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A Research on

‘Does India Need a

Ban on Pubs?’

The Research done by

Priyanka Mathews C-23
An Overview of the Research Process

First Phase
The first phase of the research was dedicated to evaluating the different aspects of our research topic.
Clearing out what exactly we intend to find out from the topic was necessary to decide the research
procedure which would be adopted. Listing out the various possibilities of research findings was also
an integral part of the first phase.
On the basis of the different areas that pubs affect it was decided to interrogate the sample with
reference to two parameters- Social & Economic.
Second Phase
The second phase started with making a questionnaire which would bring out that part of the public
view which would help us evaluate the overall perception of the society.
This questionnaire was filled by over 169 respondents from cities all across India.
These respondents were refined according to the sampling method we had adopted to 100. Hence,
we evaluated our topic on the response from 100 responses.
Third Phase
The third phase started after the collection of data. The data had to be quantified using research tests.
The Chi Square test of Independence was used as there were two parameters that had to be
Methods of research
A research can be classified into explanatory research, conclusive research, modelling research and
algorithmic research. For this research Exploratory Research & Conclusive Research have been used to
explore all the possibility of the outcome. Definition of these two researches is as given bellow.
Exploratory Research:
Exploratory research is an initial research which analyzes the data and explores the possibility of
obtaining as many relationships as possible between different variables without knowing their end
application. This means that a general study will be conducted without having any specific end
objective expects to establish as many as relationship possible between the variable of the study. This
research provides a basis for general findings. Researcher and practitioners can explore the possibility
of using such general findings in future. This type of research lay foundation for the formulation of
different hypotheses of research problem.

Research objective
The topic chosen for the research was “Does India need a ban on Pubs??”The main objective of the
research was to see what the general perspective of people was as to whether India is mature enough
to handle pubs as a part of its modern culture.
Since we expected the respondents to think about this using the two parameters- Social & Economic,
we expected a non-uniformity in the views of the same person in both these parameters.
This gave rise to our hypothesis.
Null Hypothesis
H0 - There is no significant difference in the social and economical view of people to ban pub.
Alternate Hypothesis
HA - There is a significant difference in the social and economical view of people to ban pubs .
The Sampling technique
Geographical Boundaries
Since the objective was to know the opinion of India whether there should be pubs or no, the
sampling was primarily geographical sampling. An even distribution among all the cities in India
couldn’t be possible for a research at this level so the metropolitan cities who are known to have a
persistent pub culture was targeted.
So the geographical areas were 4 cities in India- Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai& Delhi.
There was a preference to know about the opinion of people in Mumbai. Bangalore is known to be
the city with the maximum amount of pubs in India & so it was important to consider their view. With
all these considerations our geographical distribution was as follows.

Chennai Mumbai
20% 30%

20% Bangalore

Gender wise sampling

These respondents selected from various geographical areas were further equally divided into Male &

Delhi Female Mumbai Male

Delhi Male 10%
10% 15%

Mumbai Female
Chennai Female 15%

Chennai Male

Bangalore Male
Bangalore Female
Age Group
The primary objective for the sampling was to take the whole of India; geographical sampling was
what was given more importance. Hence sampling according to age turned out to be in the ratio 80:20
for the age groups 0-25 and 25-40 respectively.

Income Group
Sampling on the basis of income group was not possible on a small level so the categories were
converted into employed & unemployed.



The questionnaire starts with a few introductory questions so that the person who fills the
questionnaire gets an Idea about our topic and also gets in a mode to answer the questions.
Furthermore the questionnaire is divided into three parts- Social, Economical & Personal.
All the Questions are close ended or likewise convertible. This was done in order to make the
evaluation part simple.

Attached alongside is the Questionnaire:

Questionnaire for Marketing Research (MMS-III, Dr. V. N. Bedekar Institute of
Management Studies, Thane)

1. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘PUB’?

2. One thing you like about pubs
3. One thing you dislike about pubs
4. If you had to go out for food where would you go?

Hotel Pub Restaurant


5. Do you take pubs as a status symbol?

Yes No

6. Do u feel going to pubs is mandatory to be socially active?

Yes No

7. Do you think pubs act as a stimulus for illegitimate practices like Drug addiction,
Prostitution, Drunk Driving etc.?

Yes No

8. Do you think there should be a regulation imposed on one’s decision to go to pubs?

Yes No

9. Do you think that the action on the part of the Bajrangdal was right in the
Mangalore incident?

Yes No

10.What do you think makes these political parties support such attacks?

Social Resposibility Political Gain Can’t Say


11.Do you think that pubs attract a good amount of foreign exchange and hence is
beneficial for our National income?

Yes No
12.How do you rate the prices the pubs quote on food, drinks & for entry?

Outrageously Overpriced
Fine for an occasional visit
Worth it
Not a concerning factor

Fact: Pubs pay Business License Fee, Parking Citations, Property Tax, Royalty for
Music, Luxury tax, VAT (Food &Liquor) which are included in National Income.

Do you think that the above taxes form an integral part of our national income and is
important for economic growth?

