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IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 5, No.

1, January 1990


Liu Pei, Chen Deshu, Peng Hua O.P. Malik, G.S. Hope
Department of Electric Power Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Huazhong University of Science and Technology The University of Calgary
People's Republic of China Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Keywords: Transmission line protection; second zone faults; accelerated trip

ABSTRACT (1) The sensitivity is low, especially for systems in which

Analysis of a scheme of accelerated trip for faults in the AIo(2) is very small.
second zone of a transmission line distance protection is given in (2) In some particular cases, it can not distinguish developing
this paper. By the use of the two-port network theory, variations faults outside of the protected zone from an opposite side
of the sequence currents and voltages are analyzed when the breaker trip caused by faults inside the protected zone.
fault occurs on the protected line followed by a trip of the
(3) The protection will operate improperly with accelerated t i p
circuit breaker on the other side. The analysis is supported by when the next line is a short line with a pilot protection.
tests performed on a laboratory model of a power system. The
new scheme can improve sensitivity and avoid mal-operation.
Thus, it may be possible to use this scheme instead of pilot
protection and alleviate any problems caused by the non-
availability of a sufficient number of communication chahels for
remote control and relaying. Fig. 2 System configuration for two lines
INTRODUCTION In this paper the variations of the sequence currents and
Consider a transmission line LM with a source at each end compensation voltages for various complex fault conditions are
and protected by an impedance protection, Z, installed on end L analyzed quantitatively by the use of the two-pon network theory
as shown in Fig.1. [2]. The cases analyzed are:
(1) a fault occurs at point P in the second zone of the
protected line ( Fig.1 ).
(2) a fault occurs at point P in the second zone of the
protected line ( Fig.1 ) and breaker CM1 trips.
(3) a developing fault at point Q near the beginning of the next
line ( Fig.2 ).
Based on this analysis, a method which can solve the above
7 h mentioned problems is proposed. Test results on a dynamic
Fig. 1 Basic system configuration power system model show that the proposed method is effective.
In a conventional distance protection relay, a time delay is NUMERICAL CALCULATIONS
used for faults in a zone spanning approximately 20% line
length near the end of the protected line. This limits the By use of the two-port network theory the variations of the
application of the distance protection because the time delay is zero and the negative sequence currents can be determined for
not acceptable for an EHV power transmission line. Reference different fault conditions followed by the t i p of the opposite
[l] pointed out that when a fault occurs in the second zone of side breaker. The derivation of these currents for some
the protected line and the circuit breaker at the opposite end of particular cases is give in Appendix A. It takes the following
the faulted line trips (breaker CM1 in Fig.l), the voltages and form.
currents where the protection is installed will change a second AIo,2(2) = I - I,
time. It was also pointed out that this second change in the zero
sequence current, A10(2), can be used to identify the trip of the a--+ b R f d + e R f
= - (1)
opposite side circuit breaker and to operate the protection c + R ~ f +Rf
immediately. This process is called "Accelerated trip". The where
following problems associated with the original "Accelerated
AIoVz(2) are the second changes of the zero and the
trip" method needed to be solved:
negative sequence currents, respectively.
R f is the fault resistance at the short circuit point.
For a given power system and a given fault condition a, b,
c, d, e and f are complex constants (Appendix A).
8 9 SM 726-1 PWRD A paper recommended and approved
In order to simplify the analysis, assume that the fault
by t h e IEEE Power System Relaying Committee of t h e IEEE
Power Engineering S o c i e t y f o r p r e s e n t a t i o n a t t h e I E E E / resistance R f is equal to zero. Then eqn. (1) can be
PES 1989 Summer Meeting, Long Beach, C a l i f o r n i a , J u l y 9 simplified to
- 14, 1989. Manuscript submitted December 19, 1988;
made a v a i l a b l e f o r p r i n t i n g May 9 , 1989.

