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Running head: Wellness or Well-Being? Or...

Wellness or Well-Being? Or...

Emalee Schneider

Arizona State University

Wellness or Well-Being? Or... 2


In this presentation, the term “wellness” is defined. When people think of the word

“wellness”, they sometimes think of the word well-being and/or health. Wellness is the one of

the most important concepts a person should accomplish and when wellness is accomplished, the

person will be healthy and in a state of well-being. Wellness also have different stages to achieve

in order to have wellness. This word is important to me because my major is Exercise and

Wellness and it is a key concept for a successful life.

Keywords: Wellness, Well-Being, Health

Wellness or Well-Being? Or... 3

Wellness or Well-Being? Or...

One of the key elements to living a fulfilled life is based around one simple term. This

simple term is not only significant to living a fulfilled life, but it allows an individual to feel

satisfied with themselves. What is this term you may ask? Wellness. Wellness includes all the

aspects of being healthy and being in a state of well-being. Unfortunately, this term “wellness” is

commonly misinterpreted with health and well-being. It is important to understand the realistic

definition of wellness because not that many people in the world right now are in a state of


Wellness defined as “the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively

sought goal” (Merriam-Webster). In order to reach this specific kind of state, the individual has

to realize their full potential to live a healthier life-style. In order for someone to reach this full

potential, the individual has to understand the sub words within the term “wellness”. There has to

be a sense of awareness of the current state of health and the six dimensions of wellness. The six

dimensions include emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, social, and occupational; which

contribute to be a “positive and affirming” (National Wellness Institute) outlook on life.

Although wellness is commonly confused with well-being, medical, and health, there is a general

agreement that “Wellness is multidimensional and holistic, encompassing lifestyle, mental and

spiritual well-being, and the environment” (National Wellness Institute).

Well-Being can be defined as “the state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous”

Wellness or Well-Being? Or... 4

Health can be defined as “the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit... freedom

from physical disease or pain” (Merriam-Webster).

When you have good health, you are closer to being in a state of wellness. Wellness does not just

include physical health, but mental as well.

(I’m sorry.... I have no inspiration to write these previous two paragraphs so I just put random

quotes and sentences that can be added in. #WritersBlock@itsfinest BTW: I will get it done for

the final draft lol)

The word “wellness” means to me that I have accomplished an important aspect of my

life. When I reach a state of wellness, I believe that I am going to feel happy and hearty. Also, it

is important to realize when you have not reached wellness. I imagine this person to feel lazy,

unmotivated and even possibly disgusted with themselves. Wellness has many stepping stones

until someone actually attains it. These stepping stones include not only the six dimensions of

health, but the terms “well-being” and “health”. You need to feel good about yourself on the

inside in order to allow it to show on the outside. Once you mentally reach that goal, then you

can get the motivation to continue feeling good; whether it’s by working out or eating right,

positive results can show physically.

Overall, wellness is a compacted word; words inside one singular word. Wellness is the

state of physically and mentally feeling healthy. In order to get to the state of wellness, an

individual has to be healthy/disease-free, and have to be in a state of well-being. As time

continues to move, more and more people are becoming over-weight and becoming more un-

happy because of it. The reason why it is important to put an emphasis on the meaning of
Wellness or Well-Being? Or... 5

wellness is so those people now and in the future, can be motivated to be happy along with being

Wellness or Well-Being? Or... 6


Ellis, Susie (2017). Wellness, Well-Being... And What About Spa? The Huffington
Post. Retrieved from

Hettler, Bill (2017). About Wellness. National Wellness. Retrieved from

Merriam Webster (since 1828). Health, Well-being, Wellness. Retrieved from

The Well Choice (2014). Are Health and Wellness Really Related? YouTube. Retrieved

University of California (n.d). Spiritual Wellness. Wellness. Retrieved from

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