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Personal Strategic Plan



Table of Contents
PART A: PORTFOLIO .................................................................................................................. 3
LIFE LESSONS ....................................................................................................................... 3-4
VALUE ....................................................................................................................................... 5
PERSONAL SWOT .................................................................................................................... 6
STRENGTHS ......................................................................................................................... 6
PART B MOCK INTERVIEW……………….......……………………………………......….10
PART C APPENDICIES……………………………………………………………………...11
CURRENT RESUME…………………………………………………….…………….……..12
COVER LETTER………………………………………………………………………….….13


Two important life lessons I’ve learned throughout my life time is to honor your parents in

anything they do or say, and to put God first in anything you have whether it be studies or work.

The reason I say this is because parents carry lots of wisdom form past events and decisions

they’ve already done in life. Decisions where they’ve been told no and learn their lesson. Many

things or stages one is going through in life, our parents have already gone through it.

An example of this is when my parents told me to go to school right after High School

and to pursue a degree on something I might have liked. At the time I didn’t have an intention to

go to school, but through the few months I was hired for any position I learned my lesson. Every

place I would go to and apply for a job, I would be either rejected or fired because I didn’t have

the right collage education I needed. This caused me to sit down and think that maybe my

parents might have been right. My father saw this coming way before I had given him an answer

of not going to school. My decision of not going to school to pursue a minim wage job wasn’t

working, because I realized my father was right all this time and maybe God had bigger plans for

me. This outcome has led me to realize that as a personal value, we must not only honor our

parents in anything they say or do, but listen to what they have to say. To oneself they might not

always be right, but as we start becoming adults we come to realize that they were right all this

time. Now later throughout my life I have been able to see that this has become an actual

appreciation of gratitude to honor my parents, but it has also become a personal strength of mine.

Now whenever I have questions about life or situations I might not see outcome come through,

my parents are able to see the outcome which has become a personal strength of mine because in

everything I do I decide to honor and I succeed to find a better outcome.


The second most important life lesson I’ve learned throughout my life is to put God first

in everything you do whether it be studies or in a job position. Putting God first increases the

chances for God to use you and open doors to new opportunities throughout your life. “For I

know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans

to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11. God’s plans will always be far greater than the

ones, we may have planned. We might have goals and objectives planned out, but if they are not

God’s they will not go accordingly. An example of this is my first year of college.

Before attending college, I didn’t know what to major in or have a particular field set in

mind. I first decided to go with Criminal Justice my first year of college, but that didn’t go as

planned. The criminal justice courses I started to take started to get difficult half way through as

the semester started. That’s when I began to realize, maybe this wasn’t the field I was called to.

As the year started to come to a conclusion, I stated to seek God and put him first in my studies

and life. Before anything I started to pray for guidance and ask God to open doors to where he

knew I was called to. After months of prayer I finally got a response from a friend I never knew.

Randomly one day as my parents were at a Honda dealership to get a new car, as my parents

were filling out the loan papers and what not, the guy helping us out tells me that he felt like God

was telling him to tell me I should major in the field of business. The best part about this life

lesson that the guy had never seen me or talked to me ever before. The lesson I learned here was

to put God first in order to have new opportunities at your door. This outcome has led me to have

develop sales skills in the world of business. I’ve gotten the opportunity to develop a personal

strength in the field of business were I’ve been taught how to build strong relationships with

people and customers right at the glance that you see them. This not only has become a matter of

appreciation, but has brought the outcome for me to be able to pay my tuition on my own month

to month with the help of my current job ADT Security Solutions that I work over during the


These 2 lessons have not only become an important life lesson for me, but have become

personal values that has helped me be become successful. They have helped me get a clearer

understanding of God, but also about scripture passage itself. The Bible has taught me that one of

the most import things in life a person can do is honor their parents. It is even one of the Ten

Commandment to follow throughout your life time. In conclusion, two important life lessons

I’ve learned throughout life is to one honor your parents and to put God first. These two lessons

have not only become a strong personal value, but a personal strength that can lead to success if

one choses to follow them.


8 personal core values

 The Bible as our source for guidance.

 Prayer and spiritual growth.

