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System Sequence Diagram

Project Artifact
System Sequence Diagram

UseCase Success Senerio1:

UseCase Name: Register Participant In Event/Booking Event
1. User Logins for the system by typing name and password.
2. System Check for the authentication of user.
3. User Views Events and offerings and billing systems attracting his budget.
4. User Selects desired Event.
5. User selects the number of guests.
6. User Selects desired Date And Time
7. User Select Event Category
8. User Select Place or venue of the event
9. User Select Equipment or furniture of event
10. System checks for availability
11. User Select Food Packages and menu for event
12. User Book Event
13. System generates the bill.
14. User Asks For paying the Bill.
15. User Pays the amount of bill.
16. System reserves the booking and generates the receipt.
17. System shows confirmation message.
18. Booking details are saved in system.
19. All directories are updated.
System Sequence Diagram

SSD Name: Register Participant In Event/Booking Event

UseCase Success Senerio2:

UseCase Name: Manage Employees
1. View available employees
2. Lists all available employees
3. Admin asks to the system for not attended booking
4. System shows all the events that need volunteers
5. Admin add employees for specific event
6. System updates the status of employees
7. admin updates the database
8. Database upgraded

System Sequence Diagram

SSD Name:Manage Employee

UseCase Success Senerio3:

UseCase Name: View Registrations & Bookings
1. View bookings
2. Lists all available bookings
3. Admin asks to the system for not attended booking
4. System shows all the events that need response
5. Admin asks to views the required hall decorations details made by client
6. System shows the details of hall decoration made by client
7. Admin asks to views the required food details made by client
8. System shows the required food details made by client
9. Admin asks to view food items available
10.System shows food items available
System Sequence Diagram:
SSD Name: View Registrations and Bookings

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