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Irrational Behavior and Economic Theory

Author(s): Gary S. Becker

Source: Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 70, No. 1 (Feb., 1962), pp. 1-13
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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Accessed: 27-03-2018 21:20 UTC

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Volume LXX FEBRUARY 1962 Number i



Columbia University

I. INTRODUCTION of a well-ordered function, such as a

utility or profit function.
ALTHOUGH it has long been agreed
Strong and even violent differences
that traditional economic theory
developed, however, at a different level.
"assumes" rational behavior, at
Critics claim that households and firms
one time there was considerable disagree-
do not maximize, at least not consistent-
ment over the meaning of the word "ra-
ly, that preferences are not well ordered,
tional." To many, the word suggested
and that the theory is not useful in
an outdated psychology, lightning-fast
explaining behavior. Some theorists have
calculation, hedonistic motivation, and
replied that economic theory is valid
other presumably unrealistic behavior.
only as a broad tendency, not in each
As economic theory became more clear-
specific instance; some noted that the
ly and precisely formulated, controversy
"proof of the pudding is in the eating,"
over the meaning of the assumptions
and argued that this theory gives use-
diminished greatly, and now everyone
ful predictions even though decisions do
more or less agrees that rational behavior
not "seem" to be rational; still others
simply implies consistent maximization
claimed that only rational behavior has
1 My greatest debt is to A. A. Alchian for the
much chance of surviving a very harsh
stimulation provided by his article of more than
competitive world.
a decade ago ("Uncertainty, Evolution and Eco-
nomic Theory," Journal of Political Economy, LVIII The purpose of this paper is not to
[June 19501), and for comments on various drafts, contribute still another defense of eco-
beginning in the summer of 1957. I am also indebted
nomic rationality. Rather it is to show
to M. Friedman for insightful oral and written
statements (see "The Methodology of Positive Eco- how the important theorems of modern
nomics," in Essays in Positive Economics [Chicago:economics result from a general principle
University of Chicago Press, 1931]) on economic
which not only includes rational behavior
rationality, to seminar groups at Columbia, the
National Bureau of Economic Research, North Car- and survivor arguments as special cases,
olina State College, UCLA, and Stanford, and to but also much irrational behavior. No
Z. Griliches, H. G. Johnson, H. G. Lewis, J. Mincer,
matter what the intent, some readers
P. J. Nelson, and G. J. Stigler. I alone am responsi-
ble, however, for any remaining errors. might believe that the effect of this dem-

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onstration is to provide another and more it will help shift the analytical interests
powerful defense of economic rationality. of economists toward the same level as
I believe it does provide an important their substantive interests.
defense of the theorems of modern eco- Section II first presents the traditional
nomics, although, of course, the only theory of household choices and then
ultimate defense is an empirical one, shows why its main implication-that
and no new empirical materials are intro- market demand curves are negatively
duced. Since, however, these theorems inclined-can also be derived from a
are shown to be consistent also with an wide variety of irrational behavior. Sec-
extremely wide class of irrational be- tion III develops similar arguments for
havior, a defense of them is not necessari- firms, and IV summarizes the discussion
ly a defense of individual rational be- and adds a few additional implications.
havior. Indeed, perhaps the main con-
clusion of this study is that economic
theory is much more compatible with Traditional theory.-Traditional theory
irrational behavior than had been pre- assumes that households choose the best
viously suspected. collection of commodities consistent with
Although economists have typically the limited resources available to them.
been interested in the reactions of large To determine which collection is "best"
markets to changes in different variables, a preference or utility function is intro-
economic theory has been developed for duced with the properties that any col-
the individual firm and household with lection A always gives more, less, or the
market responses obtained simply by same utility as any other collection B
blowing up, so to speak, the response (the consistency assumption), and that
of a typical unit. Confusion resulted be- if A is preferred to B, and B to C, A
cause comment and analysis were di- must be preferred to C (the transitivity
rected away from the market and toward assumption). The best collection pro-
the individual, or away from the econo- duces more utility than any feasible
mist's main interests. Those arguing that alternative. This theory is usually il-
rationality is only a broad tendency, lustrated geometrically by the diagram
or that only a few units need behave shown in Figure 1: commodity X is
rationally in order for markets to do so, plotted along the horizontal axis, the
were well aware of the difference between "other" commodity Y along the vertical
market and individual levels of analysis. axis, AB is the budget line and OAB
Unfortunately, however, one can equally defines the feasible collections, and pref-
well argue that irrationality is only a erences are represented by the set of
broad tendency, or that only a few units equal utility or indifference curves. The
need behave irrationally in order for mar- best collection must be on AB at the
kets to do so. An argument supporting point p where AB is tangent to an in-
rationality at the market level must im- difference curve.
ply that rational unit responses would A change in relative prices or real
tend to outweigh irrational ones. This income would change the location of the
paper clearly distinguishes between the best collection, and the fundamental the-
market and individual levels and pro- orem of this theory is that the demand
duces such an argument implying ra- curve for any commodity, real income
tionality at the market level. Perhaps held constant, must be negatively in-

