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Destiny Murdough


British Literature

23 April 2018

Gender Identity

In many states, cities, and counties, laws have been discriminating transgenders because

of their Gender Identity. Transgenders are people who sense their own Identity which does not

correspond to their birth sex. Throughout the years, transgenders have been judged because they

choose to be different from how others expect them to be. Because of this controversy, laws have

been established that are supposed to help them, but seems as if they were created to promote

intimidation. Many transgenders suffer from bullying, harassment and discrimination because

they are not the same others. People consider them as an embarrassment and they should be the

gender that they was born with instead of something their not.

Transgenders people are those whose gender identity and expression whether they feel

like a man or woman and whether they look like one are at odds with what we normally attach to

their biological sex. Transgenders encounter much more than we know discrimination and

hostility is just the beginning. As I read one article it became very interesting to me because, a

young transgender man was turn away from a specialist practice because of his transition. There

are about 1.4 millions Americans that are identified as transgenders. So are they turned away to ?

Many states pride their self as being Media Mecca, are this discrimination against others.

The United States is about diversity and tolerance in the world. But there are laws,

policies and protection for a person rights. Somehow in the world of lesbians, gay, bisexual and

transgender are still discriminated against. A person who is homosexual is told they cannot have
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the same as others because of their sexual orientation. Seem like the equal right to all is not

considered to them because they are a social prejudice. Do everyone have equality or is that’s

just a concept? Each individual should be able to enjoy life without judgement or deliberations.

Will we ever recognize the rights of others or will it always be about judgment? Or maybe it will

just not be noticed at all.

Nolan Brown claims “Even efforts to extend government sex classification policies to

include people who reject the binary terms 'man' or 'woman' end up reinforcing the sex binary by

leaving it intact, these policies create exceptional categories.” Transgender right are already

radical enough. It’s not just transgenders and genderqueer who are affected by sex-identity

discrimination a woman with flat chest or masculine clothes may get it to. Correction can make

life better for individuals trans people, but that doesn’t address the underlying issues. “As long as

sexclassification policies remain in place, they will always trigger discrimination," describe by

Nolan Brown. Because they will always require to make subjective judgments about who does

and who doesn’t belong in the category.

The federal government thinks it’s fine to legally segregate public bathroom, which

would target the transgenders group. This would probably keep them out, but this would only

create a bigger issue. Obama directed public schools in America to treat transgenders children

equal to other children, which would allow them to use the bathroom aligned with their gender

identity, not the gender assigned at birth. What people fail to realize is you can’t deny someone

of their rights because of their sexual orientation because it’s their choice. Trump order that the

LGBT students be shielded from bullying. It will not fully protect these students which would

sending a dangerous message that would giving schools the understanding that discrimination is

okay. This would confuse students who are recognized as a certain gender. They shouldn’t be
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force to use the bathroom that they are not comfortable with. Transgenders children deserve

equal treatment among there classmates and teachers. And shouldn’t wait to be able to embrace

the same civil rights as others, because others choose different. This would be only welcoming

the one who are the same but rejecting the ones who are different.

The movement for transgenders is based off and hate crime and traditional beliefs. Which

causes arguments with the discrimination against them, the lack of rights and objections they

deal with every day is outrageous. No one can feel what they go through but them they are still

humans too. They are judged because of their state of gender crisis. Transgender people say they

regularly encounter ignorance, discrimination, and even hostility in the doctor's office. Mason

Dunn, a 31-year-old transgender man, painfully recalls being turned away from a specialist's

practice. While he has transitioned to male, he still requires routine pap smears and other

gynecological care."They told me they don't serve my needs," stated by Kowalczyk Liz.