 Faith

 Love

 Spiritual growth

 Hope

 Family

 Mentoring

All these core values are what have helped me become the person I am today, but if I

were to choose the most important value it would have to be love. Love is a strong word, but also

a strong action. Whether it be in a job or family, if there is no love you will never do your best to

be the leader you can be. The reason why love is so important is because it has helped me push

and be the best person I can be today. If you don’t like the job you currently have today, then you

will never be the best person you can be within that position. When you love to do what is a

daily task, it will not feel like work, but rather an enjoyment because you adore what you do. The

reason why I say that love is an important core value in my life is because it motivates me to

keep pushing even when a task is hard, if you love somebody or something you’ll do it out of all

your heart to be the best.



Collage Courses

 Principles of Marketing  Macroeconomics

 Human Resource Management  Management Based on Biblical

 Business Finance Principles

 International Business  Introduction to Business

 Business Law  Principles of Accounting

 Entrepreneurial Opportunity  Family Business Management

 Microeconomics

Non-Curricular Activities

 Marketing and Administration  Volunteer service

Internship  Chapel Worship Team


 Soccer Team

Job Experiences

 Direct TV Sales

 ADT Sales

Areas of Strengths

 Hootsuite  Excel Fluent in both English and

 Word Press Spanish

 Microsoft Word  Great customer service skills.

Following all the strengths I have included, the reason why I believe that these are the

areas where I have the greatest strengths is because I have heard it from people themselves say

that I make a great sales rep and that I have a heart to service to volunteer whether it be within

my internship or outside. Within my internship I am taught to create posts and articles through a

software called Hootsuite which is very time consuming, but as an intern I am not paid and am

just doing this internship to gain the experience and skills I need in business. Also people have

said I have a strong sales skill. As a sales representative for ACA, I sell Direct TV to customers

in need of entertainment service's for their home and sell alarm systems for family’s who are in

need of a home protection plan. All this requires customer engagement and great communication

skills. As a sales rep your supposed to be able to engage with customers and build a relationship

with them the moment you see them. And that is something people have told me a am great at. I

am able to engage customers into a selling product conversation to spread brand awareness.


 Marketing and Administration Internship


 Chapel Worship Team

At the Grossman Law Firm in downtown Riverside I was given the honor and pleasure of

being their Intern for the summer of 2017 and Fall 2017. In this internship I am taught what is

marketing branding advocate and how small businesses advertise themselves through google or

mailing information. As an Intern we use Hootsuite to create social media campaigns. In the law

firm we use marketing to set up a social media calendar for 5 months adhering to the 1/3 rule of

content, 1/3 about the firm, 1/3 being entertainment, and 1/3 sharing relevant content. I also help

assist in the administration side where I help mail for customers who are currently working with

us. The reason this internship become a great opportunity now and later in my life is because I

currently have been promised an administration position within the law firm after my graduation.

I have been able to see God opening doors here.

A great opportunity I’ve been given this year is the opportunity to be in schools 2017

Chapel Team. The reason why this has become a great opportunity for me is because it has

opened doors for me outside of church and the four walls to go to different church’s and play

keyboard. As the chapels keyboard player I am in charge of filling up the bad with different

types of piano sounds whether it be with pads or piano sounds. This isn’t an easy task, but with

the help of the rest of the team I am able to hear their opinions if the sounds I play for different

songs are great or not. This also has become an opportunity because it has been the first time

ever in my life where I get paid to do what I love which is to play for the Lord. The way I came

to learn about this opportunity is when they announced that they were having chapel auditions

for the chapel team of 2017, and so far this opportunity has become a great blessing.


There are many contributions I can bring to the table as a student. Because I am a student

I have just taken fresh classes that have taught me how to run a business and start one from the

roots. This gives me a competitive advantage than that of many other people because I am

currently majoring with a Bachelors in Business Management. The fact I have also completed an

internship in marketing and administration shows that I have the skills a business needs as an

employee to administer any business. My educational background has prepared me for the future

jobs I can potentially get.


 Get my Real Estate License

 Get a job right after collage

 Go to Grad School

 Start my own business

One of the reasons why I would like get my real estate license is because I would like to pay

off all my school debt and loans as quick as possible. There is lots of money when it comes to

real estate. You can easily loss or gain. Being able to fix up houses, buy them and resell them can

produce a great outcome. That is why I would like to get my real estate license because it is a

way to start off your own business and gain experience from there. I would love to do fix upper

to restore old dirty home and make them look new and beautiful. The way this relates as an

opportunity for one of my strengths is that it will help me to gain even greater experience in the

sales field. Real estate is just like sale. You have to go out their into the real world and look for

customers who would like to either buy or sell their home. Knowing that ill gain far even more

greater experience in sales, I know will help me gain even more real work job experience for the

day that I do decide to apply for a job.



