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Graphical evaluation and Review Technique

1. Introduction:

Application of network analysis to project planning and control has been extensive since the late
1950’s, PERT and CPM, the best known network modeling techniques, have been applied to a
diverse number of projects for planning and control purposes. However, PERT and CPM do
have limited capabilities which prohibit modeling of many complex project network forms. A
more flexible generalized network tool which has received increased attention recently is GERT
(Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique) , GERT includes features such as probabilistic
branching (stochastic models), network looping (feedback loops), multiple sink nodes (multiple
outcomes), and multiple node realization (repeat events) which are unavailable in PERT/CPM.
These GERT features provide the user with the capability to model and analyze projects and
systems of a very general form. Since many real-world system problems do involve probabilistic
occurrences, false-starts, activity repetition, and multiple outcomes, GERT is an ideal tool for
the modeling and analysis.

evaluation and

CPM(Critical evaluation and
Path Method) project review
Management technique)

Activity networks employing PERT and CPM are by far the most common forms of precedence
diagramming today. However they do suffer from some important limitations. particularly in
certain settings such as R&D projects. For example, situations such as multiple branching (i.e.;
success or failure of project.)probabilistic branching,and repeating activities via feedback loops
which are frequently found in experimental or R&D project setting cannot be modeled in
PERT/CPM networks.

As a result, Graphical Evaluation and Review technique was developed to offer an alternative
diagram modeling option for project that are faced with these additional complexities. GERT
create a visual method for rendering network logic to precedence diagramming with the added
flexibility to demonstrate network complexities.

2. Important Sub topics:

Features of GERT:

The following features distinguish the GERT from other existing emotion recognition tests:

 The GERT is based exclusively on dynamic, multimodal emotion expressions (i.e., short
video clips with sound) in order to measure emotion recognition ability in a more
ecologically valid fashion
 The GERT features 14 different emotions, including 6 positive ones, in order to assess
ERA more comprehensively than tests relying on basic emotions
 The GERT was developed and validated based on modern psychometric principles (Item
Response Theory, Rasch model)

Components of GERT:

GERT is mostly concerned with the generalizations of the basic CPM/PERT type of network to
permit probabilistic activities and nodes. The components of GERT networks are:

 Directed branches (arcs, edges, transmittances) and

 Logical nodes (vertices).

Two parameters are associated with the branch:

1. The probability that a branch is taken, p, given that the node from which it emanated is
2. A time, t, required, if the branch is taken, to accomplish the activity, which the branch
represents. The time, 1, can be a random variable.

If the branch is not part of the realization of the network then the time for the activity represented
by the branch is zero. A node in a GERT network consists of an input (emitting, distributive)
function and an output (emitting, distributing) function. Three logical relations on the input side
and two types of relations on the output side will be considered. This yields six types of nodes.
The probability and time associated with the realization of Node.3 are p,pb and max (l,,
tb)assuming activities a and h are independent.

(pa , ta ) .

OR and AND Statements:

Exclusive OR is a logical operation that outputs true only when inputs differ(one is true,the
other is false)

Input A Input B Output

0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0

Inclusive OR is a logical operation that outputs true only if and only if one or more of its
operands is true.

Input A Input B Output

0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 1

AND is a logical operation that outputs true if and only if both operands are true.

Input A Input B Output

0 0 0
0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 1

GERT (I/P Logical relationship)

Name Symbol Characteristics

Exclusive OR The realization of any branch leading intothe node

causes the node to be realized;however one and only of
the branches leading into this node can be realized at a
given time

Inclusive OR The realization of any branch leading intothe node

causes the node to be realized; the time of realization is
the smallest of the completion of time of the activities
leading into Inclusive OR node.

AND The node will be realized only if all the branches leading
into the node are realized. The time f realization thus is
the largest of completion of time of the activities leading
into the AND node

GERT (Output Logical Relationship)

Name Symbol Characteristics

Deterministic All branches emanating from the nodes are taken if the
node is realized, i.e.; all branches emanating from this
node have a p-parameter equal to 1.

probabilistic Exactly one branch emanating from the node is taken if

the node is realized
Combination of Input and Output Logical Operations

Sr No. Symbol Combination I/p + o/p

1 Exclusive OR + deterministic

2 Exclusive OR + Probabilistic

3 Inclusive OR + Deterministic

4 Inclusive OR + Probabilistic

5 AND + Deterministic

6 AND + Probabilistic


GERT Steps

Following are the steps of GERT:

1. Convert a qualitative description of system/network to the model in netwok form

2. Collect the necessary data to describe the branches of Network.
3. Obtain an equivalent one branch function between two nodes of network.
4. Convert the equivalent function into following two performance measure of network.
 The probability that the following node is realized
 The mgf of time associated the equivalent network.
5. Make inference concerning the system under study obtain above 4.

Example of GERT:

 Space mission consisting of two vehicles. Both vehicle must be successfully


Successfully launched

vehicle 1 Mission Success

Vehicle 2 Mission failure

Unsuccessful launch

3. Practical aspects:

4. Review of practical and theoretical solution

5. Merits demerits

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