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lined. In Figure 1 a change in the budget either the market or the household level
line from AB to CD increases the relative and are of little practical use.
price of X and reduces that of Y, and The utility approach to household de-
attempts to hold real income constant cisions has been extensively criticized
by holding the ratio of money income ever since its conception, although both
to a Laspeyres price index constant.2 formulation and criticism have changed
This is the method most commonly used drastically over time. Today, critics either
in empirical demand studies to separate deny that households maximize any func-
relative price from real income effects. tion or that the function maximized is
The best collection is changed from p to consistent and transitive. In effect, they
p', and the fundamental theorem states
that p' is to the left and above p, or Y

less X and more Y is chosen. Since the

demand curve of a market with many C II
households is usually obtained by hori-
zontal summation of the individual de-
mand curves, it would simply be a blown-
up or macroscopic reproduction of the
individual micro curves and, consequent-
ly, would also be negatively inclined.3 A

Market demand curves of many com-

modities have been extensively investi-
gated empirically and almost invariably
are found to be negatively inclined,4 as
predicted by traditional theory, while
household demand curves, on the other
hand, have seldom been investigated and
little is known about them. Other impli- o D B X
cations of utility theory5 have almost
FIG. 1
never been empirically investigated at

2 It is well known that real income would be deny that households act "rationally"
approximately held constant in the sense that house-
since rational behavior is now taken to
holds would tend to remain on the same indifference
curve. signify maximization of a consistent and
transitive function.6
3 Even if household demand curves were inter-
dependent the market curve would tend to be nega- How can these extensive criticisms be
tively inclined, but more or less elastic than the reconciled with the fact that the main
average micro curve, depending on whether "band-
wagon" or "snob" effects predominated.
implication of utility theory-that mar-
Widespread confidence in the universality of
ket demand curves would be negatively
negative market curves has, however, resulted in inclined-has been consistently verified
some "cheating." Other findings are often simply
empirically and found extremely useful
not published or altered until more "reasonable"
findings emerge. in practical problems? Perhaps one ex-
IThe whole set of implications can be sum- 6 See, e.g., W. Edwards, "The Theory of Decision
marized in the negative semi-definiteness of a cer-
Making," Psychological Bulletin, LI (July, 1954);
tain quadratic form. See, e.g., P. A. Samuelson, reprinted in Some Theories of Organization, ed. A. H.
The Foundations of Economic Analysis (Cambridge, Rubenstein and C. J. Haberstroh (Homewood, fli.:
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1947), p. 114. Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1960).

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planation is that the assumptions of a ample, a decrease in real income neces-

