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Lesson Plan Template Abridged

(May be adapted based on instructor’s needs)


Name Miss Padgett & Miss Paola

Subject Social Studies

Grade Level 7th Grade

Date/Duration Week 2, Day 2

Standards/ anchors/ ● Standard - 5.1.7.A Cite functional examples of

competencies how the rule of law protects property rights,
PA/Common individual rights, and the common good.
Core/Standards ● Standard - 5.1.7.B Identify the different types of
(Plus any others as government and the processes they use in
may be required) making laws.
● Standard - CC.2.1.7.D.1 Analyze proportional
relationships and use them to model and solve
real-world and mathematical problems.

Formal Evaluation
Formative AND/OR ● Students will be evaluated on the skit they
Summative perform in groups. The students will be given a
Assessment Evidence completion grade for their attire.
Informal Evaluation
● Students will hand in their K-W-L chart for credit.
If it is completed they will receive a check mark.
● Students will hand in their one new fact they
learned about local government from their peers
● Students will turn in their homework assignment
on the next day and they will receive credit for
the work they have done.
Objective ● Students will be able to identify the ideals
A-B-C-D associated with local government when they
create a skit with their peers to demonstrate their
Bloom's Taxonomy knowledge with 80% accuracy.

Webb's Depth of
Knowledge (DOK)

Step-by-Step Procedures
Learning Plan DETAILS

Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge

● Students will view the “I’m just a Bill” song to
reinforce the concepts of government. Once the
students have viewed the video the teacher will
walk around with the yes and no cards to ask
students comprehension questions based on the
song we just viewed. This song will help prepare
the students for the mock government scene they
will be creating.
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
● On the index cards the students will view the
vocabulary words that define the ideals of local
government. The teacher will set out the assorted
candies that represent each ideal. Students will
come up to the front and feel the candies as the
teacher tells the child what ideal each candy
represents. Once each student has felt the
candies they will then return to their seats to wait
for their other classmates to feel each candy as
Explicit Instructions Big Idea Statement
Big Ideas ● Local governments should be fair and have
Essential Questions ● Local governments should uphold the individual
freedoms given to each person under our
● Local governments should create legislation that
incorporates equality for every person.
● Local governments should be democratically
Essential Questions
● What are the responsibilities and duties of local
● What are the ideals of local government?
Key Vocabulary
● Liberty, Freedom, Democracy, Justice, Equality.

Lesson Procedure Pre-Assessment of Students

Must include ● K-W-L chart. The teachers will use hand-over-
adaptations & hand to help the students fill in two columns of the
accommodations for chart. In the know chart they will explain what
students with special they know about local governments. In the
needs wonder column they will write down what they
want know or learn.
Accommodations, Modeling of the Concept
Modifications ● The teachers will tell the students the day in
advance that they will be doing a mock
government in class. They will send home a note
with each student informing the guardian so that
they can dress their child appropriately. Teachers
will wear their government attire and in front of
their students they will act a mock government.
When the teachers get to the voting part of their
issue they will pull of a bag of candies that is two-
thirds full to demonstrate that you need two-thirds
votes to pass a bill. Each student will hold the
bag that is two-thirds full to see what it feels like.
● Students will listen to the star spangled banner as
the teacher gets the coloring pages out.
Guiding the Practice
● Students will color in government coloring pages
with their teachers using hand-over-hand to
decorate their standers or strollers for the skit that
they will complete in front of their peers. While
the students and teachers help with the coloring
pages, the song Proud to be an American will be
Providing the Independent Practice
● Students will act the skit in front of their peers.
The teachers will be with a student and they will
use their voices to communicate with the other
teacher that is with a student to act out the skit.
Students and teachers will dress up on the day of
the skit and the students will be given a
completion grade for dressing up.
Adaptations/Accommodations for Students with Special
● Students who are nonverbal will use their
communication board to participate in planning
the skit as well as acting it out.
● Students will be able to utilize assistive
technology as needed throughout the skit.
● Students will be able to use sentence strips or
type out one thing they learned from each group.

Materials ● K-W-L chart

(reading, technology, ● Different candies that represent each ideals for
equipment, supplies, local government.
etc.) ● Prop box
● Flashcards for SmartBoard

Closure Summary & Review of the Learning

● Students will fill out the L portion of their K-W-L
chart with the teachers using hand-over-hand to
write out what the students have learned about
local government.
● Research one local government in the
surrounding counties of your choice with parents
and the parent will use hand-over-hand to write
out three facts their child and he or she found out
about the government. Parent will read the facts
to their child.
Other—(This area is
to be determined by
instructor OR student
as needed)

Supervising teacher
comments and

Self-reflection To be completed after the lesson.
● What worked?
● What would
you change?

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