Galina Ivankina - On The Totalitarianism of 'Tolerance' - Scribd

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On the totalitarianism of "tolerance"

Galina Ivankina

"Normal delivery
normal boy
normal scream
normal breathing ... "
Vladimir Sorokin "Norma".

perception is
for violent
denial of the
norm. Under
the hatred of
her. It seems
rigid, stealing
freedom, and
freedom now
is alpha and
Absolute, the
only revered
meaning. For
what. The
norm is
treated as a
set of
obsolete and sour rules, so any attempt to say: "We are living wrong!" Entails a
furious cry: "Let me do this - you will return the Soviet censorship!" There are
accusations and more terrible - so, homophobia is something , like a fascist
worldview. Approximately so: "Today you are disgusted with kissing young men, and
tomorrow you vote for racial segregation."The norm is not - it is in the pen and in the
flight. It is drawn boring and - wrong. Her place - in the dump of the universe next to
the red banners, the royal epaulettes and the silk handkerchief of the Turgenev
girl. Books and thoughts - in the same place. The frames are blurred, and all this
chatter about the "Overton window" looks like the sad swaying of the air - that
window has long been knocked out, and the lost population is walking around the
glasses. Let me remind you - Joseph Overton formulated a technology that makes
any forbidden or unacceptable idea habitual , which was the case with the
legalization of same-sex unions.
A hundred years ago, Europe, and even more so - the Puritan States were not just
angrily spat and sniffed fervently, but also applied all kinds of punishment to
sodomites. Remember what was brought to justice for one of the greatest writers of
the eraArt Nouveaux - Oscar Wilde. In the first third of the 20th century, scientific
pamphlets published not by propagandists, but precisely by doctors, contained a
chased idea: homosexuality is not only and not so much a crime as a disease. We
will treat, gentlemen! Sometimes even electricity. But the time passed, leaving no
chance for those doctors, but the homo discourse became quite comolfoten. From
humiliation and persecution - to multicolored gay pride parades and incessant
exaggeration of the topic in the context of art. Thus, the overwhelming majority of
modern youth has a very approximate concept of ancient civilization and certainly
will not distinguish the sculpture of the Archaic period from ... the Hellenistic pattern,
but (thanks to the means of mass obfuscation) our youth knows for sure that the
Greeks with the Romans were not alien to the "same" relations between men.
So, democratic and tolerant Washington - the world leader in the social politez region
- finally legalized same-sex marriages. Mr. Obama has vehemently stressed that this
is "a victory for America." Apparently, he mixed up the pretexts, because not "for",
but "over". Victory over America. Crushing. Some patriotic gentlemen are gloating
for the second week-let the shameless West decay finally, but we are here in white
robes and with banners. However, in the era of rapid information technologies, we
will not be able to sit out - not even the Iron Curtain nor the total censorship helped
the Soviet people. Infection tends to penetrate, bypassing borders and obstacles. In
addition, do not forget that in the Texas and Oklahom region also inhabit the people
of the system "Sapiens" or, as it was written in the USSR:"... ordinary Americans,
languishing under the heel of imperialism . " They are also somewhat pitiful.
Tolerance has long ceased to play the role that it originally intended. It is no
longer the support of minorities, but a humiliating deflection to the interests of
these. Any Western leader can be dismissed or otherwise discriminated for the
slightest, innocent attempt to belittle the rights of some lesbians. The large child is
gradually turning into an odd fringe, hanging somewhere in the region of the 1950s
and having no notions about the realities of the present. In this regard, I recall a
documentary (or a transfer?) About the so-called rednecks - residents of the
American outback. They still follow the antiquated customs and adhere to traditional
values. Many of them still do not have ... TV! So the Rednecks were shown as some
remnants of the past and the cobs of civilization. Strange and pathetic, but cute in
their primordial ignorance people! (Approximately in the USSR the family of Lykovs