0885-8977/90/01~OO72$01.OO 0 1989 IEEE

__- ~

Substituting a, c, d and f in eqn. (2) gives the values of the transformers connected as a grounded star. This seldom
second change of sequence currents. Details for different kinds happens. As G , is not less than G 2 in practical power
of faults are given below. systems, condition (ii) can not be satisfied. However,
1. A single phase to ground fault occurs at point P condition (iii) may be true because the condition G o > G2
followed by a three phase trip of circuit breaker CM1 ( Fig. 1 ). can be satisfied when a fault occurs in the second zone of the
protected line. This implies that a "dead point" exists in the
foAV1 - B E , original "Accelerated Trip" scheme by the use of the N0(2)
A10(2) = (3)
A B only.
Similar to the analysis for the zero sequence current, the
following conditions (iv)-(vi) give the conditions for AIz(2) to
be equal to zero.
(iv) G l = G 2 = G o
A = K,+K,+Ko
B = f,Kl+f2K2+fOKO
f l = -G
, l f 2 = - , G2 f o = -GO
Zf 1 Zf2 Zf0
El is the source voltage at the side L Analysis shows that only condition (vi) can be true. This
V, is the prefault voltage at the fault point P means that there is also a "dead point" if only N2(2) is used.
As G o > Gz and G o < G 2 can not be true at the same time, it
K , , K 2 , K O are sequence impedances from the fault point p
means that AIo(2) and AIz(2) can not be equal to zero at the
to the source E,
same time.
G 1 , G 2 , Go are sequence impedances from the fault point An example of a power system is used to illustrate the
P to the source E, above conclusions. For the model power system (Appendix B)
Z f l , Zf2, Z f o are total sequence impedances between two values for eqns. (5) and (6) are calculated and listed in Table 1.
sources Table 1 Values for eqns. (5) and (6)
It can be seen from eqns. (3) and (4) that even if the ~ ~~

parameters of networks are such that make f o A = B or f A =

B, AIo(2) and Nz(2) can still not be equal to zero. It is A (Go-G,)+S (Go-Gi) (Gz-Go)+T ( G z - G l )
because a difference between either the magnitudes or the phases
always exists between voltage V , and the source voltage E l . 0.80 19.205 -14.184

2. A single phase to ground fault at point P followed by the 0.85 8.048 -15.452
circuit breaker tripping only the faulted phase
0.90 -3.116 -9.505
AI&) = [ ( G o - G ~1 + S ( G o - G I 1 I K OL Q (5)
0.95 -14.284 -3.573

1.oo -25.457 2.346

In Table 1, A is the ratio between the distance from the

fault point to the bus-bar L and the total length of the line.
Substituting the value given in Table 1 into eqns. (5) and (6),
the dead point for hIo(2) is in the range when A equals 85-
3-f1-fz-f0 90% length of the line and the dead point for LV2.2) is in the
z =f 1 K1 + f 2K2 + f OK0
( v, - 1, 1 range when A equals 95-100%.
3. Two phase to ground fault at point P followed by a three
phase trip of breaker CM1
I, is the prefault current in line LM

Zf 1
Q =
w -zfl(K2-Ko)2-Zr2(Ko-K1)2--fO(K1-K2)2
W = ( K 1 + K Z + K O )(ZrlZt2 + ZrlZto + Zt2Zt0)
Ignoring the phase difference between s
and F , both 5
and T will be positive. In order to have M0(2) equal to zero,
one of the following conditions must be satisfied.
(i) Go = G1 = G 2
D = f oKof lK1 + f oKofzK2 + f l K l f 2K2
Ignoring the phase difference between the system sequence
(iii)G1 > G o > G 2 impedances all the coefficients of the sequence network, f 1, f 2
and f o, are less than 1 .The phase difference between E, and Vl
Condition (i) is true only when the three-phase transformer always exists and thus A10(2) and N2(2)can not be equal to
connected to bus-bar M consists of three single phase zero.

