Research Proposal-Obesity in London-12.01.16

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Obesity in London: Research Proposal

Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Background ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Hypothesis....................................................................................................................................... 4

Aim/ Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 4

Research Question .......................................................................................................................... 4

Outline............................................................................................................................................. 5

References ....................................................................................................................................... 6

The serious medical condition synonymous with excess accumulation of body fat resulting in
negative effect on health can be considered as Obesity, that has been proved to be a leading agent
in reducing life expectancy. The issue of obesity can be considered as a serious health hazard in
this modern age and this is so because of the indulgent unrestricted lifestyle of contemporary
society. Obesity – the severe lifestyle disease is fast catching up with the modern generation and
the children are the worst sufferers. Lack of physical activity, over indulging in fatty unhealthy
food, partaking to an unbelievably unhealthy lifestyle – all these have equally contributed to this
health menace and they result to severe health problems such as heart attack, excessive weight
gain, heart ailments, high cholesterol etc to name a few (Allender and Rayner 2011). All these
need serious addressing in order to prevent the terrible effect on mankind and humanity. These
research papers have taken up this theme of obesity with the aim of preventing its outbreak and
counter its effect on individuals.

The concept of fast food has become so popular, that almost every child now has certain choice
when it comes to one’s daily meal; and this is resulting in obesity frequently for a typical fast
food meal generally contains almost 60% of the recommended daily calories, half of salt,
saturated fat and no portion of veggies and fruits. The rate of obesity is getting higher each year
in London and this definitely rings alarm to the governing authorities as well. Extreme of health
inequality has been portrayed in the name of obesity for the modern lifestyle has gifted the
people with its respective baggage that are nothing but potential health hazards in every respect.
The childhood has been severely hampered by this obesity time bomb and thus needs guidance to
cope up with the alluring food products easily available almost everywhere (Bagust et al. 2009).

It has been found from the UK’s network of Public Health Observations that are said to be a
series of compilation of the health data for the NHS on an annual basis, that several of London’s
boroughs have scored highest as per the obesity meter is concerned. It has been reported that
only a quarter of adults are persons found to be having a healthy eating habit.

From the above mentioned segment of background, it is evident thus, that the rate of obesity is
far higher in London, especially in the borough side than the other parts of the country as well as
across the world. In areas such as Southwark and Westminster, children have been considered
obese for more than a quarter of 11 year olds and one in every ten 5 year olds are heavily
overweight. As per the data collected, it has been reported that the government plans to prevent
the mushrooming outlets of fast food within a certain distance of schools and colleges. Bringing
in tighter control on opening of junk food stores and shops is another issue that needs serious

Aim/ Objectives
The aim of the research is to critically evaluate the role of social media and marketing in the
business growth of an organization and about its future prospect in getting competitive advantage
(Maïano, 2011). The major objectives of this research proposal are mentioned below:

I. To evaluate the impact of obesity on individuals, specifically on children in recent times.

II. To examine the effectiveness in assessing the obese traits amongst junk food loving
III. To understand the role of the government in order to cope up with this health menace.
IV. To find the ways in which contemporary fast lifestyle lacks behind in order to provide
essential nutrients to both the adults and children
V. To find innovative ideas that should be implemented to battle both adult and child obesity
in the future to ensure a healthy future.

Research Question
The research questions are essential for increasing the effectiveness of the research and the
questions are framed in the initial stage of the research as it enables the researcher to understand
the research topic clearly (Obesity survey report, 2011). The research questions that will be
addressed to the research proposal are given below:

1. How far the obesity is a threat to human health?

2. What are the impacts that obesity has come up with?

3. What precautionary measures need to be taken in order to prevent the outbreak of
obesity, especially amongst children?

As per the above research questions, the researcher set the research design that is based on the
research onion which provides an idea about the research approach in order to make decisions
for the research work. In this case, it can very well be said that the researcher has decided to
conduct the research work, being guided with the research philosophies of Interpretivism and a
little bit of Positivism. Interpretivism being concerned with realities is said to be hugely
impacted by both internal and external factors (House of Commons Health Committee, 2004).
Obesity is definitely impacted by certain factors such as ethnic factors, social factors and thus, in
order to understand the realistic picture of the growing menace called obesity, the researcher
takes help of the mentioned research philosophies to carry out the implementative research

The research philosophy would be followed by the research approach that is concerned with the
overall approach of the researcher in dealing with the issues of the research study in a decisive
way. When it comes to the research approach, it can be either deductive or inductive and in this
case, both the deductive approach and the inductive approach are to be taken up for the research
work on obesity in London. This is so because while deductive approach is predominantly based
on statistical tools for the cause of making decisions accordingly, inductive approach is mostly
personal as well as individualistic interpretation based and contains the quantitative as well as
qualitative research strategy (Ells L et al. 2006). The researcher needs to analyze the health trend
of today and the adverse effects of the fast lifestyle that particularly thrives on fast-food or junk
food. .


Allender S. and Rayner M. (2011). The burden of overweight and obesity-related ill health in
the UK.

Bagust A, Roberts B, Haycox A, et al. (2009). The additional cost of obesity to the health service
and the potential for resource savings from effective interventions. Eur J Public Health 1999; 9:

House of Commons Health Committee. (2004). Obesity: Third Report of Session 2003/4.
London: The Stationery Office.

Obesity survey report. (2011). Canadian obesity Network.

Ells L., Lang R., shield J. et al. (2006). Obesity and disability – a short review, Obesity Reviews;
7(4): 341–345

Maïano, C. (2011). Prevalence and risk factors of overweight and obesity among children and
adolescents with intellectual disabilities, Obesity Reviews; 12(3): 189–197

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