Monsieur Verdoux Script

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A Comedy of Murders "MONSIEUR VERDOU x" by Charles Chaplin April: 1947 United Artists—Chaplin le Ae Be INT. COUVAIS LIVIN A CoE FADE INt EXT, COUVAIS WINE SHOP = DAY Through the display window can be faintly seen bottlos of various shapes and sizes. THROUGH THIS SCENE DISSOLVE PITLE: y) the Couvais family «.. somewhere in the north of France. DISSOLVE TO: ROOM - DAY Scene begins with CLOSE UP of Bird cage high by the window. CAMBRA BOOMS DOWN to CLOSE UP of Plerre, the husband, asloep on sofa, snoring. CAMERA PANS LEFT to CLOSE UP of Jean, his brother-in-law, an obnoxious youth, reading by table. Joan turns and shushes Pierre, then impatiently. gots up, takes his chair and goos backstage, CAMERA FOLLOW ING HIM and taking in Iena's entrance as she comes in from the kitchen, and also taking in Carlotta who is knitting in an armchair by the fire. Lena, forty, tall, angular, sallow-faced, slow in msvoment, Ly Plorrety sictoreliolae Carlotta, thirty-five, medium-plump, is Pierre's wifo and Tena's sister. ‘Her other sister, Phoebe - plump and potwlant - is clearing the table. ena stops at foot of table to help her. CAMERA IS NOW REGISTERING A THREE SHOT of Joan, Lena and Carlotta. Jean seats himsolf by side~ poard. As he does so, front door bell rings. Tho dog, curled up before the fire, barks. After a slight pause: CLOSE UP OF CARLOTTA CARLOTTA Jean CLOSE UP OF JEAN JEAN (irritably) What? CLOSE UP OF CARLOTTA CARLOTTA Thore's the postman eve (a pause) It might be a letter from your sister. Ge te 6. 9 10. Be TIREE SHOT RAN (sarcastically, without looking up) Yes, it might. CARLOTTA, Can't you put that book down a minute and sco what it is? JEAN No, I can't. CLOSE UP OF LENA LENA You should bo ashamed ... talking at way to your sister, hy PHOEBE, JEAN TRAN I wish you wouldn't open your large mouth os. it?s causing s draft. CLOSE UP OF PHOEBE PHOEBE Why don't you get up and do what youtre told? JEAN'S VOICE aw, shut upt CLOSE GROUP SHOT CARLOTTA It's no use, Phoebe «++ he wontt do a thing. PHOEBE Then he should be mado to. JEAN (still reading, without looking up) Who's gonna make me? LENA If your father was alive, hotd make yous (CONTINUED) oe 100 (CONTINUED) She pleks up a tray full of dishes and as she passes Jean, she stumbles over his foot. LENA And keep your big feot to your~ self ... sprawling them all over the floor. JEAN You should talk e+. (looking at Ienats fect with those two submarines» CARLOTTA (raising her voice) Got up and do what youtre toldt JEAN (nodding toward Pierre ) Let your husband get up e+» I'm readings lle LONG SHOT PHOEBE, Don't bother «+. I!ll got it « (to Jean) You lazy, good-for-nothings Phoebe turns towards Lena to exit and drops a spoone As sho bonds down to pick it up, Lena, who is in the fore~ ground, lifts large tray of dinner things off table in such a position so that when Phoebe rises, sho bumps her head underneath Lena's tray which falls to the floor, smashing a soup turcen and two plates. PHOEBE There! Look what he's donel JEAN All right ... blamo it on moe PHOEBE (picking up tray and giving it to Lena) Hold this ss. (CONTINUED ) lle 12. 1s. Ae (CONTINUED) CARLOTTA If youtd answered tho bell, it wouldn't have happened. . LENA And, Phoobo .. you could be more careful. PHOEBE (picking up things off floor and putting them back on tray) It was an accident. I couldntt help it. LENA At least you could look where youtro goings PHOEBE T didn't do it ss. Lena got dn the waye LENA All right ... dontt shriek. PHOEBE Well, dontt blame mo. CLOSE UP OF PIERRE LONG SHOT The gravy’ on tray which Lena is holding is dripping on him. PIERRE What the e+. hey, you old foolt LENA Don't talk to me that way. I'm not your wife. PIERRE I should say not. One's enough in this family. Carlotta picks up a plate and smashes it on the floors (CONTINUED) - Be (CONTINUED) CARLOTTA Stop) All of yout They all stop. Canlotta continues at the top of hor voices CARLOTPEA » you lazy good~for-nothing t that lottors TRAN The sooner Itm out of this bedlam of old nagging women tho bettors He oxits. Tho others adjust thomselves otc. Pierre is taken with hiccoughs. PIERRE Whore are my tablets? CARLOTTA On the side~board. PIERRE (after taking cne) What's it all avout anyway? Jean enters, and throws letter on tablee JEAN From the Paris National Bank. Carlotta opens envelope, takes out unopened lettor, and reads note from bank. Lena and Phoebe look over her ‘shouldore LENA (after a pauso) I knew it! PIERRE Now what? CARLOTTA The bank's roturned our letter PSENRE What letter? (CONTINUED) 15. She gives Ge NUED 2) CARLOTTA The one we sont Thelma. Shots drawn out all her money, closed her account, and left no address. letter to Pierre who studies it. PHOEBE We ought to inform the police} PIERRE (withowt looking up from letter) Why? PHOEBE Well, it's not like Thelma to cut herself off from her family this ways PIERRE. (putting letter on tablc) Don't worry. She can take care of hersolfy It doosntt look like 1% ... a woman of fifty flitting off to Paris and marrying a man shots only kmown for two Weoks. PIERRE You don't have to run to the police about it, CARLOTTA But we haven't heard from her in throe months. PIERRE, So what? Shots still on her honey~ moons LENA Honeymoon $ (CONTINUED) Te le (CONTINUED 3) JEAN Who'd over spend three months honoymooning with Tholmat LENA What I don't like is drawing all her money out of the bank. That's not Thelma. JEAN Hets got it all by nowe | PIERRE Hotll have a grim task, prying 1% away from hor PUOEBE ook what lots done already ».+ mado her leave home, give up her family, sell hor business and marry him eve all in two weeks. TRAN Zid like to know his techniquoe PIERRE You're condoming the man and you havon't oven mot hime LELA | That's just it* if he were honest, he wouldn't evoid uss PHOREE | Something terrible has happened, I mow. PIERRE You make me tired v«. all of you. | Just because she hasn't writton, she's either been robbed or murdereds | CARLOTTA Nobody said she was murdered. LEWA We hope} (CONTINUED) 8. 155 (CONTINUED 4) PHOEBE Wo should go to the police right nows PIERRE Youtd bettor wait awhile. Youtre all hysterical now. CARLOP2A a right. Lette + Then if we dontt etl go to the I think Piorro wait a day or s hear from her, polices PIERRE We have a picture of this husband of hera. Whore is 1%? CARLOTTA Joan se. look in that bottom bureau drawers Jean has gone back to his book, and although ho is quite noar the bureau, he is about to complain ~ but changes his mind. Without getting out of his chair, he stoops sad pulls open bottom drawer. ORAN Here it ist Ho toeces it to Plorre. As Pierre studios it, the women lock over his shoulder. JEAN A funny looking bird, isn't ho? PIERRE He must be a pretty good salesman ge sell anything with a face like ha‘; & le INSERT OF PICTURE. MUSIC DISSOLVE TO: te 18. 1g. 202 (SHALL VIL DAY Title comes through ... "A small villa somewhere in tho south of Franco." . DISSOLVE TO: BACK GARDEN OF THE VILLA After ostablishing shot, CAMERA DOLLIES to CLOSE UP of Mons. Vordoux. n the finesse of a tonsorial artist, he is trimming his rose bushes. PAN with him as he goes from one bush to another, showing a modium-sizod incinerator in tho background. PAN AWAY from Verdoux to tho incinor= ator e+. then to a man and woman in a gardon two lots away, MAN How long is he going to keop that imerator burning? It's beon going like that for the last three days? wouAN I lmow it. I haven't had a chance to put out my washing. FULL SHOT OF VERDOUZ He gathors up his roses and 1s about to exit into house, but pauses to notice a caterpillar crawling on the path. CLOSE UP OF CATERPILLAR as Vordoux's hand picks it up. FULL SHOT OF VERDOUX VERDOUX If youtre not caroful, my little fellow, you'll be stepped on, Ho places it on his neighbor's hedge, then oxits into hall. Int. HALL Ou @ sidoboard by the wall is a vase with a mirror above it. He puts roses into vase and keeps one for himsolf which he supports beneath his nose and occasionally smells. Waile admiring himself in the mirror, there is a knock at the front door. Before opening it, he looks through key- hole. It is the postman, Relieved, ho opens the doors 10. 21. TWO SOT POSTMAN Madame Thelma Varney? . VERDOUX Gud, Monsiotr. POSTMAN Rogistorod lettor. VERDOUX (teking letter and about to sign) Mercie POSTHAN Pardon, Monsicur, but madame will have to sigu for it. VERDOUX Gh, I seo v++ one moment, ploaso» Ho oxits upstairs. 22e INT. BATHROOM = FULL SHOT Verdoux enters. VERDOUX Thelma, darling ++. a rogistorod letter, my love. You mst sign for it s+» Don't bother to get out of the bathtub ... just dry your hands, dear ... herets a pen se. there, thatts it. Be careful you don't catch cold nowe He signs slip and exits. RSe INT. HALL = MEDIUM SHOT VERDOUX There ose Hands postman slip and receivos rogistered lettore POSTMAN Mevei, Monsieur «+. Voila (CONTINUED) » & 265 27. ll. (CONTINUED) VERDOUX Morcis From his trousors! pockot, Verdoux takes a small purse, opens it and politely gives the postman two sous. * postitaw (bows panachely) Morel, Monsieur ... good morninge VaRDOUX Good morning. Postman leaves and Verdoux oxits into living room. INT. LIVING ROOM - MED, SHOT Verdoux enters and sits at desk. He opens letter which contains sixty thousand francs in bills, then reads letters INSERT OF LETTER: Dear Madame: Enclosed is the sum of sixty thousand francs as you requested, wnich transaction torminates your account at this bank, Thanking you for your patronage, BANK OF MARSEILLES. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX After reading letter, ho counts the money, his nimblo fingers racing through the bills with the professional air of a bank clerk. He counts it twice, then exits into hall. INT, HALL Vordoux enters and goes to telephones VERDOUX Glve me long distance, please +++ hello? I want Balong and Company, Paris Stock Exchange +++ this is Toulon 8460 +++. very welle He hangs up receiver and exits into living rooms 290 INT. LIVING ROOM ~ MEDIUM SHOT 12. Verdoux entors, rubbing his palms togethor enterprisingly. Ho sits at th piano and breaks into th Lict!s "Hungarian Rhapsody." Aftor a f abmuptly. A atrange tapping, as though poat, seems to come from insido the pial moro bars ~ the after-beat continues. from somewhere in tho houses LONG SHOT Verdoux caviiously moves away from tho slowly out of the room following ite INT. KITCHEN - FULL suoT Vordoux onters and finds an old lady tapping on the window of the kitchen docre Verdoux opens ive ‘wo SHOT LOUTSE Good morning, Monsiowr, VERDOUX Good mornings LOUISE nding him or @ allogro part of ‘ow bars, he stops it wore an after- noe He plays a few Bus now it comes piano and stalks From the Maison Bmployment agency, Monsieur. VERDOU ding } (x fh, yoo eee LOUISE Oui, Monsiour. VERDOUX hose are your references? Yeu understand the work is only for a day or so? LOUISE Oui, Monsicur. (CONTINUED ) | | 31. Bee (CONTINUED) VERDOUX Very well ... wiat is your name? * Lovrsy Loulse, Monsiour. VERDOUX Thon, Louise ». you can start by cloaning out the drawers and dusting everything. Oh, but be- fore you do any dusting, youtd better tako down the curtains and pack them in hore se (pointing to trunk) Leave everything on the side-board and Itll take an inventory of it latere tolophone rings) You go on with your work. I'll answer ite He oxits into hall. Tig. HALL - MED. Sf 0? Verdoux enters, but ho is earcful to close the door and turn the key quietly. le picks up the receivers VERDOUX Hello? .... Balong and Company? (ho glances at kitchen door, then lowers his voice ) This is Mr. Vordoux ... yos, I want to buy at opening prices tomorrow morning, 500 shares of Continental Gas, 500 Consolidated Air and 100 shares of Central Carbine ... yes, the samo margin «+. 20 points. I'm wiring the money. It will be thore the first thing tomorrow morning. (hangs up receiver as FADE OUT B2mAe 345 350 14. FADE IN: BUZLDING OF POLICE HEADQUARTERS - DAY DISSOLVE TO: OFFICE DOOR = DAY On door is Inscribed "BUREAU OF MISSING PERSONS. DISSOLVE TO: 4% a large desk tho Prefect of Police is seated listening to the Couvais family. Dotective Morrow is in his shirt sleeves with protective guards up to his elbows. He is a gross typo of man, about two hundred pounds, with a cropped moustache; looks like a wrestler, always wears a derby hat and carries an umbrella. ie is seated to one side taking notes. Several large ledgors are open before him. Ovca- sionally he turns thoir pages for reference. CAMERA DOLLIES IN to CLOSZ TWO SHOT OF Carlotta and Prefect. CARLOTTA She no sooner marriod him than she Qisappeared the face of the earth. PREFECT Havo you any moans of identifying this man? CARLOTTA We had a snapshot of him, but Lena threw it in the firoplace by mistakes LONGER SHOT as all look reproachfully et Lona. PREFECT Too bad. LENA But I'd know him if I ever saw him, JEAN So would Ie (CONTINUED ) | | t | t k 35. S66 15. (CONTINUED) Through f down ty CLOSE TWO ‘ollowing dialoguc, Morrow goos to shelf, takes nore ledgers to compare notos. PREFECT Vory well} madame ». I believe we havo all the particulars. If we got any information, we will lot you imow. CARLOTTA Meroi, Monsieur, PREFEC! (seeing them to door) Good day, Madames ... Monsiours. CARLOTTA Good day, Monsieur. (they bow and exit) SHOT PREFECT (entering scone) What's on your mind? MORROW Funny ... in the past three years, twolve women have disappeared from these difforent citios s+ (pointing) and in many circumstances, the history of each case is similar to this ones PREPECT In what way? MORROW All these women are middle-aged with a small income or a little property, and from what I can soe, nearly ail of thom married tho same type of man. (CONTINUED) Se (CONTINUED) PREFECT You mean he's the husband of all ‘those womon? MORROW It looks that way to moe ledger ) According to these dates, he mat have been marricd to half a dozen at tho same times MORROW Tnatts 1t1 Hets the proverbial sailor but in his case, it's a wifs in overy porte PREFECT What's his racket? MORROW I don't imow yet. PREFECT Insurance? MORROW No, hets too smart for that. But not one of theso women has shown up, and I doubt if thoy ever wills He's murdered them, eh? MORROW Thatis just itt Hets a “Blue- board" 3.. 