after still a energy after hunger I ate
D: was high little low so got some 5 plates
on energy. at some energy still don’t
Still felt snacks hungry so remember
hungry after up. ate some what. After
so ate a bowl D: was still yogurt. some hrs I
of cereal. high on was hungry,
energy felt so a little
sleepy after low on
D ate to energy.
1 April 2 3 4 5 6 7
B: yogurt B: yogurt B: pancakes B: none B: none B: none B: yogurt
w/ mixed w/ banana w/ yogurt w/ L: none L: apple L: chicken L: chicken
berries L: Hot dog 2 Strawberries, D: small Sause noodle noodle soup
L: chicken w/ chips w/ blue berries, portion D: soup w/W w/W
sandwich Oj black berries vegetable vegetable D: chicken D: chicken
w/ alvacado D: steak w/ w/ W soup soup noodle noodle soup
D: Salmon asparagus L: chicken BB: none BB: none soup w/W w/W
w/ quinoa w/ baked burrito w/ Oj BB: none BB: yogurt
w/ potato w/ w/W
asparagus W D: none In pain
BB: none BB: BB: none Teeth
Japanese Removal Before Before
eating I felt eating I felt
B: after cheesecake I want to eat I could only I didn’t low on low on
eating I felt 2 slices a big eat a small want to eat energy, energy,
a little sick. breakfast bowl of but I didn’t after eating after eating
L: before Before I ate because I soup (didn’t want to there was there was
eating I was B, I was ok I knew I finish it), I take my an increase an increase
low on usually couldn’t eat was in so medication of energy. I of energy. I
energy, don’t get past 5 pm. I much pain (antibiotic/ wanted to still wanted
after energy hunger until was the best that I sleep Ibuprofen) eat some to eat some
came back an hr after breakfast I a most of the on an hard foods hard foods,
up. D: was waking up. while I went day. empty but I felt sad
still high on L: I felt very all out. After stomach. couldn’t, so because I
energy felt hungry, eating I was Before I was stuck rest of the
sleepy after after eating full and eating I did eating my family
D ate to I had wanted to fell low on liquids, the was eating
much. energy, D: take a nap energy, noodles I steak.
before but I had after I did could just
eating I was class, after have more swallow. It
hungry and an hour I energy then still hurt to
after I was was starting before. chew or
full I felt to feel However, open my
sleepy. hunger whenever I mouth.
again, but opened my
still had lots mouth it
of energy. would hurt.
Couldn’t eat
D or BB
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
B: yogurt B: B: yogurt w/ B: banana B: yogurt w/ B: bowl of B: yogurt w/
L: apple strawberry banana milkshake mixed fruits strawberries
sause, milkshake L: beef w/ L: tomato berries L: chicken L: none
crackers, L: egg w/ W rice omelet w/ L: tuna salad D: steak w/
chicken D: stuffed D: rice w/ W sandwich D: chicken asparagus
soup pepper w/ chicken D: Hotdogs w/ W sandwich w/ baked
D: chicken corn and BB: Japanese w/ bacon D: chicken w/ alvacado potato w/
soup w/W beans cheesecake 2 BB: none soup w/ BB: none W
BB: apple BB: none slices peach juice BB: none
sauce B: good on BB: none B: was a
B: had B: good on energy little good Was hungry
Was low on some energy before and Was good on energy in the
energy have energy before and after on energy and but morning
been eating because it after L: cut into after fruit was low on
soup for the was a L: hated small pieces breakfast, brought it energy after
past 4 days, protein eating the D: hated before up. I ate was
after eating shake plus I beef had to eating the lunch it was D: before good on
I did get add some cut into chicken had a little low eating I was energy. L: I
some sugar small pieces to cute into and after low on felt very
energy. L: energy because I small lunch back energy, hungry,
after eating could chew pieces. up. after energy after eating
D: little D: hated came back I had
energy eating the up energy, D:
couldn’t chicken had before
chew the to cute into eating I was
pepper so small pieces. hungry and
just ate the after I was
corn and full I felt
beans. sleepy
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
B: banana B: none B: yogurt w/ B: bowl of B: none B: yogurt B: yogurt w/
L: beef w/ L: salad w/ banana cereal L: tuna w/ black strawberries
rice w/ Oj apple juice L: stuffed L: turkey sandwich berries L: egg
D: pizza 6 D: left over pepper w/ sandwich w/ Oj L: tuna sandwich
slices w/ pizza 3 corn and D: pork D: Pizza 5 sandwich w/ Oj
apple juice slices beans chops w/ slices w/ w/ W D: tuna
BB: none BB: D: stuffed rice w/ soda D: pizza 5 sandwich
chocolate tomatoes w/ strawberry BB: none slices w/ w/ W
Was ok in cake 2 slices sausage, juice soda BB: none
the w/ glass of cheese w/ BB: bowl of Low on BB: none
morning, milk W, Soda cereal energy
energy did BB: none didn’t have Was ok in Was low on
increase Was low on Morning time for the energy after
after lunch. energy good on felt a little breakfast. morning, B I was ok.
Same didn’t have energy was low on Tuna felt a little Was good at
during time for in the energy after sandwich low on lunch same
dinner. breakfast. morning. B when brought up energy. with dinner.
after B I Wasn’t back up. my energy. Was tired of
was ok. feeling low Lunch was Same with the food
Was good on energy ok. felt ok the pizza. was
at lunch until after after eating leftovers
same with dinner was dinner. from the
dinner so full I Strawberry day before.
wanted to juice gave
sleep. But I me energy
felt hungry because of
again. the sugar.
22 23 24 25 26
B: yogurt B: yogurt B: yogurt w/ B: none B: none
L: w/ banana, banana w/ L: spaghetti L:
chicken blue berries W w/ baked hamburger
soup w/ W L: tomato L: omelet w/ potato w/ D: Omelet
D: chicken omelet w/ chicken Oj w/ avocado
soup w/ Oj W D: Spaghetti D: Hotdogs w/ Oj, rice
BB: bowl of D: Hotdogs w/ 2 baked w/ bacon water
cherrios w/ avocado potatoes w/ and slice of BB:
w/ Oj Oj cake
Was ok did BB: none BB: bowl of BB: none Felt low on
feel low but BB: sweet cherrios energy that
ok in the bread w/ Was low on whole day.
morning. glass of milk Was good on energy in After eating
After lunch energy was the morning I did get
was ok but Had energy in the didn’t have some
higher on in the morning. time for B. L energy after
energy. morning did Wasn’t gave me eating but
Dinner was get more feeling low energy for was still
ok but after energy after on energy the rest of tired.
about 1 hr I eating. until after the day Worked out
felt hungry dinner was until dinner, for 3 hour
and low on Same with so full I the cake did the day
energy, so I lunch. wanted to give me before.
ate again. sleep. But energy it
after 2 hrs I contains
felt hungry sugar.

B: Breakfast Oj: orange Juice

L: Lunch W: water

D: Dinner w/: with

BB: before going to bed

For this assignment I am logging what I ate and journaling about how what felt before I ate and how I felt a
half an hour after I ate. Reflect on how the food I ate affected me (increased energy, lack of energy, more or
less patient, self-confident or self-loathing, etc… Why do I think the food you ate made you feel this way?
I think that the food I ate gave me energy because I eat a lot of carbohydrates. So that’s why the food I eat
gives my energy. I don’t feel self-loathing or anything when I eat.

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