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BLACKHALL BLAKEBOROUGH LARNER-JOHNSON VALVE © CONTENTS Introduction Operation General Charact ‘application Materials Headioss and Sizing tation istics, and Pipeline Regulators Free discharge Regulators Power operation Float Controtied Valves INTRODUCTION The Larner-Johason valve was originally developed for usé-an hydro-electric [power plants in the U.S, where it pioneered the application of the needle valve principle to the problems af flow ‘eanteol in pipelines and conduits. J. Blakeborough & Son Lic. 's interest in the LammersJohinson valve began in the early 1920s. The association was consummated in 1937 when Elakeboroughs obtained manulactung and selling rights of the patents. Extensive development work was carried out at this point laying down sound technica! foundations, which ‘were to prove the product time and gain, 1989. purchased the sole manufacturing aed intellectual Aghts tor ‘Use Lanser-Johnson valve when Biakeboroughs closed. To date, the design has been applied to almost all the principle valve duties, rasulting in the series of manual, power-operated and self-acting types set aut in the following pages. Thousands of installations have been camed out, covenng the widest range ot sizes. duties and conditions, and providing ample evidence of a capacity for sustained high level performance. OPERATION The operating force is obtained from the line pressure in the valve borly and is governed by an internal pilot valve which opens or closes an orifice in the plunger nose. The plunger is shaped to form two chambers, A and B, which recive a continuous supply of pressure water from the valve body the first through a regulating valve, and the second through clearance round the plunger. The regulating valve is adjusted so that the water entering the plunger is. fess than the Gigcharge eapaciy of te flly-open pilot valve. The throat of the valveis of smaller diameter than the inlet so that the volocity is greatest and the pressu is lowest in the region of the plunger nase. ‘The static pressureon the downstream or outer face of the plunger is thuslower than the pressure admitted through the regulating valve to the chamber A, and, if the pilot valve is closed, pressure builds up in the plunger and Causes movement in the closing fitection. When the pit valve is opened, the discharge from the or exceeds the supply to the chamber A. and the pressure inthe latter falls t0 the downstream value. The pressure in the annular chambar @ icnot eeneitly affected and thus creates an unbalanced farce moving the plunger in the opening direction, When the pilot valve is halted, the plunger stops Ina position giving balance between iavr‘inmae rau macys ran enon pce 8 neerg had! 90 ates eo ‘Sv wa on ie oa are the hydraulic forces on its inner and ‘autar faces, In the ease of pipeline valves the outlet is provided with a taper pipe, as shown on page 4, This converts the high volocity energy at the throat back into pressure with only a slight loss. Chambers A and B are usually provided with blews-aff ports far remewing any silt deposits which might accumulate if the valve remains unoperated for Jong periods. These connections can also be used to-abtain auxiliary operating foree if the plunger tends to stick for any reason. Slight opening of the blow-off from chamber A lowers. the pressure in this chamber and. creates an extra apening force. Similarly the pressure can be reduced in chamber B to abtain extra closing force. Normally the blow-off valves would never need to be fully apened {or this purpose, but considerable hydraulic forces are actually available Hever required. Smaller valves may only have one blow-off connection, this being on chamber A. © ‘Strength and Compactness ‘The simple circular cross-sectional fonmis the most favourable for resistanar tu uistur ium. War ity stresses can be calculated on the basis. (of well-established formulae for circular shells, and the vatve can thus bbe designed with certainty for any size or pressure. ‘The valve is highly compact in vertical and lateral dimensions. Durability ‘The smooth flow conditions at all ‘stages of opening minimize erosion, cavitation and vibration. Wear and tear are negiigible due to the retatively small operating forces, the absence of {or the effective weight of the plunger riding on its quides) and the freedom from vibration. All intemal operating mechanism ig iacated in the internal chamber, where there is no appreciable flow. Ease of Operation The pilot control makes the valve the easiest of types to operate by hand, and simplifies the arrangement of