9 mass killer ++. opore ating in cities a11 over the country e PREFIOT Easy ++. not so fast, Before you hit the public with that idea, youtd better got a more Yacts under your belt. MUSIC - MODERN AND ECCENTRIC DISSOLVE TO: 580 B96 400 Ade lve DAY of it, showing front ontrance of the villa. king up its pathway to the front 3a the bell and steps back a paces 0 CLOSE UP as door opens, showing Me doux = a rose held under his noso. REVERSE ANGLE - CLOSE TWO SHOT showing Vordoux confronted by Mae. Grosnoy ~ a buxom, bov Looking blonde, well dressed ~ about forty five, and M Nutal, a roal ostate agent - a la Lord Halifax, NUTAL our Varnay? io: CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX At your sorvice, lionsieur. CLOSE UP OF NUTAL HUTAL I am Monsiour Mutal, the real estate agent. This is Mme. Grosnay e+. Me Varnaye CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX (looking directly into her eyes) How do you ao? CLOSE UP OF MZ. GROSNAY as she "gives it to him" right back. THREE SHOE NUTAS Madame would like to look over your house if it is not too in~ conveniente (CONTINUED) 18. 456 (CONTINUED ) VERDOUX By no moa won't you come in? the INT. HALL - DAY - DOLLY suor Mimo Grosnay and Nutel precede Verdoux into the hall. VERDOUX You must excuse mo ++. I'm all dis= hevolled. Ive beon sobusy I Ihavon't had time to brush up or do a thing. Mi. GROSNAY (noticing flowers on table) Wnat lovely rosost VERDOUX You like them? o». from my garden. MME. GROSNAY (smelling them) They're divinee VERDOUX (calling off scene) LOUISE? vorcE oui, Monsieur. VERDOUX Will you kindly wrap up these roses for Mine. Grosnays You'll find tissue paper in tho left-hand kitchen drawore VOICE Qui, Monsicurs Louise enters and picks up roses, exiting toward kitchens MME. GROSNAY 0h, no ss. you want them for yourself. VERDOUX (again into her eyes) Madame, I want them appreciated, T thorefore give thom to youe This way, please ove (CONTINUED) a 465 (CONTINUED) MRA DOLLIES WITH THEM ag Vordoux leads thom into sitting room, pausing to let Mine. Grosnay pass and giving her the once~over as he does soe Then with tho air of a floor= walker showing a customer through a department store, he s lines. Ono has the fooling he has sold many VERDOUX This is the sitting room... solid oale doors and floors throughout the house, and mahogany wainscoting in all the rooms. (as he moves toward window) TWO SHOT Ming. Grosnay looks at Nutal who raises his eyebrows, very much impressod. NUTAL Aechitocturally, it's a perfect housee THREE 10T CAMBRA DOLLIES WITH THEM as Nutal and Mme. Grosnay cross and join Vordoux at window. VERDOUX Here we have a rather lovely view of the mountains and the sca below. As line. Grosnay stands looking at the view, Verdoux cecasionally smells his rose, surreptitiously studying her, MME. GROSNAY (to hersolf) Those beautiful hills. VERDOUX That's the work of the Supreme Archi- tect ... we can't compote with thato (points through Fronch windows ) And then there is the garden ... 125 feet by 85, with soven fruit troos +. throe apple, two pear, one plum and a mulberry. And, of course, my roso bushes» (CONTINUED) ale 20. (CONTINUED) wr. Quite an atmosphe: VERDOUA (choorfully) Yos ... my'wito put a groat deal of horself into this house. Wo wore supromoly happy hore. I think one fecis that. nur. (solemnly j Yor, indeed «+. and may I offor my condolences? VERDOUX (off guard) I beg your pardon? NUTAL Tae irreparable loss of your wife. VERDOUX (recovering) Gh yos,++. it was very sudden ss. a heart attack while visiting her family. hatte why Z must give up s house. I must get away from the menory of it all. The telephone is heard ringing. VERDOUX Youtll pardon me, I trust? Nutal bows and Verdoux exits, NUTS, (whi sper’ We should get it for nothing. INT. HALL - MED. SHOT - DAY Verdoux enters and scos Louise. VERDOUX Leuise, will you lindly answer the phone? It's by tho stairs. (CONTINUED) at. 480 ADs 506 (CONTINUED) LOUISE Oui, Monsicur. Verdoux exits back into sitting room. INT. SITPING ROOM - FULL SHOT - DOLLY as Verdoux enters: VERDOUX Youtll pardon me? This way, please. CAMERA DOLLIES WITH THEM AS THEY EXIT INTO INT. HALL - FULL sHor lime. Grosnay leads, followed by Nutal and thon Verdoux. Louise is answering the phono. Lovrsz Hello? «+. hello? oe. There's no answer. They mist have hung upe VERDOUX Thank you. CAMERA DOLLIES WITH THEM AS THEY EXIT TO INT, LIBRARY - FULL SHOT Nutel and Verdoux enter library. CAMERA IN A THREE SHOT + Grosnay LDS ON TH VERDOUX This is the library, and to the loft = the dining room. (to Mae. Grosnay) Cosy, eh? They start to exit. Ble STAIRWAY 4ND UPPER HALL CAMERA BOOMS with them as thoy go upstairs toward bedroom. VERDOUX It's 2 small house und requires very little to keep up. fs a er of fact, wo never had a sorvants (fishing for information) But thorets a maidts room if you nood ones VaR! Thon you could put an extra bed in the maid's room... that is, if thoy're both fomales, ha, ha we. or you could use one of the roome up= stairs os (more fishing) unless, of course, you neod it for your family. MME. GROSNAY T have no family. VERDOUX I see see just you and your husband, en? WME. CROSNAY My husband has been dead many years. Indsod? ».. woll, please, Telephone is hoard ringing agin. Maid's voice can be heard faintly. Hello? «.. Who? +. One moment, Monsieur eeso. Me Varnay? They are now at the door of the master bedrooms VERDOUX Oult (CONTINUED) 5le & (contrmumD) VOICE M. Nutal .,. from NUTAL Wal you excuse mez VERDOUK Louise +16 show M. Natal to the telephons o.. CaNERA DOLLIES WIT VERDOUX AND MME. GROSNAY AS ‘HIEY ENTER INT. MASTER BEDROOM ~ pay Verdoux and Mie. Gyosnay enten, VERDOUX This was my wife's bedroom. Mines Grosnay glances around: VERDOUX Wo called it our Sans~Souei Sac loved this room, In facb, sho spent most of hor timo hetes+en 4h, what memories e.. what memories} MME. GROSNAY Very sunny. VERDOUX Yes, we loved the sun. % some peosle don't like 4% shining in their bedroom, MME. GROSNAY Oh, I dow Really? You mst Je Scorpio, CLOSE TWO SH. MME. GROSKAY T beg your pardon? VERDOUK Your astrological sign, (CONTINUED) Se Bh (CONTINUED ) ME. GROSNAY Oh s+. astrology. - VERDOUX Avo you intoestea? MEE, GROSNAY (very enthusiastically) Oh, very. VERDOUX What month wore you born in? MME. GROSNAY April. VERDOUX of course « Aries + sky and sun ss. a dreamer, Yos, it's in your oyos «+. desp pools of desire that can never be fulfilled or understood. MME. GROSNAY (amused) Very interesting. VERDOUX (with steady gaze) - You are s+. very intoresting. You soe, I'm also Aries. I know all about us. We arc old souls. Strange, your coming this dsy. I have a fecl~ ing it's destiny. MME. GROSNAY~ " . Indeed. VERDOUX. If I knew you better I could ex- plains MME. GROSNAY (really interested) Please doe (CONTINUED) 25. 55a (CONTINUED 2) VERDOUX (no shrugs, o: Pata, y) pre! z wied again? However, you ng ever 1 ME. GROSNAY Wo. | \ VERDOUX Singular ... a woman of your tomporanont. MME. GROSNAY Woy? VERDOUX | ontial to Companionship is so e ipies pooples GROSNAY Itm afraid atts too late now, VERDOUX What nonsenso! You are just on the threshold of life. One never bow | sins to live until one is past eos OL cee (getting in deep) oh, well = what differonco does it make? ME. GROSNAY ly) 4. great deal to a womans VERDOUX I vonture to say that you wero never as attractive as you are nowe B. GROSNAY Youtre very kinds VERDOUX on the contrary, Tim very franks No doubt you were oxtvomely beauti~ ful as a young girl, but your youth could nover compete with your ago now your ripeness ce. your maturityse. Besides, you have more character now .. more experience, | understanding 2... more vs } (looking her over) more everything | (CONTINUED ) 550 (CONTINUED ) MME. GROSNAY You flattor met VERDOUX Why shouldntt I? Way shouldn't I respond to beauty as you did to those flowers downstairs? "What lovely roses," you said, and pulsively drew them near your lips oe. lucky roses! I only wish I had the courage to act upon my impulses t (suddenly he draws her into his arms) You ave lovely ... words are so futile. I feel I've known you all MME. GROSNA’ This is so ri GROSNAY This is ridiculous» They cirele around, she catching his wrists, as he trios to ombrace here FULL SHOT Vi OUX No, no ss. this is besutiful oee inovitable «.. we can't help ourselves ... your loveliness inspired it. Blame your loveliness for ite As they wrestle, Vordoux catches sight of Nutal in mirror, standing in doorway. 576 586 ale REVER, NGLE showing Nutel watching the scene. FULL suo VERDOUX Hold still: It's a boo! Tt12 catch it ese, thore it gocst Mac. Grosnay turns, screams ana baclward through window outo a ledge outside. ‘DOW LEDGE ~ DAY as Vordoux tumbles out. Nutal rvshes to window as Vordoux climbs back in. INT. MASTER BEDROOM - THREE suoT as Vordoux climbs back in. NUTAL Are you hurt? VERDOUX It's quite all right. I must have slipped. NUTAL No doubte Ee GROSNAY (annoyed) I think wetd better Eos NUTAL I think we had. VERD Would you eare to soe the other bedrooms? (CONTINUED) necidentally pushes Verdouz | | 598 28. PTNUED ) WOTAL nik You, I!ve seon onough e+. that is, pardon mo, of course un- loss Madawe would liko to Investi~ gate furthers MME. GiOSNA No, thank you. NOTAL Very well, then .. whatever hme. Grosnay decidos, welll let you know through our office. Verdoux steps aside to allow Mme. Grosnay to pass. MNutal follows and Verdoux after him as they exit toward + FALL AND STATRWAY - BOOM sHoT as they descend stairs: VERDOUX Of course serve (Go Ie Grosna} ay I send. you a book on That is, if youtre However, astrology interostode HME. GROSNAY (vory aldor) Please dontt bother. VERDOUX No bothor at all, if I know where . to get in touch with you. NUTAL Through our offices VERDOUX As you wishe They have now descended the stairs and are in the 61. 620 294 - FULL so? VERDOUX, Ah, your roses} Don't forgot your roscse and XN Verdoux %: them to turn, the latter expressing “es Poses from sideboard all wrapped Grosnay s GROSNAY ‘trying to rofuse) Thank you ... Id rather note VERDOUX ~ he is Maes Grosnay looks at’ Nutal for help but gets nonos MME. GROSNAY (nelplossly) Thank yous Verdoux tees her hand and reverontly kisses it, looking directly into hor oyes. VERDOUX Am revoir, madaies Ho turns and bows curtly to Nutal who returns it just as curtly, then oxite with limo. Grosnay. Verdoux closes door from inside and hurrics upstairs, whistlings CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX'S FEET running up the stairs. DISSOLVE TO: INSERT OF RUNNING iGINE WHEELS DISSOLVE TO: O56 o 656 6% 686 695 108 Vie 506 DISSOLVE TO: DISSOLVE TO: ce. Vordoux is soatod at ‘ce and eyeing the ladies is on the Boulevard Itali ble outside, sipping his o* a they pass by. g pe CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX as he watches the scence SEOT ddle-aged woman, woll dressed, with outlandish curves doth in front and behind, comes off tho Boulevard and sits ata table noxt to hise CLOSE SHOT Of the woman, as she unbuttone hor glove, displaying her ara ladon with diamond bracelots. She looks from right te left, then discovers Verdoux looking at hor. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX looking at woman. CLOSE UP OF WOMAN as sho smilese CLOSE UP OF VERVOUX as he smiles and winks. 146 LONGER SOT a Ze lifts above Vordouxts head to someone approaching ~ a man who rudely brushes by Vordoux and sits at hor table. Vordoux's ombarrassmont is relicvod, how~ ever, by the flowor girl. CLOSE SHOT OF FLOWER GIRL SHOP OF P/RTS STREET. She smiles in- ng hor warcse against PROJROTIO: quiringly, display: TWO SHOT + VERDOUX AND FLOWER GIRL He nods and pointse VERDOUX That ones GIRL Merci, Monsieur. As she takes pin from her blouse CAMERA PULLS BACK TO LONGER SHOT as M. Millet and his friend, Me Lavine, approac. Verdouxts tables MILLET Woll, well, M. Vordoux ee. VERDOUX (pleasant, without being familiar } How do you do, sir? MILIND I haven!t seen you me, what do you’ lmow? agese Toll VERDOUX (humorously ) I don't even suspect anythinge (both laugh) MILLET (pointing to tablo) Have you finished? (CONTINUED) e o Ths (CONTINUED) VERDOUX » Tim just leaving. down? By all moans « wonlt you si MILLET Merci ose cating Lavine) » Verdoux oes an ines andi Verdoux and Lavino bow. ‘Thon ail sit downe 15. CLOSE GROUP SHOT ther. He cashiers was one 0 at the banke LAVINE Indoed! VERDOt (smiles wistfully) That was in tho good old dayse MILLET Not so long agoe Waiter brings Verdoux's chock» MILLET What are you doing uow? VERDCUX (oxings out wad of bilis) Of, a little of ovory% estate, stock market ng e+ real MILLET (noticing bills, laughs ) You must have mado a killing? VERDOUX (Laughs } Yes ss ha, ha sve (CONTINUED) a & 154 (CONTINUED ) MULLET Tho market's protty low, isn't Lt? . OU (shrug Well, now's the time to buy ~ when everybody's solli Tt cantt go much’ lower ».. I hopet (laughs ) WAITER (to Verdoux) Your change, monsieur? VERDOUX {to mon) Gan I offer you something? MILLET (shakes head) Merci, Monsiour o+. dontt let us detain you. nge and gives waiter a tip. Verdoux picks up his ct ITER Merei, monsiou: VERDOU Then youtll pardon me? MILLE? Of course ose 16. LONGER SHOT as Verdoux gets up, bows to men and is about to leaves As waiter hands Vordoux little package: WAITER And this, monsiour +++ VERDOUX (laughs, embarrassed) msiour e+. merch ee (pos to mon) Good day, Monsiourse oui, oui, (CONTINUED) Te TB 196 34. BOTH Good days Voraoux 8 with his packagoe CLOSE TWO SHOT = LAVINE AND MILLET as they look after Verdoux. MILLET Nice old chap... most unfortunate «. was with us for over twenty five yoarss LAVINE Thon what happened? MILLET Well, in 19 the bank failod «+. ont into roceivership, and he was one of the first to go. LAVINE Pretty tough after twenty five yoarse =D It couldn't be helped. That was the depression. DISSOLVE TO: Verdoux with package of seraps enters and is greeted by a meowing cate CLOSER SHOT as Verdoux tears open package and places its contents by the warchouse door which he unlockse a & 80. INT. WARBIOUSE ~ REVER ANGLE - DAY showing doors in backgrounds Vordoux enters. Mo hears telephone ringing. Quickly he runs toward stairs. Bl. LONGER SHOT © interior, with xs going up toward camera down the ste showing right, shoot: Verdoux mounts stairs, toward cameras Boe INT. VERDOUX'S OFFICE ~ LONG SHOT - DAY % and enters from back reground, extreme left, <9 Up telephone reveivors Verdoux comes up from stai of set. rossos to dos: camera PANNING with Verdoux and Son donlerse BS INT, BROKER'S OFFICE - LONG SHOT - DAY Broker is on tolophono. Ore This is Balong and Company. 