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EDU 201 Authentic Learning LESSON PLAN

Lesson Title: Authentic Learning Student: Jennifer Vazquez

1. Standards: Standard 3 Learning Environments: The teacher works with others to create

environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive

social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

Standard 5 Application of Content: The teacher understands how to connect

concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and

collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.

2. Objectives: SWABT: paraphrase what is authentic learning

SWABT: determine the importance of authentic learning

3. Materials/Equipment: PowerPoint presentation on authentic learning, Video to introduce

authentic learning, Video of Authentic Learning in Schrader

elementary school, Assessment of authentic learning with four


4. Procedures: First, I will be using a PowerPoint presentation to teach my lesson about

Authentic Learning. In the second slide of the PowerPoint presentation

there a link to a video. I will begin the lesson by demonstrating a video to

spark different ideas and interest. The video will serve as an introduction

to the lesson presentation prepared. The video will last 2:11 minutes.

When the video is done, I will go the second slide. The objectives to this

lesson are located in the third slide. I will explain the objectives of the
lesson. SWBAT: paraphrase what is authentic learning SWABT:

determine the importance of authentic learning.

After the objectives, I will go on to the fourth slide. On this slide is located

the definition of Authentic Learning. I will explain and summarize what is

Authentic Learning and what students prefer when learning, doing instead

of listening.

In the fifth slide, I will further explain and distinguish that authentic

learning is significant and meaningful instead of trivial and useless. On the

same slide I will identify Marilyn Lombardi important contribution to

research of authentic learning and teaching methods.

Next, I explain what authentic learning tasks are. This is when the student

is able to make connections between classroom learning and the world

beyond the classroom. All this information is summarized on slide six.

On the seventh slide, I will give the students an opportunity to learn about

authentic assessments, which require the students to solve problems or

tasks that are closely related to those that they will encounter outside the


After, I will be explaining the five standards of authentic instruction.

These are the elements that occur when students are in authentic learning

environments. All the information is located on the eighth slide.

Next, I will further explain the different types of authentic learning

environments. All the information is located on the ninth slide, where each

of the environment types is listed in great detail.

After explaining the different types of authentic learning environments, I

will specify the criteria that are needed for the students to achieve

authentic learning. These are things the students should be able to do when

the have been practicing authentic learning. The criteria will be listed on

the tenth slide.

Furthermore, I will state some authentic learning examples like math and

the power of writing. All of this information will be on the eleventh slide.

The twelfth slide continues with the authentic learning examples.

However, this example is explained in a video. Once the video is finished,

I will restate how the elementary school used authentic learning in creating

a budget while using some math skills, planning what to do for the

environment, and research. This helps to explain how authentic learning

helped this school’s students connect classroom learning to real-world


Next, I will specify the skills that will be developed through authentic

learning such are judgment. All the skills will be listed on slide thirteen

Finally, for the closure I will do a brief review of the material covered in

the presentation. I will do a small assessment of four questions that the

class will be asked answer. The questions can be found on slide fourteen.

This assessment will help to determine if the objectives were met.

A. Teacher Procedures: Throughout the presentation, I will be

explaining in great detail all the content. As each slide goes on, I will
take a few moments to clarify and specify the material being presented.

I will take small breaks during each slide to allow the students to write

any notes necessary. As I explain the information in the presentation, I

will be answer any questions the students might have to further help

the students understanding of the information given. I will also give a

small assessment at the end of the presentation to help determine is the

learning objectives were met.

B. Student Activities: During the presentation, the student a will listen

and take notes of the material being covered. The students will be

allowed to ask questions if they need further help to understand the

content material. Once the presentation has ended, the students will

take a small assessment to ensure that they were able to learn and

understand the material. With this assessment the students will be able

to show if the objectives were met.

5. Closure: Authentic learning is as we learned from the presentation is teaching

method that allows the students to explore, discuss, and meaningfully

construct concepts and relationships that involve real-world problems.

Such projects help learn something that is real to the student. Students are

motivated by solving real-world problems. They often express a preference

for doing rather than listening. Through the presentation, you all were able

to learn about authentic assessment and authentic tasks. Furthermore, you

all were able to understand the standards of authentic learning, types of

environments, and the skills that develop. Now we will a brief test or

review to see if you all were able to understand to material covered.

6. Assessment: For the assessment of the presentation, there will be a small questionnaire

at the end of the presentation. The questions will be based off the content

of the presentation. The assessment will consist of five questions, as


What is Authentic Learning?

What are two standards of authentic instruction?

What is one authentic learning example?

What are some skills that will be developed through the practice of

authentic learning?

Think about authentic learning is it important. Why or why not?

Mazarin, Jade. Web. Authentic Learning Activities: Examples & Concept. Chapter

Newmann, Fred M. Wehlage, Gary G.Web. Five Standards of Authentic Instruction.


Revington, Steve. Web. Defining Authentic Learning.


Hilt. Lyn. Web. What Do We Mean by Authentic Learning?. Apr 21, 2011
Windham, Carie. Web. Why Today’s Students Value Authentic Learning September 2007

Lombardi, Marilyn. Web. Authentic Learning for the 21st Century: An Overview EDUCAUSE
Learning initiative. May 2007 11/9/2015

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