power drive and self-acting mechanisms where these are required, No by-pass is necessary for balancing Purposes. ‘ GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS “ Leak-proof Closure ‘When seating and unseating, the faces ‘on body ang plunger meet and part ‘cwanly, nee is nelle movement with the surfaces in ‘contact. The absance of friction and ‘wear, coupled with freedom fram risk ‘Of distortion and the fact that when ‘shut the plunger is held by line ressure, means that once ground in 9144 0mm axset +270 Lane Jhon in the normal way the valve will remain Wars onremror ew oe m0 tight ‘dee © APPLICATION. ion ist but there is alsc from the petroleum field Although avellable in certain sizes and standardized basi, 1 off th ine investment We shall be gist to advise on the ‘8.1800 + 1300 x 1500 me Larner Johnsen ‘Tete opeteed fener urine wna MATERIAL mSGECIEICATIONS, Ng Nor na the Cast iron For bodies and larger plungers. Highichaty tun by thre Meet arite pracess corresponding to BS. 1452 ‘ Grade 220. The superior qualite Meehanite’ in ts nd consistency rand 018 for pBssure CARTINgS Grade 480, Stainless Stee! lot valve, pilot valve ste Tinkage pins, and in sy swat rings, Tu 8.5.970431-S29 combining high ngth and hard wear stainiess steel components are in working contact with each athe types with suitably differentiated properties are used to prevent galling. HEADLOSS © AND SIZING ‘Tha headloss across a Larner-Johnson valve can be expressed in the following terms Whore K = Headloss coetticient H= Headloss in metres (or feet) Inlet velocity in m/s for ft/S) 9=9:81 mis! for 32-2h/s") Thevalues of the headioss cosficiont have been estabishad over the years, and in the smaller sizes have been confirmed by flow laboratory tests ‘Account is taken of the substantial recovery of head in the outlet taper pipe which is normaly fitted for ‘smooth transition from throat to line dameter Experience has shown that for general purposes the mast favourable balance of advantage in the way of plunger Contra, flow control, and headioss is obtained with a theaat diameter equ {evabout hall thevinlet- As tars possible this?2:1 ratio is adopted as regular practice. To facilitate sizing of valves of these proportions, in throat diameters up to 380_mm, use may be ‘made of the noregrams on page 7 Winecessary, smaller ratios may be employed, of the order of, say, 3:2 r 4:3, and one result of this sto reduce the headioss across the valve, which is the benefit usually sought. ‘On the other hand, by the same process the flow control ehavacteristic tends to be disturbed, and effective eqqulatinn confined to a shorter portion Of the stroke. The consequences are teal, however, and the valve an eminently practical ‘proposition for most requirements. To ind the headioss across valves ot ‘such ratios, the formula given above can be used in conjunction with charts ‘Vand2. These can alsa be used for sizing purposes, Given inlet velocity (V) and overall valve headioss under maximum flow conditions (M), insert these in the formula above to obtain the value of K, which may then be uuzed in conjunction with the inlet diameter to find the throat diameter from the anpropriste chart Note Valves should always be sized for the maximum flows required at the tins ‘The practice of instaling a valve of larger capacity to cover possible future increases in demand is a frequent cause of unsatisfactory performance through loss of sensitivity n control Its preferable to provide for higher low when the need arises, by ialing a replacement valve Ssppropriate Wu the changed curnitivns, 0.3 300 aed G00 60d 700 900 #00 tA HAH Fn om INLET DIAMETE! 12416 18 20 22 24 2628 30 37 24 96 38 AOR? ad inches. co-efficients. In-line Valves with inlet/throat 1, except those with air belt or cavitation”. 7 AA] rit 1214 W 18 20 22 24 26 28 90 32 44 96 98 40 47 44 46 a8 (Chart 2 Headioss co-efficients. Free Discharge Valves with {evee throat ratios lees than 2:1. except those with air beltor ion, Sizing Nomograms Valves with 2to 1 inlet to throat ratio only. In-line Vatves: except those wrth air Lelis Iie, valvesin which the throat runs full. There must be no cavitation oF air drawn into the throat) a msetiaie se Bosctormins 8 = sof 2] savctormaa: 0 1181 [-2]’ “toe mn ype “T i vf : { a a vo i 1: oy of i- i fh ; -| 4 Fl | | | {él 4 g]ods| i : cone i] = od 1 Free Discharge Valves and valves with air belts. {i.