Six Bonds Carbon

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Communications Chemie

International Edition: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201608795

Carbocations German Edition: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201608795

Crystal Structure Determination of the Pentagonal-Pyramidal

Hexamethylbenzene Dication C6(CH3)62+
Moritz Malischewski* and K. Seppelt

Dedicated to Professor Karl Otto Christe on the occasion of his 80th anniversary

Abstract: In contrast to the well-known 2-norbornyl cation, the different approach, Akiba and co-workers prepared formally
structure of which was a matter of long debate until its hypercoordinated organic species through special ligand
pentacoordinated nature was recently proven by an X-ray design, where an electrophilic carbon atom is intramolecu-
structure, the pentagonal-pyramidal dication of hexamethyl- larly coordinated by two/four neighboring methoxy groups.
benzene has received considerably less attention. This species The C O distances are in the range of 2.43(1)–2.45(1)  and
was first prepared by Hogeveen in 1973 at low temperatures in 2.641(5)–2.750(5) , respectively,[12, 13] thus indicating only
magic acid (HSO3F/SbF5), for which he proposed a non- weak interactions. In stark contrast, hypercoordinated carbon
classical structure (containing a hexacoordinated carbon) with much shorter bonds can be found in carboranes.
based on NMR spectroscopy and reactivity studies, but no X- Nevertheless, these common structural motives of boron
ray crystal structure has been reported. C6(CH3)62+ can be chemistry are only subtly changed by replacing boron with an
obtained through the dissolution of hexamethyl Dewar ben- isolobal carbon fragment. Surprisingly, even hexagonal-
zene epoxide in HSO3F/SbF5 and crystallized as the SbF6 salt planar carbon has been considered viable (based on theoret-
upon addition of excess anhydrous hydrogen fluoride. The ical calculations by Exner and Schleyer) in boron compounds,
crystal structure of C6(CH3)62+ (SbF6 )2·HSO3F confirms the for example, in CB62 .[14]
pentagonal pyramidal structure of the dication. The apical Recently, the isolation of the non-classical norbornyl
carbon is bound to one methyl group (distance 1.479(3) ) and cation and its crystal structure analysis was achieved by
to the five basal carbon atoms (distances 1.694(2)–1.715(3) ). Scholz et al.[15] In this species, a C C double bond (bond
length of 1.39 ) interacts with a carbocationic methylene
The tetravalency of carbon and the hexagonal-planar ring group at a distance of 1.80 , which can be rationalized as a 3-
structure of benzene are fundamental axioms of organic center 2-electron bond. These results encouraged us to
chemistry, and were developed 150 years ago by Kekul.[1, 2] attempt the isolation of C6(CH3)62+, where the hexacoordi-
Chemists have long been fascinated by finding exceptions nated carbon is exclusively bound to carbon atoms.
from these rules. Starting in the 1960s, valence isomers of In analogy to electron-deficient boron clusters, the Wade
benzene were prepared through elaborate organic synthe- rules predict a pentagonal-pyramidal geometry (nido cluster)
ses,[3–6] while hypercoordinated carbon compounds entered for C6H62+. In 2014, the group of Roithova detected this
the stage through the pioneering work of Olah on superacids species after double ionization in the gas phase by infrared
and non-classical cations.[7, 8] predissociation spectroscopy at temperatures below 4 K, in
The bonding situation in protonated methane (CH5+), addition to an isomeric, strongly deformed six-membered ring
which is the most prominent representative of pentacoordi- species.[16] Even though these results make it appear that the
nated carbon, is best described as a 3-center 2-electron bond isolation of pentagonal-pyramidal carbocations is elusive, the
between H2 and CH3+, but its isolation in bulk is elusive. The stability of such a species can be increased by replacing the
replacement of hydrogen with organogold species lead to the hydrogen atoms by more electron-donating substituents.
isolation of penta- and hexacoordinated methanium salts by Particularly noteworthy is Hogeveens preparation of the
Schmidbaur. These carbido clusters, [(Ph3PAu)5C]+ and hexamethylbenzene dication C6(CH3)62+ under superacidic
[(Ph3PAu)6C]2+, are significantly stabilized by aurophilic conditions in 1973, for which he assigned a pentagonal-
interactions.[9, 10] Recently, a related structural motive has pyramidal structure based on NMR spectroscopy and reac-
been identified in the iron-molybdenum nitrogenase cofactor, tivity studies.[17–21] Herein we report the crystal structure of
which contains hexacoordinated C4 .[11] Taking a completely C6(CH3)62+ (SbF6 )2·HSO3F, which revealed a non-classical
structure for this labile species (Figure 1).
[*] M. Sc. M. Malischewski, Prof. Dr. K. Seppelt Attempts to oxidize hexamethylbenzene to C6(CH3)62+
Freie Universitt Berlin with powerful oxidants, such as SbF5/AsF5 in SO2 or O2+ in
Institut fr Chemie und Biochemie—Anorganische Chemie anhydrous HF, failed, while treatment of hexamethyl-sub-
Fabeckstraße 34–36, 14195 Berlin (Germany)
stituted Dewar benzene[22] with HF/AsF5 or HF/SbF5 lead to
the isolation of C6(CH3)6H+ As2F11 and C6(CH3)6H+ Sb2F11
Supporting information (including experimental details, NMR spec-
(see the Supporting Information). This cation had already
tra, crystallographic data and information on the DFT calculations)
and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this been observed by Olah in 1968 by NMR,[23] and later
article can be found under a disordered X-ray structure was published by Laube.[24]
201608795. Ultimately, a different approach lead to success: C6(CH3)62+