4. A phase-phase fault at point P followed by a three phase

trip of breaker CM1
No(2) = 0

f2Kl + f2K2
M =
f lK1 + f 2 K 2
It is obvious that for a phase to phase fault, the value of
N 0 ( 2 ) is equal to zero. Ignoring the phase difference between
the system parameters and assuming that M equals to one, Alz(2)
is not equal to zero only when there exists a phase difference
between E, and VI. Further simplification can be made by L L

assuming the positive and negative sequence impedances to be 0 0.5 14

equal. This simplifies eqn.(9) to N 2 ( 2 ) = 11/2. lZll

5. A phase to phase fault at P followed by non-simultaneous

tripping of three phases of the opposite side circuit breaker, i.e.
one pole opens first and then the other two.
In this case, analysis for the negative sequence current is
too complex and is omitted here. Only the zero sequence current Fig. 3 Effect of ground Fig. 4 Effect of ground
is analyzed. fault resistance fault resistance on
zero sequence negative sequence
current current

where Fig. 5. This is used to simulate a power system of two generators

with the capacities of 350 M V A and 333MVA respectively,
N = KlZfo-2Zf1Gl-4Z,oZ,i
and a 200km 220kV transmission line. In the model system, the
generator terminal voltages are 220V. They are connected to the
K1 = K2 800V transmission line through a set of three single phase
4 1 = 4 2
The parameters of the generators and the transmission line
It is easy to see from eqn.(lO) that the value of N 0 ( 2 ) can are given in Appendix B.
not be equal to zero. Tests were carried out for the following conditions and the
INFLUENCE OF THE GROUND FAULT RESISTANCE wave forms and the data of the sequence currents for the tests
ON N o ( 2 ) AND N 2 ( 2 ) were recorded:
The relations between N 0 ( 2 ) , A12(2) and Rf are given in (1) Direct short circuits with no fault impedance.
Figs. 3 and&. These results are calculated for the power system (2) A single phase to ground short circuit with a grounding
shown in Fig.l with the parameters of resistance.
El = 1, E,,, = l.Om (3) A single phase to ground fault with the neutral of the
transformer connected to bus-bar M grounded through a
Zrl = Zr2 = 1.70LsQo , Z l o = 3 . 0 2 W small reactance.
K1 = K2 = 1 . 2 W ,KO = 2 . 3 0 m The waveforms of No&) and N 2 ( 2 ) recorded for a number
of fault conditions are shown in Figs. 6 through 9 . In these
figures, solid lines are for the case of faults with no circuit
In Figs3 and 4, curve (1) is for,a single phase to ground breaker trip and dotted limes are for the case of faults followed
fault at P followed by a single phase tip; curve ( 2 ) is for a by the opposite circuit breaker trip. For the studies shown in
single phase to ground fault at P followed by a three phase trip; Fig.6-8, the neutral of the transformer at bus-bar M was
curve ( 3 ) is for a two phase to ground fault at P followed by a grounded directly, whereas for the study in Fig.9 it was grounded
three phase mp; curve (4) is for a phase to phase fault at P through a small reactance.
followed by a single phase trip first. It can be seen from these
figures that N o ( 2 ) and &2(2) increase with the increase of Rf Figure 10 shows N 0 ( 2 ) as obtained from test results for
when Rf is small. It can also be seen that A10(2) and N y , ( 2 ) two cases:
have the minimum values when a single phase fault occurs at P (1) the neutral of the transformer on the E,,, side is grounded
followed by a single phase trip when Rf is relatively small. directly,
(2) the neutral of the transformer is grounded through a small
TEST RESULTS ON A reactance which is used to improve the system dynamic
Different fault conditions were tested on a physical model It can be observed from this figure that N 0 ( 2 ) increases with the
of a power system in the laboratory at the Huazhong University grounding reactance. It can also be observed that the neutral of
of Science and Technology , China. the transformer grounded with a reactance can reduce the
The configuration of the model power system is shown in influence of the Rf on N o ( 2 ) .



