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I. Listening Section.

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.
Part I. Pictures
Question : 1 to 3.
For each item, there is a picture and four short statements about it on the tape. They are
spoken two times, and are NOT WRITTEN out on your test book, so you must listen
carefully. You must choose one sentence – (A), (B), (C), or (D)- that best describe the picture.
Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
Example :
Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences. Sample Answer

a. The basket is made of woven rattan. A B C D

b. They shot the ball to the basket.
c. Some fruit is put in the basket.
d. We need the basket for this stuff.

 Choice (a)- “ The basket is made of woven rattan” – best describe what can be seen in
the picture. Therefore, you should mark (a) on your answer sheet.
 Now let’s begin with picture number 1.


Part II: Question – Response

In this part of the test, you will hear several question spoken in English, followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken two times.
They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what
the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question:

You hear : “Will you be here this summer?” Sample Answer

You will also hear : (a) Yes. Summer is my favorite season.

(b) Yes, They will be here soon. A B C
(c) No, I won’t. I plan to visit my family.

 Choice (c) – “No, I won’t, I plan to visit my family” – is the appropriate response to the
question (will you be here this summer?). Therefore, you should mark (c) on your
answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with question number 4

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

Part III: Short Conversation.

In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. The conversation will not
be printed in your test book. You will hear the conversation two times, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speaker say.
In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it
on your answer sheet.
You will hear: Girl : Are you sixteen yet?
Boy : Not yet, but my birthday is in March.
Girl : When in March?
Boy : It is March 20th.

You will read What do you learn from the conversation?

a. The girl is sixteen years old. Sample Answer
b. The boy is twenty years old.
c. The boy was born in March.
d. The girl’s birthday is March 20th. A B C D

 Choice (c) – “The boy was born in March” – best answers the question (What you
learn from the conversation). Therefore, you should mark (c) on your answer sheet.

8. What does the woman want the taxi driver to do?Apa yang wanita inginkan sopir taksi lakukan?
a. Drive to supermarket
a. Berkendara ke supermarket
b. Give her a lift
b. Beri dia tumpangan
c. Serve the menu c. Sajikan menu
d. Wait for her d. Menunggunya

9. What are they going to do?Apa yang akan mereka lakukan?

a. Cook the dinner
b. Paint the garage
a. Memasak makan malam
c. Climb a ladder b. Cat garasi
d. Wash the car c. Memanjat tangga
d. cuci mobil itu

10.What are they doing?

a. Hanging a picture Apa yang mereka lakukan?
a. Menggantung gambar
b. Give a lesson to their children b. Memberi pelajaran kepada anak-anak mereka
c. Mereka memiliki latihan
c. They are having exercise d. Gunung panjat
d. Mount climbing
11.What is the man’s occupation?
a. Doctor Apa pekerjaan orang itu?
b. Veterinarian b. Dokter hewan
c. Carpenter c. tukang kayu
d. Petani
d. Farmer

PART IV: Short Talk.


In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken just once. They
will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and
remember what is said.
In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each
question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each
question and mark it on your answer sheet.

Let’s begin with short talk number 12.

12.Where is the announcement being heard?

a. At the airport
Dimana pengumuman didengar?
b. At home
a. Di Bandara
c. In the train b. Di rumah
d. In the bus c. Di kereta api
d. Di bus

13.Why are they requested to leave?

a. Because they refused to pay hy mereka diminta untuk meninggalkan?
b. Because they lose their belonging a. Karena mereka menolak untuk membayar
b. Karena mereka kehilangan mereka milik
c. Because there is a fire
c. Karena ada api
d. because they were mad d. karena mereka gila
14.Who will participate in the exercise?
a. All personal
b. Only the workers Siapa yang akan berpartisipasi dalam latihan?

c. Only the supervisors A. semua pribadi

b. Hanya pekerja
d. Only the management c. Hanya supervisor
d. Hanya manajemen
15. How long will the session last?

Berapa lama sesi akan berlangsung?

a. Thirty minutes
a. Tiga puluh menit
b. one hour b. satu jam
c. One hour and a half c. Satu setengah jam
d. semua pagi
d. All morning


For question 30 to 41 choose the appropriate expression to complete the dialog

16. Mark : Hi John, would you like to do something with me this weekend?
John : Sure. … Mark: Hi John, Anda ingin B. Bisakah kita melakukannya?
A. What do you do? melakukan sesuatu dengan saya C. Apa yang harus kita
B. Can we do that? akhir pekan ini? lakukan?
C. What should we do? John: Tentu. ... D. Haruskah aku menemani
D. Should I accompany you? A. Apa yang Anda lakukan? anda?

17. Tia : Look at my new ring, …………….

Tia: Lihatlah cincin baru saya, ................
Bisma : I absolutely agree with you. Your ring is so cool.
Bisma: Saya benar-benar setuju dengan Anda. cincin
A. Do you think so? Anda sangat keren.
B. Isn’t it cool? A. Apakah Anda berpikir begitu?
C. Aren’t they cool? B. Apakah tidak dingin?
D. Is it perfect? Apakah itu sempurna? C. Apakah mereka tidak keren?

