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ELA Focus Questions: How Kindergarten

can I find and share facts

about insects?
Writing Focus Question:
How can I ask questions to
find out what I want to
April 30th- May 4th,
know and write?
Math Focus Question: 2018
How can I solve addition
and subtraction

Reading What are we doing Important Dates

Please make sure your child is reading 20 this week? May 1: INTERIMS Report go home
minutes with an adult each night. We Phonics Focus:: May 2 & 3: Papa John’s Spirit Night
look forward to hearing about the books Onset and rime: cat -> sat May 10: Chick-fil-a Spirit Night from
Ending sounds 4:30 – 8:00 pm
they read at home when we conference
them. When they are finished reading Sight Words: May 15: Tasty Treats $2.00
“too”, “many”, “boy”, May 21: Awards Day 8:30 AM
ask them to retell the story. They should
“girl” May 29: Field Day 8:30-10:30
be able to do this! 

Enjoy this
Field day is on May 29th,
rain or shine. Parents are
beautiful weather!
We’ve been
welcome to attend so go
ahead and mark your learning about READ!!!
calendar for this fun day. plants and
Please check
Awards Day is May 21st. This
is always a special day to explore! interim report for
celebrate all that the kids
have accomplished
things your child
throughout the year.
needs to work on.

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