Yes No

Personal Details

14.Name the pubs you know about in Mumbai


 How often do you drink

Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never

 Name________________________________(Optional)
 Gender Male Female
 Your Profession
 Your Age
 Comments

**Attention: The above questionnaire is meant for educational purpose only.

The sole purpose of this is to reach to a conclusion whether Indian society requires a
ban on Pubs.
Research Tools:
Social Networking Sites:
A social networking site is a place where one can target a large number of people at the
same time. Since the geographical area is very large and collecting filled up
questionnaires would be quite tedious, sites had been used to gather the filled
questionnaire. Facebook and Orkut had been used in this research very efficiently
hyper link of online questionnaire had been uploaded at these social networking sites.

On clicking on the above hyperlink a person could navigate to a page to submit our
online questionnaire.

The page is shown below

Personal Mails:
This helped us to reach many professionals with whom direct meeting was not possible
due to their busy schedule.

Questionnaire filling:
Direct questionnaire filling is better than the other two tool which are explained above
it’s because in this, one can ask his/her doubt about the questions
Direct questionnaire filling by giving copy of questionnaire was also done but the
number of samples collected in this manner is few as compared to the other two tools
which are explained above.

The social part of the questionnaire comprised of all the thoughts that go on in a
person’s mind when he/she hears about pubs
All the views and thoughts have been covered in this part
The following is a Question wise analysis of the views of the respondents

Q5. Do you take pubs as a status symbol?

In a country like India status is very important for everyone. Be it for their brand of
shoes or the number of cars they own.

Considering this kind of thinking, this question was asked. The question was to judge
whether people take pubs as a status symbol and hence don’t want it to be banned.

Result : Both male & female have same point of view that pubs are not taken as status

Q6. Do u feel going to pubs is mandatory to be socially active?

Yes No

Pubs can also be perceived as a place to socialize. Many long lost friende meet up or its
also a hanging out place for youngsters. This question was askedto see whether that is
a reason to retain the pub culture in India.

The analysis of views was done on two types of sampling-Drinkers & Non-drinkers and
also Male & Female.

This was to see if the people who consume alcohol hav a different view about it

Q7. Do you think pubs act as a stimulus for illegitimate practices like Drug addiction,
Prostitution, Drunk Driving etc.?

The literature reviewing that was done was from blogs, opinion of people etc. one of
an that kept coming up was the illegitimate practices that pubs become a cause for.

With developing india things like drug addiction, prostitution ,drunk driving etc. are also

There are many cases of drug addiction like

1.Rahul mahajan case
2.Gitanjali Nagpal (super model)
Even increasing in the youths…Even drunk driving cases are increasing :
1.Nooriya Haveliwala case
2.Allister Parreira case
3.Salman Khan’s several cases


Q8. Do you think there should be a regulation imposed on one’s decision to go to pubs?

This was a direct question about our research objective. Given all the bad and good
things about pubs what is the opinion of the people on the context of the execution of
their fundamental rights. Should there be a regulation on an individual’s decision


Q.9 Do you think that the action on the part of the Bajrangdal was right in the
Mangalore incident?

Results from the survey we got that people oppose their action.

Q10. What do you think makes these political parties support such attacks?

Many political accusations were made for an against the party who carried out the
attack. We asked the view of the people.

If people are not in favor of such actions, what could be the reason for such attacks.


Q.12 Do you think that pubs attract a good amount of foreign exchange and hence are
beneficial for our National income?

Yes No

Q.13 How do you rate the prices the pubs quote on food, drinks & for entry?

The following are the rates collected from a well known pub in Bandra called ’Pulse’
1. Screwdriver(Vodka +Orange juice)- Rs.260
2. 1 Plate Chicken Lollipop(6 pcs) - Rs.240
The rates of the above eatables were found to be priced 100% more than the cost
price. So the question was asked to see whether they think that pubs is a way of
exploiting the people.
We see that there is no significant difference in the view of employed or unemployed


Q.14 Fact: Pubs pay Business License Fee, Parking Citations, Property Tax, Royalty for
Music, Luxury tax, VAT (Food &Liquor) which are included in National Income.

Do you think that the above taxes form an integral part of our national income and are
important for economic growth?

Yes No

Data Interpretation
The data was interpreted using the Chi Square test of Independence.

The Variable View

The Data Entry

The Output
X^2 cal=33.6
X^2 cal> X
Therefore, we reject the Null Hypothesis
HA Accepted
There is a significant difference in the social and economical
view of people to ban pubs


We saw that there is a difference in the social view of the people regarding the ban on Pubs let us see
what and where the difference lies
On a social front the people think that pubs are not good for the society whereas they are very happy
with the income generated through pubs and so they don’t want it to be banned on an economic


The recommendation that would be given would be for the government. They should be ready to take
a stand.

If the government feels that pubs are not good for the society then it should probably stop giving
them license to open.

Whereas if the government is happy with the liquor consumption that has increased and in turn
increased income then it should be clear that the society can think for itself.

Limitations of the Research

• Imperfect Age Group Sampling

• Limited Geographical Area

• Handicaps in the Research Tools

• Broad Classification of employed and unemployed individuals


• Paneersalvam :Research Methodology






• Research Methodology – C R Kothari

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