@. Valves with very short outlet pipe where air may be present in the valve throat, See nates on page B for valves with ‘ir belts ang cavitating valves, BI. Metric Units, 82. Imperial Units ate Basic lormyla: B= wos [ Basic formula: © = 1.267[ 5] , =| “j “=| | i af 1 4 Fy) og : | i “i “| oma s | oy i | . © cavitarion What is Cavitation? ‘When water squeezes through a seduced areas in a throttled valve, its velocity increases and its pressure falls. Changes of velocity and pressure can also occut when the stream lines are Unable to follow sudden changes: in the direction of the vahvo walls, In-such circumstances the water prossure may fall to less than ther ‘vapour pressure, and minute vapour bubbles farm in the low pressure zone This is known as ‘cavitation’ Atter passing through this high welocity zone the water decelerates and increases in pressure, as in the outhet taper pipe of the Larner dahnson ‘Valve. As soon as the prossute rises above the vapour pressure the bubbles. disappear. Itis thes callapse which produces ‘cavitation nose its awn ‘cavitation charactaristios, and those of Lamer-Johnson valves have been determined by laboratory tests on a range of sizes. These are avaslable ‘when required, but im mast cases itis Doni necessary to make 3 rough assessment. This is done by comparing the valve headioss, dH, with the inlet head, H, If dH is greater than 0.5H, then cavitation is probable and anti-cavitatian measures would be ‘considered. In case of doubt the conclusion would be checked by a full scale cavitation calculation 1 should be noted that 8 valve may be jon-free when open, but ‘valve is throttled ta reduce the flow. ‘The throttled position may be checked tor cavitation by comparing H, and dH {for the throttied valve. dH must not be more than 0.5H. ‘Cavitation Damage The collapse of the cavitation bubbles produces both noise and shock waves ‘When the bubbles are eallapsing ne {0 the vaive walls, the shock waves ‘will cause erosion of the metal surfaces, the rate of erasion depending on the intensity af cavitation. The intensity increases {a) with increase Of inlet pressure andl (b) with increase in pressure drop ratio, dH/H. Thus the cavitation would be quite light ina vaive with Orn inket head and 6m headiass, but it would be severe inva waive wth 100m inlet head and 90m heads Damage is most likely to atfect the Valve seat and the throat immediately awnatrnam af the nat, alsa the at and sloping face of the plunger. Protection against cavitation ‘One or more of the following may be ‘employed according to citcumstances ® (a) Airbelts This device is basically an automatic air valve connected to ane ar more: paints at the Lamer-Jahnson throat ‘When the throat pressure i positive the air valve remains closed, but when the pressure is sub-atmaspheric it ‘opens 10 adenit air, Within limits this actually prevents cavitation and reduces noise and vibratian. It does 30 however at the expense of reduced fiow capacity and the presence of air inthe downstream main, The valve ize may be increased 10 restore the Capacity. but the customer must be satisfied that he can accept air in the main. It will probably be acceptable, tor example, when the valve discharges almost immediately into a reservoir where the air can escape. tb) Special Materials Cavitation resistance is increased if the atfected components are constructed in materials that are corrosion: resistant, and hard or tough. Use may bbe made of stainless steel, aluminium bronze, nickel ailoy, deposited hard facings etc The noise-and vibration would of course still be present, but the service lite would be increased, {c} Sudden Enlargement The noemal outlet taperpipg may be replaced by asudden step immediately downstream of the main seat. The Maree areas inn necaty fart Seat diameter to downstraam pipe iameter at this step. Flow through the valve seat discharges down the middle of the outlet pipe ina gradually ‘expanding stream. The cloud ot cavitation bubbles és carried away by this stream and does nat come into contact with the pipe walls. Noise and vibration may oceur, but cavitation damage ta the pipe oownstraam of tne seat Is avoided. Valve Sizing - Cavitation and Airbelts In a normal in-line valve the throat and downstream taper pipe run full of water, giving maximum flow capacity. ‘Such values are sized trom thé “inh” flaw charts on page 6, In a cavitating valve the thrast is partly filed with vapour cavities and the flaw Sapacity ix reduced, The more intenes: the cavitation, the lower the flow capacity becomes, the lower limit being about equal to the flow through a free discharge valve Fan airbelt is fitted and sir is drawn into the throat the valve wil also behave like a free discharge valve In bath thase casesif the cavitation ‘occurs.oF the air is drawn in when the Lamar Johngon valves full open, the ‘free