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Brand/ Generic Name General Action Mechanism of Action Indications Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

Anti-pyretic Paracetamol reduces · Symptomatic · Use liquid form for

Generic: the oxidized form of relief of pain and · Hematologic: children and
PARACETAMOL the COX enzyme, fever. anemia, patients who have difficulty
Brand: Aeknil preventing it from leucopenia swallowing.
forming pro- · In children, don’t exceed
inflammatory five doses
chemicals.Thus in 24 hours.
reducing the amount of · Advise patient that drug is
Prostaglandin E2 in only for
the CNS and thus short term use and to consult
lowering the the
hypothalamic set point physician if giving to
in the children for
thermoregulatory longer than 5 days or adults
centre. for
longer than 10 days.
· Advise patient or caregiver
many over the counter
contain acetaminophen; be
of this when calculating total
· Warn patient that high
doses or
unsupervised long term use
cause liver damage.
Brand/Generic General Action Mechanism of Indications Adverse Effects Nursing
Name/ Dosage Action Responsibilities
Generic name: - Also has antipyretic - Inhibits Short term - CNS: - Assessed pain (note
KETOROLAC and anti-inflammatory prostaglandin management of pain Dizziness type, location, and
properties. synthesis, producing (not to exceed 5 days - CV: intensity) prior to and
Brand name: Toradol - Therapeutic peripherally mediated total for all routes Pallor 1-2 hr following
effect:Decreased pain analgesia combined) - GI: administration.
dry mouth - Ketorolac therapy
Dosage: given initially by the
30 mg IV q 8 IV route.
-Advised patient to
consult if rash, itching,
visual disturbances,
tinnitus, weight gain,
edema, black stools,
persistent headche, or
aches, pain) occur.
- Effectiveness of
therapy be
demonstrated by
decrease in severity of

Brand/Generic General Action Mechanism of Indications Adverse Effects Nursing
Name/ Dosage Action Responsibilities
GENERIC NAME: Angiotensin- Blocks ACE from •Treatment of CV: Nursing considerations
captopril converting enzyme converting hypertension alone or Tachycardia, CHF, Assessment
(ACE) inhibit angiotensin I to in combination with hypotension in salt- •History:
Or angiotensin II, a thiazide-type or volume-depleted Allergy to captopril,
BRAND NAME: Antihypertensive powerful diuretics patients impaired renal
Capoten, vasoconstrictor, •Treatment of CHF in •Dermatologic: function, CHF, salt or
leading to decreased patients unresponsive Rash, volume depletion,
blood pressure, to conventional •GI: pregnancy, lactation
decreased aldosterone therapy; used with Gastric irritation, •Administer 1 hr
secretion, a small diuretics and digitalis anorexia, constipation before or 2 hr after
increase in serum •Treatment of left •GU: meals.
potassium levels, and ventricular urinary frequency • Watch for
sodium and fluid loss; dysfunction after MI •Other: hypotensive effectcs
increased malaise, dry mouth, within 1-3 hours of
prostaglandin first dose or new
synthesis also may be higher dose.
involved in the

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