Discriminating someone when in the need of health services is unexpected coming from

Massachusetts. Nothing but ignorance to the community of transgenders and shouldn’t be


“ If you choose to be gay…. You are welcome here, You are part of who we are, You can

belong to our community” stated by Alexina Siacon. A young boy was turned away from a

church because he is a transgender. The pastor consider that he was an homosexual demon and

he needed to be released from it. He should have been accepted for him, church is a place where

you should feel safe and worried free and not having to deal with three adults laying hands on

him praying that God will deliver him from a demon at "conversion therapy" workshop at a

suburban Detroit church.

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Kids are already being stereotyped by the toys they play with. These kids are shape and

reinforce stereotypes. Klass Perri said.. “Children should be free to play with the toys they enjoy-

-toys should not be ‘assigned’ by gender.” Children’s worlds become not only more divided, but

also limited. Children are actively seeking clues about what toys they should play with they

should not narrow their choices because of their gender. It is natural for girls to play with dolls

and boys to play with trucks. Pink is for girls and blue is for boys so you would see the

segregation. As if we was still in desegregation and a sign with whites was only for the white

people and a sign with black was only for the black people. At a young age kids are already

categories and should only play with toys in their gender area.

Everyday kids go through isolation in school because they don’t feel safe in the

environment. Jaclyn Cosgrove,agrees that parents just want their kids to be able to go to school.

Schools often treats boys and girls as if they was a different species from one another. For

example children in elementary schools, when it’s time to go to the restroom they always send

the girls first and then the boys. Does it really matter if they go to the restroom at the same time,

because it’s not like they entering the same restroom. Even addressing student’s as “boys and

girls”. Teachers tend to most have their attention on boys in class by always calling on them and

being harder on them then they would be on a girl. Teachers give boys extra time to answer the

question and also try to reframe it. Sometimes they would use gender to management class

structure prime example would be the seating arrangement. They tend to sit loud and boys next

to a troublesome quiet girl who does her work and be focused. Obviously teachers set up their

classroom to how boys and girls would behave with someone actions that they are not used to

because everyone don’t act the same around different people. All classes should be open and

equal to boys and girls.

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I’ve noticed something very interesting when it comes to LGBT and transgender

individuals. There are people who for religious reasons believe transgender is fundamentally

wrong, that we was created as a man and woman. And that we should automatically consider a

man is male and a woman is female, and they shouldn't cross these lines. The issues usually end

up in a debate about which bathroom transgender people use because it's a symbol of the entire

controversy because it has to do with gender, sexuality and comfort level. This cause discomfort

from the view that a person is either female or male.

Sexual orientation and gender are important aspects of a young person’s identity.

Understanding and expressing sexual orientation and gender and developing related identities are

typical development tasks that vary across children and young adults. The process of

understanding and expressing someone sexual orientation and gender identity is unique to each

individual. It is not a one-time event and personal but also cultural, and social factors that may

influence how others expresses their sexual orientation and gender identity. Some youth may be

unsure of their sexual orientation, whereas others have been clear about it since childhood and

have been expressing it at a young age. This is where expressing and exploring gender identity

comes in hand. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth experience various challenges

because of how others respond to their sexual orientation and gender. This have an affect on the

youth who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity, or may be perceived as

LGBT or gender variant by others who are choosing it for them. LGBT youth has focused on the

risk factors and disparities they experience compared with youth who are not LGBT.

Despite the strides that gay people have made in order to achieve equal rights, gays all

over the world are often remain in alienated position in society. Over the years, the homosexual

population has increased nationwide, which leads to increase in homophobia in society.

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Homosexuals are being discriminated in their own homes, work place, and schools. Homophobia

causes heterosexuals to believe that homosexuals are less worthy and therefore it is okay to treat

them unfairly. The homosexual subculture is not accepted by society, looked down upon, and

misjudged but however, they are human beings and deserve to be treated equally. Society

procrastinate that individuals should be able to be proud of who they are, but yet they judge

homosexuals for being different from them. The feelings homosexual youth face are only the

beginning of the problem. As they recognize that they are different and discriminated against,

they lose self esteem and become depressed. Many become suicidal and develop a feeling of

extreme depression and helplessness. Those who don’t commit suicide live an adolescence of

silence and oppression, rarely being able to speak up without being struck down by peers.

