Plan Global Perspectives-Senior 3: "Go Into All The World and Preach The Godspell To The Whole Creation" St. Mark 16,15

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“Go into all the world and preach the Godspell

to the whole creation” St. Mark 16,15


Name: Tobias Desanzo

Value: Responsibility: Work and Study

Generative Topic:
Different cultures, different perspectives

Unit-long Understanding Goals:

 Identify perspectives and viewpoints from written and spoken sources to use
them in your own work.
 Learn to conduct research to find a variety of relevant information.
 Analyse and synthetise information found.
 Create a plan to carry out your research and written production.

“Go into all the world and preach the Godspell
to the whole creation” St. Mark 16,15



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Plan 1 – GP Preliminary performance
Group work

Understanding that we might see things differently to others is key to understanding what a
perspective is. Perspectives are based on personal experiences of the world and judgements and
reflections about them. People see the world differently because experiences and ways of thinking
differ. Our views are influenced by many people we may or may not know personally and our
socio-economical and geographic context.

 Perspective: a particular attitude towards or way of regarding
something; a certain worldview.

In this plan we will be exploring global, national, local, cultural and personal perspectives as well
as different viewpoints within these perspectives.
Considering issues from global, national and local perspectives is a requirement for your Individual
Report. You will also explore your personal perspective and how this has been influenced by other
perspectives. In the next term we will be working with Team Projects where you will be required to
collaborate with team members to research an issue, decide on a topic and plan and carry out a team
project on an issue related to one of the global topics. This team project will involve finding out
about different cultural perspectives on the chosen issue and comparing and contrasting them with

 Global: relating to the whole world.
 National: related to a particular country.
 Local: related to a particular community or area.
 Viewpoint: a particular attitude, perspective or way of looking at an issue.
 Issue: an important topic for discussion or debate.
your reflections on the matter.


 Work in pairs. What does the word Culture mean? Discuss with your partner and explain
using your own words.
.Culture is the behaviour and customs different society have
Plan 1 – Preliminary performance
Pair work
Plan 1 – Preliminary performance (cont.)
Pair work
 Now, look up the definition of the word Culture online and write it below. Was your
definition accurate?
the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society __________

Plan 1 – GP1
Individual work

Plan 1 – GP1 (cont.)
Individual work
 Work individually. Read the following statements and answer: do you agree with some or
any of the statements? In what way does your personal perspective differ from them?
I do agree with all 3 perspectivesdue to the weay of how they are explained. _____________

Research is an essential element in the development of one’s perspectives and
ideas. Perspectives only based on one’s subjective thoughts are meaningless
when writing a research paper on an issue or engaging in debate. This is why
when finding new information, personal perspectives may change and evolve.
In conclusion, as we will further explain throughout this plan, sources should
always be the basis of your investigation.

Identifying perspectives and issues

Plan 1 – GP2
Pairs work

Perspectives Issues
Global (Population is rising and with it the Fresh water is missing, no enough for
consumption of water per capita, it tis necessary everyone
to start saving water.

Plan 1 – GP2 (cont.)
Brazilians(we need water, the situation is so They don’t have water so they drill the Pairs work
extreme tat we are drilling everywhere looking ground looking for fresh well water.
for fresh water
Californians (We are facing a large drought and Largest drouht recorded as the
we are still consuming a lot of work) consumption of water per capita.
Da Vinci’s (the world is running out of water) Population rises and so the consumption
(why are consuming more an more by the years) of water.

Keep in mind that when talking about perspectives you should avoid giving just
information about the different countries. For example, instead of merely listing
facts about a country, try thinking about how their particular context shapes their
particular perspective.

To gain information that is of use to use and enables us to create arguments from different
perspectives, we need to be able to do research.
When undertaking any kind of research you need to have a clear idea about what youPlanare 1 – GP3
Group work
looking for. For your individual report, you will have formulated a question that enables
you to consider an issue/issues from different perspectives.
You will be looking for information to support the points you make; allowing you to
analyse and synthesise the causes and consequences of relevant issue(s) and propose
course(s) of action to help resolve the issues.

