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Research Methodology (EA222)

(Spring 2015)

Project Outline (30 marks)


1. The project should be done in groups of Two

2. Written documentation that includes:
a. Cover page: contains names of group members (ALL has to be type
written), and research title
b. Table of contents
c. Font “Times New Roman ” Size 12
3. Power point presentation (includes outline of the research + brief explanation)

The Project Should Illustrate The Following Points:

1. Problem Definition (specified problem statement + showing its importance)

2. Literature Survey (summary of articles and documents using different sources
(academic articles and books) + references written)
3. Theoretical Framework (showing relationships among the several variables that
have been identified as important to the problem
4. Hypothesis development
5. Research design
6. Sampling design
7. Report preparation and presentation

Important Notes:

 Tasks (assignments) should ALL be submitted via hard copy, meeting their
assigned deadline
 Failure to meet the deadlines will result in losing the tasks’ or assignments
 Weekly meetings HAVE to be set with every group members and the course tutor
at the sections’ time.

Best regards,

Mrs Rana Wagdy

Mrs Lobna Ghanem
Ms. Aya El Wardany
Ms. Menna Hossam

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