theory are often "tested" individually sarily decreases the amount spent on
rather than as a whole, or what amounts at least one commodity, and the aver-
to the same thing, rather than by their age percentage change in expenditures
implications. Surely another is that many on all commodities must equal the per-
criticisms are really aimed only at the centage decrease in income. These the-
normative implications of utility theory. orems, although "obvious" and "arith-
In this paper I suggest a reconciliation metic," have been extremely useful in
along very different lines; principally, practical problems. It has seldom been
showing that negatively inclined market realized, however, that the change in
opportunities resulting from a change
y in relative prices also tends to produce
a systematic response, regardless of the
C decision rule. In particular, the funda-
mental theorem of traditional theory-
that demand curves are negatively in-
clined-largely results from the change
in opportunities alone and is largely inde-
pendent of the decision rule.
Since the budget line CD in Figure
2 has a higher relative price for commodi-
ty X and a lower price for Y than does
AB, the set OCD inclosed by CD offers
more opportunity to consume Y and
less opportunity to consume X than does
the set OAB. If point p represents the
amounts of X and Y (Xo, Yo) that would
o D B X be chosen from OAB by a particular
decision rule, OCD can be said to offer
FIG. 2
smaller opportunity to consume more
than Xo of X and greater opportunity
demand curves result not so much from
to consume more than Yo of Y than
rational behavior per se as from a general
OAB does. If the amount of any com-
principle which includes a wide class of
modity chosen by a decision rule were posi-
irrational behavior as well. Therefore,
tively related to its availability, less X
households can be said to behave not
than Xo and more Y than YO would
only "as if" they were rational but also
necessarily be chosen from OCD. De-
"as if" they were irrational: the major
mand would be negatively related to
piece of empirical evidence justifying the
price for all such decision rules, no matter
first statement can equally well justify how they differed in other respects.
the second. The traditional theory of rational be-
A general approach.-Economists have havior is easily shown to be a rule that
long been aware that some changes in depends on the effect of a change in rela-
the feasible or opportunity sets of house- tive prices on the distribution of oppor-
holds would lead to the same response re- tunities. In equilibrium a rational house-
gardless of the decision rule used. For ex- hold would gain the same utility from

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spending an additional dollar on any ior will be represented by a probabilistic

commodity. A change in relative prices model in which decisions are determined,
would shift marginal as well as average so to speak, by the throw of a multisided
consumption opportunities toward rela- die; inert behavior by a model in which
tively cheaper and away from more ex- decisions are determined by the past
pensive commodities because a dollar whenever possible (the meaning of this
now buys more of the former and less clause is fully developed shortly); and
of the latter. Consequently an additional intermediate behavior by a weighted av-
dollar at the old equilibrium position erage of these extremes. I believe these
would add more utility if it were spent models do effectively capture the spirit
on the former than the latter. Hence of the strongest and most frequent criti-
rational households would have an incen- cisms of utility theory, although this
tive to change their consumption, along cannot be rigorously shown. In any case,
with the opportunity set, toward rela- they vividly illustrate how irrational
tively cheaper and away from more ex- choices can also be systematically af-
pensive commodities. fected by a change in the distribution
Not only utility maximization but also of opportunities.
many other decision rules, incorporat- Impulsive households are assumed to
ing a wide variety or irrational behav- act "as if" they only consulted a proba-
ior,7 lead to negatively inclined demand bility mechanism: no preference system
curves because of the effect of a change or utility function is consulted. Indeed,
in prices on opportunities. This will be to eliminate any vestige of utility maxi-
demonstrated with two models of irra- mization, it is assumed that every op-
tional behavior that encompass both a portunity has an equal chance of being
wide and an allegedly "realistic" class selected.8 Although the consumption of
of behavior. On the one hand, households a single household could not be deter-
are often said to be impulsive, erratic, mined in advance, the average consump-
and subject to never-ending whim, and on tion of a large number of independent
the other hand, inert, habitual, and slug- households would almost certainly be
gish. One view alleges that momentary at the middle of the opportunity set,
impulses beget a confusing array of undi- which is also the (mathematically) ex-
rected change, the other that the past pected consumption of a single house-
permits little current change or choice. hold. If opportunities were initially re-
Between these two extremes lies a wide stricted to the budget line AB in Figure
spectrum of irrational behavior, partly 2, the average consumption of many
determined by the past and partly by households would be close to p, the mid-
current impulses. point of AB, with different households
If the implications of such behavior uniformly distributed around p.
A change in relative prices which held
are to be fully developed, the attributes
a market-weighted Laspeyres price index
of "impulsiveness" and "inertia" must
constant would rotate the budget line
be given a precise and quantitative for-
mulation. To that end, impulsive behav- 8 Zvi Griliches pointed out to me that this model
was also presented in a very brief appendix to the
7 Any deviation from utility maximization is con-article by R. L. Marris, "Professor Hicks' Index
sidered "irrational" in this paper: a more precise Number Theorem," Review qf Economic Studies,
or philosophical definition is not required for our XXV (October, 1957), 25-39. The Appendix is said
purposes and is not attempted. to be based on a conversation with Harry Johnson.