discharge’ sizing charts should be used, Itshould however be noted that if Cavitation ig present or aie is drain in only when the valve is throttled, and when full open the valve behaves like an ‘in-line’ vaive, then the maximum flow should be found from the ‘in-line’ sizing charts PIPELINE STOP & REGULATING © VALVES The Type ‘E’ valve, illustrated typically above, is used for this duty. iis available for pipe diameters ranging from imetres up ta several metres its advantages are ‘most evident in the larger sizes and under high pressures the valve is also well worth considering for smaller units. Since the valve is pilot eontrotied, asa and operation are “ensured without necessity for a bypass ‘even under substantial pressure ‘differentials. Heguiation or thratting of flaw involves destruction of pressure ‘energy, andthe only way of accomplishing this in a vaive is frst to ‘convert such pressure energy into kinetic energy and subsequently 10 dissipate the kinetic energy By impact and turbulence. The frst step involves the creation of relatively high flow ‘velocity, and in the Lamer-Johnaun design this is the only part of the ‘pracess carried out within the actual valve. Flow passes smoothly through the streamline waterway, accelerates past the conical fave uf Une plum Sha discharges ian axial jot, the excess energy being absorbed bry turbulence af the dawnistream water column, ‘The zone of maximum disturbance is located in the downstream taper piece 2 simole lng of pipe easy replaced, although in our experiance the necessity for this has proved very ‘mare or less tortuous form of waterway, with heavy vibratory and give tendencies on the principal valve members, Uperating Gear Chaice of contro! includes simple handwheel, manual geared or power actuator, and a variety of servo- meehani 9, 30me examples of which Drive fram the external gear is taken by shaft through the valve body and applied to the pilot valve through an internal mechanisey. According ta the characteristics required tis consists of either (a) worm gear, with revolving nut engaging theeatls machined on the pilot valve stem, oF (b) lever and links, 8iving ful travel with BF rotation of the shaft, This type of arrangement is employed regularly in valves up to 305 mmx 188 mm bore and selectively in largersizes. ‘While in normal circumstances no smote is required of the operating gear ‘than to give positive conto! af the pilot valve, sufficient mechanical advantage is always provided for raversing the plunger ‘ery’ ar unc slack water conditions. (Materials for Water Service Cast iron body with bronze set tinny, ‘and gunmetal liner and guides for the plunger; cast iron plunger with bronze face ring and gunmetai-faced bearing surlaces (or solid gunmetal with lntegral face according to size): aluminium bronze or stainless Stee! pilot valve and stem: alurninium bronze ‘machine cut internal worm gear with ‘gunmetal revatving nut (or alternatively, forged bronze lever and links); stainless stee! operating working in gunmetal bushed bearings. For Oil Service Cast Steel body with deposited hard face and plunger guides and stainless stee! liner, cast steel slunger wath deposited hard seat face; stainless steel or aluminium bronze pilot valve on stainless steal stem; gunmetal revalving nut: aluminium bronze machine cut wormwhee!; starniess Steal worm and operating shaft ‘working in manganese rane bearings. Variations are possible to meet special conaitions ‘Small Sizes. Valves.up ta 3h mm x 187 men are available on standardised bas ‘Opere xternal worm gear unit on the pilot valve through internal lever and links, Dimensions: millimetres S9eh a8 Et = aeeggegy Tight closing against reverse pressure: ‘Where the valve is eauired to coe tight. reverse pressure on pose of the plunger, with he valve body exhausted or under a lower Drestute, the construction shown here ‘Anexternal pipe taken ‘Gutlet end of the valve sits ‘reverse pressure to the chamber 'behind the plunger, and is connected ln to the normal supply by-pass to the FREE DISCHARGE © REGULATORS ‘The duty here is control of discharge 1g atmosphore as on the autlete from storage oF river regutation dams and pressure pipelines (also the marginal ‘case of piped discharge to very low back pressure) ‘The problem of heavy upstream to ‘downstream pressure ciferential with ‘associated high velocity flow, though present in certain circumstances in the pipeline regulate, adie ein an acute form due to the free outlet and brings into full prominence the Lomer-Johnson features of streamline flow and hydraulically balanced plunger. Ease of operation, smooth vibrationiess