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TANGGAL :................. WAKTU :................

NAMA :.................

A. Berilah tanda silang ( X ) pada jawaban

yang benar! 17. We take a bath in the ......
1. Yopi : How do they go to school? a. bathroom
Tio : They go to school on ... b. kitchen
a. car c. bedroom
b. foot
c. bus 18. What are they doing?
2. The students park their cycles in the ..... They are playing ......
a. yard b. garden c. parking area a. slide
b. hide and seek
3. Let’s arrange! c. rope skipping
Do - I - like - chocolate – not
a. I do not like chocolate 19. Dimas likes playing ......
b. I like do not chocolate a. kite
c. Do like not I chocolate b. slide
4. Lima tas biru. In English .......... c. see saw
a. five blue bags c. five bags
b. five yellow bags 20. There are .......
5. Open your English ......... please! in the bedroom.
a. pencil case a. soap and shampoo
b. book b. stove and plate
c. bag c. pillow and blanket

6. What day is today? B. Isilah titik – titik dibawah ini dengan

Today is....... ( Rabu ) jawaban yang tepat!
a. Monday b. Wednesday c. Friday 1. Rian : Good morning, Tio.
7. Aris : Is this a clock ? Tio : ..................................................................
Bobby : Yes, .......
a. this is b. that is c. this is not 2. Do you like playing slide?
No, ....................................................................
8. Maya : What colours are your teeth?
Adrian : My teeth are .......
3. Buku merah,
a. white b. pink c. black
in english ..........................................................
9. My mother cooks
in the ...... 4. What is this?
a. garage This is a ........................
b. kitchen
c. bedroom 5. Green pencil case,
10. 95 – 87 = ..... In Indonesian,
a. eight b. one c. seven ...............................................................................
11. Dimas : ...... this is?
C. Jodohkan!
Empi : This is a ball.
1. Eraser ( ..... ) a. Abu - abu
a. where b. what c. how
2. Bag ( ..... ) b. Selimut
12. Yopi : What is your hobby? 3. Doll ( ..... ) c. Penghapus
Maya : My hobby is ........ ( bersepeda ) 4. Wall ( ..... ) d. Kebun
a. cycling b. fishing c. swimming 5. Kite ( ..... ) e. Tas
13. They are playing ......... ( sepak bola ) in the field. 6. Grey ( ..... ) f. Layang - layang
a. badminton b. doll c. football 7. Blackboard ( ..... ) g. Dinding
8. Garden ( ..... ) h. Papan tulis
14. I like playing toy car, in indonesian ..... 9. Bathroom ( ..... ) i. Kamar mandi
a. saya suka bermain sepeda 10. Blanket ( ..... ) j. Boneka
b. saya suka bermain mobil – mobilan
c. saya suka naik mobil
15. What is that?
That is a ..... ( mobil )
a. car b. train c. plane
16. What is that ?
That is a ....
a. bedroom
b. diningroom
c. bathroom

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