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through p, the point representingcurves market are negatively inclined because

consumption.9 The line CD represents of the effect of a change in prices on
a compensated increase in the price of the distribution of opportunities. An in-
X, and points would now be chosen crease in the relative price of X shifts
at random along CD instead of AB. opportunities away from X, increases
Each household could be anywhere on the fraction of those with less X than
CD, but again the average location of in the initial position, and thereby in-
creases the probability that an impulsive
many independent households would al-
household would reduce its consumption
most certainly be at the middle, repre-
of X. And what is simply more probable
sented by p' in the figure. It should be
for a particular household becomes a
clear geometrically and is easily shown
certainty for a large number of inde-
algebraically that p' is not to the left
pendent ones.
and above p by accident: a compensated
Consider now a model of inertia: where-
increase in the price of X always shifts ever possible, households consume exactly
the midpoint of the budget line upward what they did in the past. Point p can
and to the left, while a compensated again represent the average consumption
decrease shifts it downward and to the of a large group of households faced
right.'0 with the budget line AB, and CD the
The fundamental theorem of rational line resulting from a compensated in-
behavior, that market demand curves crease in the price of X. Households
are negatively inclined, is, therefore, alsoinitially in the region Ap could remain
implied by impulsive behavior, at least there indefinitely after the price change,
in markets with large numbers of house- the budget line. Some, however, would
holds. The expected demand curve of also have to be initially in the half-open
each household must also be negatively region pB, unless all were at p, and they
inclined, although many actual individu- could not remain there indefinitely after
prices changed, no matter how much
al curves would not be." Both expected
they wanted to, because pB would be
individual and actual market demand
outside the new opportunity set OCD.
I Since utility maximization is not assumed, a Obviously, households forced to adjust
compensated price change could no longer be said
to hold the level of utility (approximately) constant.
are not by accident precisely those with
The important point for our purposes, however, an above average consumption of X,
is that empirical studies usually separate price from for an increase in X's price shifts oppor-
income effects in this way, and the negative slope
of empirical demand curves is a valid and important tunities away from X.
regularity, regardless of whether utility "really" If the average household in pB had
has been held constant.
been consuming more than OD of X,
10 Since the midpoint of any budget line is given
the average amount of X consumed by
by (I/2P2, I/2Pv), where I is money income and
Px and Pv are unit prices, a compensated change all households would necessarily decline.
in the price of X much change the midpoint of Those in Ap would not change, and those
X in the opposite and that of Y in the same direction.
in pB would have to reduce their X
11 An individual demand curve is more likely
to be negatively inclined the greater the number of since OD is the maximum X permitted
price observations and the longer the time period by the budget line CD. In general, the
covered by each one. Averaging over prices or time
larger the change in relative prices and
is as effective in cancelling out erratic behavior
here as averaging over households is in a market. the larger the dispersion among house-

