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Name: Chantelle Thompson Date:

T.P.R. (Total Physical Response) Lesson Plan

CELP/WIDA Standard(s): English Language Learners will process an idea with words, phrases, or chunks
of language.

Content Area: Mathematics

State standard, substandard & evidence outcomes:

Standard: 1. Number Sense, Properties, and Operations
Concepts and skills students master: 1. Whole numbers can be used to name, count, represent, and order
Evidence Outcomes: Students can: a. use number names and the count sequence. (CCSS:K.CC)

Topic/Focus: Numbers

ESL Level: Level 1 (This lesson plan is designed for beginners only, they are NOT expected to talk. They
show what they know through gestures.)

ELL Objectives: Students will identify numbers in Navajo when the numbers are spoken orally.

Target Vocabulary:

Commands Vocabulary words

How do you say…? One – tʼááłáʼí
Two – naaki
Three – tááʼ
Four – dįį́ ʼ́
Five – ashdlaʼ
Six – hastą́ą́
Seven – tsostsʼid
Eight– tseebíí
Nine – náhástʼéí
Ten – neeznáá

Materials/Props Needed: (What pictures AND realia items do you need to teach each
word and command?)
Anticipatory Set: (What will you do to get them excited about the activity? Will you
sing or use a puppet or show pictures or show objects?)
I will start the lesson off by saying the numbers in Navajo to get the students attention. I
will use the pictures of the objects and count in Navajo to the students.

Direct Instruction/Modeling/Demonstration:
After I have started with the anticipatory set I will explain to the students what I just said.
I will slowly say each number from 1 – 5 in Navajo, repeatedly. I will use the number
cards as I am speaking in Navajo. Then after I have repeated the numbers in Navajo I will
ask students to show me a number I have said using the number object card. We will go
over each number several times before I stop using English.
Checking for Understanding:
I will do formative checks by asking the students to show me the number I have just said.
If students need more practice we will do it again.

Extra practice and Assessment:

If students are still not getting the content I will work with them individually. We
will write the numbers in Navajo at the bottom of the card, although this is not an
assessment on reading an number, just speaking the number.

I will bring the lesson to a closure by having each student show me the number card of
the Navajo number I have asked for. We as a group will than count from 1-5 chorally in

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