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MICHELE BACHIMANN roms elem"™ — Congress of the Anited States coca ae ‘Bouse of Representatives “abe = iasingen, BE 20515-2208 tannin suly 13,2012 The Honorable Keith Ellison 1027 Longworth House Office Building United States House of Representatives ‘Washington D.C. 20515 Dear Representative Ellison: ‘Thank you for your letter dated July 12, 2012. 1am responding to the concerns your letter ‘outlined as well as clarifying a few points that were misrepresented, As you know, on June 13, 2012, Members ofthe House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, myself included, andthe House Judiciary Committe, sent letters to the Inspectors General ofthe Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice. Department of Homeland Security, and the Office ofthe Director of National Intelligence. The purpose ofthese letters was to request a multi-department investigation to potential Muslim Brotherhood infiltration into the United States Government, We find this is not only necessary, but beyond timely, considering that departments and agencies ofthe U.S. Government (including but not limited to, those departments to ‘hich these Inspector General letters were sent have in the past and continue to be advised by organizations and individuals thatthe U.S. Government itself has identified in federal cour as fronts for the international Muslim Brotherhood. That such a widespread assessment has not been performed is troubling and is the basis for geauine concer given the stark contrast between what the U.S, Government says about these Muslim Brotherhood front groups and their continued association with these groups, | do note tha the facts we presented inthe Inspector General request leters are based on information presented by U.S. Government officials in eourt documents, court evidence, correspondence and briefings with Congress and public statement, in addition to known ‘media reporting. These letters were far from sole-sourced as you maintain in yout letter. ‘While can’t speak on behalf ofthe other signatories ofthese letters, nor am Lable to get into the private diseussions and documentation received by the various House committees 1 represented by the signatories on these matters that motivated these letters tothe various Inspectors General, out of respect to you Tam happy to respond to some of your concerns, provide the sourees you ask fo, as well as clarify few points that may have bbeen misunderstood or misrepresented, 1) "Brotherhood operatives” within the U.S. government may have directly influenced the U.S. intelligence community's assessment of the Muslim Brotherhood, as presented by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper in testimony before tthe House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on February 10,2011, In the letter tothe Inspector General ofthe Office of the Diretor of National Intelligence, the reference tothe February 10, 2011 testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is notable in thatthe Muslim Brotherhood is described by Director Clapper as “largely secular”. The fact that he made this statement i notin ispute.' We cited his statement at that hearing in its entirety inthe leter to the ODNI Inspector General have to note that both Rep. Westmoreland and I were present at that hearing. Director (Clapper was not speaking off the cuff, but was reading from a set of prepared briefing notes which he looked at and apparently referred to in making that statement. His statement was 90 widely derided thatthe White House quickly moved to distance themselves from it, and Director Clapper even had to retract his statement? Director Clapper’s statement was in response toa question by Rep. Sue Myrick about information entered into evidence during the Holy Land Foundation trial ~ the largest terrorism finance trial in American history —that specifically identified these U.S.-based “Muslim Brotherhood front organizations and their commitment toa published agenda to “destroying Westem Civilization from within”: According tothe FBI and the Department of Justice the Brotherhood is actually inside America and I old this up because it’s from the 2008 Holy Land Foundation terrorist finance support trial evidence was introduce by prosecutors titled “Explanatory Memorandum.” And under a section titled “Understanding the Role ofthe Muslim Brotherhood in North America, the document says the °Z. Byron Wol.