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holds,'2 the more likely is it that the a group of them, would not cause any
maximum X permitted by the new budg- change in consumption; and although
et line would be smaller than the average an impulsive household would tend to
in pB. Although the adjustments made have negatively inclined demand curves
by households in pB cannot be deter- and consistent and transitive revealed
mined precisely until a decision rule is preferences, there would be many excep-
specified, their consumption of X would tions. The market demand curve in mar-
probably decline even when not arith- kets with many irrational households
metically necessary: a wide variety of would, however, be negatively inclined,
decision rules would do this because they and the market's revealed preference sys-
were consuming relatively large amounts tem could be said to be rational (con-
of X, and the opportunity set shifted sistent and transitive) in the sense that
away from X. The conclusion is war- a compensated change in prices would
ranted, therefore, that a group of inert push the market outside its initial op-
consumers, along with rational and im- portunity set.
pulsive ones, would tend to have nega- Hence the market would act as if
tively inclined demand curves. "it" were rational not only when house-
A broad class of irrational behavior, holds were rational, but also when they
including inert and impulsive behavior were inert, impulsive, or otherwise ir-
as extreme cases, would be encompassed rational. This analytical statement must
by a model in which current choices be distinguished from the frequently en-
were partly determined by past ones and countered arithmetical statement that
partly by a probability mechanism.'3 In a market would behave rationally even
other words, these choices are a weighted if only a few households did, assuming
average of those made by impulsive and always that the average consumption
inert households. Since market demand of other households did not move per-
curves at both these extremes would tend versely. The same arithmetic demon-
to be negatively inclined, the market strates that a market would behave ir-
curves of any weighted average would rationally even if only a few households
also tend to be. So all behavior in this did, again assuming that the average
class would reproduce the fundamental consumption of others did not move
theorem of rational behavior. ''perversely." Our statement goes beyond
A utility maximizing household would arithmetic and stems from an analysis
necessarily have negatively inclined com- of the responses of rational and irrational
pensated demand curves and a consistent households.
and transitive "revealed" preference sys- A "representative" household would
tem. A compensated change in prices act rationally even when actual ones
to an irrational household, on the other did not if "representative" simply indi-
hand, would have very different effects. cates a microscopic reproduction of mar-
For example, a compensated change to ket responses. Economists have gone fur-
a single inert household, rather than to ther and constructed also a theory of
an actual household that is simply a
12 Average consumption in pB is positively relatedmicroscopic reproduction of the market.
to the dispersion around the over-all average repre-
sented by p.
Observed market behavior is used to infer
unobserved household behavior without
13 Mathematically this model is a first-order
Markov process. any recognition that a theory of the

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household need not simply reproduce their average consumption to the mid-
the market because market rationality point of the new budget line, market
is consistent with household irrationality. demand would decline by about 30 per
If we may join the trend toward borrow- cent, giving a high elasticity of -3. 14
ing analogies from the currently glamor- A smaller price change or a larger dis-
ous field of physics, the theory of molecu- persion would yield a still higher elastici-
lar motion does not simply reproduce ty. It is also significant that a large
the motion of large bodies: the smooth, group of erratic households must have
"rational" motion of a macrobody is unitary elastic market demand curves.'5
assumed to result from the erratic, "ir- So the broad class of irrational behavior
rational" motions of a very large number explicitly discussed in this paper can
of microbodies. generate sizable market elasticities, and
Patterning the theory of households thus can reproduce this attribute of "ra-
after market responses was not only un- tional" behavior as well.
necessary, but also responsible for much Inert households in the region Ap in
bitter and rather sterile controversy. Figure 2 were forced off the boundary
Confidence in market rationality misled and into the interior of the opportunity
some into stout defenses of rationality at set by a shift of the budget line from
all levels, while confidence in household AB to CD. Although "commodities" can
irrationality misled others into equally sometimes be usefully defined, and usual-
stout attacks on all rationality. What ly are defined, so that households must
has apparently been overlooked is that necessarily be on the boundary, I would
both views may be partly right and part- usually prefer to treat this as an ad-
ly wrong: households may be irrational
14 Initially, average consumption of X would be
and yet markets quite rational. If this Xo= 1/2 Px; subsequently, it would decline to
were generally recognized, critics might I I ~311I
be more receptive to models implying X1'= 1 )P ' +12 .2Pj 88 P,'
rational market responses, and economic
theorists to models permitting erratic
3 1 - 44
and other irrational household responses.
Utility analysis does not imply that XO 44
market demand curves necessarily have 88

sizable elasticities; nevertheless, rational 16 The amount of X consumed would be

behavior is popularly believed to pro- by the function
duce sizable responses in at least some
X= kp-
markets. Perhaps, therefore, it would
be useful to show that irrational house- where X is market demand and I market inco
holds can produce sizable as well as nega- compensated change in. the price of X wou
constant the ratio of market income to a Lasp
tive elasticities. The market response of price index. That is,
inert households depends on the disper- I
sion among them, the change in prices, -,= c
and the response of those forced to ad- hence
just. If the price of X rose by 10 per X= k *-I
cent, if households were uniformly dis- Pz'
tributed along the initial budget line,
and if those forced to adjust reduced
X *-p=
PX k'.