84. CLOSE UP BROKER as he continues on telephono: r OKER (continuing) Wotvo beon trying to get you all mornings There's been a big drop in the market. We neod fifty thousand francse 856 B%e 880 89. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX on phone: » VERDOUX Whon do you want it? CLOSE UP OF BROKER BROKER No later than tho first thing in the morning «+. as soon as the market oponse CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Where can I got fifty thousand feanes by tomorrow morning? CLOSE UP OF BROKER BROKER If you dontt, youtll be wiped oute CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX (worried) Well, I!1]1 see what I can dos He hangs up, ponders a moment, then takes out a little vlack book, thumbs it, looks at watch and speaks to himself. VERDOUX Let me sec .-. the bank closes at four, If I leave now, J can catch that 2:15 and bo there by three thirty DISSOLVE TOz 90. 91. 92, 94, DISSOLVE 0 uD g front door boll. Camergs PULLS BACK to large f Vordoux. In this close-up, door onone, rovoaling gaunt, hard-faced woman of 50 = selfish and VERDOUX (smiling, bat with decorum) Lydiat INDIA (coldly) I thought ya were in Indo-China, REVERSE ANGLE ~ FULL sHov As Verdoux enters hall and she closes door. INT. HALL - FULL SHOT ~ DOLLY VERDOUX Iwas, my dear, LYDIA Don't "dear" mo .,. threo months you've been away, and not a line from you. DOLLY WITH THEM AS THEY ENTER TNT. LIVING ROOM - ¥ Verdoux follows Lydia into room. It 1s comfortably furnished in bourgois style. There is a clock on the mantle which strikes every quarter hour, VERDO Didn't you get my letters? LYDIA What letters? CLOSE THO sor VERDOUX I wrote you practically every day. * GyDIA All I got was a telegram threo months ago (to hersolf) running off and leaving me hore alone. I might have starved for all you cared, VERDOUX Now, Lydia... thob's unfair ... financially, you're independent, LYDIA (with venom) It's a good thing I am, VERD UX (hurt ) Lydia LYDIA Well, what do you want? VERDOUX Nothing, my dear. LYDIA That ts unusual. VERDOUX I'vo merely come home +5 (@ transition) Ah, Lydia, this is hardly the recoption I expected. LYDIA What did you expect? VaRDOUX I thought you might be a little ploased to see mo, that's all. (CONTINUED ) LYDIA (cynically) hat all? Huh - ia VERDOUX. (affectionately) Now, now, now s.. don't bo cynical. LYDIA alt The only time I see you ie whon you want something. VvERDOUX (mock solemnity) Lydia, I refuse to quarrel with you. Ibts too u Life can so easily degenerate into something sordid and vulgar. Let us try to keep it beauti- ful and dignified. ie are not young any more, ‘In the sunset of our lives, we need companionship ... love s+. tenderness, Nost of all we need each othor. She turns her head away from him. He quickly looks at clock, then moves toward her and takes her hand, 966 ANOTIIER ANGLE TWO So? VERDOUX Ah, Lydia ., we've had such wonderful thrilling moments together, and we can have many more. She snatches her hand from him and moves away. LYDIA Itm gotting too old for that nonsense. VERD OUX There you go ++. ago again! I thought I'd cured you of that complex. (CONTINUED ) 40. 96. (CONT INUED ) He moves toward her again, stroking her arm affection- ately. . INDIA Imm cured of yous... running off tho way you did. VERD OUX My doar, I hee to travel ...thatts my business. I'm an onginoer. LYDIA Too bad I didn't know that before I met you. He looks anxiously at clock again, then goos to embrace her. VERDOUX (trying to explain) But, Lydia v4, LYDIA Sit downt (he complios ) oe ANOTHER ANGLE TWO SHOT LYDIA Wnat were you doing in Indo-China? VERDOUX (nonchalantly ) Building bridges, my dcar (a sudden inspiration) As a matter of fact, we ran into a lot of trouble ... the specifica~ tions of tho super-structure were all wrong, and ad to draw up new plans. Thon to climax every- thing, thoy cancolled our contract on account of the crisis. (CONTINUED ) 41e o7. (GeNTINUED ) LYDIA Wheat crisis? ‘ VERDOX The financial crisis, IYDIS Whet aro you talking about? VERDOUX The worst entastrophe that's hepy ed in years, Banks will collapse evoryuhore. LYDIA It isn't in the newspapers. VERD GX Of course not. They're trying to keep it quiet. But wo were tippod off in advance. LYDIA I don't believe it. VERD OUX However, don't bother your head about those things. LYDIA (getting uncasy) What do you mean = a financial crisis? VERDOUX Just wait ond seo ... tomorrow theret11 be a run on every bank. LYDIA Nonsense t VERDOUX (calmly) Of course it's of no consequence to you. But I happen to be vitally inter- ested. (CONTINUED) ov. (CONTINUED 2) LYDIA (growing concern) So am Ie * VERDOUX (nonchaiently) You = you have nothing to worry about. LYDIA Dontt bo an idiot! Every penny I have is in veady cash ... in tho bank. VERDOUX Wheb tt INDIA You kmow that, you foolt VERDOUX What bank? LYDIA The Mutual Trust, of course. VERDOUX Mutual Trust? Good heavens! ... nat's the worst of all. Get 4¢ outt Imnodiately! What timo is it? LYDIA Are you mad? VERD OUX I still dontt believe ite 98. LONG Sito? VERDOUX Woman! Youtre wasting 6 inet Tomorrow every bank in the country will close, She gets up; starts to put on her LYDIA But what shall hat. Ido with it? (CONTINUED ) 98. 996 (CONTINUED ) VERDOUX Never mind that now! We'll discuss it later, LYDIA But I don't want sevonty thousand francs lying about the house here} VERDOUX How much? se Never mind! Don't talk] Hurry up ... you're losing timel Ittll bo too latel Quickt quick! hurry! DISSOLVE TO: INT. LYDIA'S SITTING ROOM - NIGHT MEDIUM SHO? That same evoning, Verdoux is playing the piano while Lydia has her jewel box on the table, and 1s counting her money under the light of a table lamp. LYDIA I must bo out of my mind to do a thing like this. VERDOUX (while playing) You wait and see. é LYDIA The cashier said it was all nonsense. VERDOUX You wouldn't expect him to say other~ wise. IYDIA I'd sooner belicve him than you, She shrugs, She examines jewelry. 100, 101. 102. 44, CLOSE UP OF LYDIA INDIA Why couldn't I leave all this in my safo deposit box? (directly to him) Why? CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX My dear, ina crisis like this a revolution might happen ... a new government that would confiscate everything. No, the best thing is to have it all here, where you can lay your hands on it. LONGER SHOT LYDIA Where you can iay your hands on itl Verdoux gets up from piano, A strange look comes over his face. VERDOUX Lydia, you've very tired. What you need is a good night's rest. CANBRA DOLLIES UP TO CLOSER SucT as he affectionately embraces her. She brusquely releases herself from hime INDIA I need my head examined .., listening to you. I've never heard of such a thing... emptying my whole safe deposit box and bringing it here. Burglars might break in. VERDOUX What nonsense! (he moves away from her chair) LYDIA It's a good job we haven't any servants an the house. (CONTINUED ) 102, 103. 104, (CONTINUED) VERDOIX It's perfoctly safe tonight, LYDIA It should have been loft where it was. VERDOUX If you feel uneasy about it, thon put it hack. You can do that the first thing in the morning. LONG SHOT As Lydia gets up from table and takos her cash box with her. LYDIA I certainly will! (before exiting into hall) Turn out that light) Verdoux does so, then oxits, INT. HALL = Boom SHOT As Vordoux entera, Lydia is waiting for him. LYDIA Did you lock all the doors? CAMERA BOOMS WITH THEN AS THEY ASCEND STAIRS, VERDOUX Early this evening, LYDIA And latch all the windows? VERDOUX Don't worry ... everything's attended to. : (CONTINUED ) 104, 105. 1066 46, (CONTINUED ) LYDIA (impatiently ) Well, did you? . VERDOUX (quiotiy) Yes. UPPER HALLWAY - SHOWING DOOR TO BEDROOM As they reach top hallway, Lydia turns off light in hall and exits into bedroom, leaving door open. In bedroom she turns on light which streams throtigh hall- way door, At the end of the hall is a window, through which a full moon is shining, Enraptured, Verdoux moves slowly toward it, VERDOUX What a nightt CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX IYDIA'S VOICE (from bedroom) Yes ... a full moon, VERDOUX How beautiful ... this pale, Endymion hour see . LYDIA'S VOICE What are you talking about? VERDOUX Endymion, my dear ... a beautiful youth possessed by the moon, LYDIA Well, forget about him and get to bed, VERDOUX Yes, my dear see, as he oxits into bodroom as ina trance, (CONT INUED ) 1066 107 108. 1096 at, (CONTINUED) VERDOUX “our foet were soft in flowers «6 CAMERA REMAINS IN HALE THROUGHOUT FOLLOWING DIALOGUE: LYDIA'S VOICE Hurry up.and turn off the light. The light is switched off. VERDQUX'S VOICE Look at that moon. I've never seen it so bright! ... indecent moont LYDIA'S VOICE "indecent moon" ... what a fool you . are vs. ha, ha, ha «.. “indecent moon" +++ THE MUSIC RACES T0 A HIGH PITCIED CRESCENDO ~ THEN FADES INTO MORNING THEME as DISSOLVE TO: L LLWAY, DAY It is the same hallway the following morning. The sun streaming through window, birds singing, etc. Verdoux blithely appears from bedroom humming, and carrying Lydia's jewel box. Before closing door he looks back into room, carefully scrutinizing everything» INT, STAIRWAY AND LOWER HALL - BOOM SHOT Satisfied, he skips downstairs and exits into sitting Poot. INT, SITTING ROOM = MED. SHOT Verdcux enters, sits at desk, opens jewel case, takes out money, and’in a professional manner, fingers through bills, counting them twice. Then he puts them in his pocket, gets up and CAMERA DOLLIES WITH HIM INTO 110. 11. 112, 1136 INT, HALL to telephone. VERD OX Long distance, pleaso ... hello? Will you got mo Balong and Company, Stock Exchange, Paris? This is Avallon 6210... you'll call me? Very well se. He hangs up. CAMERA DOLLIES WITH HIM To INT. KITCHEN ~ LONG s1oT 4s ho hurries into kitehen to prepare breakfast, He fills kettle, lights stove, and is about to place two cups and saucers -on table, but realizes only one 4s nocessary, so he puts one cup and saucer back, The telephone rings and CAMERA DOLLIES INTO INT. HALL -MED. sHor As Verdoux hurries to answer the telephone. VERDOUX Hello? VorcE Balong and Company. VERDOUX This is M. Vordoux .., I!m wiring fifty thousand francs this mornings Is that onough? ... Good ,,, No, Iwontt ve in Paris for somo tim, I have one or two mtters to clean ap here first. However, I'11 keop in touch with you. DISSOLVE TO: RACING LOCOMOTIVE WHEELS SE NOC OMOTIVE WHEELS DISSOLVE To: 4. 116. 117. 118. 119% 120, PICTURESQUE TEN ACRE FARM WITH THATCHED COTTAGE DISSOLVE TO: VIEW _OF DISSOLVE TO: CLOSE _UP_0i WINDOW ~ DAY Through which a handsome boy of five is looking. FULL SHO? OF VERDOUX from boy's angle. CLOSE UP OF WINDOW ~ DOLLY SHOT As boy suddenly recognizes Verdoux. CAMERA DOLLIES BACK from window and PANS TO COTTAGE DOOR from which the boy runs. Camera follows him front view up the pathy FULL SHOT of back view of Verdoux showing the boy, Peter, running towards him. Musto oHROUGHOUP TWO SHOP = DOLLY Daddy t He jumps Into Verdoux's arms. VERDOUX Hello, Peter .., whore!s your mother? PETER She's in the back garden Tl show yous (CONTINUED) 120. 121. 50, (CONTINUED) Peter takes his father's hand and lugs him through front door along the narrow passage, CAMERA DOLLYING WITH THEM. Poter is talking all the time. PETER I'm growing a forest. Did you see all those young conifers along the path? It was me who planted them, VERDOUX It was I, Peter. PETER No, it was me. VERD UX En? PETER It was I. They pause in the shadow of the passage. INT. PASSAGE ~ FULL SHOT Through the door in brilliant sunlight, .is the back garden, effulgent with flowers, Under’an onk tree, in Ronbrandt lighting, Peter's mother, Mona, is reading in an invalid chair. Petor and Verdoux are in tho foreground of shot. The boy cautions his father to stop. PETER Hidel She hasn't soen you yet. He pushes his fathor out of sight.. From the passage THE CAWERA MOVES IN on Verdoux's wife to CLOSE UP, showing braces on her legs «.. thon PANS UP to a beautiful, sensitive face of a woman about thirty-five. : PETER'S VOICE Mama ! MONA (without looking. up from book) What is it, Poter? 