*Direor of Nationa neligence James Clapper: Muslin Braherhood Largely Secular" ABC News, Febery 10, 201, hipataens-go.combogsplites 201 WO2 Secor af tionanteligenc-jameclapper muslin rothertood gy ~scela obama Administration Corecs Clapper’ Clin that Muslin Brohsrood is Secular” Fax News, Febuary 10,2011, pw foxnewscomipolits/2011/0/ bd tratoneorets-dn- The “Explanatory Memorandum” can be fund onthe US. Diseet Cour ~ Norther District of Texas website dedicated tothe US. Holy Land Foundation wal: hap.www sxndscoats gv judges 209 25-0/Eberasses0Sear¥¥03. pa. The guste Re. Myrick ad fom tat document on "estoyine ‘Wester Chilzaton fom within ean be found onthe pase marked "7 of 18” nthe FBI treslation othe ocament, and the referenced is of 29 organizations can be found en page 32 ‘Mouse Select Commie on Ineligece, "Iemational Security Threats”, SPAN, February 10,201, In. spanideo orga 2979481 {1:26:5-127.12) {INCLUDE CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD Pact} 3 [No better example ofthe outworking ofthis intelligence analysis isthe statement made «during President Obama's 2011 Super Bovl halftime interview just days before Director ‘Clapper made his statement where he said with respect to the Muslim Brotherhood, “They don’t have majority support in Egypt." As we now know from the Egypian parliamentary and presidential elections earlier this year, this analysis by our intelligence community was wrong.” 2) The mother, brother and deceased father of Huma Abedin, Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that she, oo, by extension, may be working on the organization's behalf.” Not once inthe leter to the Inspector General ofthe Department of State as you summarize, was it stated that “by extension, (Ms. Abedin), may be working on the organization's behalf” Infact, what we wrote was tat: the Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin, has three family members — her late father, her mother and her brother ~ connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. Her positon provides her with routine aceess to the Scotetary and to policy-making, ‘That her family members are connected tothe Muslim Brotherhood has been reported and referenced widely in the Arab-language media. including Al-Hayat, the Arab Times and AlsJazeera’ ‘A 2002 law review article by Director of the Center forthe Study of Islam and Christian ‘Masi Relations states with respect to Ms, Abedin's father: Professor Syed Z, Abedin took a different approach in dealing with the contemporary challenge tothe traditional Islamic views. Trained in social science and being of Indian origin, Professor Abedin was the founder ofthe Institue of ‘Muslim Minovty Affairs in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, an institution that had the quiet * obama: Mastin Broerhood Lacks Major Sopor” CBS News, Febmiry7, 2011 Inuptww-ebsnews com 2100-202_162-7324320 hm "Egyp's lami Paes Win Elections to Pariment.” B8C Nowe, naar 21,2012, hnupw beco uk news/erimiddle-as 1656574; Alexander Marquardt, “Musi Brother's ‘Mors Wins Egyptian Presidential Election” BC News, ne 24, 2012, npsabeaews 0 Ma Flaten, til Fears PC Censors Hobble FBI Counter-Temaisn Washingom Examiner, May 2, 2012, hapwashinatonexaminercomatile 125568, State Department, Burea of Counters, "Foreign Teworist Organizations,” Fanary 27,2012, nwa state go) clothe de! 123085 hm, “4 support for terrorism, but to be granted a meeting inside the White House with National Security Council officials. * The teror group member used the opportunity of his White House visit to cll forthe release of the imprisoned leader ofhis organization, the “Blind Sheikh,” Omar Abdel ‘Rahman, who is currently serving a life sentence fr hs role in the 1993 World Trade ‘Center bombing and later planned terror plots inside the U.S.** Administration prosecutors and investigators have made statements backed up by considerable evidence in cour raising serious concems about many of the Muslim Brotherhood front groups, but the day-to-day operation of these departments and agencies continue “outreach” programs involving these exact same organizations as ifthe evidence presented in federal court ar statements made in search warrant applications doesn't exis In light ofthe information revealed during the Holy Land Foundation trial, the FB officially cut ties with CATR because oftheir activites in support of Hamas.” And yet Just last month the new White House Director for Community Partnerships admitted that this administration has had “hundreds” of meetings with CAIR in spite ofthe FBI’s stated policy.* It has been reported the White House has worked to conceal these tes (in one ‘ease, with ISNA and MPAC):* As members of Congress, we ate charged to oversee and hold accountable all government agencies —a charge given to us by the Constitution on behalf ofthe citizens ofthe Tied ‘States. To do anything less isto subvert the oaths we took as members to protet and defend the Constitution. For us o fail to demand action on the pat of the Inspectors General on this matter is to fil to uphold the oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Again, thank you for your letter. Its my intention to wait forthe investigations to be completed to comment further: [would be happy to revisit this issue with you once we hhave received the answers tothe questions outlined in the letters Pl Late, “Member of Egypin Terror Group Goes to Washinton,” The Daly Beat, ne 21,2012, npr sedaiybeas com atiles201 20002 member o-eypta tor goup poco ysshington fim = Dupald MeConnel and Bran Todd, “Egyptian Lawmaker Met US. Officials Despite Afton with ‘Terrors Group” CNM, June 22, 012, hp aticlescn, cons 2012-06-22) egypelawmak YI gamsaslamiyaerrit-ngaization-<-din > Soap Abrams, FBI Cus Ties With CAIR Fol 2009, pw foxnews com pole/200901/30/8-

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