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ditional implication of rational behav- sated change in prices would still force
ior. Thus utility-maximizing households those consuming relatively large amounts
would be on the boundary not because of commodities rising in price to change,
of a definition, but because utility would presumably toward a smaller consump-
be maximized (as long as the marginal tion of these commodities. So an exten-
utility of at least one commodity was sion of irrational behavior to cover ineffi-
non-negative). Even if "expenditures" cient consumption does not alter the con-
were defined so that the entire income clusion that irrational households would
had to be spent, irrational households tend to have rational market responses
might not "consume" it all because some to a change in prices.
"purchases" might be lost, spoil, or accu-
mulate unused. These households would
be located in the interior of their oppor- The analysis can easily be extended
tunity sets if the commodity space re- to the demand for inputs by interpreting
ferred to "consumption" rather than to X and Y in Figure 2 as inputs rather
"expenditures." than commodities, and AB and CD as
Our assumption that opportunities equal outlay rather than equal income
are (at least initially) restricted to the lines. A fundamental theorem of ration-
budget line must go if the effect of "inef-al behavior is that a compensated in-
ficient" consumption is to be investi- crease in the price of X would reduce
gated. Inefficient impulsive households the amount of X employed with a given
might assign equal probabilities to all outlay: less X would be employed with
points in the opportunity set, not just the outlay line CD than AB. The appli-
to those on the boundary. The average cability of Figure 2 is a hint that this
consumption of a large number of these theorem is derived not so much from
households would almost certainly be rational behavior itself as from the gen-
at the set's center of gravity, with house- eral effect of a change in relative input
holds uniformly distributed around this prices on the distribution of employ-
point. Since a compensated change in ment opportunities. Even irrational firms
prices would shift opportunity sets and would tend to respond "rationally" to
thus centers of gravity away from com- a change in input prices; for example,
modities rising and toward those falling a large number of impulsive firms would
in price, these households would also on the average be located at point p
have negatively inclined market demand when faced with AB and at p', to the
curves. For example, point c in Figure left and above p, when faced with CD."'
2 would be the center of the set OAB, Figure 2 could not be directly applied
and c', to the left and above c, would to the demand for inputs if total outlays
be the center of OCD.16 Inefficient inert were permitted to vary because outlay
households would be initially distributed 17Just as a group of impulsive households would
produce compensated commodity demand curves
throughout the opportunity set. They
having unitary elasticity, so impulsive firms would
too would tend to have negatively in- produce compensated input demand curves having
clined market curves because a compen- unitary elasticity, or exactly the same as that pro-
duced by firms maximizing profits subject to Cobb-
16 The set OCD differs from OAB only because Douglas production functions. It is rather amazing
ApC differs from BpD (OApD is common to both). that these implications of Cobb-Douglas functions,
Since ApC is to the left and above BpD the centerwhich have been extensively acclaimed, should also
of OCD must be to the left and above that of OAB. result from the simplest model of impulsive behavior.

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lines could not then

In serve
both cases the as
word "survive" sim-budg
More generally, since the traditional ana- ply refers to a resource constraint on
lytical distinction between households behavior and does not literally distin-
and firms is that firms are not supposed guish "life" from "death," although some
to be subject to budget constraints'8 our households and firms may actually die
analysis of irrational households would from trying to "live" beyond their means.
seem to have little relevance to irrational Had the meaning of survival in this con-
firms. As long as the assumption of profit text been understood, numerous pointless
maximization is maintained, firm deci- discussions of the application of biologi-
sions can legitimately be analyzed with- cal survival theories in economics could
out recourse to budgetary constraints, have been avoided.
and the traditional distinction is valid.
Price and cost
But as soon as other decision rules are
permitted the existence and importance
of a budget constraint become patently
clear, and the traditional distinction is D
blurred and perhaps even vanishes.
In my judgment the great achieve-
ment of the "survival" argument ad-
vanced by Alchian and others'9 is not a
demonstration that surviving firms must C
act as if they were trying to maximize
profits, for counterexamples can easily
be developed, but rather a demonstration
that the decisions of irrational firms are
I I I lI
limited by a budgetary constraint. In- I I i I I

