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EPR 2003 – Assessment 1 Listening pack 2

Criteria for Listening/Speaking Activity

Title of Activity: Listen and sequence (worksheet)

Purpose: -
Listening to improve memory and concentration.
Listening to consolidate new vocabulary and
- Listening to physically settle pupils.
- Listening to encourage mental activity and problem
Grade \ level Grade 4

Context: Speaking (The small robot)

Integration with Listening integrate with speaking and writing

other Skill area:

Model Yes

Students will:
Instructions: 1. Listen to the audio twice and will put the sequence in
right order.

Justification: The teacher will give the students chance to let them work
independently to work and improve memory and concentration, it
will also help them to take in new vocabulary.

Reference Brewster, J. (2004). The Primary English Teacher's Guide.

Hind Saeed H00355016

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