Zoe Mcknight, informs that transgenders policy that has been in place since 2012, with an

update expected late this year in 2017. With information on how LGBT people have openly

served in the armed forces since a 1992 federal court ruling, in Canada. Transgender people have

“deployed all over the world, serving on aircraft, submarines, forward operating bases and right

here in the Pentagon. There’s should be no reason to prevent transgender men and women from

joining and serving. That's despite President Trump's tweets on demanding a ban on all military

service by transgender Americans. LGBT have the same skills as any other person who is not

judged by their identity. Some people perception shouldn’t be an issue on what a person choose

to be instead it should be on the leadership they bring to the table.

The Department of Educations is using it power to direct it toward the transgender and

picking a fight with them. “Transgender students are consistent with their gender identity” stated

Edward Whelan. The Federal appellate court decided that they will inform the state that any male

or female who identifies themselves as male or female, has a legal right to use the boys' or girls’
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restrooms at their high school in rural Gloucester County, Va. The government legally segregate

public bathrooms. Which target many transgender youth students today in public schools. Obama

directed public schools in America to treat transgender children equal to other children. It makes

gender identity determine which restrooms and showers a person is allowed to use, just as a

policy of race-segregated restrooms and showers makes race determine which facilities a person

is allowed to use.

Sex may be as old as time, but sex education looks remarkably different than it did a few

decades ago. Girls and boys used to sit in separate rooms to learn how bodies worked and babies

were made. Most states stress abstinence. Abstinence education is now sometimes referred to as

Sexual Risk Avoidance also known as SRA. There are seven states require that LGBTQ be

portrayed negatively. In Alabama, for example, classes emphasize "homosexuality is not a

lifestyle acceptable to the general public. Delaying sex education doesn't mean kids aren't

learning about sex. It just means they're learning about it from other places and doing it. A lot of

kids are porn-educated, or looking to porn to try and understand what real sex is like. Who wants

to think of their kids as sexual beings? I think no one… many sex ed programs venture beyond

basic condoms on bananas, to help young people understand healthy sexuality, from gender

identity to bodily autonomy.

Nearly 2,200 people identified as transgender or gender nonconforming. The study found

that these kids reported worse mental and physical health than other kids, echoing results seen in

previous research. More U.S. teens than previously thought are transgender or identify

themselves using other nontraditional gender terms, with many rejecting the idea that girl and

boy are the only options, new research suggests. The study looked at students in ninth and 11th

grade and estimated that nearly 3 percent are transgender or gender nonconforming, meaning
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they don't always self-identify as the sex they were assigned at birth. Who refer to themselves

using neutral pronouns like "them" instead of "he" or "she." Some experts believe that rising

awareness of transgender issues has led an increasing numbers of transgender teens to come out,

or to experiment with gender identification because they feel as if it safe and they want be judge.

Acceptable in all references for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, or lesbian, gay,

bisexual, transgender and queer also known as LGBT, LGBTQ and LGBTQIA. People who

identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, among other non-heteronormative labels, likely

face new battles in statehouses, courts, houses of worship and the virtual realm of popular

opinion. Lesbian preferred term is both a noun and adjective, for women who are attracted to

other women. Some women prefer to be called gay rather than lesbian, when possible, ask the

subject which term she prefers. Gay used to describe men and women attracted to the same sex,

though lesbian is the more common term for women. Preferred over homosexual except in

clinical contexts or references to sexual activity. Bisexual a noun of an individual attracted to

more than one gender. Or relating to sexual and affectional attraction to more than one gender.

Transgender describes people whose biology at birth does not match their gender identity. Queer

is know as being reclaimed by some gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people as a self-

affirming umbrella term. The word queer can be considered a slur in many contexts, so limit use

of the word to quotes. Intersex are people born with genitalia, chromosomes or reproductive

organs that don't fit typical definitions for males or females at birth. Asexual a person who

doesn't experience sexual attraction.