deed, the survival argument is really sim-

o Qe Qe QC Q. QU
ply a special case of a general argument, Output

developed for households in Section II, FIG. 3

linking the behavior of all economic units
to the distribution of their opportunities. Since the region inclosed by the income
Thus firms could not continually pro- constraint is called the consumption op-
duce, could not "survive," outputs yield- portunity set of households, the region
ing negative profits, as eventually all of non-negative profits can appropriately
the resources at their disposal would and naturally be called the production
opportunity set of firms. For example,
be used up.20 For exactly the same reason
households with the budget line AB in
households could not continually con-
Figure 2 have the consumption oppor-
sume in this sense could not "survive,"
tunity set OAB, and firms with the aver-
outside the region covered by incomes.
age cost curve AC and demand curve
18 See, e.g., H. Hotelling, "Demand Functions dd shown in Figure 3 have the production
with Limited Budgets," Econometrica, January,
opportunity set QeQu. Just as households
1935, pp. 66-78, and P. Samuelson, op. cit., p. 218.
choose their consumption subject to the
19 See references in n. 1.
limitation that they spend no more than
20 More generally, firms could not survive if the
sum of profits and net income from other sources the available income, so firms can be
was less than zero. assumed to choose their output subject

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to the limitation that they spend no more ginal costs equal price. If the industry
than the maximum profit which could became a completely monopolistic cartel,
have been earned. The entire amount, DD would measure firm as well as indus-
so to speak, would be spent at outputs trial demand and dd would no longer
yielding zero profits; nothing would be be relevant. A famous and ancient the-
spent if profits were maximized; and a orem states that, if profits were always
positive but less than the entire amount maximized, output per firm under the
would be spent at any other admissible cartel would be less than OQ,.
output. The traditional conclusion that Completely impulsive firms would as-
firms are not subject to a budget con- sign an equal probability to all available
straint is clearly valid when profits are outputs and select one at random: no
maximized: nothing would be "spent" marginal cost function would be con-
and so no constraint could be operative. sulted and certainly no attempt would
With any other decision rule, however, be made to equate marginal cost and
a constraint on total expenditures might marginal revenue. If the industry was
be operative because something would "competitive," these firms would be uni-
be spent. formly distributed along the opportunity
A change in cost or demand condi- set Qe, Qu with an average output almost
tions would change production oppor- certainly at the midpoint. Let Od again
tunity sets and force even irrational firms be the equilibrium price and OQ, average
to respond systematically. Many vari- output, where OQ, is now simply the
ables influence these sets, and I have not midpoint of Qe Q. and not necessarily
tried to determine the response of irra- a point equating marginal cost to price.
tional firms to changes in all of them. It is Cartelization would shift the firm's de-
instructive, however, to consider explicit- mand curve to DD and shift the oppor-
ly some differences between monopolistic tunity set to the left of Qe Q. to Q' Qu.
and competitive outputs: a well-known If outputs were again chosen random-
theorem is closely associated with prof- ly, firms would be uniformly distrib-
it-maximizing behavior, and even skepti- uted along Q' Q' and average output
cal readers might be impressed by a would almost certainly be at its mid-
demonstration that a wide variety of ir- point, which is to the left of OQ6.
rational behavior would reproduce this In the same way inert and many other
theorem. kinds of irrational firms can be shown
Industrial costs would be the same as to reproduce these famous theorems of
a firm's, except for a difference in units, neoclassical economics. The fundamental
in industries having many independent, explanation is that a change from com-
identical firms, but the industrial de- petition to monopoly shifts the produc-
mand curve would be more elastic than tion opportunity set toward lower out-
the firm's. The AC curve in Figure 3 puts, which in turn encourages irrational
can, therefore, measure both industry firms to lower their outputs. At best
and firm average costs, DD industry only of indirect importance is the effect
and dd firm demand conditions. Line on the marginal revenue function, the
DD is drawn so that the competitive explanation always given for profit-maxi-
equilibrium of profit-maximizing firms mizing firms.
occurs at a price of Ad and a per firm Our discussion of changes in input
prices and the degree of competition in-
output of OQ,, where presumably mar-