122, 123 1e4, 125, Sl. CLOSEUP OF PETER PETER Look t CLOSEUP OF MONA as she looks up and lights into a radiant smile. MONA Henril CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX (approaching) Many happy roturns, Mona. CLOSE TWO SHOT = MONA AND VERDOUX MONA (puzzles ) Happy returns? VERDOUX Surely you haven't forgotton se. this is the 24th ... our wedding anniversary, Ten yoars ago today, ny dear. MONA Good heavenst ..,. of course, VERDOUX You see, I have more sentiment about those things than you have. MONA Henrit (embracing him) Ton yoars ... wonderful years. VERDOUX Thank you, my dear. 126, 7. 52. CLOSE PWO SHOT = MONA AND PETER Peter 1s watching them with a kitten in his arms. PEVER Did you bring her a present? MONA Peter} PETER Well, women like those things. MONA Women don't like little boys to be precocious, PETER What does that mean? MONA Children who know more than they should. PETER Then I can stay away from school for a while. MOWA You're not that precocious. CLOSE THREE SHOT - MONA, PEVER AND VERDOUX VERDOUX However, I did bring her a present. (handing her deed to house) MONA (overcome ) Oh, Honrd ... this 1s wonderfull VERDOUX That, they will never take away fran us, PELER (enthusiastically) What did you got, Mama? (CONTINUED ) 127. (CONTINUED ) MONA The deed to this beautiful house and garden. . PETER Oh «++ I thought we already owned this. Mowa No, but we do now. There is a silonco. Mona and Henra glance at each other, amused. VERDOUX You don't seom very enthusiastic, young man. PETER Iwas hoping it might be something she could wear, VERDOUX What, fa instance? PETER (thoughtfully ) I'd like to seo her with a beautiful, diamond~studded halo .., (making gesture over his head) VERD OUX (as he and Mona laugh) Hell, I wouldntt ... at least, not for a long time yet. VorcE Potert Peter} 128, LONGER sHot WONA There's Jeannotte. Run along now and get ready for suppors Jeannette enters and takes Peter's hand. (CONPINUED) a e 54, 1286 (CONTINUED ) PETER Can't I dine with you and Daddy? Mona looks at Verdoux for approval. VERDOUX Tonight? see. yous PETER (as he's led into house) I'm dining with Mama and Daddy tonight. (his voice trails off) 129. CLOSE TWO SHOT - MONA AND VERDOUX VERDOUK oh, what a relicf to get away from the jungle fight. WONA (smiles to herself, as sho knits) The jungle fight ... you're tired, Henri, VERDOUX (abstractedly ) I suppose I am .s. Oh, Well, two moro years at this bisinosa, and with a little luck, I!11 be able to retire. MONA Bat if it means losing your health, I!d sooner go back to living in one room agains VERDOUX That you will never do. MONA But we were happy thon, VERDOUX Aren't we now? (CONTINUED) 556 (CONTINUED MONA Of course, but oe. . VERDOUX But what? MONA I worry avout you, Henri, VERDOUX (smiles tenderly) That's the least of al] things I wish to do, MONA It's your state cf mind, VERDO UX, What's wrong with it? MONA You scom so desperate about everything. OF VERD@X ‘VERDOUX These are desporate days, my dear millions starving and unomployod. is not an casy task for a man of my age to make a living. OF MONA MONA I know it, (anxiously) But if you'd only take me into your conf idence, CLOSE TWO SHOT VERDOUX (alert ) What about? (CoP INUED) 182. (CONTINUED) MONA oh, many things ... I might be ablo to’ help. |. VERDOUX (ténder ly ) You do. MONA But I mean «.. in your work, VERDOUX Oh, no see that's essentially a man's problem. ‘ MONA How do you know? VERD UX Itm positive, However ces Starts wheeling hor in CLOS# UP toward house. VERDC X When the world looks srim and dark, I think of another world «+. you and Peter ... all that I love on this earth MUSIC DISSOLVE TO: § LIVING ROOM = DAY 133. INT. MONA Fireplace loft, where CAMERA IS SET UP to photograph door on right, through which Verdoux wheels Mona, CANERA PANS WITH HIM’as ho wheels her chair to side of fire~ place, placing Mona in foreground - her back to camora. Peter, who is sitting with cat before fireplace, gots up as his mother is being wheeled into position and comes toward her, facing camera. (CONTINUED) 133. 1356 1566 13% 57. (CONTINUED ) PETER Gan I help, Mama? . MONA You can got the evening paper and your fathor's slippers. PETER Thoy!'re heres He goos to his father who, by now, has sat down in the armchair opposite Mona. CAMERA MOVES INTO FULL LENGTH suoT of Verdoux and Poter, who starts unlacing Verdoux's shoes. PETER I got them before Daddy came home + CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX as he sniffs: VERDOUX Do I smell meat cooking? CLOSE UP OF MONA knitting. MONA Yes, Henri w+. you wanted company for dinner. VERDOUX'S VOICE Of course «+s TWO SHOT OF VERDOUX AND PETER who is looking up at his father while unlacing his shoes. PETER Way don't we eat meat, Daddy? (CONTINUED) 1ST 158 6 139 58. (CONTINUED ) CLOSE UP VERDOUX Because wo are vogetarians, my Sonee. Aro the Bottellos coming? MONA'S VOICE Yes. VERDOUX Good. PETER Who are the Bottellos, Daddy? VERD UX You imow the Pottellos ... the gentloman who owns tho drug store. He's my very good friend. OF MONA MONA (remember ing } Oh, yes ++. and the ‘irner's called $0 ask if. you would orficiate at tho Church Bazaar next Wednesday. THREE SHO? - LONGER = NONA, PETER AND VERDOUX VERDOUX Itm sorry ..,» I!m leaving for Lyons the first’ thing in the mornings MONA oh, so soon? VERDOUX Business is business, my dear. As a matter of fact, I should have been there two days ago. Peter, where did you put the paper? PETER You're sitting on it, Daddy. (CONTINUED) 1596 140. 141. 142, (CONTINUED) VERDOUX Oh, yoo os, takos it from under him) MONA Give it to me, Henri, and rest your eyos. Verdoux hands paper to Peter, who gives it to his mother. Mona (reading) "Depression world-wide «.. unemploy= ment spreads throughout all nations." VERDOUX Enough! It's too depressing. CLOSE UP OF MONA MONA (puts paper down) dust think, Henri... how fortunate you are eee CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX (musing up at ceiling) Yes, I have a job «.. and when I've lost one, I've always had the good fortune to find another. He looks down at Peters CLOSE SHOT OF PETER seated on the rug before the fire, stroking the cat. He is in doep thought. VERDOUX'S VOICE And what's on your mind, young man? PETER Iwas thinking ... I shall drop a line to Santa Claus. 1436 144. 145. 1466 14% 1486 1496 CLOSE UP CLOSE UP CLOSE UP CLOSE UP CLOSE UP CLOSE UP CLOSE UP He turns OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Isn't it a little carly? OF PETER . PETER oh, I'm not asking him for anything just a friendly letter, that's all, OF VERDOUX VERDOUX (mowingly) Hmm ... I sees OF PETER PETER What sort of a man is he, Daddy? OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Santa Claus? Very generous ... to the rich. Personally I dm't care for him. OF PETER PETER Way, Daddy? ' (playing with cat) OF VERDOUX VERDOUX (amused at his own wit) He's a snob ys. 8 social climber as far as chimnoys are concerned. to see Peter pick up the cat by its tail. 60. 150.6 15le 1524 1556 154, 6l. CLOSE UP OF PETER as he docs so. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Peter, don't pull the cat's tail. You have a cruel streak in you. I don't know where you got it. CLOSE UP OF PETER’ PETER I'm only playing with him, He likes CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUZ Ho doesntt 4.. you hurt him. You pley too rough. Remenber, violence begets violonce, Bell rings. VERDOUX, That must be the Bottellos. He gets up, looks in mirror and AS HE EXITS TO HALLWAY Camera PULLS BACK AND PANS WITH HIM. The Bottellos have entered. The Maid is taking Martha's wraps and Maurice is taking off his overcoat, lie is the village druggist - small in stature, eccentric look= ing, erudite and fond of the terminology of his pro~ fession, Ime. Bottello is a fat, lugubrious woman who answers in monosyllables, Sho just sits and waits for things to be over with. Verdoux enters. VERD GX Ah, Martha . 62. 155, CLOSE UP OF MARTHA as Verdoux Icisses her hand. VERDOUX And, Maurice ... my dear fellow ... delighted +to see you, upon my word, to bo sure. 1564 CLOSE UP OF BOTTELLO. BOTTELLO You're quite a stranger, Henri ++. CAMERA DOLLIES WITH THEM AS THEY ENTER 157, LIVING ROOM = FULL SHOT VERDOUX Yes, yos ++. Itm afraid 50. 158. SEMI CLOSE UP OF MONA AND MARTHA MONA My dear Martha ... MARTHA, Hello ... how are you? MONA Peter, bring Mme. Bottello's chair close to mes MARTHA Thank yous 1596 LONGER SHOT as Peter brings chair, Martha sits and remains inanimate. Maurice comes over to Mona. MONA (+o him) Well, Maurice? BOTTELLO How 4s your cold? (CONTINUED) (CONTINUED) MONA I'm all over it now. . BOLTELLO Did you take those pills? MONA (guiltily) Woll eee BOPTELLO Ah, you didn't .., but you should. Thoytre analeptic and will restore your strength. VERDOUX (joining them) My dear Maurice, you must know what a crank she is about taking medicines BOPTELLO Thoy won't hurt her. I give them to Martha all the time. She's the guinea pig of the family. LONG SHOT Maid onters. MAID Dinner is served, madame. BOTTELLO Well, Henri ... and how's business? VERDOUX Oh, very good ... very good. Vory busy these days ... very busy. BOTTELLO Nevertheless, I hope youtll be with us a little longer this time. VERDOUX No, Maurice ... unfortunately I am leaving the first thing in the morning» (DISSOLVE TO: 161s 1625 1640 166. 167, 646 DISSOLVE TO: bay DISSOLVE TO: It's shrill noise morges into Annabella's laughtor. DISSOLVE TO: cu UP _oP laughing. She is an ex-waitress of the "Stella Dallas" typo - a ridiculous, stupid woman of forty, CAMERA PULLS BACK StOWING ANNABELLA'S LIVING ROOM - FULL SOT - DAY The room is furnished in a cheap, baroque style. Camera takes in Annabella and hor two guests - Vicki Darmond and her husband, Joe - cheap, race-track touts, All have been drinking. As Annabella's laughter subsides, she empties her glass,gets up and rings bell. ANNABELLA That's the best yet. I must tell that to tne Captain when he comes. CLOSE UP OF JOE AND VICKI JOE When does he got in? CLOSE UP OF ANNABELLA ANNABELLA He's due at aix on the Lyons Express. 168. 1696 1706 Ile 12. THREE SHOT - ANNABELLA, VICKI AND JOE JOB It's almost that now, Wo'd better blow. ANNABELLA, What's your hurry? Let's have another drink first. LONGER Sior as she gots up and gocs to door, CLOSE SHOT ~ VICKI AND JOE as he surreptitiously gives Vicki the sign to go. LONGER Sior ANNABELLA What's happened to that maid? (shouts ) Annette t (turning to Joe and Vicks) Pardon me a moment. She exits to kitchen. INT, KITCHEN - FULL SHOT Amabella onters. The maid, a dirty blonde, brow-beaten and over-worked, is eating her dinner. Annabella goes straight to cupboard as she talks: ANNABELLA Are you deaf? I've been shouting my langs out, MAID I didn't hear you, madame. ANNABELLA ” You didn't want to hear. She takes a bottle of brandy from the cupboard and approaches table. 1736 74s 1756 66. CLOSE TWO SHOT - ANNABELLA AND MAID ANNABELLA Hmm lamb chops. What became of the fish left over from lunch? WAID I threw it out, mdamo .., thore wasntt much left. ANNABELLA Enough for your dinner .., throwing food away in timos like theses MAID I'm sorry, madame, but I can't eat fish. ANNABELLA Oh, you can't eh? Well, therets plenty who can, So you can pack up and got out. As she starts toward living room, CAMERA FOLLOWS HER. ANNABELLA (talking to herself) I like that... lamb chops for lunch. Next 1t'11 be grilled steaks ... not satisfied with lamb chops ss LIVING ROOM ~ FULL sHor as Annabella enters: ANNABELLA She wants grilled steaks, vickr What's the trouble? CLOSER THREE SHOT = ANNABELLA, VICKI.AND JOB ANNABELLA oh, these servants. VICKI They're a problem. ANNABELLA, Well, this one ain't. Shets out on her ear, And now the Captain will be home and I haven't a servant. (CONTINUED ) or. 1756 (CONTINUED ) JOE Wo'd better blow, Annabella. ANNABELLA Why? VICKI We don't want to be in the way. After all, you haven't seen him in six woeks. ANNABELLA Don't be silly ... he won't bite. Besides, you havent told my fortune yet. Come on, Vicki. Vicki looks at Joe who shrugs,"what oan wo do?" JOR Well, we'll stay till he comes. Vicki hands cards to Annabella who shuffles them. 1766 CLOSE THREE SHOT - ANOTHER ANGLE. VICKI How cut them three timos. (Annabella does so) JOE How long is the Captain ashore, Annabolla? ANNABELLA Just a wok then he's off again. During following conversation, Vicki picks up cards and studies thom, VICKT For anothor six weeks, oh? ANNABELLA (nods ) Yess (CONTINUED ) 68, 176. (CONTINUED) VICKI I can soe where that has its good points. ANNABELLA Ihaven't got to that stage yot. MAID (onters ) M. Challain is on the telephone. ANNABELLA Toll him I?m out. Waid exits, ANNABELLA That mants beon pestering the life cat of mo. JOB What's he after? ANNABELEA Wants mo to buy stock ... it's an invention for turning salt water into gasolino. JOB They won't leave you alone, eh? ANNABELLA Evor since I won the lottery, I get hundreds of them. VICKI I'd be careful, if I were you. ANNABELLA Don't worry ... they'll have to como down ina parachute to put anything over on mo. (CONTINUED ) 696 1166 (CONTINUED ) JO (ancrodibly) Turning sglt water into gasolinet ANNABELLA (seriously) Although I think he's got an idea theres Joo "takes it bige" VICKI (looking at cards) Look at this girl's luck! No wonder she won a lottery. ANNABELIA Do I win another? VICKI I wouldn't be at all surprised. She turns over last pile. On top is the ace of spades. Annabella is quick to notice it before Vicki spreads ecards in her hand. ANNABELLA The ace of spades «+. that ain't so lucky! That's the death cards VICKI Dont worry. If you slipped on a banana peel with your neck out of joint, with your luck, the fall would straighten it. Doorbell rings. 177% 6 LONGER SHOT ANNABELLA, That's the Captain! She exits quickly toward front door, CAMERA PANNING WITH HER TO 10. 178. INT, HALLWAY SHOWING FRONT DOOR ~ FULL SHOT Annabella enters and opons door, It 4s the Captain. (Vordoux) 179. DOGRWAY = FULL sHoT As Verdoux enters, shooting over Annabella's shoulder, showing him resplondent in his uniform. 