TP Task 2 - Active Learning Environments

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TP Task 2 – Active Learning Environments

This task is linked to EPR3703; planning activities that allow students to clarify, question, apply, and
consolidate new knowledge.
What is an active learning environment? What are its benefits? How does it link to the inquiry cycle?
Active Learning is a process wherein students are actively engaged in building understanding of facts,
ideas, and skills through the completion of instructor directed tasks and activities (Kahrhoff, 2006).
Therefore, active learning links to the inquiry cycle because they both focus on enabling students critical
thinking, independency, involvement and most importantly engagement.

Reference Kahrhoff, D. B. (2006, January 1). Active Learning Handbook. Retrieved from Webster University :

Choose 3 lessons to observe to answer the following questions:

What was the prior
What was the impact of the activity
What was the activity? learning to this
i.e. no. of ss engaged?
Subject: English All year two students were The impact of this activity was to allow
grouped in a classroom and students work cooperatively when they
LO: To listen to a presentation and they were listening to a were brain storming the facts of
remember facts. presentation that provided Leopolard. Adding that, it was
them with some facts of the rehearsing students towards the non-
Activity: Students were given a new animal ‘Leopolard’. chronological report that will be written
poster so as to brainstorm their ideas Thus, students were within their next session. Therefore, all
about the new animal called hooked by the school HOF of the students were engaged because,
‘Leopolard’. who dressed up like that they were working as a team and each
animal and read for them student had a role and responsibility to
the facts. achieve in his group.

Subject: Math Students have learnt about The impact of this activity was to allow
unit and non-unit fractions students use their reasoning skills while
LO: To find out and recognise unit of ½, 1/3 and ¼ as well as solving fractional word problems.
fractions, to use reasoning skills. they have learnt about how Therefore, high and medium leveled
to show unit fractions in students were engaged throughout this
Activity: Solve unit and non-unit different ways. activity because they were solving the
fraction word problems and justify word problems effectively. Whereas,
their answers. lower leveled students needed support
and guidance.

Subject: Science Students have learnt about The impact of this activity was to teach
different living things, students how to complete a survey by
LO: To investigate living things. dead and never alive. Also, investigating the number of minibeasts
they have learnt about found in the two microhabitats that they
Activity: Visit two microhabitats and different habitats around have visited. Therefore, all students
investigate types of minibeasts who the world (Arctic, Ocean, were engaged towards this activity
live there by completing a survey. Rainforest and Dessert). because they love exploring scientific
Which activity engaged most students? Why do you think this happened?

Visiting two microhabitats and investigating types of minibeasts was the most activity the students
have enjoyed. This is because, as mentioned previously students enjoy exploring scientific
experiments where they can use their critical thinking and hands on materials. Therefore, this
investigation was applied by making the students work in pairs which encouraged the students to
work as a team.

Record and reflect on components of the observed lessons:

Gifted students were grouped with lower level students
What SEN (this includes GT students) issues
in order to provide them with support. Adding to that,
were taken into consideration? GT students were provided with challenging tasks that
could challenge their abilities and achievements

Yes, all students were able to utilize all of the learning

Were the students able to use all learning
styles. For instance, visual learners were provided
styles? How and exactly which ones? pictures of minibeasts and microhabitats. Auditory
learners were listening to each other while conducting
their investigation. And kinetic learners, were able to
move around the classroom to explore the two

Were there any other resources the students Yes, this activity could be adapted by conducting an
could have used to better master the outdoor session for the students while completing their
outcome? Explain? investigation instead of making the session indoor. This
is because, in such way the teacher will link real life
problems with their experiment as it will attract the
students more.

Yes, flashcards that contains pictures of minibeasts were

Were visual aids used throughout the lesson?
placed on top of the fake microhabitats.
What types?

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