was represented, which,
In the
society it is
not accepted
to fight for
strong and
because ...
gives up
eugenics and
other "racial
hygiene". Lib
erals shout:
in a free
cleared of
there should
be no limits
But it turns
out somehow
unnatural, a
game in one gate. I would call all this "fascism on the contrary." Or is it the revenge
of minorities for centuries of humiliation? But you can not explain to the young
people: for them, freedom of relations is a holiday of life. They do not really want to
"scoop", into totalitarianism, into "monotony." They were brought up like this! That's
what a young girl wrote in Facebook comments: "Love has no boundaries!" What's
next? Food has no boundaries? Cannibalism - in the masses?
I happened to read a few articles in which the same "expansion of the Overton
window" as applied to deviations of various kinds is hypothetically
considered. Including, and to cannibalism. It looks something like this ... We
simulate. Oh, yes, eating human beings is unacceptable! Man is a friend to a person,
a friend and a brother. But! In fairy tales, we meet numerous cannibals, and not
always horrible, therefore, in our traditions, in consciousness and, especially in the
subconscious, this forbidden, but such tasty thought flickers. Our ancestors, who ran
in skins and painted beautiful silhouettes of mammoths on the walls of the caves,
sometimes ate their neighbor and especially the distant ones, for to devour the heart
of a brave enemy meant to be saturated with its power. And why only in ancient
times? For some reason, after all, the Aborigines ate Cook! But there was a Gallant
Age in the courtyard (it's the Enlightenment age!). Further more. We sometimes find
cases of cannibalism in our days. It's awful, awful ...! But. Let's argue, for truth is
born in discussions. Ancestors ate? Yes. Did they eat the cook? In fact, they did not
try, it's a song from Vysotsky, but in a brash polemic the bike will come off. Then the
topic begins to be discussed - talk show "I ate my mother-in-law", parades of
cannibals (however, dispersed by the police), revelations on the topic"... if a person
does not mind eating it, then why not ... and we have a free country ..." Then they will
follow reservations and tolerant exceptions: under special circumstances, you can
still eat people. Hooray! Man - a friend, friend and fodder! Further it is fixed as an
equivalent norm and correct, approved behavior.
You have the right to say: how can you compare homosexual love with
cannibalism? To eat neighbor! This is scary, insanely unthinkable. I repeat that a
hundred years ago you could not love your neighbor in an unnatural way. And this
too was considered terribly insanely unthinkable. Especially in the Americas.
But we will return in our days. For example, essayist Dmitry Vodennikov on the website broke out with a heartfelt speech:
" We just need to understand if we want to stay at the end of the queue with a raging
IGIL, which brings to the stone crumbs unique statues, or still join the free from
delusions and prejudices to the world . "
Speech, as you probably already understood, went about the homophobia, so far
accepted in Russian society. I mean, if you're not with gays and lesbuzhami, not on
their iridescent-sparkling side, then you automatically register in the camp of thugs. If
you are not in Sodom, then you are in IGIL. Speech in the spirit of "Today he plays
jazz, and tomorrow he will sell his homeland!" Today you beat a gay man, and
tomorrow you break into IGIL! Not bad options, especially for young and fervent.
It's clear, the creative author despises the ridiculous cattle:
"... Most Russian people have a mental collapse. It seems, well, what is America to
them? They will never go there. There to fly already 9 hours! But no. They struggle in
the fall. How much "pain and desperation" from the decision of the court of a distant
country, where 99.9% of these people will never visit during their entire life. Even a
well-known writer (my idol!) Dropped a weighty word. He was offended by the
rainbow. They took from him, you know, such a wonderful children's
symbol. Previously, he sat small on a pot, looked in the kindergarten on a painted
natural phenomenon after the rain, was happy. And now - no! "
Summary : "... with this ballistic model of the world, we all live . "
In general, an interesting picture turns out - on the one hand, liberals neglect the
shir-nar-masses, do not endure the very concept of "majority", but at the same time
