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Anela L. Lockwood 
Current Student 
2057 S 30th street 
Milwaukee, WI, 53215 


Ronald Wilson Reagan, Milwaukee, WI ​August 2014 - Present  

● GPA Cumulative: 3.0 
● National Honor Society  
● International Baccalaureate Career- Related Programme Candidate (IBCP): in 
health science 

Personal Project ​August 2014 - March 2016  

● An eight month project that allowed students to pick a topic of interest and go 
in depth using research. 
● GPA Cumulative: 3.0 

Wedgewood Park, Milwaukee, WI ​August 2011-August 2014  

● Honor Roll student, and received yearly attendance awards. 
● GPA cumulative: 4.0 


Girl Scout Assistant ​March​ ​2016-present 

● Helped a girl scout troop, plan field trips and execute them. As well as acquire 
badges through multiple activities.  

Dylan’s Run/Walk for Autism volunteer ​Summer 2016  

● A 5 mile walk/run, where we collected donations for the cause as well as lead 
our group and plan the event. 
Children’s Hospital “buddy day” ​Winter 2016   
● An eight hour day spent helping and playing with a child who has a disability 
or special needs. Activities include: assistance in bathroom, assistance while 
eating, playing games, coloring, reading books, and play time in the 
MATC CNA program ​ ​ Winter 2017 
● A four month program that consisted of 3 hours of class everyday. And 
after completion moved on to three weeks of clinical training, working with 
residents at a nursing home 
Dycora health care/Rehabilitation Center Winter 2017 
● Worked with residents and staff to practice skills as a CNA before taking 
the state exam to get CNA certified.  

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