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Change Management Roles

Version 1.7
Change Management Roles

Table of Contents
1. About This Document .................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Document Objective .................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Assumptions .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 References ................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Roles Process Flow Chart ................................................................................................................. 5
3. Change Requester Role .................................................................................................................... 6
4. Change Coordinator Role ................................................................................................................. 6
5. Change Implementer Role ................................................................................................................ 6
6. Change Manager Role ...................................................................................................................... 6
7. Service Owner Role .......................................................................................................................... 7
7.1 Current Service Owners ............................................................................................................ 7
8. ICT Change Management Role ........................................................................................................ 7
9. Authorized Sender Role .................................................................................................................... 8
10. Communication Approver Role ..................................................................................................... 8
10.1 Communication Approvers ........................................................................................................ 8
11. Change Board Role ....................................................................................................................... 8
11.1 Change Board Members ........................................................................................................... 8
12. Inquiries ......................................................................................................................................... 8

Change Management Roles

Revision History
Author Version Description Date
Steve Lane 1.0 Initial draft June 5, 2013
Gemma Tungul
Candace Dechant
Sandy Stout
Steve Lane 1.1 Aligned Change Board Role with TOR. October 7, 2013
Gemma Tungul
Steve Lane 1.2 Aligned Change Managers Role with TOR. October 10, 2013
Gemma Tungul
Steve Lane 1.3 ICT Change Facilitator Role includes facilitating November 29, 2013
Gemma Tungul Change Communication Distribution
Change Management Process Flowchart updated
with Emergency change (out of scope) and a new
ICT Change Facilitator Swimlane
Gemma Tungul 1.4 Update reference to ITSM 7.6 to ITSM 8.1. June 5, 2014
Update links to Sharepoint Site 2010.
Gemma Tungul 1.5 Add Authorized Sender and Communication January 27, 2015
Approver Roles. Updated the Service Owner
Ken Merkel 1.6 Updated and verified all role definitions September 1, 2015
Sandy Stout
Gemma Tungul
Caroline Schulte
Gemma Tungul 1.6 Updated CM Roles Process Diagram September 21, 2015
Sandy Stout 1.7 Updated Communication Approver. Updated Feb. 4, 2016
Service Owner information

Change Management Roles

1. About This Document

1.1 Document Objective

The Change Management Roles document identifies Service Alberta’s roles and requirements expected
from each position of the Change Management Team.

1.2 Assumptions
Change Management Roles is written on two key assumptions:

 You are familiar with the overall Service Alberta Change Management process as detailed in the
Change Management Process Guide .
 You are familiar with the use of BMC Remedy Change Management 8.1 (herein referred to as
ITSM). For further instructions on using ITSM to create and work with Requests for Change
(RFCs) and Changes (CRQs):
o refer to the BMC Remedy Change Management 8.1 User's Guide
o Or view the BMC Remedy Change Management computer-based training (CBT)

1.3 Scope
Change Management Roles is not intended to replace any of the change management processes and
procedures or the BMC Remedy Change Management 8.1 User's Guide, but rather to serve as a
supplement to these guides. This document identifies only the roles and responsibilities expected of each
position involved in the Change Management process.

1.4 References
Change Management Roles refers directly to information found in the change process and procedures
documents found in the Change Management Processes and Procedures Documents Site. For a more
thorough breakdown of each position, please refer to the original documents.

Change Management Roles

2. Roles Process Flow Chart

Change Management Roles

3. Change Requester Role

The Change Requester initiates the Change Management process by submitting the Change Request
(CRQ). The Change Requester is responsible for:

 Documenting the Change Request (CRQ) to the best of their ability and understanding (ie
description, risk, requested implementation dates) based on organizational requirements
 Working with other people in the Change Management Process to identify needs, as required
 Submitting Requests for Change (RFCs) in ITSM
 May present the proposed change to the Change Board

4. Change Coordinator Role

The Change Coordinator is responsible for a Change Request (CRQ) as it flows through the Change
Management process. Consequently, the Change Coordinator:

 Confirms the assignment of a CRQ (team specific)