Having to be able to participate in a real job interview was fun. Although, I’ve already

participated in many job interviews before, being able to participate in an actual job interview

was fun. The job interview I participated in was for a local church position at The Grove Church

I found online through the carrier center website under job search. The position I applied for was

called “Grove Event’s church. I was interview on December 4, 2017 at 2:30 pm with the director

of the “Hub Events Center Manager” who is in charge of any management events work within

the church.

Being able to participate in this mock interview was great because I was able to catch a

lot of things that went wrong and a lot of things that went right for future reference. One of the

things that well was my appearance of how I was dressed and how I was selling myself. The

manger told me that she liked the fact I came in directly into the office with a nice suit with my

resume ready in my hands. Looking sharp not only in appearance is important, but how you sell

yourself thought your resume is also important. The manager said she loved how my resume

looked and thought that the structure I had was great. She liked how I jumped straight to the

skills to show a form of how to sell myself. Knowing this I will keep it in mind for any other

future real job interview. One of the things that didn’t go as well was the fact that I didn’t come

in knowing enough about the church. I didn’t come prepared to answer any questions regarding

about the church and what they believed in nor when it first started. This affected my interview

because I was able to look at the face expressions my interviewer was giving me and they

weren’t happy faces or its okay faces. For future reference one thing I would do differently is to

always come in knowing everything about the company I am applying for. Whether it be when

the company first started to what the business is all about. Knowing this information will truly

help me in an interview.



Martin Baltazar Pacheco Hernandez

15380 Legendary Dr. Moreno Valley, CA 92555 951-448-2423

California Baptist University

Education 8432 Magnolia Ave, CA 92504
Bachelor in Business Administration Management
3.7 GPA

Marketing & Administration Internship, The Grossman Law Firm

Experience June 2017 –October 2017
 Use of Hootsuite to assist in marketing of social media campaigns:
 Set up a social media calendar for 5 months adhering to the 1/3 rule of content. 1/3
about the firm, 1/3 being entertainment, and 1/3 sharing relevant content.
 I create posts and articles through Hootsuite to post over various platforms
 Update articles and blogs via WordPress to optimize SEO via Yoast.
 Assisted in Mailing for customer’s tangibles campaign managed in Infusion Soft.

Sales Representative, ACA Group Service Corporation

April 2016 -December 2016
 As a sales representative for ACA, I sell Direct TV to customers in need of
entertainment service's for their home.
 Customer engagement with people in various environments that changed daily to help
spread awareness and increase sales of entertainment services to people
 Built strong communication skills in order to interact with various people on their level
to communicate the brand and the product effectively

Direct the Worship music for local community church. Communicating in an effective and
Leadership respectful way is required in order to complete each service with the best possible outcome

Skills & Abilities Use of various software including Hootsuite, Word Press, Microsoft Word, Excel. Fluent in
both English and Spanish. Great customer service skills.

Communication Clear and Concise communication with multiple people and with groups in a professional
and respectable manner is a top priority. Communicating in a way that helps to build the
brand and to make the business appear in the best light always.


Martin Baltazar Pacheco Hernandez

15380 Legendary Dr. Moreno Valley, CA 92555
Cell: (951)-448-2423,

December 07, 2017

Martin Pacheco-Hernandez

Natalie Pecoraro
Hub Ministry Assistant
The Grove Community Church
Riverside, CA
951-571-9090 x2248

RE: Grove Event’s Center Management Position

Dear: Natalie Pecoraro,

You need a sharp Intern with great attention to detail and excellent skills. My education and
training make me an ideal candidate for this position.

My educational background has prepared me for the role of Events Management. In particular,
my study of Business Administration in the concentration of Management has given me a solid
background so that I can perform the duties that I am given. I am eager to contribute my
enthusiasm and up-to-date skills to the Garden Gove Church Management Position.

I am certain that my resume will give you a greater understanding of my qualifications for this
exciting opportunity.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to work with and learn from you and your talented
team. I look forward to this opportunity.

Martin Pacheco-Hernandez

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