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In this lesson, you will learn step

by step how to create a fog. We

will also add a picture fantasy
character which will be walking
on our landscape.

Final Image Preview

o Forest Path
o Fantasy character
Step 1
Start by opening forest image.
Go to Image > Image size to
reduce photo size to 1000px
width and 669px height.

Step 2
To create a sense of dense fog
on the distance and dispersion
on the foreground, we will make
a few layers of fog, but with
different gradations of saturation.
Create a new layer (press
Shift+Ctrl+N) and fill it with white
color by using Paint Bucket Tool,
then set up opacity to 95% for
current layer. After that we need
to create mask for current layer.
Use Select > Load Selection to
select layer content, then use
Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All
to create mask for all layer. Now
remove selection with Ctrl+D and
move to the next step. Select the
Gradient Tool and fill our layer
with linear black-and-white
gradient as you can see on the
picture below:
Step 3
Select the Eraser Tool (Soft
Brush, Size: 100px, Opacity:
20%) and make a few strokes
with brush on Layer Mask area
and paint over the nearest tree
and stone, the middle and

Step 4
To achieve the effect of realistic
fog (the fog has the ability to
climb and irregularly travel along
the ground) first of all press D to
set up foreground and
background colors black and
white, then create a new layer
and apply Filter > Render >
Step 5
After applying filter to layer,
change layer mode to Screen
and set up opacity to 40%.
Step 6
We are now going to add
goddess picture. Open the
picture and copy it to our main
canvas. Then use Edit > Free
Transform to reduce picture of
Goddess a little bit and move it
left like on my screenshot, which
you can see below:

Step 7
Duplicate goddess current layer
with Layer > Duplicate Layer (or
press Ctrl+J) and hide the bottom
copy (click on the eye, which
indicates layer visibility). Go to
upper copy and change blending
mode to Screen for this layer.
Step 8

Now we need to create mask for current layer. Use Select > Load Selection to select layer content,

then use Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All to create mask for all the layer. Now remove selection

with Ctrl+D and select the Brush Tool (Opacity: 45%) with soft round brush and paint background

area with black color.

Step 9

Go back to the hidden copy of layer and make it visible again. Use Select > Load Selection to select

layer content, then use Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All again to create mask for all layer. Now

remove selection with Ctrl+D and select the Brush Tool (Opacity: 61%) with soft round brush and

paint background area with black color again.

Final Image
Set opacity to 34% up for current
layer and we are done with our
Keep on experimenting and you
will get different techniques and

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