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 1 – 4  2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1

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Communications Chemie

species C6(CH3)62+ is formally an adduct of the pentamethyl-

cyclopentadienylium cation C5(CH3)5+ (which provides 4
electrons) and the 1-ethylium-1-ylidene cation CH3C+
(which provides 2 electrons), thereby giving 4n + 2 interstitial
electrons.[26] Alternatively, cluster-electron counting accord-
ing to the Wade rules yields 16 electrons, from which 10
electrons are subtracted for the formation of the five-
membered ring. Consequently, the interaction between the
apical carbon and the five-membered ring is formed by six
electrons, which is also confirmed by NBO calculations.
Additionally, Wiberg bond indices of ca. 0.54 for the
pyramidal C C bonds indicate a bond order of significantly
Figure 1. Molecular structure of C6(CH3)62+ in C6(CH3)62+
below 1, while the sum of all Wiberg bond indices per atom
(SbF6 )2·HSO3F, ellipsoids are shown at 50 % probability, C grey, does not exceed 4, so the octet rule is not violated for the
H white; counteranions and co-crystallized HSO3F omitted for clarity. hexacoordinated carbon atom.
The calculated energetic sequence of C6(CH3)62+ isomers
differs depending on whether DFT or MP2 calculations are
used. The pentagonal-pyramidal structure of C6(CH3)62+ is
favored at the MP2/cc-pVTZ level (Figure 3), while DFT

Figure 2. Preparation of C6(CH3)6H+ As2F11 /Sb2F11 and C6(CH3)62+

(SbF6 )2.

is best prepared by careful dissolution of hexamethyl Dewar

benzene epoxide[25] in magic acid (HSO3F/excess SbF5) and
crystallized by addition of an excess of anhydrous HF at low
temperature (Figure 2). Under superacidic conditions, O2 is
formally abstracted to generate C6(CH3)62+. When using Figure 3. Calculated relative energies of C6(CH3)62+ isomers. Structure
excess SbF5, the dication is quite stable in solution at low optimization: B3LYP/def2TZVP; single-point energies: MP2/cc-PVTZ.
temperatures (storage at 78 8C for days gives no indication
of decomposition). The solid crystalline material is very
unstable once the solution is decanted off and easily decom- calculations (B3LYP/def2TZVP) suggest that six-membered
poses, however single crystals could be handled in a cold ring species (in either singlet or triplet state) are energetically
nitrogen stream. favored (see Table S5 in the Supporting Information). Never-
The compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1, theless, the formation of pentagonal-pyramidal C6(CH3)62+
with one molecule of HSO3F incorporated in the asymmetric can be additionally explained by the reaction mechanism (see
unit.[28] Due to the excellent data quality (R1 = 1.8 %), the Figure S9).
position of all of the hydrogen atoms could be refined. The C C6(CH3)62+ gives two signals in the 1H NMR at 60 8C,
C bond lengths are in the range of 1.439(3)–1.445(2)  for the one at 2.51 ppm corresponds to the five basal methyl groups,
bonds within the five-membered ring, 1.479(3)–1.489(3)  for while the peak at 1.85 ppm corresponds to the apical methyl
the C CH3 bonds, and 1.694(2)–1.715(3)  for the bonds to group. The 13C spectrum exhibits four signals. A singlet at
the top of the pyramid. These values are very similar to those 8.5 ppm can be observed for the basal methyl groups, while
obtained by DFT calculations (using B3LYP/def2-TZVP). the singlet of the carbon atoms of the five-membered ring
The pyramid height (derived from the crystal structure) is appears at 125.3 ppm. The upfield-shifted resonance at
about 1.18 , while it is noticeable that the basal methyl 21.0 ppm is typical for a carbocation with a high coordination
groups are slightly bent upwards. The majority of the hydro- number and can be assigned to the top of the pyramid, while
gen atoms are involved in hydrogen bonding to surrounding the signal at 4.5 ppm belongs to the attached methyl group.
SbF6 anions. The very unusual (in a dication) slightly negative chemical
The bonding situation in C6(CH3)62+ can be rationalized shift of the apical methyl group in the 13C NMR prompted us
by simple electron counting. The pentagonal-pyramidal to apply Schleyers nucleus-independent chemical shift

2  2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 1 – 4

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(NICS) criterion[27] to investigate the magnetic shielding in [10] F. Scherbaum, A. Grohmann, B. Huber, C. Krger, H. Schmid-
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Carbocations Hexacoordinated carbon can be observed
the crystal structure of the non-classical
M. Malischewski,* dication C6(CH3)62+ (SbF6 )2·HSO3F.
K. Seppelt &&&&—&&&& Pentagonal-pyramidal C6(CH3)62+ was
obtained through the dissolution of hex-
Crystal Structure Determination of the amethyl Dewar benzene epoxide in
Pentagonal-Pyramidal HSO3F/SbF5.
Hexamethylbenzene Dication C6(CH3)62+

4  2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 1 – 4

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