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dicates that irrational firms can give straint on opportunities would be as real
very rational market responses, and this to firms as to households. The word
seeming paradox offers a solution to the "firm" in this context includes founda-
heated and protracted controversy be- tions and other private non-profit or-
tween marginalists and anti-marginalists. ganizations, governments, and persons
Confidence in the irrationality of firms choosing occupational and industrial em-
induced the latter to conclude that mar- ployment as well as "commercial" organ-
ket responses were also irrational, while izations. Opportunity sets apply, then,
confidence in the rationality of markets to all decision units with limited re-
induced the former to conclude that firms sources.
were also rational. Apparently few real- Even irrational decision units must
ized that both kinds of "evidence" could accept reality and could not, for example,.
be valid and yet both inferences invalid, maintain a choice that was no longer
so that each side might be partly right within their opportunity set. And these
and partly wrong. Basically, what is sets are not fixed or dominated by er-
missing in the controversy is a systematic ratic variations, but are systematically
analysis of the responses of irrational changed by different economic variables:
firms; in particular, of how opportunity a compensated increase in the price of
sets and thus the decisions of irrational some commodities would shift consump--
as well as rational firms are affected tion opportunities toward others; a com-
by changes in different variables. For pensated increase in the price of some
such an analysis reveals that irrational inputs would shift production opportuni-
firms would often be "forced" into ra- ties toward others; or a compensated
tional market responses. Consequently, decrease in the attractiveness of some
anti-marginalists can believe that firms occupations would shift employment op-
are irrational, marginalists that market portunities toward others. Systematic re-
responses are rational, and both can be sponses might be expected, therefore,
talking about the same economic world. with a wide variety of decision rules,
including much irrational behavior.
Indeed, the most important substan-
Economists have long recognized that tive result of this paper is that irra-
consumption opportunities of households tional units would often be "forced" by
are limited to those costing no more
la change in opportunities to respond
than the income available, but not that rationally. For example, impulsive house-
production opportunities of firms are lim- holds would tend to have negatively in-
ited in exactly the same way to those clined demand curves because a rise in
yielding non-negative profits-or to a the price of one commodity would shift
somewhat larger set when income is also opportunities toward others, leaving less
received from other sources. This neglect chance to purchase this one even impul-
results from the almost exclusive concern
21 See A. A. Alchian and R. A. Kessel, "Com-
with profit-maximizing firms, for they petition, Monopoly, and the Pursuit of Pecuniary
and they alone are not affected by the Gains," paper given at the Universities-National
constraint on production opportunities. Bureau Conference on Labor Economics, April 22-
23, 1960, and my The Economics of Discrimination
If firms maximized utility rather than (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957), chap.
profits21 or behaved irrationally, the con-

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lively. Other irrational households would of the degree of irrationality at the mar-
likewise tend to have negatively inclined ket level.
demand curves, irrational firms negative- When market responses of irrational
ly inclined demand curves for inputs, units sometimes differ substantially from
and irrational workers positively inclined the responses of rational units, empiri-
supply curves to occupations. cal evidence on actual responses would
If irrational units, nevertheless, often be crucially important in assessing the
respond rationally, what accounts for extent of individual rationality. The kind
the deep and prolonged animosity be- of evidence traditionally used, the nega-
tween marginalists and anti-marginal- tive slope of market demand curves or
ists, Veblenites and neoclassicists, and the positive slope of market demand
other groups differing in the degree of curves or the positive slope of market
rationality attributed to economic de- supply curves, is equally consistent with
cision units? The major explanation un- individual irrationality and cannot dis-
doubtedly is that formal models of irra- criminate between them. Inadequate

tional behavior have seldom been sys- attention has been paid to gathering rele-
vant evidence apparently because oppor-
tematically explored-in particular, to
tunity sets and their effect on the market
determine how changes in opportunities
responses of irrational units have been
impinge on irrational behavior. A sub-
inadequately appreciated.
sidiary explanation is that little atten-
I explicitly analyzed only simple mod-
tion has been paid to the distinction
els of irrational behavior in which current
between group or market and individual
choices were partly determined by past
responses. This distinction is unnecessary
ones and partly by probability considera-
in traditional theories of rational behav- tions. Much additional work is required
ior because a market's response is usually to formulate rigorously other models and
simply the macro-version of an individu- to determine their implications. Although
al's response. A group of irrational units many of these would surely differ, an
would, however, respond more smoothly important area of agreement would re-
and rationally than a single unit would, sult from common responses to shifts
and undue concentration at the individu- in opportunities. Such is the main lesson
al level can easily lead to an overestimate to be learned from this paper.

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