Fig. 5 Dynamic Power System Model Fig. 10 Effect of the Fault Resistance Rf on M0(2)

.~ The test results of the dynamic power system model show
Single phase fault and the single phase trip produce
minimum N 0 ( 2 ) .
A small reactance, connected to the neutral of the
transformer, will increase N 0 ( 2 ) , and reduce the influence
ofRf on i t .
N o ( 2 ) and N 2 ( 2 ) will not be equal to zero at the same time
in all situations. Their values depend upon the system
Fig. 6 Single phase to ground fault at P and parameters, the location of the fault and the grounding
breaker CM1 trips faulted phase resistance Rf.
Consider that a single-phase to ground fault near the
beginning of the line MN in Fig. 2 develops into a double-
phase to ground fault. This fault development will produce
sufficient N 0 ( 2 ) and N 2 ( 2 ) which can be sensed by the
protection Z near bus L. It is necessary to distinguish this from
the trip of circuit breaker CMI.
-0.6 t In this condition, N 0 ( 2 ) caused is given as
Fig. 7 Phase-phase fault at P followed by a M,(2) = I , - I,' = - v, (11)
trip of the leading phase by CM1 w2
I,, I,' are the zero sequence currents of a single-phase to
ground fault and a double-phase to ground fault,

Fig. 8 Two phase to ground fault at P followed Numerical calculations for some power systems show that
by a three phase mp CM1 N o ( 2 ) caused by a developing fault at the beginning of the next
line MN, eqn.(ll), maybe greater than that caused by a fault
occurring near the end of the protected line LM and the circuit
breaker trip q n . (5). This will make the protection trip in-
appropriately. In order to solve this problem, it is proposed to
use a compensation voltage, Vy', at point Y (Fig.2), the end of
zone 1 as an auxiliary signal.
The compensation voltage is calculated by the use of the
following equation:
vy' = v - ( I + 3 K I , ) Z s e t (12)
Fig. 9 Single phase to ground fault at P followed
by a trip of the faulted phase when the Vy ' is the phase compensation voltage;
neutral of the transformer at bus-bar M is V, I are the phase voltage and the phase current at point L,
grounded through a small reactance respectively;