discharge and high Gurability are characteristics wich have given the valve its outstanding success tor the duty. The particular form employed is the Type ‘E' valve previously described. The permissible size range is practically uniimited, the large numbers supplied including vaives from afew centimetres, in diameter up to such units as the 4 metres x 2.25 motres regulators mentioned on page 3 For the types of operating gear and materials of construction reference should be made to these headings. on page 8. The remarks on power operation also apply (page? | JET DISPERSER Where there is not an adequate water udhion exiating to roooive tha jt, the effect of the high velocity discharge on works downstream of the valve must be considered andit may be necessary in certain cases to {ita suitable dispenser ws unsure that energy of the jets dissipated harmlessly. This can be arranged to order “The tyne generally recammandad ik the vortex pattern, as shown fitted to the valve above arid in action, Fadial ; rangertial twist 1 the yao force inereasing ‘irectly with the radius 60 that no two filaments follew the same trajectory ter emerging to atmessers. The results that the jet is divided into 8 series of diverging thin streams wich ultimately disintegrate into drops and fall harmiessiy at much reduced wolocity over a large area. Iermust be added that the use of this device entails same increase in headioss across the valve, with corresponding reduction in capacity. ANGLE TYPE REGULATOR (On certain locations it may be more sonveniont for the valve 10 be arranged for downward discharge from the horizontal pipe terminal and for this an angle type valve is available. thas the ‘advantage of compactness, consisting cul a Type" regulaiun will lve body inlet section in the form of a:90° bend through which the plat valve stem is extended vertically to the operating ear. Examples have been supolied ‘wth detiector plate bolted to the floor of the receiving basin for protection against the main shock of the jet. and this can be furnished 10 order, POWER © OPERATION CYL IND ER © ACTUATOR EL ECTRIC MOTOR ©! OPERATION ectrical operation is applicable ne valve size range trom. Lognised makers ype of equipment lected for the 218 27 .memgom ana uit. Sau mm emeareay vad vio ote FLOAT CONTROLLED © VALVES This type of controls principally used ‘on the inlats to kervice reservoirs or tanks, for regulation of flow according to waierlevelin the receiving chamber {or other tank or channel. Operation igettected automatically By change of displacement ofthe foot, the alternate actuating forces provided by waight and buoyancy being transmitted by iver mechanism to the valve element While in-line versions are available 18), the most widely used valve is the angle type illustrated here mounted terminally on the suppiy line for downward discharge te the water surface, usually with open outlet ‘The Larer-Jahnson design has marked advantages for this duty, which become most evident on high [pressure apptications. The favourable flow pattern gives smooth handling af high velocities without the vibration. ‘erasion and noise ta which Conventional types are liable. The float action has generally only to operate the pilot valve, giving sensitive response to small mechanical forces and float gear of compact dimensions. Closure drop tight, and the valve is noted for its high durability in service, Size Range Standard 76 x 38 mm to 305. 152mm {inlat and outlet diameters). Larger patterns available Maximum Working Proscun Standard 14 bas. Higher pressures to order. Inlet Flange B.S. 4504: Metric or B.S. 10: 1962 Other flanges. available to s: eustamar raquiesment. Materials Cast iron body: gunmetal discharge section with integral plunger seating and guides; gunmetal plunger aluminium bronze pivot valve and ‘Stem; gunmetal internal forked actuating lever: stainless steel ‘eross-shaft with gunmetal coupling to mild steel external float lever. ‘Gunmetal bearings are provided for plunger, pilot valve stem, and ‘eross-shaft at all contacting surtaces, Float Gear The simplest arrangement consists of a plain spherical float attached to the actuating lever by adjustable gunmetal connector (see below). Special attention is drawn, however tn the cheese flnat with float tank alternatives on pages 18 to 17, which ‘are generally preferred, © FLOAT CONTROLLED VALVES Dimensions: milimetros Angle type with ball float All floats are of copper or glass fibre ‘and furnished with filing and drain (plugs for water or sand ballasting.. The float lever is normatly mounted ‘on the right hand side of the valve 114 11 143 143 168 