 Argument: a line of reasoning to support a given perspective,
idea, action or issue.
 Research: the investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions.
 Analyse: break down a global topic into issues and explore the causes and
consequences of those issues.
 Synthesise: the combination of two or more sources of information to form
something new and original that may support an argument
 Work in groups. Plan 1 – GP3 (cont.)
Group work

1. Read the following question for a group report.

“A worldwide switch to vegetarianism would minimise the effects of global
2. Brainstorm on the information you would need in order to write a report on this
issue. Arrange your information in a graphic organiser.
3. With your chart in mind, write down five questions you think you might need
answered in order to write your report.
4. List possible sources of information
relevant to each of the questions you Note that most of the
information you will need
have asked including any primary
for an individual report
and secondary data you might need will be secondary data,
but you may need to
to collect.
collect primary data in
Explain how each source of your community to find
information will help you answer the out about the local
perspectives on certain
questions you have set. issues.


 Sources of information: a publication of type of media where specific

information can be obtained, for example reliable websites of government agencies,
NGOs, newspapers, books and documentaries.
 Primary data: information originally obtained through the direct efforts of the
researcher through service and interviews.
 Secondary data: information obtained from published sources on the Internet or

2. cientific proves, previous evidence that supports the idea, a well expined
3. 1) how could vegetarianism reduce global warning?
2) What is meant by vegetarianism?
3) What is meant by global warning?
4) Is vegetarianism the best way to reduce global warning?
5) According to who is vegetarianism the best way to minimise the effects of
global warning

4. Vegetarianism is a diet that consists on the avoiding of consunming any

animal meat or flesh, veganism is the same except that not only meat is
avoided but also any type of food that contains any animal produced

Global warming is what explains why each year due to our higher and higher
CO2 emissions the earth’s temperature is rising, making the summers hotter
and the winters colders.

The environmental impacts of a dietary shift could be just as dramatic,

according to the researchers. Livestock alone account for more than 14%
of global greenhouse gas emissions, and by 2050 the food sector could
account for half if cuts are implemented in other sectors along the lines
that countries have committed to doing. A vegan or vegetarian diet could
cut those emissions by 70% and 63%, respectively.

Changing dietary patterns could save $1 trillion annually by preventing

health care costs and lost productivity. That figure balloons to as much as
$30 trillion annually when also considering the economic value of lost life.

And that doesn’t even include the economic benefits of avoiding
devastating extreme weather events that could result from climate change .

- Opinion- Arguments
- Research
- Debate
- Analyse
- Video- Workshops
- Digital Plan
- Electronic Devices (internet)
- English Language use

- Sociological Perspectives
- Social structure
- Culture
- Global Perspective
Argument, understanding perspective
A) Establishing a point
B) Illustrate the point (Quotes and ideas)
C) Explain

1) Intro, study case (arguments and perspectives)
2) Story of stuff, paragraph (EIE)
3) Plan 1

Perspective Scope of analysis Point of view Focus of analysis
Structural Macro level 1) Various parts Functional and
functionalism of society are dysfunctional aspects
interdependent of society.
Key words:
2) Social systems
are highly
3) Social life
governed by
consensus and

Conflict theory Macro level 1) Society 1) How social

accommodates inequalities
Key word: Resources,
between produce
competing conflicts.
interest 2) Who benefits
groups. from social
2) Society arrangements.
unstable and
prone to
3) Social
Interactionist Micro Level 1) Actions have How people make
symbolic sense of their world.
Key word:Symbols
2) Meanings can

What does Anny Leonard’s critic for production process consist of?
In order for us to be healthier and eliminate the waste generated
by toxic or no reusable products or goods, for this to be possible,
factories have to produce goods 100% reusable and ecological and
regular people reduce their consumption levels.
Annie Leonard says that the production process is corrupted or
unhealthy. Production factories consists of a lot of energy consuming
the use of toxics to create toxic products that will later on be sold to
people for them to consume from babies, to old people. Toxics go in,
toxics go out. Another thing that she says is that the workforce for the
production process is exploited, hard labour for low wages and that

probably most of their workforce come from lands where the natural
resources that had supported them and their ancestors, where consumed,
polluted or destroy by production factories so they could produce
consumer goods.


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