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Griffiths’ Class : 4/23/18-4/27/18

This Week’s Learning Contact Information


Phone: 286-7721 ext. 8117


This week we finished up our study of

Measurement. Next week we will take
our New York State Math test. Then we
Notes from Teacher
will begin a review unit to be sure we
have mastered everything we need to
move on to fourth grade.


Our Fairy Tale writing has begun. We

brainstormed what is necessary for a
great fairy tale and thought about how
they should teach a lesson to the reader. Important Dates

Social Studies:

We started on our animal reports this

week. We will learn a lot about animals
May 1-2- Math Exam
only found on the island of Madagascar.

Other: May 9- 1:30 dismissal

The class has been practicing their
report making on Google Slides. They May 25- “Snow” Day
are getting good at it!!

May 28- Memorial Day

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