Tania Catalina Moreno Diaz: Activity 01. Writing Story During Your Work Life

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Activity 01.

Writing Story During Your

Work life.


Tania Catalina Moreno Diaz

ID: 488026

Oscar Javier Jiménez Rayo


English 2


Uniminuto – Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios


Activity 01.Writing Story During Your

Work life.

The history my work life begins presenting the practices of the Sena, in the Bank Citibank Colombia in
the commercial area I had to approach to spoke and answered the questions of customers.

With these practices I liked to have known the whole financial issue, and have gained much experience
in the most important subject of the banks that is the service to the customer. I always resolved and
offered aided engaged to addressed all the requirements of the office.

Finished in this period and begin already direct by the bank with the position of commercial executive
having a greater economic income.

So to be my most significant and emotional story of work life.

Activity 01. Writing

Write four paragraphs, using Narrative Tenses (Present Simple, Past Simple) about personal
experiences at work, Specially you can write about an important ANECDOTE OR STORY you
have had during your worklife. (APA standards)

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