180. TWO SHOP ~ ANNABELLA AND VERDOUX ANNABSLLA Louist} ss. my pigoon. He takes her in his arms. VERDOUX (with decorum) Annabelia 3 (she pushes him away) ANNABELLA, Knmm .. you look so fresh and salty se. DOLLY WITH THEM as she lugs him by hand into 161. INT. SITTING ROOM ~ FULL SHOT ANNABELLA Come s+. meet a couple of friends of mino s. Vicki, this is Captain Bonheur ... Itvo forgotten your married name s+. VICKI Darmond «+. just call me Vickie VERDOUX How do you do? ANNABELLA And this ls Joe Darmonds Verdoux vows silently to Joe. (CONTINUED ) 71. 161. (CONTINUED) JOB How do you do? (to. Annabella) Well, wotd bettor blow. (to Verdoux ) Pardon me, I mean «.. beat it. Pleased to meet you, Captain, VICKI (nudging Joe) Bonheur's the name. JOE Bonheur? Well, all's I can say 18 wee bon soire PAN WITH ANNAEELLA as she shows them to door = thon returns to Verdoux.s 1826 CLOSE TWO SHOT = ANNABELLA.AND VERDOUX ANNABELLA Pigeont VERDOUX Who are those poople? ANNABELLA Friends of mine. I mot thom at the races. VERDOUX Be careful ..- you're too accessiblo. Romomber, you can always stoop and pick up nothing. ANNABELLA Never mind them, How come you're two days late? VERDOUX Sorry, my lamb .., but coming up the straits, a sou'twester blew up on the portsidd and landed us on a mud bank, and we had to wait for high tide before wo could got off again. Annabella feigns interest, but has other things on her mind. (CONTINUED ) We 182. (CONTINUED ) ANNABELLA oh, that's too bad... But tell mo, have you been good? VERDOUX What a questiont ANNABELLA You heventt been carrying on with any of those native girls. VERDOUX How could you think of such a thing? ANNABELLA (satanically) When youtro' away I think of all sorts of things. VERDOUX (mildly reproaching) There's the Gifference ... all I think of is you, ANNABELLA Wo kiddins VERDOUX Every monont ... in the cabin ... on the bridge +s. even on the poop deck, you were always in my mind ... wondering what you were Going - whon you were seeing. ANNABELLA (embracing him) Pigeont VERDOUX (carriod away) Then alone at night .., under a canopy of tropical stars, with the gentle strains of a Viennese waltz coming from the salon s+. ANNABELLA Music? Ona cargo boat? VERDOUX (quickly) Oh, yes ove Wo nave a Padlo wee (confused ) Oh, yes ees, now you've interrupted my thought « (CONTINUED ) 1826 TS 6 (CONTINUED ) ANNABELLA You were thinking of mo. . VERDOUX . You? Of course c., ah, yoS, yous wee I would dream of these adorable arms (running his hand down her arm) and honda s+. (coming to her hands and squeezing them) and this ove His hand slides up to a wisp of hair at the nape of her neck «es VEKDOUX (continuing) This provoking, adorable little wisp +.. let me kiss you there. He kisses the back of her neck and grimacese ANNABELLA on, I wish you didntt have to go to sea again. VERD OX So do I, my love. I much prefer to stay at home and look after you. ANNABELLA Thon why don't you? VERD OX My dear, I must earn a living. ‘That's very difficult these days. ; ANNABELLA But I have monoy. VERDOUX Quite so, but I could never so degradé myself as to accept money from you vee you Imow that .. She smiles admiringly at him, 74. ANOTHER ANGIE » TWO SHOT ANNABELLA Him sees VERDOUX Unless, of courso, I carncd it in which case I could make you a lot of monoys ANNABELLA What do you mean? VERDOUX I mean thet if I were allowed to handle your business affairs, I could double your fortunes ANNABELLA (very suspiciously) Uh, uh ... I can handle my own affairs. VERDOUX Itm sorry, my doar ,. I can't agree with you. ANNABELLA (trritably) We've been through 111 this before, VERDOUX The trouble is, you don't trust mos ANNABELLA I trust you, but . VERD OX You don't ... you don't! That's what hurts! That's what mara our happiness. You trust everyone but me. Other people ean cheat you vs. rob you ss. sell you anything ... any phoney proposition and you'll bite ws. ANNABELLA What do you Imo about business? (CONTINUED) 183. 1646 185. 156 (CONTINUED ) . VERDOUX Emphatically move than you do, my dears ANNABELLA CLOSE UP The last time you wore ‘homo, you came barging in here, tolling mo all the banka wero going broke es. OF VERDOUX ANNABELLA'S VOL CE Getting mo all horsed up about bring= ing my money home hore. It's a good job I didn't. VERDOUX Very woll, thon «.. wetll forgot it. ANNABELLA'S VOCE How dontt get mad. VERDOUX (with quiet dignity) I'm not "mad", Annabella. I'm meroly trying to seve you fram squandoring what littlo money you have left on these ridiculous entorprisos ... stocks that are worthless ... CLOSE TWO SHOP - ANNABELLA AND VERDOUX ANNABELLA They're not al1 worthless. VERDOUX ALL of thome ANNABELLA I still have faith in the Pacific Ocean Power Compaky+ (CONTINUED ) 16. 185. (CONTINUED ) VERDOUX Good heavens! .., another one? ANNABELLA I've told you ... it's a mohine that floats on waves, When it rocks like this (making rocking motion with her wrist It turns wheels like that ... (with other hand, rotates hor index finger} and that makes oloctricity. VERDOUX, And what happens when the sea is calm? ANNABELLA Oh, don't bo such a pessimist. VERDOUX That's what I mean ... wasting your money on sheer nonsenso, Here's ine flation. Soon money will bo worthless, and what have you done about it? ANNABELLA (just to pacify him) What do you want me to do? VERDOUX Invest wisely ... safely, at loast oes something that hes real valuc ... land, houses or better still, jewelry. He is about to reach in his inside pocket. ANNABELLA (snaps hor fingers) Ha, ha ... that's funny. VERDOUX En? ANNABELLA That's just what I dids (CONTINUED) Te 185+ (CONTINUED) (2) VERDOUX What aia you aid? ANNABELLA I bought jewelry ... diamonds. VERDOUX Where did you buy them? ANNABELLA From a friend of mines VERDOUX A friend of yours? ANNABELLA Now don't got panicky o. from Joo v- Vicki's husband », tho peoplo who just left. VERDOUX But that's not the way to buy jewelry. ANNABELDA Don't be silly .». heis a "fence" ce deals in "hot stuff." I got a real bargain diamonds that 810 s+. ndicat ing ) a hundred and eighty karats worth for 20,000 francs. VERDOUX You couldn't buy glass at that price. ANNABELIA, This gal did - and not glass either. VERDOUX How do you know? ANNABELLA Are you oub of your mind? She roaches down into bodice, bringing out bag and empties out the atonose (CONTINUED ) 185. 1666 186 (CONT INUED ) VERDOUX Lot me have a look at thems ANNABELLA The dirty crookst If they've double~crossed me ++. no Wonder they wanted to leave ina hurry. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX I'll soon tell you whether you! re dowble-crossed or not. From his waistcoat pocket he produces a jewelerts magnifying glass which he puts in his eye s+. picks up stones... VERDOUX Just as I thought ... phoney (picks up anothor ) Glass, you silly ass ... glasst She screams and faints. DISSOLVE TO: 187. CLOSE UP STRIKING Camera PULLS BACK TO FULL SHOT OF SANE ROOM with Verdoux pacing wp and down, Tho clock terminates on the stroke of seven. VERDOUX (Looking at wateh) Seven ofclock «+. I must catch that 8.15. ANNABELLA You're not leaving! VERDOUX I'm tho captein of a boat. I cantt stay away from it while it's in repairs » ANNABELLA Repairs? VERDOUX Of course ... it's up in dry dock, ANNABELLA (breaks into tears again) And I'm to be left alone 4... not even a servant in the house. VERDOUX Teantt help that. ANNABELLA (emotionally) Why did you come home in the first place? VERDOUX To save you fro crooks ... swindlers, people who are trying to rob you. ANNABELLA I'll put them in jaill 188. 189, 1906 igl, 1926 PAN SHOT PAY WITH TWO SHOT CLOSE UP CLOSE UP CLOSE UP 80. OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Oh, no, you won't, You thought you wore buying stolen goods. (spitefully) That's what you get for boing dishonest, HIM as he paces floor, VERDOUX 50,000 francs you've spent, and what have you to show for 1t? Nothing ... not a thing of value but this house. And they'll take this away from you with all the logal complications you get into. ~ VERDOUX AND ANNABELLA ANNABELLA Oh, no +. they won't. VERDOUX Oh, yes .. they will. ANNABELLA Oh, no eee they won't. It's in your names OF VERDOUX VERDOUX What? MUSIC ATTACK OF ANNABELLA ANNABELLA I did that a week ago whon they tried to attach my bank account. OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Your bank account? 1936 194. 195. 1965 1976 1986 él. CLOSE UP OF ANNABELLA ANNABELLA Don't worry. They didn't got it. I took my money out and I've got it all safely hidden away. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Hero? In tho house? TWO SHO - ANNABELLA AND VERDOUX ANNABELLA Well, it doesn't matter where 1t is, Nobody will ever find it. VERD GTX (indignantly) There you go again es. you're always suspicious. ANNABELLA Oh, no, I'm not, doar. It's just my defonse mechanism, that's all. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX = PAN SHOT A blank, dreamy expression comes over his face. While he is thoughtfully walking up and down, CLOSE UP OF ANNABELLA as she is trying on hats, She puts one on, CLOSE TWO SHOT = ANNABELLA AND VERDOUX The hat is atrocious. Verdoux, from his revory, looks up and soes it. Ho "takes it big." Annabella smiles, ANNABELLA How do you like it? VERDOUX Let me see the other. Sho puts it on, but it is worse. (CONTINUED ) 198. 199, 2006 82. (ConrTIUED ) ANNABELLA There t VERDOUX I like the first better (after a pause) CLOSE UP OF VERDCUX VERDOUX Iwas just thinking... I hate to leave you in this house alone. CLOSE TWO SHOP = ANNABELLA AND VERDOUX ANNABELLA Thon why don't you stay? VERDOUX I suppose I could go in the morning. ANNABBLLA Why don't you? We can go places and do things, Wo'll havo a wonderful timo. VERDOUX You're right! Captain or no Captain, Itm not going to leave you here along tonight. ANNA BELLA (embracing him) Darling! MUSIC DISSOLVE TO: 201. 2025 2036 834 NIGHD BOOM On an olevated stage, six show girls are dancing a fronzicd can~can, and patrons are doing the same on tho dance floor, Tae tempo is madly gaye Mon have women's hats on and the women vice versa. One man has a lady's hat tippod over his eyes, exposing the back of his bald heads FULL SHO? ~ ANNAPELLA AND VRRDCUX - DOLLY As Annabella dances with Verdoux, she draws a face on the bald head with hor lipstick, Whon the music ceases, Anmbella and Verdoux sit down at their table. CAMERA MOVES IN TO CLOSER SHOT. AT TABLE Suddenly Verdoux remombers something and gets up. ANNABELLA What ie 1b? VERDOUX I must send a telegram to the boat. ANNABELLA Don't be long. VERDOUX It'll only take a minute, Thore's a druggist next door. ANNABELLA A druggist? VERDOUX I mean, a telegraph office, PAN WITH VERDOUX AS HE EXITS DISSOLVE TO: 2046 205 206. 84. L SuCt = NIGHT INTERIOR OF DiUG STORE MUSIC OF THE CABARET CARRIES OVER, as this scone ts done entirely in pantomime, Verdoux enters and tolls something to tho druggist who reaches up to a shelf. INSERT OF SHELF WITH SEVERAL DRUG BOTTLES The drageist's hand reaches up and takes chloroform bottle, pouring its contents into a sml1l one. DISSOLVE TO: INSERT OF SMALL BOTTLE BEING WRAPPED. Camera PULLS BACK showing it being handed to Vordoux who smiles sweetly and exits. DISSOLVE TO: 2075 LONG OF CABARET = PAN with Vordoux as he walks to his table, CAMERA TRUCKS up to closer shot as he arrives there, finding a strange man seated with Annabella, He looks inquiring}y from one to the other. ANNABELLA . (a little "tight") Oh, Louis «. this is N. Challain «.. (to Challain) My husband ... Capt. Bonheur. VERDOUX (coldly) How do you do? CHALLAIN (ingratiatingly) Iam the president of the Salt Water Fuel Company. VERDOUX The what? Waiter approaches, presenting Annabella with a check, WAITER A blank check, madame. VERDOUX What is this? ANNABELLA (writing check in grand manner) A personal matter, my dear, CHALLAIN (cheerfully) Something that might interest you, Monsieur ... a device for turning salt water into gasoline. Annabelle hands check to Challain. VERDOUX Give me that check. He snatches it and tears it up. CHALLAIN How dare you, sir? 208. 2096 210. 86. LONG SHor As Verdoux slaps Challain's face, Challain slaps Vordoux. Verdoux pushes him, tables overturn, general confusioners. DISSOLVE TO: SINT, ANNABELLA'S BEDROOM ~ NIGHT She is in bed, half asleep. Verdoux is seated in an armchair watching her, CAMERA MOVES IN TO CLOSER SHOT. ANNABELLA Dontt you ever dare humiliate mo in public again. VERDOUX I saved you from making a fool of yarselfs ANNABELLA I'm not so dumb! TI won a lottery ve that's more than you can do. VERDOUX (with disgust ) Turning sea water into gasoline. Of all the ineffable nonsense. ANNABELLA If itts a success, wo!ll ow the ocean, that's all. VERDOUX Preposterous. ANNABELLA Oh, go to bed. I want to sleep. There is a pause. CAMERA MOVES INTO A CLOSE-UP OF VERDOUX He turns cautiously and watches Annabella. VERDOUX Very well, my dear ... good night. CLOSE UP OF ANNABELLA She doosn't answer, She is asleep. all. ele. 213. 214. 2156 81. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX Stealthily ho takes off his silk scarf and lays it across his knees, Then froma pocket, he takes a pad of cotton wool and Jays it across the scarf. From the same pocket he takes a bottle of chloroform. While unscrewing it, Annabella suddenly snores. Startled, he puts tho chloroform back in his pockets Satisfied she 1s asleop, ho again unscrows it, gots up, scarf in one hand, chloroform in other, and as CAMERA TRAVELS WITH HIM, cautiously croops towards Annabellats bed. Suddenly a noiao is hoard downstairs. The front door is heard opening and closing. Verdoux stops, frozen, Quickly he shoves the chloroform and gag in his pocket. Footsteps are heard creaking up the stairs, CAWERA TRAVELS WITH HIM as he switches off light, then creeps to door to listen, Someone is in the hall. Quietly he opens the door, In the din light he sees a woman creeping along the passages SHOT OF THE WOMAN AS SEEN FROM VERDOUX'S ANGLE. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Who are you? CLOSE UP OF WOMAN WOMAN (stops, abruptly) I'm the maid, sir. WO SHOT = VERDOUX AND WOMAN VERDOUX What do you want? WOMAN I thought maybe I could sleep here tonight. VERDOUX But you were discharged. WOMAN I know, but I haven't anywhere to toy (CONTINUED) 886 2156 (CON INUED) ANNABELLA'S VOICE Who is it? VERD UX It's the maid. ANNABELLA'S VOICE What does she want? VERDOUX Sho wants to stay tho night. WOMAN Please, madame, I'll leave in the morning « ANNABELLA'S VOICE All right «.. let her stay. WOMAN Thank you, madame. DISSOLVE TO: 89. 2166 INT, ANNABELLA'S SIPPING ROOM - FULL SHOT = DAY Annabella house dre and Verdoux are having breakfast, she in a ss, he fully dressed. The maid ontors with a frosh pot of coffee which she puts on the table, then exits. DOLLY IN ANNABELLA More coffee? TO CLOSER TWO SHOT VERDOUX No, thank you, my dear «+. (pauses) I thought you discharged her. ANNABELLA (weary of her own generosity) I've changed my minds VERDOUX (impatiently) Why? ANNABELLA (philosophically) Well, that's me .. I just haventt the heart. Besides, I could never get anyone else to work as cheap. CLOCK STRIKES EIGHT. VERDOUX I've just ten minutes to catch that trains He hurriedly sips his coffoo. ANNABELLA When am I going to see you again? VERDOUX I'll try and get back before the boat sails. However, I'll let you knowee. DISSOLVE TO: e217. 218. 90. STOCK SHOT OF PARIS.= EIFFEL TOWER IN B.G. DISSOLVE TO: INTERIOR OF VERDOUX'S WAREHOSE - FULL SHOT - DAY DOLLY SHOT as Verdoux and Duval walk slowly around Yoom filled with old furniture, looking it ovor. DUVAL Nover in history has there been such a depression. In America, they tell me, multi-millionaires are selling apples on the street, (pointing to piano) What's that .., a Steinway? VERDOUX Yess DUVAL But who's buying pianos when you can listen to a radio? (points to chair) Those chairs ... antique? VERDOUX ' Louis Quinze. DUVAL The trouble is, people haven't enough to buy broad .,, lot alone furniture, He pauses to look at pictures on wall. DUVAL 4h, Perinesian prints, eh? VERD WX, Yess DUVAL (genuine enthusiasm) Beautifull Superbi Too bad people don't approciate art ... Lot me seo the jewelry again, (Cowr INUED ) 2186 gl. (CONTINUED) VERDOUX (coldly) Very wolle Ho takes jewels out of his inside pocket and placos them on table. Duval sticks jeweler's glass in his eye and examines them. DUVAL These had a value at one time seo even tho pawnbrokers don't want them now, How much for everything. VERDOUX 70,000 francs. DUVAL Please s+. don't bo fantastic. TI didn't hear you. VERDOUX 70,000 francs. DUVAL For the Palace of Versailles, I wouldn't give 70,000 francs. VERD OUX I've no doubt. Good day, Monsieur Duval. DUVAL Wait ©. you don't expect me to say "yos" right away, do you? You want 70,000. I've got 25. What can we do? VERDOUK (coldly) 70,000 francs or nothings Duval produces his chock book and starts to make out checks (CONTINUED ) 218. 219. 220. 926 (CoN? INUED) DUVAL (complainingly ) What's tho difference? You!11 only lose it on the stock market. You might as well lot me buy it 7 ata bargsine ‘VERDOUX My dear follow - whatever you buy is always a bargain. Duval hands him chock and Verdoux gives him the Jewelry. DUVAL (as he exits) I'll send for tho furniture ina day or so. VERDOUX (as he goes upstairs) Don't leave it too long. I need the room. Im expecting anothor shipment very shortly. ~—— DUVAL Busy these days, oh? IND, VERDCUX'S OFFI iL SHor He enters, goes to his desk and CAMERA PANS AND MOVES INTO CLOSE SHOT as he opens loft drawer, looking for something. Ho takes out several photographs of middlo~ aged women, looks at them, tears them up dispassionatelyy, and throws them into waste basket. Then he ope :s right drawor, It's what ho wanted - the telephone book. Quickly he thumbs pages, coming to "G", INSERT PAGE "G" IN TELEPHONE BOOK his finger running down the. page as he says: VERDOUX G@ -G = Gro « Gro = Grosnay sso His finger comes to number. 2216 CLOSE OF VERDOUX with the open telephone book: VERDOUX Ah, Madame Grosnay ease (he picks up telephone) Hollo? 3201, please ... hello? Hos Madame Grosnay returned to tom yet? Oh, she has? ».. This is Benedict's, the dressmaker os. she's out now? When will sho return? eeeel2.30? Thank you eve no, there's no messages He hangs up receiver, looks at telephone book and writes Mme. Grosnay'!s addross in his black book. 222. INSERT As Verdoux writes + "321 Rue de Cliche" .... DISSOLVE TO: 2230 2256 2266 2276 OMITTED OMITTED OMITTED OMIITED. DISSOLVE TOs 94/956 2284 229. 2300 96, Ion LOWER SICT - LONG SiOT = DAY Vordoux jauntily comes along Boulevard and enters. INTERIOR FLOWER SHOP ~ LONG sioT A flower girl, vory protty - about 18 = is behind counter. GIRL Good morning, Monsieur. DOLLY IN TO CLOSE TWO SHOT VERDOUX I want to order three dozen roses and_a corsage of orchids .,. about half a dozen, and send thom'to Kmo. Grosnay, 521 Ruo de Cliche . Girl writes down address, GIRL Merci, Monsieur ... 0 card? VERDOUX Give me fives Gira Oud, Monsieur, (gives him five cards ) VERDOUX I want to ropoat this ordor twico a week for the next two weeks. INSERT OF VERDOUX WRITING CARDS following dialogue coming over:- Verdoux writes: "Please forgive = V," GIRL'S VOICE oul, Monsieur. Verdoux continues to write, "Sorry = V," = "Eternally sorry," = "Please forgive me” ... "Please i" VERDCUX'S VO ICE How much will that be? (CONTINUED ) 231. 2526 O7. (CONT INUED ) : GIRL'S VOICE Lot me sce +4. that will be five orders altogother ,.. two hundred and sevonty francs, Monsieur. ‘TWO SHOT = VERDOUX AND GIRL As Verdoux takes out money and pays VERDOUX, Keep the change. GIRL Meret, Monsieur, Verdoux exits, DISSOLVE TO: NING GINE WHEELS DISSOLVE TO: 2356 2346 98. CLOSE UP OF MONA = NIGHT CAMERA PULLS BACK AS SHE SPEAKS TO LIVING ROOM Revealing Verdoux and tho Bot tellos sitting around the fire at the farm. They have just finished dinner. MONA Another cordial, Martha? MARTHA Thanks « MONA Maurice? BOTTELLO Thank you, Mona, Verdoux hands cordial to Bottello. Before sitting down, he places a pad and pencil on a small table in back of his chairs . BOTTELLO Woll, Henri, I hope we'll be seoing more of you. Verdoux, relaxed in an arm chair, is very preoccupied so Mona answers for him. MONA You never will, Maurice ... he must be on the’ go every minutes CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDCUX Unfortunately one gets caught up in this monoxide world of speed and confusion. Nevertheless, I look forward to these quiet evenings together, and your delightful and edifying talks on theurgic matters, the legerdemain of the apothecary, as it were 235. 2566 237. 996 CLOSE TWO SHOT - VERDOUX AND BOP TELLO CLOSE UP CLOSE UP BOPTELLO You should have been a chemist, Henri. . ‘VERDOUX Chemistry, my dear follow, is the material manifestation of the metaphysical. - BOTTELLO (laughs ) Youtre a mystic. VERDOUX Do you remember s+. oh, some time ago = discussing a mothod of doing away with dumb animals? BOTTELLO Very distinctly. OF VERDOUX VERDOUX A lethal formule for veterinary work .. no pain, no convulsions 4.» absolutely tasteless, The creature drinks it, and in about an hour, curls up into a comfortable sleep and dies. BOTTELLO'S VOICE (proudly ) What a menory you havet VERDOUX You were experimenting with three elements 4. as I remenbor = cyanide, othyl bromide and something else. OF BOTTELLO BOTTELLO Yes, very interesting, pharmaceutically. Ethyl bromide induces asphyxia, but in order to delay the erodent attion of cyanide, C2HC was added. 238. 2396 2406 241. 100. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Ah «e+ CHC wee Verdoux's hand disappears over the back of the chair, camera following - to the pad and pencil hidden fram views INSERT as Verdoux writes, "C2HO" seo CLOSE TWO SHOT VERDOJX AND BOTTELLO BOI ELLO A freezing agent .. the results.are interesting. When swallowed, tissue changes are gradual. In about an hour the action of the cyanide takes place. It's effect is like heart disease w+. a systolic cramp and pouft (snaps his fingers) VERDOUX What have you done about it? BOSTELLO Nothing. The State Medical Department banned it. VERDOUX Why? CLOSE UP OF BOTTELLO BOTTELLO Too dangerous for public use. Strange enough, in a post-mortem not a trace of poison can be detected, neither in the stomach nor the blood. Can you imagine such a weapon in the hands of an arch criminal? 242. 2456 2446 BAB, lol. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Think of the money he'd make from insurance.companies? CLOSE UP OF BOTTELLO BOP TELLO (laughs) Ha,he, ha ..,. that's quite an idea. We'll incorporate and go into bua iness + CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Insuring people and having them die of hoart failure, We'd make millionse CLOSE TWO SHOT ~ VERDOUX AND BOTTELLO BOTTELLO I'm not sure, but I think the poison might show up in a mans VERDOUX Way? BOTTELLO He has a different metabolism. VERDOUX We could easily find out. BOrTELLO How? VERDOUX You say it takes an hour for the poison to work? BOTTELLO Quite so. 2464 247. 2485 249. 102. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Very simple. Pick a derelict off the street, poison him, then sond : him to a hofol, In such places where @ person is found doad, there in always an autopsy. You'd kmow the result without taking the slightest risks CLOSE TWO SHOT = VERDOUX AND BOTTELLO BOTTELLO What a dinbolical thought! VERD OX Such experiments, however, we had better leave to the arch criminal. Verdoux and Hottello both laugh as ees. DISSOLVE TO: SPEEDING ENGINE WHEELS DISSOLVE TO: PLACQUE OVER WAREHOUSE INSCRIBED - NIGHT "VERDOUX & SON ANTIQUE FURNITURE" DISSOLVE TO: 2506 103. INT. VERDOUX'S WAREHOUSE OFFICER ~ NIGHT He is alone at a dosk. Before him are several medicine pottles and a small, pair of chemist's scales. He pours the contents of two bottles into a small bowl and mixes it togethor, then pours it from the bowl into a measuring glass and.from that into a largor bottle and corks it tightly. CANERA MOVES INTO A CLOSE UP. VERDOUX (muttering to himself ) Ethyl bromide, cyanide and C2H0 s+. now for the experiment ++. DISSOLVE TO: 104, 251. CLOSE UP OF A TRAUTIFUL GIRL = NIGHT = RAIN The girl, (Ronee Dolys), poorly dreased, 1s standing in the entrance of a lady's hat shopé ‘the nour is 2 A.M. ‘The rain is pouring. CAMERA PULLS BACK from the “shop entrance and PANS, showing Verdoux turning corner of the deserted street. As he passes girl, she hails him. GIRL (oheerily) Hello. - VERDOUX What aro you doing out so late? GIRL (smiling) Looking for trouble. VERDOUX Then allow mo to accomodate yous They oonverse a little more but THE MUSIC SWELLS AND DROWNS THEIR CONVERSATION as the CAMERA PULLS BACK TO LONGER SHOP, SHOWING THEM WALKING OFF TOGETHER. DISSOLVE TO: 2526 253. 254, 105. VERDOUX'S WAREHOUSE APARTMENT - LONG SHOT ~ NIGHT showing girl standing center of the room, looking around. CAMERA PANS T0 VERDOUX standing’ by phono~ graph, left - looling over records to play. After music has subsided: VERD WX So you're «from Belgium? CLOSE UP OF GIRL GIRL (nods ) Yes, I came hore during the war. VERDOUX'S VOICE A refugee, eh? (she rods ) Where do you live? GIRL Hotel Lausanne «.. off Montmartre. TWO SHOT = VERDOUX AND GIRL VERDOUX Huh ys. just a few door away. GIRL Yes, VERDOUX Good, Why dontt you take your coat off? GIRL Oh see yose VERDOUX Allow me sees He goes to assist her, then starts back at something concealed under her coat. CAMERA PANS WITH VERDOUX. VERDOUX What's that? (CONTINUED ) 1066 2546 (Cont INUED) . GIRL A kitten, poor littlo thing .. picked it pp in the doorway. VERDOUX (hanging up her coat) You like cats, eh? GIRL Not particularly, but it was 11 wet and colds I don't suppose you have a little milk you could give it? VERDOUX on the contrary, I have, You see, the prospects are not as gloomy as you think, GIRL Do I sound that pessimistic? VERDOUX You do ss. but I don't think you are. GIRL Way? VERDOUX To be out on a night like this, you're an optimist. (extending his hand for kitten) Allow me see GIRL (broodingly) I'm anything but that. VERDOUK Up against it, oh? Ginn (sarcastically) Your faculties of observation aro remarkable « VERDOUX How long have you been in this pre~ aicanent? (CON TINUED) 107. 254, (CONTINUED ) GIRL (hesitates ) {Quite a long time. VERD WX I don't beliove yous GIRL Way? VERDOUX An attractive, intelligent girl like you would have done better. GIRL (superedliously) Thanks « VERDOUX Now tell me the truth, you're just out of a hospital or a jail se. Which is it? ; GIRL (goodnaturedly but cha llengingly) Wnat do you want to know for? VERD OX Because I want to help you. * GIRL A philanthropist, eh? VERD OUX (courteously) Procisely ... and I ask nothing in returne GIRL (studying him) What ig this ... the Salvation Army? (becomes suspicious) There's a catch in it somewhere. (CONT INUED) 108. 254. (CONTINUED) VERDOUX _ Very wells. If that's the way you fool, you're at liberty to go on your ways GIRL (1aconically) Well, if you must know, Itm just out of jail, VERD OUX What were yor in for? GIRL (shrugs) Wnat's the difference ... larceny, they called it, VERDOUX Larceny? GIRL Petty larceny ... pawning a ronted sewing machine. VERDOUX Dear, dear os. couldn't you do better than that? . Girl smiles. VERDOUX (continuing) What did you get? GIRL Three months. VERDOUX Poor dear oh, well ».