 Investigates the impact of the Change from various perspectives (financial, IT, business, security,
capacity, etc)
 Analyzes, prioritizes and categorizes the CRQ
 Responsible to ensure all required work info entries are added to the change request.
 Develops a communication plan (team specific)
 Attends and presents the change to the appropriate Change Board
 Updates the Change Record as appropriate
 Ensures the implementation of the Change upon receipt of approval

5. Change Implementer Role

Change Implementers are responsible for building the Change, and is analogous to a team member.
Consequently, the Change Implementer:

 Provides input to the assessment and design of the Change

 Provides input to the development of the implementation plan and schedule
 Add work info entries to the change request including Impact Assessment, Risk Assessment,
Implementation Plan, Test Plan, Backout Plan, Communication Plan, as well as scheduled dates
 Executes the approved change plans in exact accordance with the approved plans and schedule
 Update the change request with the results of their implementation including identifying any
issues that may have occurred during the implementation and the measures taken to resolve

6. Change Manager Role

The Change Manager is responsible for the overall process and the performance of the process.
Consequently, the Change Manager:

 Approves Change Requests (CRQs)

 Provides updates to the Change Requester and other affected parties

Change Management Roles

 Where required, reviews communication plan for accuracy, requests communication approval and
schedules communication for distribution
 Reviews the change for its validity and completeness and determines the Change Board
 Ensures change is submitted for review by its submission deadline. (refer to Lead Time in Terms
of Reference (TOR) Document)
 Requests approval from appropriate Service Owner
 Ensures changes go through the correct Change Board (Operational or Business)
 Performs the Post Implementation Review to ensure the change met the schedule and objectives
 Updates Change Records as required
 Closes CRQs
 Monitors and reports on the performance of the process

7. Service Owner Role

The Service Owner is the individual who owns the service that will experience the change. The Service
Owner is responsible for:

 Approving all changes (with the exception of “no impact” changes) before they are moved into a
scheduled state
 Reviewing all relevant information about the Change Request (eg. Service Impact Assessment,
Risk Assessment, Backout Plan, Implementation Plan, Schedule, Communication Plans and
scheduled dates)
 Making a decision about the Change (Approve, Reject, Defer)
 Updating the Change Request with their decision (approval within ITSM or through an email
attached to the ticket)

7.1 Current Service Owners

The Current Service Owners List is located in the Change Management SharePoint Site.

8. ICT Change Management Role

The ICT Change Management Role is responsible for managing and overseeing the change process.
Accordingly, the ICT Change Management Role:

 Chairs OCB/BCB meetings

 Prepares the OCB/BCB meeting agendas and ensures that all necessary review information is
distributed to members prior to the meetings
 Prepares the OCB/BCB meeting minutes and approves the CR in ITSM in behalf of the Change
 Facilitate Change Managers meetings
 Maintains the SharePoint Change Management websites.
 Maintains the Change Management Process and Procedures documents
 Maintains the ICT Change Management Lists
 Monitor SA ICT Change Management Mailbox
 Monitors performance of the change process. Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

Change Management Roles

9. Authorized Sender Role

The Authorized Sender is responsible for distributing a scheduled communication.

 Schedule Communication distribution dates

 Ensure communication documents in ITSM are complete
 Distribute scheduled communication from GOA IT Communication account

10. Communication Approver Role

The Communication Approver Role is responsible for approving the change communication before
distribution to affected ministry IT Contacts. Accordingly, the Change Communication Approver:

 Reviews communication and updates as required.

 Approves communication before distribution.

10.1 Communication Approvers

The Current Authorized Communication Approvers list is located in the Communication
SharePoint Site.

11. Change Board Role

The role of the Change Board is to facilitate the approval and scheduling of proposed changes. In doing
so, the Change Board will:

 Review all proposed changes

 Provide input into the planning and scheduling of changes, including assisting with customer
coordination, reviewing risk and impact.
 Approve the scheduling of proposed changes
 Communicate Change Board activities to Stakeholders

11.1 Change Board Members

The Current Change Board Members list is located in the OCB/BCB SharePoint Site.

On October 31, 2013, Ministry IT Representatives became a part of the Change Board.

12. Inquiries
Refer your inquiries to

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