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Perspective february 14, 2013

Epidemic Influenza — Responding to the Expected

but Unpredictable
Joseph Bresee, M.D., and Frederick G. Hayden, M.D.

I n the United States, influenza viruses can be count-

ed on to cause outbreaks sometime between fall and
spring each year. However, the timing and severity of
text of this article at
The number of cases of influenza-
like illness has already exceeded
the baseline for 7 weeks this sea-
these epidemics and the distribution of circulating son, and 48 states reported wide-
spread activity during the second
viruses are highly variable and or B viruses — predominated. week of January. Because indica-
difficult to predict (see figure). During an average influenza sea- tors of severe disease lag behind
For example, according to the son, there are 12 weeks during indicators of influenza activity in
Centers for Disease Control and which the rates of influenza-like general, it’s too early to know how
Prevention (CDC), the estimated illness exceed the level that the severe this season will be, but in-
number of influenza-associated CDC considers the national base- fluenza-associated hospitalizations
deaths varies from 3000 to 48,000 line, but during the 2011–2012 and deaths are already increasing
during a seasonal U.S. outbreak. season, there was only 1 week rapidly, particularly among per-
The past two seasons exem- when the rate reached the base- sons 65 years of age or older.
plify this unpredictability. The line level, and only four states re- We expect annual winter epi-
2011–2012 U.S. influenza season ported high levels of activity dur- demics in temperate regions, al-
was one of the mildest in the ing the season. This season, by though circulation patterns for
past two decades, even though contrast, the CDC is reporting the influenza virus are even more
influenza A(H3N2) viruses — a earliest influenza season since complex and prolonged in tropi-
subtype generally as- 2003–2004, when an antigeni- cal and subtropical parts of the
An interactive sociated with higher cally drifted seasonal H3N2 sub- world. The fundamental causes
graphic showing
regional rates of rates of complica- type influenza virus emerged as of seasonal epidemics, and of the
influenza is available tions and death than the dominant strain (see interac- variability in their timing and se-
at seasonal A(H1N1) tive graphic, available with the full verity, remain incompletely under-

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PERSPE C T I V E Epidemic Influenza — Expected but Unpredictable

No. of
7 Predominant among
Influenza Season Virus Children
2012–2013 H3N2 29
Visits for Influenza-like Illness (%)

2011–2012 H3N2 34
5 (mild)
2009–2010 pH1N1 282
4 2007–2008 H3N2 88
3 2003–2004 H3N2 153
National baseline (moderately
2002–2003 B/H1N1 NA


Percentages of Patient Visits for Influenza-like Illness and Number of Reported Deaths among Children for the 2012–2013 Season
to Date and for Selected Previous Seasons.
Data are from the U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (http:// Data for 2012–2013 are through January 12, 2013. NA denotes not available.

stood but probably include popula- fective), antiviral susceptibility, or es from other respiratory viruses.
tion factors (prevalence of specific other characteristics. On the vac- A recent meta-analysis showed that
immunity to circulating strains, cine front, in 2010, the United the median efficacy of seasonal
nutritional status, vitamin D lev- States adopted a policy recom- inactivated influenza vaccine in
els), behavioral factors (crowding, mending annual influenza-vaccine young and middle-aged adults was
school openings, air travel), viral administration for everyone 62%, but it varied considerably
factors (antigenicity, virulence, 6 months of age or older. Ontario, from season to season (range, 16
transmissibility), and environmen- Canada, initiated a universal in- to 76%).1 Live attenuated vaccine
tal factors (humidity, tempera- fluenza-vaccination program a de­ was shown to have greater efficacy
ture). Recent cases of swine-origin cade earlier, and ecologic studies in children, though not in adults.
A(H3N2)-variant infections in the have revealed benefits in terms of This season, circulating influ-
United States and of avian reduced mortality and indexes of enza strains are antigenically
A(H5N1) infections in other coun- health care utilization associated similar to the vaccine strains,
tries further highlight the chal- with seasonal influenza. Although except for one influenza B lin-
lenges of influenza prevention. influenza-vaccine coverage in the eage not in the vaccine: approxi-
We address influenza epidem- United States has increased, less mately 90% of strains character-
ics with both public health and than half the population receives ized by the CDC have been
specific pharmacologic interven- the vaccine every year, and each similar to the chosen vaccine vi-
tions, primarily vaccination and, season apparent vaccine failures ruses. Early data from a case–
for ill persons, treatment. Conse- are reported. Such failure proba- control study indicated that the
quently, a key question about sea- bly reflects the incomplete effec- estimated effectiveness of this
sonal outbreaks is whether the tiveness of current vaccines, the season’s vaccine was 62% (95%
circulating virus or viruses have high incidence of influenza infec- confidence interval, 51 to 71%)
changed, with regard to antige- tion in the population, and the overall.2 Since the current season
nicity (rendering vaccines less ef- presence in vaccinees of illness- may extend some months, increas-