32. Teacher : Listen, I will explain the Math formula on analyzing the triangle width.
Student : Should we read the handbook or other resources, Sir?
Teacher : .... because we don’t have a specific resource for this material
A. Pay attention to written summary on whiteboard
B. Have a look at your downloaded source
C. Sure, you are supposed to read yours Guru: Dengar, saya akan menjelaskan rumus
D. Don’t be lazy for reading every handbooks Matematika pada analisis lebar segitiga.
Mahasiswa: Haruskah kita membaca buku atau
A. Perhatikan ringkasan tertulis di papan tulis sumber daya lainnya, Sir?
B. Silahkan lihat pada sumber download Anda Guru: .... karena kita tidak memiliki sumber
C. Tentu, Anda diharapkan untuk membaca Anda daya khusus untuk bahan ini
D. Jangan malas untuk membaca setiap buku pegangan
33. Hanung : I enroll for the chief of student organization candidate
Mira : That’s great. What program will you do if you want to be the chief of OSIS?
Hanung . .....................
A. I would build the students’ character Hanung: Saya mendaftar untuk review kepala Calon organisasi serta mahasiswa
B. I would have improved students’ discipline Mira: bagus Itu. Program APA Yang akan Andari lakukan JIKA Andari
C. I will be a wise school leader Ingin Menjadi kepala OSIS?
Hanung. .....................
D. I will change the school daily habit better A. Saya akan Membangun Karakter Siswa
B. Saya akan meningkatkan Disiplin Siswa
C. saya akan Menjadi Pemimpin sekolah Yang Bijaksana
D. Saya akan mengubah Kebiasaan Sehari-hari sekolah Yang Lebih Baik
34. Mother : What are you doing, Son?
Son : .... I want to get an acceptance letter from Curtain University
A. I am preparing my essay for a scholarship
B. I was spending time for studying abroad Ibu: Apa yang kau lakukan, Son?
Anak: .... Saya ingin mendapatkan surat penerimaan dari Tirai
C. I am making you proud of me
D. I have written a recommendation letter A. Saya mempersiapkan esai saya untuk beasiswa
B. Saya menghabiskan waktu untuk belajar di luar negeri
C. Saya membuat Anda bangga padaku
D. Saya telah menulis sebuah surat rekomendasi

35. Febri : Your room is very messy. Don’t you clean it everyday?
Febri: Kamar Anda sangat berantakan. Apakah Anda tidak bersih
Nurul : I’m busy with my job recently. So I don’t have time to do it
Febri : .... Because the cleanliness reflects your personality Nurul: saya sibuk dengan pekerjaan saya baru-baru ini. Jadi saya
A. You’d better mop the floor tidak punya waktu untuk melakukannya
B. You should make it tidy Febri: .... Karena kebersihan mencerminkan kepribadian Anda
C. You have to make it comfortable A. Sebaiknya Anda mengepel lantai
D. You must be good at cleaning (Anda harus pandai membersihkan) B. Anda harus membuatnya rapi
C. Anda harus membuatnya nyaman

36. Agung : Last week, I attended my Junior High School reunion. Agung: Minggu lalu, saya menghadiri saya SMP reuni.
..... , that I met my teachers and friends ....., Bahwa saya bertemu guru dan teman-teman saya
Ferry : I did too. We have not seen each other in years Ferry: aku juga. Kami belum melihat satu sama lain dalam tahun
A. I am glad to see them A. Saya senang melihat mereka
B. I was so happy B. Saya sangat bahagia
C. I’ll keep the memory
C. Saya akan menjaga memori
D. I was sad with such event
D. Saya sedih dengan acara seperti
37. Oky : Do you like playing basketball ?
Galih : I don’t really like being outside and get sweat
Oky : Oh, what’s your hobby ? Oky: Apakah Anda suka bermain basket?
Galih : I like to be inside the hous.. Then, I make a summary about them. Galih: Saya tidak benar-benar seperti berada di luar dan keringat
Oky: Oh, apa hobi Anda?
Oky : You must like reading.
Galih: Saya suka berada di dalam hous .. Lalu, saya membuat
Galih : Yes, you are right
ringkasan tentang mereka.
A. I bake some traditional cakes
Oky: Anda harus seperti membaca.
B. I arrange books on the shelf Galih: Ya, Anda benar
C. I create a new cooking recipe A. Aku memanggang beberapa kue tradisional
D. I browse some articles on the internet B. Saya mengatur buku di rak
C. Saya membuat resep memasak baru
D. Saya menelusuri beberapa artikel di internet

38. Yoga : That was a great debate last night. There was a smart guy told a bad effect of
television program on young people and children. Did you watch it ?
Gilang : Sure. It was interesting. I am in mind with him that internet is better than TV
program. How about you ?
Yoga : ............... I can change the channels everytime.
A. I would rather TV program to internet
B. I like internet than another program
C. I prefer TV programs to others
D. I dislike both of them