(!!!) they constantly speak on behalf of society. All these endless "we", "us", "ours"
and, finally, the Achejak quintessence: "Forgive us, ...!" Us, you see? All of them. I
have a feeling that all these people were known in childhood as outcasts - either they
were beaten, or simply ignored, but they really wanted to be accepted. But - alas,
and ah. Hence this malicious duality: hatred of "cattle", the accursed majority, and in
parallel - attempts to curb public opinion, to speak on behalf of society, to subjugate
the world.
... Want more songs? Here is a saying of a creature named Masha Hessen:
"Hedgehog understands that homosexuals have the right to create conjugal unions,
but I also consider it equally obvious that the institution of marriage should not exist
at all ... The struggle for the right of gays to enter into marital relations usually
accompanies a lie about our plans for the institution of marriage as This is only after
we reach the goal. The fact is that we lie, stating that the institution of marriage will
remain unchanged. It's a lie. The institution of marriage is waiting for change, and it
must change. And, again, he must cease to exist. "
They want to destroy everything that was created and cherished for centuries. Every
normality is against them . Destroy. Crap. Tread. A perverted mind greedily requires
piquant, special tart. I have noticed for a long time that people with "non-traditional"
orientations (not only sexual, but also sociocultural) do not like classical art - it is too
fresh and insignificant for them. They want a break, hysteria, insanity,
abomination. No wonder many homosexuals gravitate toward the notorious
"aesthetics of Nazism." However, they are not attracted at all by the straightforward
Prussianism of the Third Reich, but by the pathological delights of Liliana Cavani,
Tinto Brass and other "sculptors" in the genre of nazi-exploitation. And, of course,
they are irritated by the Soviet Union - this is the kingdom of the victorious Norm.
... Vladimir Sorokin has a novel, which is called - "Norma". The plot unfolds in Soviet
times and, as Sorokin usually does, the world is portrayed as absurd and
disgusting. Wise. With hatred, turning into a painful lust. So, before us is the Soviet
reality with its superiors and subordinates, security officers and dissidents. And with
Norma. I will note that this is the name of a briquettes with ... sorry, shit - every right
homo-sovieticus should eat it, so that it is considered true to its civic duty,
decent. Normal. The author, as it were, emphasizes that communist ideology was
the most fragrant substance that every citizen of the USSR poured into the mouth
daily, regardless of his social significance and personal qualities. This is the norm,
which is an abomination. Normal = abnormal. Normal = pathological, because what
can be more unnatural eating shit? Yes! In the Soviet Union, normality was nurtured
and instilled. Not gray and not monotony, namely - a good, strong norm. Children
read fairy tales. Adults went to work. Creation, space, family, future, science. Society
in its mass was healthy.
So for gentlemen-"liberals" and other representatives of the creative garbage dump,
everything normal seems wild and disgusting. Or at least obsolete, old-fashioned,
boring and meaningless. Secondary product (if already for Voinovich!). Who needs
Norm if it is not a yardstick? And why is it at all necessary - this is a dreary
measure? Freedom is the cornerstone. Cobblestone. They can knock out windows
and break skulls. Freedom from . Not for , namely - from . From morality. From the
meaning. From God, in the end. Do not work. Criticize the government, absolutely
no-che-go without doing and not offering in return. Sex - a special important
point. Change partners and get confused in gender identity. Today he is a boy, and
tomorrow is a girl. What difference does it make if the norm is bad? The norm is
....the one that ... from Sorokin's novel. Do not take the norm - you get
sloppy. Tolerate the flow around the corners and make fun of the stubborn woman,
who is just a woman. With a peasant and children. And not a glossy super-bitch with
assorted sexual partners (Petya for money, Vasya for the soul, Veniaminchik for
violent sex, Mitiai ... for old friendship). Rzhem and debunk. Smile and wave. Down
with everything!
Maybe it's better off with you ?!

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