590 n engl j med 368;7  february 14, 2013

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PERSPECTIVE Epidemic Influenza — Expected but Unpredictable

ing immunization coverage now advances could incrementally hospitalized with A(H1N1)pdm09,
with a vaccine providing moderate improve influenza control over seasonal, or avian H5N1 influ-
protection should mitigate the ef- the next several years. Multiple enza, who benefited from treat-
fects of the epidemic. investigational vaccines offering ment even if it was delayed up to
Various strategies have been broader-spectrum and more dura- 4 to 5 days after symptom onset.5
employed to enhance the effec- ble immune responses, including Current guidance from the CDC
tiveness of seasonal inactivated responses to conserved epitopes, and the World Health Organiza-
vaccine, especially in elderly and are in various stages of develop- tion emphasizes the importance
other high-risk groups. These in- ment, and the use of such vac- of initiating antiviral therapy as
clude the recent approval by the cines might result in substan- early as possible in patients who
Food and Drug Administration tially improved influenza-control are hospitalized with severe or
(FDA) of quadrivalent vaccines measures in the future. progressive illness caused by sus-
containing two B strains (one On the treatment front, unlike pected influenza and in high-risk
from each lineage); these vaccines the 2008–2009 season, when osel- outpatients, regardless of wheth-
are expected to be introduced into tamivir-resistant seasonal H1N1 er they were vaccinated or have
clinical practice next season. In virus circulated globally, the cur- been sick for more than 2 days.
addition, vaccine immunogenicity rent season is dominated by in- FDA approval of oseltamivir was
can be enhanced by use of oil- fluenza A and B strains suscep- recently extended to infants as
in-water adjuvants such as MF59 tible to neuraminidase inhibitors. young as 2 weeks.
or AS03. These adjuvants were Observational studies during the Surveys have shown that use
incorporated into monovalent 2009 pandemic confirmed that of antiviral medications has de-
A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccines in other
countries, and an MF59-adjuvant- In seriously ill or immunocompromised patients,
ed seasonal vaccine was shown to
have greater efficacy in infants protracted viral replication sometimes occurs
than nonadjuvanted vaccine.3 An
AS03-adjuvanted A(H5N1) vaccine despite oseltamivir treatment. Such findings
has been submitted for approval and the occurrence of deaths despite early
in the United States. Immunoge-
nicity can also be enhanced by antiviral therapy emphasize the importance
increasing a vaccine’s hemagglu-
tinin antigen content. One vac- of developing more potent antiviral regimens
cine with quadruple the standard for such patients.
hemagglutinin content is approved
in the United States for persons timely antiviral treatment could creased since the 2009 pandemic,
65 years of age or older, and an reduce the duration of illness which could result in worsened
ongoing study will determine and functional disability in ambu- outcomes. Furthermore, more pro-
whether the increased antibody latory patients and severe out- longed treatment appears warrant-
responses it elicits are associated comes in hospitalized patients. ed in seriously ill or immunocom-
with increased protection. A meta-analysis of 90 observation- promised patients, particularly
The increasing variety of ap- al studies, most of which covered those with severe viral pneumo-
proved seasonal vaccines also in- A(H1N1)pdm09 infections, showed nia, in whom protracted viral rep-
cludes one intradermally admin- that antiviral therapy, principally lication sometimes occurs despite
istered vaccine that’s particularly with oseltamivir, initiated within oseltamivir treatment. Such viro-
useful in persons averse to intra- 48 hours after symptom onset re- logic findings and the occurrence
muscular injections and two cell- duced the likelihood of both ad- of deaths despite early anti­viral
culture–produced vaccines (one mission to the critical care unit therapy emphasize the importance
expressing recombinant hemag- and death.4 This finding confirms of developing more potent anti-
glutinin), which may be espe- those of observational studies re- viral regimens for such patients,
cially useful for persons con- vealing reduced mortality with particularly intravenous antivirals
cerned about egg allergies. These oseltamivir therapy among patients and combinations. Intravenous za-