Yoga: Itu perdebatan besar tadi malam. Ada seorang pria yang
cerdas mengatakan efek buruk program televisi pada orang A. Saya lebih suka acara TV ke internet
muda dan anak-anak. Apakah Anda menontonnya? B. Saya suka internet dari program lain
Gilang: Tentu. Itu menarik. Saya ingat dengan dia bahwa C. Saya lebih suka program TV kepada orang lain
internet lebih baik dari TV program. Bagaimana dengan kamu D. Saya tidak suka keduanya

39. Ervina : There will be a horse riding competition. Will you participate with it ?
Tegar : Sure. Because horse riding is one of my favorite activity Ervina: Akan ada kompetisi berkuda. Anda akan berpartisipasi dengan
Ervina : What will you do for the preparation ?
Tegar : .................... Tegar: Tentu. Karena berkuda adalah salah satu kegiatan favorit saya
Ervina: I hope that you will be the winner Ervina: Apa yang akan Anda lakukan untuk persiapan?
Tegar: ....................
A. I’m going to do regular exercise Ervina: Saya berharap bahwa Anda akan menjadi pemenang
B. I plan to make my own route
A. Aku akan melakukan olahraga secara teratur
C. I will go to my father’s horse stable B. Saya berencana untuk membuat rute sendiri
D. I’m going to buy a very expensive horse C. Saya akan pergi ke stabil kuda ayahku
D. Saya akan membeli kuda yang sangat mahal

40. Yusuf : I ordered one LCD from your store but I haven’t got it so far
Bayu : It’s still on the way because ………..
Yusuf : Okay. Thank you so much for the information. Yusuf: Saya memesan satu LCD dari toko Anda, tetapi saya
A. It is sent by train tidak punya sejauh
B. It was sent this morning Bayu: Ini masih dalam perjalanan karena ......... ..
Yusuf: Oke. Terima kasih banyak atas informasi.
C. It will be delivered as soon as possible
A. Hal ini dikirim dengan kereta api
D. It is going to be delivered this afternoon
B. Itu dikirim pagi ini
C. Ini akan disampaikan secepatnya
D. Hal ini akan disampaikan sore ini
41. Caller : Excuse me, ……….. two double rooms for the next Saturday?
Receptionist : I’m sorry, we haven’t got any vacant rooms for that day.
A. Might I reserve.
Penelepon: Permisi, ......... .. dua ganda kamar untuk Sabtu depan?
B. Would you like to book.
Resepsionis: Saya minta maaf, kami tidak punya kamar yang kosong untuk hari
C. Will I book. itu.
D. May I reserve. A. Mungkin saya memesan.
B. Apakah Anda ingin memesan.
C. Apakah saya memesan.
D. Semoga saya memesan.
27. women : can we make our appointment for doing the english assigment on Saturday?
Man : i’m sorry . i’ve to pick up my cousin at the airport
Women : what about Sunday?,them?
Man : okay, i’m fine free on that day
Why can’t the man make the appointment on Saturday?
a. The man will pick up his cousin
perempuan: bisa kita membuat janji untuk
b. B. The women will go to the airport
melakukan assigment Inggris pada hari Sabtu?
c. The man will meet the women at the airport Man: aku minta maaf. Aku sudah mengambil
d. The man and the women will be busy on that day sepupu saya di bandara
Wanita: bagaimana dengan hari Minggu,
Man: oke, aku baik-baik saja gratis pada hari itu
Mengapa pria tidak bisa membuat janji pada hari
A. Orang itu akan mengambil sepupunya
b. Para wanita akan pergi ke bandara
28. Man : let me move so that you and your husband can sit together c. Pria itu akan memenuhi perempuan di bandara
d. Pria dan wanita akan sibuk pada hari itu
Women : oh that’s very kind you
What is the man doning?
a. Taking the seat from the women
b. Offering the seat to the women’s husband Man: biarkan aku bergerak sehingga Anda dan suami
c. Giving his seat to the women bisa duduk bersama-sama
d. Asking for a the women Wanita: oh itu sangat baik Anda
Apa yang pria itu doning?
a. Mengambil kursi dari perempuan
b. Menawarkan kursi untuk suami perempuan
c. Memberikan tempat duduknya untuk para wanita
d. Meminta para wanita

29. man : look! That boy’s teeth are chatting

Women : oh my god,how poor is her, he’s trembling too
Man : i think he feels cold. You’d better tell his mother to cover him up with the blanket
What are they talking about?
a. Shaky boy man: lihat! gigi anak itu mengobrol
b. The man’s son Wanita: oh my god, betapa miskin adalah dirinya, dia gemetar terlalu
c. The boy’s teeth Man: saya pikir dia terasa dingin. Anda sebaiknya memberitahu ibunya untuk
d. A poor boy menutupi dirinya dengan selimut
Apa yang mereka bicarakan?
A. boy Goyah
b. Anak laki-laki itu
c. gigi anak itu
d. Seorang anak miskin

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