¢ nothing is permanent in this wicked world 4.» not even our troubles. Are you hungry? She nois and smiles wistfully. (CONTINUED ) 254. 2556 2566 109. (CONTINUFD) VERDOUX Thon while I tond to the culinary operations, you can help me bring ina few things from the kitchen. Come » They exit to INT. KITCHEN Ho starts proparing oggs, etc. «+. helping hor put supper things on tray. MUSIC _THROUGHOUT sce SCS VERDOUX Take these,-and I'11 be in later os. No sooner does she exit than Verdoux looks cautiously after girl, thon quickly opens cabinet and takes out poison. He opens a bottle of red wine and pours poison into it - then corks wine up againe He places bottle with two glasses on tray and exits to LIVING ROOM = FULL SHOT The girl is reading. Sho puts book down on the table and smiles. CAMERA MOVES INTO CLOSE TWO SHOT VERDOUX I don't know whether this will appeal to your appetite or not .., scrambled eggs and bacon, toast anda little red wine» GIRL Wonderful t He takes things off tray and puts them on table - then opens wine. (CONTINUED) 1106 2566 (CONTINUED) VERDOUX Then will you sit here? . GIRL Thank yous Both sit. Sho yawns. VERDOUX I see you're tired, So after supper I'll take you to your hotel, (he uncorks bot tle ) GIRL (studying him) You're very kind. I don't understand why you're doing all this for me. VERDOUX Why not? Is a little Icindness such a rare thing? He pours wine into her glass. GIRL Iwas beginning to think it wase He is about to pour wine into his own glass, then stops» . > VERDOUX on, the toast} He exits toward Kitchen with bottle. 257. INT, KITCHEN - MEDIUM SHOT As he enters ... GIRL'S VORE Can I help you? * VERDOUX No, vou ebay there... I'll manages ill. 2576 (CONTINUED) Verdoux quickly changes bottles, gathers un toast, and starts toward sitting room again. INT. SIPPING ROOM = MED. SHOT From fresh bottle, he pours himself a glass of wine. 2586 GIRL (baffled ) You're funny. VERDOUX Why? GIRL I don't know. VERDOUX \ % However, you're hungry, so please go ahead. She puts her book down and slowly starts to eat.” VERDOUX What have you been reading? GIRL Schopenhauer. CLOSE TWO SHOT = VERDOUX AND GIRL VERDOUX Do you like him? GIRL 2596 So so. VERDOUX Have you ever read Yhis treatise on suicide? GIRL Wouldn't interest me. 112. 260. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX (hypnotic ) Not if tho end could be simplo? Say; for instance, you wont to sloop, and without any tha ght of death, there was a suddon stoppages... wouldn't you prefer it to this drab existence? 2616 CLOSE TWO SHOT - VERDOUX AND GIRL GIRL I wonder ve. VERDUUX It's the approach of death that terrifies. GIRL (meditating) I suppose if the unborn Imew of the approach of life, they'd be just as terrified. VERDOUX Hmmm oe Ho smiles approvingly and drinks his wine. She picks up her glass and is about to drink, but pauses. GIRL (considering) Yet life is wonderful, VERDOUX What's wonderful about it? GIRL Everything ... @ spring morning, a summer's night ... music, art, love s+. VERDOUX (contemptuously ) Love | GIRL (mildly challenging) There is such a thing. (CONTINUED ) 261. (CONTINUED) VERDOUX How do you know? 262. CLOSE UP OF GIRL GIRL I was in love once. 263, ., CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX You mean you were physically attracted by someone? 264, CLOSE TWO SHO? = VERDOUX AND GIRL GIRL It was more than thats VERD OUX Is a woman's love anything more? GIRL You don't like women, do you? VERD OUX On the contrary, I love women s+. but I don't admire then. GIRL Why? VERDOUX Women are of the earth ,.. realistic, dominated by physical facts, GIRL (incredulously) What nonsense} (CONPINUED) 114. (CONTINUED) VERDOUX Once a woman betrays a man, sho despises him. In spite of his goodness and character, she will givo him up for someone inferdoreses if heta more physically attractive. GIRL How little you know about woment VERDOUX You'd be surprised, GIRL That isn't love. VERDOUX What is love? GIRL Giving sacrificing +s. the same thing a mother fools for her child. VERDOUX (smiling) Did you love that way? GIRL Yes. VERDOUX Whom? GIRL My husband. VERDOUX (surprised) Youtre married? CLOSE UP OF GIRL GIRL Iwas «+. he died while I was in joil. 2665 2676 2686 2696 115. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX IT s00 «+e toll me about him. CLOSE UP OF GIRL GIRL That 's 0 long story ss. (a pause) He was wounded in the war «.. a hopeless invalid, CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX as he leans forward on table. VERDOJX An invalid? MUSIC LARGO BIG CLOSE UP OF GIRL GIRL (nods ) That's why I loved him, He needed me ss. depended on mo, Ho was like a child. But he was more than a child to me. He was a religion w+. ny very breath ...I'd have killed for hime (swallows her tears) No, love is something very ronal and deep. She pauses - then a transition w.. MUSIC LARGO 2708 116. CLOSE TWO SHOT = VERDOUX AND GIRL GIRL However She is about to dr4nk her wine but Verdoux stops her. VERD UX Just_a moment ».. I believe there's a little cork in that wine, Let me get you another glasa, CAMERA STAYS WITH VERDOUX as he takes her glass and puts it on the sidoboard. Then ho takes a clean one, and from his bottlo, fills her glass ~ thon re-filla his own, He rejoins her at tho table. CAMERA RETURNS 70 TWO SHO? as they thoughtfully sip their wine together. MUSIC BECOMES I iL GIRL SPEAKS Verdoux offers to re-fill her glass. GIRL (shakes her head) Thank you ++. no more, Verdoux puts bottle down. She yawns. He looks at his watchs VERDOUX Come ss. it's very late, and you're tired. CAMERA PULLS BACK TO LONGER SHOT as he gets up. VERDOUX Hore ove (handing her money) This will tide you over for a day or 506 He takes hor hand in both his, sincerely. VERD UX Good luck} eve 2724 2734 2744 117. CLOSE UP OF GIRL as she looks at monoy. It is more than she expected. GIRL Oh, this is too much .., I didntt expect w+. * (buries her face in her hands) Silly ... carrying on this way. I was beginning to lose faith in everything. Thon this happens and ... you want to beliovo all over again, CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX Don't believe too much, This is an evil world, and one must be evil to cope with it. CLOSE UP OF GIRL GIRL (shakes hor head) That isntt true. It's a blundering world, anda very sad one «+. yot a Jittle kindness can make it beautiful. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUE You'd better go before your philosophy corrupts mo. CAMERA PULLS BACK TO LONGER SHOT as she laughs, and he helps her on with her coat = then opens door and switches on the light over the stairse VERDOUX Good night ss. (icisses her hand) GIRL Good night She dessends the narrow stairs, looks back and smiles. iio closes door, shrugs and smiles to himsclf, contomptuous of his own sontimontality. FADE 275, 2764 277. 118. FADE IN Pull back to INT. FLORIST SHOP (SHOOTING OUT) - LONG SHOT ~ DAY showing girl arranging the basket of flowers in window. Through the window, Verdoux is seen passing on his way in. CAMERA PANS with him as ho onters, then MOVES IN?0 TWO SHOT OF VERDOUX AND GIRL. VERDOUX (to girl) Good morning, Mademoiselle, Is thore a message for me? GIRL (smiling) Not yet, Monsieur, VERDOUK Not yet, on? (pauses and thinks) How many orders has Madame received so far? GIRL Two, Monsieur .., one evory three days, VERDOUX Good. Then there's still a week to go? GIRL oui, Monsiour, VERDOUX I seo oe. I 500 wey (pauses “and thinks) LONG SHOT Through window, Detective Morrow is seon strolling bys He pauses and looks through shop window at flowers. CLOSER SHOT of Morrow looking through window, 2786 2796 2806 281. 2826 119. QUICK CUT SHOOTING IN TO SHOF FROM MORROW'S ANGLE as he sees Verdoux pausing in his conversation with girl. FLORIST GiOT - MED. LONG SHOT VERDOUX Woll, “etl keep up the good work and hoge for the dest. Le (laughs ) oui, Monsiour. Good morning, Mademoiselle. GIRL Good morning, Monsicur. Verdoux exits from shop, Through window ho is seen passing. As he is doing so, the camera MOVES INTO LARGE CLOSE UP OF MORROW, still looking into window, After a pause, he turns slowly in the direction that Verdoux went, then exits after him, DISSOLVE TO: DOLLY. SHOT OF VERDOUX - EX, STREET - DAY as he walks blithely and gaily, to the music theme of the Lyons Cafe. LONGER SHOT ~ DOLIY ~ EXT. STREET including Morrow in the same shot as Verdoux, showing that he is following Verdoux, EXT, STREET ~ MED. SHOT Verdoux stops to look in shop window. Through mirror, he seos Morrow passing. Cautiously he looks after hime Verdoux is on to the fact he is being followed. DISSOLVE TO: 2036 2046 2B56 2856 287, 2885 2896 120. EXT, VERDOUX!S WAREHOUSE STREET - LONG SHOT ~ DAY Verdoux unlock é 8 road to his warehouse and starts to STREET CORNER - LONG SiO? Sowing Morrow! sees Verdax ¢ werchouses cack and warchauso in distance, He it, Quickly he crosses road to CLOSE SHOT ~ MORRGW as he softly tries the door. It is locked. UPSTAIRS WINDOW IN WAREHOUSS showing Verdoux looking down at Morrow trying door. As Morrow looks up, Verdoux quickly draws back from window y VEXDOUX'S SITTING ROOM ~ LONG SHOT Aftor a pausé in which Verdoux has drawn back into the room, the docrbell rings. Quickly Verdoux goos to sideboard, SE SHOP OF VERDOUX He opons bottle of wino, pours poison into it, puts bottle on tray with two glasses and CAMERA PANS WITH Verdoux as he places it on sideboard. THROUGHOUT THIS BUSINESS THE DOORBELL KEEPS RINGING. Thon Vordoux, CAMERA PANNING WITH HIM, quickly looks in mirror, ad~ justs himself, thon with his usual savoir faire, calmly walks downstairs, CAMERA BOOM with him. ENTRANCE OF WAREHOUSE = SHOOTING IN Vordoux opens the door. 2906 2916 2926 29356 2946 lel. CLOSE UP OF MORROW MORROW Monsieur Verdoux? CLOSE UP OF VE"DGUX , VERD GUX Oud oe CLOSE UP OF MOKROW MORROW I'm Detective Mezrow from Police Hoadquarters, Id like to talk to you. TWO SHOT = VERDOUX AND MORROW VERDOUX By all means .. won't you come in? (indicates upstairs) This way, 1f you pleaso s+. Camera TRAVELS WITH THEM UP STAIRS AND TO VERDOUX'S SITTING ROOM, as they enter, INT, VERDOUX'S LIVING ROOM = LONG SHOT Verdoux points to chair. VERDOUX Won't you be seated? MORROW Merct ae. Verdoux takes drinking glass from nearby sideboard and takes bottle of poisoned wine from table. VERDOUX A drink? MORROW No, no se. merci. (CONTINUED ) 122, 2046 (CONT ING VERD OFX ipeliteiy) Ther, you'11 pardon mo? Vexdoux pours » lf a drink, and takes glass in hand, sisting Gown 205% CLOSE TWO SHOT + YERDOUX f.17D MORROW KosRow First, I want to as questions, DOK Oui, Monsieur. MORROW How long have you been in the furni- ture business? VERDOUX Approximately three years. MORROW Do yeu know Madame Thelma Varnay? 2966 CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX ac he lifts his chin thoughtfully. VERDOUX Madame Thelma Varnay? No, I do not, Monsieur. 2976 CLOSE TWO SHOT ~ VERDOUX AND MORROW MORROW Or Madame Lydia Floray? VERDOUX Floray ... Florey? MORROW Oui, Monsieur Lydia Floray from the City of Lille. (CONTINUED) 123. 2976 (CONTINUED) VERDO'X Ido not, Monsieur. MCRROW You aro married, aren't you? VERDOUX Oh, out. MORROW You have a wife and child? VERDOUX Quite so. MORROW What is your relationship with Annabella Bonheur? VERDOUX Bonheur? 2986 CLOSE UP OF MORROW MORROW It's no use, Captain ,. the game's up. I'vo beon shadowing you for the past two wooks. You've beon a pretty dusy man these days, travelling around the country, What you necd is a pair of skates, 299% CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX (a pause ) Does my wife know about this? 300. Sol. S02 5036 304. 124, CLOSE UP OF MORROW MORROW No, Monsieur v4, He reaches for the bbttle and pours himself a drink. No one knows anything 4+. not even Police Keadquarters. I wanted to make sxxvo Iwas on the right track CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX What are your charges? CLOSE UP OF MORROW MORRO Bigamy sey Morrow drains his glass. As he does so » CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX seeing what Morrow has done, he slowly puts his glass on the table «+. untouched, CLOSE TWO SHOT = VERDOUX AND MORROW MORROW eee and fourteen counts of murdert VERDOUX Congratulations, Monsieur. But with the murder charges, I don't think you'll succeed, MORROW Wetll seew VERDOUX You must establish corpus dolicti first, MORROW Don't worry ... We'll find the bodies» (CONDI NUED ) 5040 305. (CONPINURD) VERD OK I donth thigk you will, Monsieur. MORROW Howe we'll hold you for bigamy. Letts (i onx Listen s+, you have no évidence of murder, and you know it, But if you lot mo see my wife before you arrest mo, If1] siga a full confession, (after » That ts a bargain, DISSOLVE TO: NT. COMPARTMENT ON TRAIN. Morrow and Verdoux are discovered. Morrow yawns. He yawns again and looks at his watch. MORROW it be an hour and forty minutes vefore we got there, I've never felt so tired, Pardon me if I take forty winks? VERDOUX (jokingly) As many as you like, Monsieur. MORROW (taking out handeuffs ) Imm sorry, but I must take every precaution. Do you mind? . VERDOUX Not at all, Monstour. (CONDINUED ) 3056 5066 3076 308 6 3090 1266 (COND INUED ) Morrow fastens ono handcuff to his own wrist, the other to Verdoux's ~ thon yawns again. * MORROW Itvo never felt so sleepy, It must have been that wines He snores. Verdoux quickly takes key from Morrow's pocket, unlocks handcuffs and puts thom back in‘the latter's pocket, then examines Morrow's waliol s+» leaving everything intact, even his money, The train stops and Vordoux lights, leaving Morrow in the compartment, snoring. FADE FADE _IN STOCK SHOT OF PARIS = EIFFEL TOWER IN B.G. = DAY DISSOLVE 204 EXT. PARIS CAFE ~ MED. LONG SHOT ~ DAY Verdoux, reading a newspaper, is seated at one of tho tables» INSERT OF NEWSPAPER "Death from natural causes was the verdict at the coronor's inquest held today on the body of Detective Morrow, found dead yesterday in a railway carriage on the Cannes Express, ‘Death was due to heart failure. MED. SHOT OF VERDOUX As he puts paper down with satisfaction, pays his check, goes to the corner and waits for a busy 3106 Slls 127, EXT, BUSY 30ULEVARD (PROCESS SHOT) DAY DOLLY SHOT ~ CLOSE UP OF THE GIRL as she walks along. As ehe corps to the dorner, she sees Verdoux and recognizes hime CLOSE TWOSHOT - VERDOJX AND GIRL GIRL Hello ss He raises his hat ¢ GIRL Don't you remember me? VERDOUX Ab; yes sss how is the world treating you? GIRL I could complain, but I won't, What T need is a good manager. (smiles wistfully) Do you know anybody that wants the job? VERDOUX No, I dontt, However 4+. He puts his hand in his pocket and brings out money. VERDOUX Icantt be doing this sort of thing all the time, you know. GIRL Oh, no se. I don't want any money. VERDOUX Then what do you want? GIRL (embarrassed) Nothing «+. I just wanted to say hello, that's all. (CONPINUED ) 128, Slle (CONTINUED) VERDOUX (grunts skeptically) She laughs incredulously, a little hurt, Hmmm eee GIRL You don't believe mo? VERDOUX (still looting at her skeptically) Nover mind ... here. (hands her money) GIRL (really hurt) No, no ae. I don't want your money, VERDOUX There w+. don't be a fool. He closes her hand over money which she accepts without looking away from him = then, to avoid becoming emotional over his generosity, she assumes a facetious manner. GIRL When are you going to invite me to your apartment again? Ho looks at her appraisingly, realizing sho has an appeal for him which he resents +. after a pause e+. VERDOUX Listen ..