165 165 187 787 1067 1067 1207 1397 137 1837, 432 378 looking upstream, but can be positioned on the opposite side ifsa ‘ordered. The mounting allows angular adjustment of the lever in either case. STILLING TANK © ARRANGEMENTS. strongly recommended that all float controlled valves should be fumished with an auxiliary tank for the flat, Tha wilt is tu elitnnaiee ati: float movements due to wave act (on the surface of the reservoir, oF disturbance caused by the discharging jat -a frequent source of trouble on ‘adt valve installations and a possibe cause af surge effects in the supply main. Alternative standard arrangements are available, Figs. 30788 (iluatrat ‘on page 16 and 3078 (page 171 ach case the valve operating lever i Connected 10-8 vertical tubular ster which passes through a sealed internal {ube at the centre af a copper or fibreglass cheese float, and telescopes with @ guide rod flexibly mounted st the base of a float tank, (galvanized ‘wrought iron oF fibro glace according to size) The difference lies in the methad of admission and discharge of water from the tank, Fig 30760 having special advaniages in control of valve action Both arrangements are available for fioor mounting or suspension trom roof. Orders should specify the method preferred, wth appropriate vertical Gimensions Fig. 30788 Siphon Type Stilling Tani In addition to ensuring still water for the float, this device also eliminates the unfavourable condition of prolonged operation in part open positions, The tank tls through a Sinhon pipe and empties through a subsidiary ball eck. It anmot begin tw fil until the water in the main raservoir reaches top level, when it fills Completely and the vaive moves from the full open to the full dosed position ina continuous stroke. Similarly the opening movement cannot begin until low water level is reached in the reservoir, when the tank empties and the full obening stroke is effected. Thee siphon inlet has been specially designed and tested 10 overcome the difficulties often experienced with slowly rising water levels, as well as meeting all ormal requirements, (conventional siphons can stop the flaat valve in@ part open position due A choice of three siphon pipe diametersis given for each vaive size in thertable on page 16, with corresponding times for the closing stroke, ic. filing of the tonk. The diameter best suited to the characteristics of the reservoir should bbe selected and specified on order, oF data furnished 3s to the conditions if a recommendation s desired, ‘Top Water Level and Reservoir ‘Overflow ‘The T.W.L. marked on the drawing is the lovel at which the inlet valve starts to close, Since inflow continues during closing, the true T.W. L. wall be sfightty higher This point is particularly important in Cases where the water level rises: quickly, 6.9. small reservoirs with large inlet valves. A particular case may occur when a large valve fs installed to cope with increased future demand. In the early stages of such & scheme when the deaw-off rate is ‘small, the water level will rise faster then in the later stages. The reservoir overflow should therefore be set at a level above that of ‘the siphon inlet, the difference: bbetwgen the two levels boing calculated using tne flow through the valve during clusiny stroke ane (re surface area of the reservoir. Assume {ull flow continues forthe ful closing time shawn in the table. (The theattling effect of the valve during closing will depend on the charactersics ol the supply system and is best ignored) The sting tank top should always be set al alevel above that of the avertiow: otharwise overfiow into the stiling tank would cause the valve ta Close quickly and surge pressures ‘would occur Positioning of Tank Fittings ‘The recommended (and standard) pasition for the siphon and ball cock is ‘on the oppasite side of the tank from the main float valve, to minimize turbulence effects, (See plan view on page 161 ‘Where space does not allow this, other pasitions are possible, the altematives for floor mounted tank being as ilustrated above, Orders shad specify by reference number the arrangement prelerred. In the case of suspension from the roof, the tank with its fittings can be rotated to any of four positions at 90° intervals:on the bolt circle, to sui requirements, susseson ROM ROOF VALTERNATIVE [/e— Fo Flbom mourns! 