I o is the zero sequence current; This strategy is realized as follows. When the protection
senses the occurrence of a fault in the second zone of the
K=- 4 0 - Zll protected line, it begins to calculate N0(2) and N2(2) after a
41 time delay of 0.08s to, i.e. 4 to 5 cycles of the system
Zlo, Zll are the zero and positive sequence impedances of frequency . This time delay is chosen to be a little less than the
the line LM; time which the circuit breaker trip needs. Also this time delay is
Z,,, is the setting value of zone 1 of the distance necessary to avoid in-appropriate acceleration trip, such as a
protection. change of Rf and a fault development of the protected line.
3. If a fault occurs at the beginning of the next line, and
breaker CM2 hips before the trip of CN, the second change of
the sequence current can be caused. But the fault is not in the
protected zone. Accelerated trip will not operate.
4. If the circuit breaker is reclosed on a permanent fault in
the second zone of the protected line, the protection trips three
phases immediately without the calculation of AZ0(2) and N2(2).
5. The protection based on the proposed scheme still keeps
the basic function of three zone reach as in the conventional
protection in case of the accelerated trip being in-effective.
0 0 . 5 U)
Fig. 11 Effect of fault impedance on compensation voltage
Accelerated trip for the second zone faults can be
successfully used on EHV power transmission lines. It may be
The variation of Vu ’ for different values of Rf is calculated possible to replace the expensive pilot protection and solve the
by eqn.(l2), and Vyb’, the compensation voltage of phase B, is problem of insufficient communication channels. In addition, the
‘plotted in Fig.11. In these calculations, phase A is assumed to sensitivity of the protection is greatly improved by the use of
be the faulted phase and phase B is the fault development phase. both AZ0(2) and N2(2) as the condition for acceleration. One
In Fig. 11, curve (1) is for the case of a single-phase to drawback of the proposed protection is that it will not accelerate
ground fault with Rf at the end of the protected line or the trip for three phase faults. As the protection keeps the three
beginning of the next line. Curve (2) is for the case of a fault at zone reach function, it still can operate the breaker with the
the beginning of the next line developing from a single-phase to second zone time delay.
ground to a double phase to ground. Curve (3) is for the case of Use of the second change of the compensation voltage Vr ’
a single-phase to ground fault at the end of the protected line and in the non-fault phase can effectively distinguish the circuit
the opposite circuit breaker trip of the faulted phase. breaker trip for a fault in the protected line from the fault
It is seen from Fig. 11 that when the fault occurs in the development in the beginning of the next line. One case in
next line and the fault develops, the value of the compensation which it is not effective is that when the fault occurs at the end
voltage Vyb’ will drop significantly, i.e. it changes from curve of the protected line and develops causing the opposite side
(1) to curve (2). However, when the fault occurs at P in the breaker to trip at the same time. In this case the accelerated trip
protected line and the circuit breaker CM1 trips, v y b ’ only has a function is locked, but this happens very rarely. The modern
small change , i.e. changes from curve (1) to curve (3). This micro-computers have the advantages of flexibility and large
provides a criterion for distinguishing between fault development memory, They can be used to realize this relatively complicated
and circuit breaker trip. Thus variation of Vyb’ can be used to scheme.
decide about the accelerated trip. A prototype of the proposed scheme has been designed and
built using a single-board computer with 2-8002 CPU. It was
tested on the model power system shown in Fig. 5. For faults
THE STRATEGY OF THE PROPOSED SCHEME occumng in the second zone of the protected line it correctly
Based on the analysis and calculations presented above, the operated the accelerated mp. The trip time varied between
following strategy for the tripping of the protection is proposed: 140ms and 165ms with the opposite circuit breaker tripping in
1. For faults in the first zone of the protected line, approximately 1OOms. Normal second zone time without
protection trips immediately. acceleration is usuallly set to 500ms in China.
2. If the fault occurs in the second zone, accelerated trip
will depend upon the opposite side. A logic representation of the
accelerated trip is shown in Fig.12. REFERENCES
Ding Gownhua “Full-Line Trip Immediately in Succession
U&) > SETTING VALUE of Distance Protection”, The Second Academic Conference
6 / , ( 2 ) > SETTING VALUE TI1E OPPOSITE SIDE on Protective Relaying of Chinese Society of Elec. Eng.,
BREAKER 1 R I P Sept. 1979 (In Chinese).
“Calculations of Electrical Power System” The Hydro-
ACCELERATE TIUP Electric Publication Company, China, 1978 (in Chinese).
Chen Deshu, Liu Pei, Peng Hua, G.S.Hope and O.P.Malik
Vr ’ < SETTWG VALUE “Scheme for Accelerated Trip for Faults in the Second Zone
of Protecton of a Transmission Line“ IEEE Power
Engineering Society 1988 Summer Meeting Paper #88 SM
Fig. 12 Trip strategy for the proposed scheme 524- 1.

Calculation of the Sequence Currents
Using Two-port Network Theory
(1). A single-phase to ground fault through impedance Rr
at P and circuit breaker CM1 trips all three phases ( Fig.1 ).
For a single-phase to ground fault at P, the zero and the
negative sequence currents are given by the following equations:

Io =
- (A-1)
f 2VI
I2 = - &A
Fig. 14 Series-parallel network representation
of the sequence circuits for the complex fault
The parameters of the sequence network are given by the
following matrices
The sequence currents I,, I , at the relaying point after the
circuit breaker has tripped are given below:
I, = -El

I, = -El

&A’ = K i + K 2 + K o + 3 R j
Therefore, the second changes of the sequence currents are
given by
fo &A
N o (2) = I o - I o r = -
(VI- -
&A’f E l ) (A-5)

In this situation, the ratios of the ideal transformers are all

equal to one. A synthetic parameter matrix is given below.
Both - &A
&A and - are complex constants and E, is H = H ( 0 ) + H(l) + H(2)
&A f o &A f 2
not exactly equal to the prefault voltage V I at point P. Therefore, The inverse of the matrix H is given by
A10(2) and AIz(2) can not be equal to zero.
(2). A single-phase to ground fault at point P and circuit (A-10)
breaker CM1 trips the faulted phase.