« you go on about your business. The bus drives up. He swings on to it, leaving the girl looking wistfully after him, FADE Sle. 3130 3146 1296 FADE _IN INT, VERDOUX'S OFFICE - MED, SHOT ~ DAY Vordoux is just finidhing making fresh poison. CAMERA DOLLIES INTO CLOSE SHOT as he pours it from measuring glass into peroxide bottle. Ho screws cap on it, then picks up telephone receiver: VaRDOUX Give me long distance, please hello? Iwant to call the city of Lyons, please «.. Semidie 321. This is Elysee 6626 ....jlMerci. He hangs up receive. Thon fron his desk he takes Annabolla's insurance paper, studying her signature, INSERT OF SIGNATURE ON INSURANCE. PAPER and Verdoux's hand copying it several times. CLOSE SHOT OF VERDOUX aa he compares his signature with Annabellats, The telephone rings. VERDOUX Hello .,. Annabolla? This is your pigeon. I!m flying home....hat am T doing here? "I've been at the shipping office sll day... No, the boatts still up on the ways, ‘The damage was more serious than wo thought. They're still scraping her sidos «+. Ha, ha, you would say something like that. We won't be ready for several days ... No, no, dm!t yor come hero. I'm coming home’ immediately... Yes, my dear. He hangs up, opons leather bag on his desk, takes peroxide bottle, kisses it, thon puts it in his bag. DISSOLVE TO: 3156 INT, ANNABELIA'S SITTING ROOM = LONG S1OT ~ Day ES SEPTING ROOM = LONG SHOT = DAY Sho is in an armchair, knitting, The maid ushors in Verdoux, thon exits, ARNABELLA Pigeont (she rises with her knitting) VERIO UX (embracing her) Annabella t He suddenly pulls away, ANNABELLA Be carefull (referring to knitting needles) VERDO UK What's that? She holds the baby sock up before him. ANNABELLA Pretty? .. for the woman next door. Verdoux gives a sigh of relief, ANWABELLA She's going to havo a baby. 316. CLOSE TWO SHOT = VERDUX AND ANNABELLA Verdoux feigna a sweot smile, ANNABELLA I'm so glad you're home, pigeont Itve been worrying about the deed to this houso. I want to put it back in my own namo. 31%. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERD OUX Why, of course, hon do you want to do it? 318. 3196 3206 S21. 3220 161. CLOSE UF OF ANNABELLA CLOSE UP OF ANNABELLA Nowl We can go to the lawyer's right away. VERDOUX * VERDOUX Today? CLOSE TO SHOT VERDGJX AND ANNABRDLA CLOSE UP OF CLOSE UP OF ANNABELLA Woll, Itd like to havo it over and done with. VERDO UK Well, we can do that Monday. ANNABELLA Why not now? VERD UX mK oh, Garling not now! I've only just arrived, What do you think I hueried hone for? Besides, T want is day to bo ours «.. overy momnt it, Itve been droaming of ites. building it up in my mind ... just yo. and I alone .., and the waning twilight. ANNABELLA ANNABELLA, Well, 1f you talk like that, I?11 nat it off t111 Monday. S250 CLOSE TWO SHOT = VERDOUX AND ANNABELLA VERDOUX Goodt Wotll have dinner a doux .. tete a tote ., We'll prepare it ourselvés and let the maid go, ANNABELLA If I know it was going to be an evoning liko this s+. 411 elated, she gots up and goes to head of stairs, CAMERA PANNING WITH HER as she calls: ANNABELLA Lisette? VOICE Oui, madame? 4ANNABELLA You can have the rest of the day off, VOICE Oh, merei, mdamo ... DISSOLVE TO: 324, INT, ANNABE! A'S KITCHEN = LATE AFTERNOON Full shot - Verdoux is in the kitchen while Annabella is in the soullery straining catbaro. VERDOUX What would you like, my dear? ANNABELLA Bordeaux would be nice, pigeon. Verdoux takes a bottle of Bordeaux from the cupboard, then stealthily exits out of room to 325, HALL AND STAIRWAY Verdoux stealthily creeps upstairs to his bedroom, 3264 INT, BEDROOM Verdoux onters, quickly opens suitcase end takes out Peroxide bottle, then exits hurriedly to 5276 5286 S298 33506 B31le 3326 IN?. BATHROOM = MED, SHOT Vordoux enters, After unscrowing peroxide bottle, he snaps his fingers. Realizing he's forgotten the corkscrew for the Bordeaux, he hurries out to INT. HALLWAY AND STAIRS = LONG SHOT As Verdoux hurries down to INT, SITTING ROOM = FULL silo? he enters and opens sideboard drawer. ANNABELLA'S VOICE (from kitchen) Pigeon, where aro you? VERDOUX Hero in the front room my love. ANNABELLA'S VOICE Come here a moment. He is about to make an excuse but changes his mind and exits, leaving Bordeaux on sideboards INT. KITCHEN = MED, LONG sHor Annabella is there + Verdoux entors, VERDOUX What is it? ANNABELLA Open this anchovy can for mos INT. UPPER HALL = FULL SHO? The maid is coming along te hall, her hair down, carrying @ saucers She enters bathroom; INT. BATHROOM + MED. sHor As maid enters. 3350 5540 3554 336 6 SBT. 1346 INT, BATHROOM = CLOSE SHOT CF MAID From cupboard, sho takos a fresh bottle of peroxide, but sees tho open bottle Verdoux left on cabinet. Quickly she puts hers back and tekes Vordoux's, pouring somo in savcor, Sho turns, thinking sho hears someone coming. In her excitomont, the bottle smashes to the floor, ANNABELLA'S VOICE Lisotte, what are you up to? wy MAID lothing, madame. ANNABELLA'S VOTE Did you broalk something? MAID No, madamo ..» Iwas just closing the window. ANNABELLA'S VOICE Well, do it more carefully. The maid quickly sweeps glass into dustpan, then opens cabinet and takes out a fresh bottle of peroxide, camera MOVING IN TO CLOSE SHOP 15 she empties a little into basin, thon leaves bottle where Verdoux loft his. Pull BACK TO LONGER SHOT as with saucer and dustpan, she hurries off to her room. IND, KITCHEN - MED, SHOT Amabolla is putting tho finishing touches to a moat ple. Vordoux hands hor tho opened anchovy can, thon exits from kitchen. INT, SITTING ROOM ~ FULL SHOT As Verdoux hurrios in, grabs Bordeaux and corkscrew, then hurries out to vec. INT, HALLWAY AND STAIRS = FULL SHOT As Verdoux hurries up to bathroom, INT. BATHROOM Verdoux enters, Quickly he uncorks wine bottle and pours down the sink, then empties full contents of peroxide into the wine bottle, re-corks it, leaving the corkscrew in, then exits to bedroom. 338 338 4A, 3596 INT. BEDROOM - MED, SHOT He enters, puts peroxide bottle in his grip on bed, then hurries down to the sitting room with tho wine bottle. INT. HALL AND STAIRWAY As Verdoux comes down with wine bottle going to INT, SITTING ROOM ~ FULL SHOT as Verdoux enters with wine bottle. On the sideboard is a round silver tray on which he places 4 wine glass. Hearing Annabella coming from kitchen, he quickly picks up the Bordeaux and protends to uncork it. Annabella onterss ANNABELLA Dinner will bo ready in an hour anda heif. It's all in the ovens VERDOUX Bravol After that, yon desorve a little drink. He opens wine, placing on tray which he places on edge of table nearest the fire. ANNABELLA I certainly do. She sits on couch by the fire, her back to camera, Vor= doux pulls out chair from under table and sits opposite hor. He pours hor a glass of wine, placing bottle in front of her. She gulps hor drink down, CAMERA MOVES IN TO CLOSE TWO SHOT. ANNABELLA Hmmm .., that's good wine ...vory ary, -I like it dry s+. makes mo thirsty. She puckers her lips and smacks thom. ANNABELLA Give me another. He fills her glass again. ANNABELLA Where's yours? (CONTINUED ) 3596 340. S416 3426 (CONTINUED) VERDOUX I'm having sarsaparilla. ANNABELLA Sarsapariiia t VERDOUX Doctor's orders, my doar ss. ANNABELLA What e night this is going to bel I oan see welll finish up playing dominoes | Through Annabellats last speech, CAMERA PANS WITH VERDOUK as he goos to sideboard, opens bottle of sarsaparilla, pours some in glass, returns to his chair, putting his glass on same tray with Annabella's. INT. MAID'S ROOM UPSTAIRS ~ MED, SHOT She is dipping toothbrush into the saucer of poison and rubbing it into her hair, DISSOLVE TO: INT, ANNABELLA'S SITTING ROOM - MED, SHOT Annabella is feeling the effects of the wine, She is still sitting on the couch, her back to the camera, Vordoux faces hor, looking’ very intense, MOVE IN To CLOSE UP OF 4ANNABELLA ANNABELLA What's the idea? I've drunk that whole bottle, and you ain't touched yours. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX studying hers 5436 S4dy 137. CLOSE UP OF ANNABELLA ANNABELLA You're a big bluff. How about this tete a tete business? MED. SHOT - VERDQUX AND ANNABELLA She gets up to sit on his lap. As sho does so, her dross brushes against the silver tray which turns, roversing the wine glasses. She plumps on his lap. VERDOUX Ouch} s+. my dear} ANNABELLA You're always complaining. VERDOUX Pleaset ANNABELLA How about this tete a tete business. VERDOUX Thore «.. drink your drink. She goes to reach for his glass, VERD@X No, no ss. I?ll get it. You sit doim, dear. CAMERA PULLS BACK as she reels back to the couch. Very carefully he takes glass nearest him which, of course, is Annabella's, and drinks it down. ANNABELLA, How can you drink that vile stuff? VERDOUX Itts very good e+, tastes just like wine. (smacks his lips) And very dry, too. Annabella watches him as though he were taling medicine. ANNABELLA, Sarsaparilla oe. Pgeinaces) Ueht « (CONTINUED ) 344, 345. 3466 1384 (CONTINUED) She takes her glass and drinks, then suddenly spits out. ANNABELLA Phooey, this is sarsaparilla ss. you drank’ my wine. CLOSE UP OF VERDOUX VERDOUX at He takes her glass and smells it, and becomes convinced. Then a slow and groggy realization comes over him. He weaves and holds his head in anguish. CLOSE TWO SHOT = VERDOUX AND ANNABELLA Anndbella suddenly realizes somothing's wrong. VERDOUX Got a doctort ANNAB ELLA What 7 VERDOUX Itm dying! ANNABELLA What? VERDOUX No «ee dontth CAMERA PULLS BACK TO LONGER SHOT as Verdoux staggers to his fect, brushes her to one side and stagpers into kitchen (camera FOLLOWING), she following, but he slams door in her face. ANNABELLA (through door ) Pigeon ++. pigeon} What's wrong with you? Ctost que ce as. eh? 47s 3486 5496 1396 INT. MAID'S BEDROOM = CLOSE SHOT She is also ina panic. Sho is combing her hair and it!s coming out by tho handfuls. IND. SIPPING ROC = RULL SHOP Annabella is still banging on the door. ANNABELLA Pigeon} Ctest que ce? fhe door opens an@ Verdoux staggors into the living room, Amnabella following. He flops onto couch. VERD@ X% Quick! a doctor ... I'm dying! AANNABELLA Dying! Sho suddenly becomes hystericel, goes to foot of stairs, CAMERA FOLLOWING, and screams: ANNABEL Lisette! Come here at once! se. hurry! VOICE out, madame. CLOSE TVO SHOT - VERDCUX AND ANNABELLA ANNABRLLA Pigeon, what's wrong? «.. tell mot VERDOUX I'm poisonod «e+ tolephone my wifet ANNABELLA, I'm here, pigoon «+. let me get you something ss. a gloss of milks (with anguish) Where's that maid? She turns. 3500 S5le S52 6 3536 3546 140. CLOSE UP OF MAID as sho onters, hor hair sticking out like a porcupine. CLOSE UP OF ANNABELLA . ANNABELLA For the love of Julius Caosar, what happened to you? CLOSE UP OF MAID as, bewildered, she shakes her head. MAID I don't know, madame. LCNGER SHOT = VERDQUX, ANNABELLA AND MAID ANNABELLA Quick! telephone the doctors ¥aid goes into hall and starts ringing telephone as DISSOLVE TO: INT, SIPPING ROOM FOLLOWING MORNING Verdoux is in an armchair before the fire wrapped in a blanket. The doctor is just leaving. CAMEIA MOVES IN TO CLOSER SHOT DOCTOR There's nothing to worry about, madame. if it's poison, hets certainly rid of it by now ov. after using that stomoh pump. How's the maid? nee com ui. 354, (CONTINUED) ANNABELLA She feels all right, but she don't look so good. Doctor Strange that you've had no 411 offects, ANNABELLA (groat confidence) Nothing affects me, doctor lucky e . Itm DOCTOR (to Verdoux) Well, just keep taking the medicine for a Week or 50 ves Doctor oxits to front door, CAMERA PANNING WITH HIM, as Annabella follows, DOCTOR I think a fow days in the country ... mountain air .,. would do you both good. ANNABELLA Thank you, doctor. She closes door and turns back to sitting room, CAMERA PANNING WITH HER to CLOSE TWO SHO? of her and Verdoux, ANNABELLA Did you hear what ho said, pigeon? We should go away somowhere ++. up in the mountains ... just you and Talone., Wouldn't that be fun? VERDOUX Wonderful DISSOLVE TO:

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