4 oTIw. OW ROLTEON VPCOORECENTRES, | ‘Lents surtane hae woor a Li Si0 UNLESS ORLIERED GT mER SE, ALIEAMA VE BUPPURLS 3-P2DIA, HOLES FOR 19044. BOLTS SecteERIT ee ECoMMENDED posimIoN nh Feng ano wath DOK. FOR AL TERWATIVES FOR: FOO MOUNTED TASES ‘See Pat 7621330 91a [398 g14|304 1143553 vate] 714 1219 |714 1219|a10 12 3 143 165 165 NOTE. Float tanks constructed in conerete should conform approximately ta the proportions given above, according to ‘ave sew. Larger tare may eal for spacial sing of sphon and bp cock f erect action sto be eneured Fig, 20784 Poin Suiting Tank AA simpler arrangement than the siphon type (30786) previously described, veathout the action control feature Communication af water level from the reservoir is though perforations in the base of the tank, and the yay thus operates directly according with changes in reservoir level The same protection is given tothe float against surface disturbances, however and the device has @ useful ng@ of application far minemum requirements, 64 64 ry ESS FLOAT VALVES ©” LINE An alternative design for straight through flow on pipe-tine ‘applications, H-consisis uf a na Type’ Larmer-Johnson regulate the lever-operated version, the external lewar being connected to suitable float gear, of which various arrangements, are pussibla, In the typical layout iMustrated here the float chamber is ‘shown 2s incorporated in the civil structure, but galvanized wrought iron fioat tanks can be supplied, of either plain of 'siphan’ pattern, adapted fram the types described on pages 191021 For sectional view and details af the valve itself refer to pages 9 and 10, Size Range Sizes in most frequent use extent fram 102 10 762 mm ine] diameters but patterns exist tar practically any size required Maximum Working Pressure ‘Standerd valves: 'Up 10-305 mm - 16 bar. ‘Over 305mm. 10 bar. Higher pressures to order. [Line Flanges BSS. 4504; Metric or B.S. 10: 1962. Other flanges. available to customer requirements. SOLID PLUNGER XPE. “implied form of streamline valve for sizes below the 76 x 38mm minimum of the Lamer-Johnson ‘series. The valve is of direct-acting type, with solid needle plunger ‘operated by a crank at the end of the float lever, and closing against a seat atthe inlet end of the body fan arrangement that does away with the necessity for stem packing). The feature of smooth flow pattern ig retained, so the valve is suitable for high pressure service, and in the small ‘sizes concerned the absence of hydraulic balance is no real det Closure is-drop tight Maximum Working Pressure Standard valves: 21 bar, Materials ‘Gunmetal body with manganese bronze seat insert; stainless steel fBlungee: mild wine flat lever, with ‘manganese bronze fulcrum and guide. Intet Flange BS. 4504: Metric or B.S. 10: 1962. (Other flanges avaliable ta customer requirements, ® ent, __- Seat Ring > Plunger 7 Body © 4AurTuve vate. For control of level in overhead reservoits. The valve is of Lae Johnsan in-line type. with controt vind similar tothe reducing valves previously desenibed. From the levated fank, small bore piping Sammunicates wath the base of the: evinder, adjacent to which i aleak off valve giing a suitably adjusted pperrisrunt sthnange Uh \avel is reached in ani fills, pressure builds up in the control cylinder, rassing the piston and lasing the main valve When a sufficient fallin level occurs the tank empties through the Ball cock and the syste exhausts through the leak off port, enabling the loading ‘woights to open the valve, Note 1 The capacity of the tank must be Sufficient to balance the leak off ‘quantity, and prevent the valve ‘opening before the ball cock has ‘openad. 2 The height trom valve centresine ‘10 top water level shauld not be less ‘han 10 meties to ensure adequat pressure forthe control cylinder. Fig. TBA. With plan Float Tank. Control tank (a 28) to available, The following information should acuurmpany enguities ut orders, 1 er ett te Re Sea ec ae ri ee crea OR Float Controlled Valves Dn Pee Ee eae ees 9 digcharge quantity. Pome ena ee oa pressure pipe-line, etc | Leper arn ee te nr) errr are Pe ee ere eee eer accommodated ta a given space or prngid Kable ey Ss iheaeniaeineata a ee ar ie dalign Eanes nn LSC Rr a Sed bast Pipeline Regulators Maximum static pressure ‘Available head at the valve” eae ees ace eee pe ee Le ST tao Tec r a enn Sie tt tiaras State if valve is required to hold up ee Deeg a eA artes Wes! Cirle eee coor cern ir) value of any back pressure ee ao ed ee fee can Sune Peers ee Pema Eee eae Pa re eee ety See ee emir en seed Ts ee Oe Reece * Pressure reducing. Seer ec ins Sree ete an aes cnc im Re nce * Compensation water control. Se aes its Uma * 4-way ‘cardio’ switch valves. en ee ioe Rey * High temperature gate & plate valves. BO ie a Lo Se ORCS CUR ue CCCs Tel: (0484) 713717 aes} Sewer Nba tee L ne Poe r) Rereanae

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