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Assalamulaikum Wr Wb.

My name Moh. Mahmud was born in the town of Bangkalan on

30.desember.1998. My first child of a single or married couples H. Nakib
and HJ. Nikmah.
I'll tell you my daily life in the Salafi pesantren Nurul Huda is my beloved
cottage. Ting-ting-ting at three-thirty 3:30 pm caretaker cottage wake of all
students. I got up and went to the river to perform ablution. When finished
ablution while waiting for the dawn call to prayer echoed al qur I read an
early finish reading al qur I went to the mosque for the dawn call to prayer.
After the completion of my call to prayer in congregation together all
students. After completion of the congregation, I went to my room to
tadarus together. After completion of the bell tadarus ting-ting-ting time for
the study of the book which directly led by KH Ushuluddin Abd Mannan. At
six-thirty 6:30 pm. finished already the Koran, my breakfast and went
straight to the river to bathe. After bathing I put Duha prayer. Once finished
the prayer I get ready-made uniforms for formal schooling at SMK AN
ANUR ALMUNTAHY I arrived at school before the hour came in at seven to
twelve o'clock less five minutes 7:20 s / d 11:55 bell rang ting-ting -ting, I
popped into the mosque for midday prayers. Finished the prayer I return to
the lodge continued to eat and rest three o'clock 15:00 pm. I rolled out of
bed to hold the shower and Asr prayers. Once finished the prayer, I am
ready to leave school and go home at four madrassas thirty minutes 17:30
pm. after that I went to the cafeteria for an early evening meal sometimes
can not miss the rice. And after that I went to the river bath, after shower I
get ready to go to the mosque for evening prayer in congregation. After that
I followed a study to KH Usuluddin Abd Mannan until the adhan for Isha
'prayer. I went to the mosque for evening prayers' after completion of my
prayers and the students went to the mosque to read hizib together. after
reading hizip. students are all learning together. after completion of
students taking a break approximately one hour. at nine o'clock bell fitting
munadoroh, up to ten hours of fitting and proceed with i'roban until at ten-
thirty and the bell was sounded ting-ting-ting activity has been finished.
after the intervention ended I talked to friends to eliminate saturated and
after that I went to my room to sleep and suddenly I was not aware that it
was already dawn
I thank you so much from
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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