The word "transgender" is an umbrella term which encompasses anyone whose behavior

and the identity differs significantly from the perceived norms of the gender they were assigned

at birth. International research finds that between 0.5-1.5 percent of the population feels or
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expresses some form of gender variance. There is a wide spectrum of experiences for trans and

gender variant people. Globally, the variety of gender identity and expression is almost limitless.

To conclude, many people are guilty of discrimination against LGBT youths, whether

consciously or unconsciously.Throughout history, the plight for human rights and equality has

been fought for by a vast amount of people. LGBT youths are faced with daily discrimination

from society, peers, family and even school teachers and administrations. LGBT youths endure

hostile verbal and physical harassment that can be excruciating for them. It appears that the lack

of support, protection, and guidance from family also has a major effect on LGBT youths. To

this day there is still a struggle going on for gay and lesbian rights, now coupled with transgender

equality as well. While a majority of gay and lesbian people have remained quiet until modern

times, the modern movement for equality has given power and voice to many people who feel

that they don’t have voice. There are various forms of LGBT discrimination. It varies from

unfriendly attitude to such serious problems as the refusal to employ such an individual.

Transgender face different types of stereotyping and judgement everyday based on each sex of

“his or her” roles that “he or she” must perform in society. As people took my survey you would

realize that I had more males with (51%) than females with (45%) and other with (6%) do my

survey. The most age range was between 16-18 (74%) which was more than any other age range.

Most people agree that transgender should have equality as other. Also ask the question do

transgender affect your life in any way and the answer was no or not really. As you can get from

this essay is that transgender deserve the same rights as any other person even if they consider

themselves different. They still are people and shouldn’t have to deal with harassment, bullying

and discrimination.
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Work Cited

Cosgrove, Jaclyn. "As Gays make Gains, Trans People Face More Obstacles." Los Angeles

Times , 19 Feb, 2018, pp. A.2 , SIRS Issues Researcher,

Daley, Bill. "What does LGBTQIA Stand for?" Chicago Tribune (Online), 02 Jun, 2017. SIRS

Issues Researcher,

Dastagir, Alia E. "Sex Ed: Many Parents Wouldn't Recognize it Today.." USA Today (Online),

23 Mar, 2018, pp. n/a. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Klass, Perri. "Breaking Gender Stereotypes in the Toy Box.",

05 Feb, 2018,

Kowalczyk, Liz. "Transgender People Say Hostility, Ignorance Common in Doctors'.."

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Boston Globe (Online), 01 Feb, 2017, SIRS Issues Researcher,

McKnight, Zoe. "Why they Serve." Maclean's, Sep, 2017,

SIRS Issues Researcher,

Miller, Susan. "LGBT People Say they Battle Everyday Bias." USA TODAY, 17 Jan, 2018, pp.

A.4, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Nolan Brown, Elizabeth. "The Case for Gender Anarchy." Reason, 2017, pp. 74-75, SIRS Issues


Rhoads, Steven E. "The Transgender Locker Room." Weekly Standard, Jun, 2016, pp. 18-19,

SIRS Issues Researcher.

Sanchez, Mary. "Repugnant Bathroom Reversal." Daily Press (Newport News), 02 Mar, 2017,

pp. A.15, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Siacon, Aleanna. "Mom Says Church Prayed to Heal Transgender Son." Detroit Free Press, 08

Feb, 2018, pp. A.7. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Tanner, Lindsey. "Not just Boy and Girl; More Teens Identify as Transgender." Lincoln Courier,

05 Feb, 2018. SIRS Issues Researcher,

"The Pentagon can Set Things Right." Washington Post, 22 Jan, 2018, pp. A.18. SIRS Issues


Whelan, Edward. "Title IX in the Restroom." National Review, May, 2016, SIRS Issues


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