Fig. 13 Two-port representation of the power system

In the two port power system representation shown in Fig.
13, the fault point ,1 l’, is supposed to be the first port and the
circuit breaker ,2 2’, is supposed to be the second port. Using the
two-port network theory, this system can be represented as a
series-parallel network shown in Fig.14 . In this figure
nl(o),nl(l),nl(2) and n2(o),n2(l),n2(2) are the ratios of the
ideal transformers of the first port and the second port
respectively. According to the selection of the reference phase, As the sequence currents of first port ( series port ) are all
fie ratios of the transformers may be equal to 1, a or u 2 with a equal and the sequence voltages of the second port ( parallel port
equals to e -i lw. ) are all equal, the following equation can be obtained:
Parameters of generator El:
where 7.5kV, three phase, 23OVl46OV,
transient reactance: Xd’= 0.192 pu
Vhl, Ihl are the open circuit voltage of the first port and negative sequence reactance: x 2 = 0.206 pu
short circuit current of the second port respectively, when zero sequence reactance: Xo = 0.0592 pu
the first port is opened and the second port is shorted. time constant: Tdo = 1.66 s
vhl = (A-12)

= -11 (A-13) Parameters of generator Em:

Substituting vhl, I,,, and H-’ given by eqns. (A-l2),(A- 5kVA. three phase, 23OVl46OV,
13) and (A-10) into eqn. (A-11) results in the sequence currents
transient reactance: Xd’=0.139 pu
negative sequence reactance: X2 = 0.071 pu
of the first port and the sequence voltages of the second port. For
zero sequence reactance: XO = 0.0338 pu
the zero sequence and the negative sequence networks the
following equations hold. time constant Tdo = 1.388 s
Parameters of transmission line:
(A-14) Four reactance and capacitance IC circuits are used to
simulate 125 km transmission line. Parameters of each 1c section
are given in Table 2.
Table 2 Model Transmission Line Parameters

Solving eqns. (A-71, (A-9), (A-ll), (A-14) and (A-15)

results in the zero and the negative sequence currents of the
two-port network. The sequence currents at the point where the (” (3OW (25W
protection is installed are calculated by x1 (Q) 16.00 13.00 9.00

Io1 = Il(0) + I,(O) r 1 (Q) 3.20 2.40 2.00

= G I 1 (K2 - KO) + ZIZ(K1 - KO) + &A 1) -
c1 (m 0.33 0.66 0.22

cN 0.68 1.22 0.47

XN (n) 12.20 8.90 8.76

rN (n) 2.60 2.00 1.67

Liu Pei received B.E. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical

Engineering from the Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, (HUST), Wuhan in 1968 and 1981 respectively.
From 1968 to 1978 she worked with the Wuhan Electric Power
Company. She is working with HUST as a lecturer since 1981.

Chen Deshu (SM’87) graduated in Electrical Electrical

Engineering from Zhongshan University in 1952 and from the
Harbeen University as a graduate student in protective relaying
in 1955. He joined the Huazhong University of Science and
Technology in 1952 and holds the rank of Professor of Electrical
Engineering at present.

Peng Hua received her B.E. degree from the Huazhong

University of Science and Technology in 1985. She is presently
working towards her Master’s degree at HUST in the m a of
distance computer relaying.

O.P. Malik (M’66-SM’69-F’87) graduated in 1952 and obtained

M.E. in 1962. In 1965 he received Ph.D. from the University of
3-f1-f2-f0 I London. From 1952 to 1961, he worked with electric utilities in
L’ = 1 - 1 India. He is at present a Professor at the University of Calgary.
G.S. Hope (S’56-M’67-SM’72) received B.Sc. from the
M‘ = f 1K1+ f 2K2 + f OK0 + 3Rf University of Alberta and PbD. from the University of London
in 1957 and 1966 respectively. From 1957 to 1961 he worked
Comparing eqn. (1) with eqns. (A-18) and (A-19) results in with Canadian General Electric. He joined the University of
the constants a, b, c, d, e and f shown in eqn.(l). Calgary in 1967 and at present he holds the rank of Professor.

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