n engl j med 368;7  february 14, 2013 591

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Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERSPE C T I V E Epidemic Influenza — Expected but Unpredictable

namivir, which is the focus of an tance of developing antiviral fluenza vaccines: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis 2012;12:36-
ongoing phase 3 trial and avail- agents with new mechanisms of 44. [Erratum, Lancet Infect Dis 2012;12:655.]
able on compassionate-use basis, action, and ongoing work on 2. Early estimates of seasonal influenza vac-
currently appears to be the anti- new inhibitors directed against cine effectiveness — United States, January
2013. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2013;
viral of choice for treating hospi- influenza polymerase, hemagglu- 62:32-5.
talized or immunocompromised tinin, M gene, and other targets 3. Vesikari T, Knuf M, Wutzler P, et al. Oil-in-
patients with serious influenza offers promise. water emulsion adjuvant with influenza vac-
cine in young children. N Engl J Med 2011;
caused by most oseltamivir-resis- Disclosure forms provided by the authors 365:1406-16.
tant variants, including H1N1- are available with the full text of this article 4. Muthuri SG, Myles PR, Venkatesan S,
at Leonardi-Bee J, Nguyen-Van-Tam JS. Impact
subtype viruses harboring the of neuraminidase inhibitor treatment on out-
H275Y mutation. However, one From the Epidemiology and Prevention comes of public health importance during
Branch, Influenza Division, Centers for Dis-
U.S. government–sponsored ran- ease Control and Prevention, Atlanta (J.B.);
the 2009-10 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic: a
systematic review and meta-analysis in hos-
domized trial of intravenous pera- and the Division of Infectious Diseases and pitalized patients. J Infect Dis 2013 January
mivir in hospitalized patients was International Health, University of Virginia 11 (Epub ahead of print).
School of Medicine, Charlottesville (F.G.H.). 5. Louie JK, Yang S, Acosta M, et al. Treat-
recently terminated by its data and
ment with neuraminidase inhibitors for criti-
safety monitoring board because This article was published on January 23, cally ill patients with influenza A (H1N1)
of futility with regard to reach- 2013, at pdm09. Clin Infect Dis 2012;55:1198-204.
ing its primary end point. Such 1. Osterholm MT, Kelley NS, Sommer A, Be- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1300375
findings highlight the impor- longia EA. Efficacy and effectiveness of in- Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.

The Cure for Cholera — Improving Access to Safe Water

and Sanitation
Ronald J. Waldman, M.D., M.P.H, Eric D. Mintz, M.D., M.P.H., and Heather E. Papowitz, M.D., M.P.H.

W henever epidemics of chol-

era occur, the global pub-
lic health community is energized.
(WHO) has increased over the
past few years to more than half
a million cases and 7816 related
has been administered success-
fully in pilot trials in a number
of locations where cholera is en-
Experts meet, guidelines for con- deaths reported from all regions demic and, in 2012, during epi-
trol are reviewed and reissued, in 2011 (see map).1 Moreover, demics in Haiti and Guinea. The
and new and modified interven- these reported numbers grossly WHO recently agreed to establish
tions are proposed and promoted. underestimate the actual global a vaccine stockpile for emergency
In the past two decades, these burden of cholera: the WHO esti- use to encourage greater produc-
things happened after cholera mates that 3 million to 5 million tion at lower cost. These devel-
appeared in Latin America in cases and 100,000 to 200,000 opments are welcome additions
1991, in the wake of the Rwan- deaths due to cholera occur an- to the anticholera armamentari-
dan genocide and the ensuing nually. um, but public health profession-
refugee crisis in Zaire (now Dem- Among the latest developments als know that they do not address
ocratic Republic of Congo) in in cholera control are the recom- the underlying problem.
1994, in Zimbabwe in 2008, and mendations that antibiotic agents The best intervention for long-
in October 2010, at the onset of be given to patients with moder- term cholera control and, for that
the ongoing epidemic in Haiti ate dehydration, as well as to matter, for the control of the
(see article by Barzilay et al.). those with severe dehydration (al- great majority of diarrheal dis-
But even when it is not covered ways in conjunction with ag- eases is the strategy that elimi-
in the news or noticed by the gressive oral or parenteral rehydra- nated epidemic cholera from the
public, cholera occurs regularly tion), that all patients be treated United States and Northern Eu-
in the developing world, and the with zinc, and that use of an rope long before either marketed
annual number of cases reported improved two-dose oral cholera antibiotics or effective vaccines
to the World Health Organization vaccine be expanded. The vaccine existed. The development and

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